Lemons to Le Mans Season 3 Tuesday Series: Final Race, Tuesday 11 October 2011

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
I did lead for several laps in a car that would go faster than anyone else down the straight. I think don't wreck is much more important than how fast you go.

That was my sentiment exactly. I didnt wreck and wasnt the fastest car, but still won. Point being, speed not everything though it helps.

Re: lapped cars. Several folks that MMK and I lapped a couple times were not moving aside. MMK was even mentioning it over the mics that it was keeping him close to me. If you are lapping someone, please call out over the mic (if you have one) your place on the track a few seconds before your right behind them. Never assume the person being lapped is paying attention to your line. I go as far as to mention left or right side as well. Dont yell at them, but certainly let them know. And hey, once the lead car is ahead, the car behind can draft with them for a bit. So more incentive to let them by. 👍
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I am very worried about that talon as it seems to be several laps better on tire wear.

Yeah, I think I could have made it without pitting if it weren't for damage. I realize now that it may be better to just try to even out the damage on the other side of the car.
One time I moved away from two cars battling for position and may have compromised one of the driver's attempt to pass the other (by getting in the way that is), but at the same time ended up giving up my position to someone else trailing these two battling cars. In my opinion that was unfair but I didn't really mind because I went from 10th to 11th which have the same amount of points at the end.

Do lapped cars have the same right to fight for position and protect it from opponents as their counterparts when all these are in within close range from each other?
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Yeah, I think I could have made it without pitting if it weren't for damage. I realize now that it may be better to just try to even out the damage on the other side of the car.

That is absolutely the case IF you are yet to pit or your race is nearing end. If you're mid race, I'd pit. I ran the 206 last season twice and with equa-damage I was able to run 85% of my regular time. Plus it evens out the tire wear problems that damage on only one side can cause.

@Bobkat- That track was a bad pre-seaon test because of the high chance for accidents. The odds of two lead cars coming up on two other lapped cars will be pretty low with the tracks we're running. In your case, you just have to hope the person with you isnt a d!ck trying to make a position taking advantage of your letting lead cars through.
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Don't fret over it BobKat, I never got any damage from running with you. The only thing you née to do is, when a lapped car is going past, you simply hold your line. Don't go wide on purpose, it causes us to slow more, thinking you might go back into our line. When the track straightens, move over, simple. You done well last night, though rosoo, kept trying to race with dabney and I, with 2 laps left. I had damage and was racing for 3rd (which turned into 2nd) and he kept passing me making dabneys gap bigger. When I finally said something he laud off. No big deal, but next time let us run our race.
Well the track is good for pre-season, because it hashes out these damage situations...and gives new drivers a heads up on what needs to be done. If someone crashes in that technical section on the back part of the track, you've got to slow down because they're going to bounce around like a ping pong ball.

As for two different sets of cars battling. It won't happen very often, but the best thing to do is give just enough room for the lead car to get by. You don't have to pull aside the second someone comes up behind you...you just have to pull aside when they approach close enough for a clean pass and you can do so by just lifting off the throttle a little exiting a turn, mid straight, or at the end of a straight. You can also take a wide line around a turn but then you might open up the gap to someone following them.
I've done this more than once, and I did it last night. I let lap traffic go by me, and then let non-lap traffic go by me, thinking it was lap traffic.

Not that it matters, whomever it was last night was much faster than me and would've passed me soon enough.

There was a little awkward dancing pass last night with mmk. We come out of the chicane onto the front straight. Normally, I would've moved to the left of the straight, as would anyone. I didn't though, giving him the chance to go around me on the left.

At first, I thought he was expecting me to go left, so he tried to pass me on the right. there was a little twitching on both our parts.

Finally, he got by me and I followed him for a bit. I realized the problem. His car had really bad front-end damage and was twitching left and right.

Anyway, I thought it was funny.
A tip about the chicane...it isn't a good place to pass nor let lapping cars pass. Just run your line and let them go by on the straight. The chicane is a 1-car line no matter how hard you try. Kinda like the corkscrew at Laguna. Sure you can try to make it 2-wide, but someone will end up in the dirt every time.
Kinda like the corkscrew at Laguna. Sure you can try to make it 2-wide, but someone will end up in the dirt every time.

Way to ruin the surprise!

Well the track is good for pre-season, because it hashes out these damage situations...and gives new drivers a heads up on what needs to be done.

I dont disagree with you on this aspect. The track provided lots of opportunity for mistake and with the constant pitting being done, their were often times groups of people travelling together. Always good practice. When I stated it was bad, it was in reponse to Bobkat's query about allowing drivers to pass. I didnt like the track because of the schedule this season. The track list is comprised of longer circuits with multiple areas for run-off. (aside for Autumn Ring) Tracks where two wide is not a problem. I just thought this circuit was out of place in regards to those tracks. I think if we wanted a somewhat challenging track where damage is possible, but the track is still wide enough to allow differing lines, we could have gone with several other circuits. Still though, good experience last night.
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Why are people worried about Autumn Ring? That track is so wide, that we are going to have some epic two-three wide races.
With equal cars, there are very few passing zones. I've held off AOK in a faster car for 3 laps before. He just couldn't get around me and wasn't close enough to draft on the only straight.

The track is wide, yes...but the racing line is very tight. The constant switching between lefts and rights doesn't leave much room to get side by side.
Thought you were talking about me for a second!

Also, everyone but Cujo, and Diabolic mute me. I talk the whole race, because I drive better when I'm talking.

I don't mute anybody. I'd rather hear the chatter than get angry at the silence. If I get smacked and hear no response, I often Hulk out a bit...
Easy Dik, we don't need another garris, don't want you crashing first lap, then going to make a sandwich. :P
Easy Dik, we don't need another garris, don't want you crashing first lap, then going to make a sandwich. :P

He was saying hulk, not sulk. And I can't say I was sulking, just... no need to stay out at that point and wreck someone else.

Actually, now that I think about it, last season, I did have one race where I didn't wreck at all, and I don't think I wrecked one else all season.

I did wreck someone last night, though. Sorry about that.
Thought you were talking about me for a second!

Also, everyone but Cujo, and Diabolic mute me. I talk the whole race, because I drive better when I'm talking.

I don't mute anyone...how do you do that ?
In the list of drivers, when you have the option to click drive. The list of names on the right. Highlight one of the names and click, a dropdown menu will show. Click mute. You can unmute by doing the same way.
Durandal, in a couple spots I was chasing you, it looked as if you fell asleep. The back stretch before the technical section, you nailed that inside guardrail, and I had no chance of slowing down, so I pushed you into a drift. My apologies on that, just wasn't expecting it. Atleast I didn't get damage from the incident.

I don't remember the incident, but I'm glad you didn't get damage. I lost concentration after the first several laps, after T-boning a stopped sideways car I couldn't avoid in the chicane on the back side of the track, and Cujo's several insanely aggressive pass attempts on me that damn-near spun me, and possibly put me into the wall, allowing him to get by easily.(I thought using your car as a battering ram was frowned upon in this series?)

Also apparently my brake bias got reset to 5/5 after qualy for some reason, which caused me to understeer into the wall several times until I figured it out, causing damage each time, ruining what little was left of my race.
I thought using your car as a battering ram was frowned upon in this series?

It is. I didn't see Cujo. I didn't see anyone. Feel free to report any incidents (lap counts would really help).

Last season, Cujo had more car than he could handle. He wrecked me at Monaco. This season, he has an FF, and should be able to handle things a bit better.

Treat this as a warning, Cujo.
Thanks BTK...that's awesome...good to know. Can't do it mid-race tho, eh ?

As for letting lead cars by when they're going to lap you (maybe again), I'm not going to move over for you...I'm gonna stick to my race line, and you can follow me though, then boot it when I don't have as much corner exit speed as you do. If you're doing that well, you'll find the way past, and then the guy behind you will do the same thing.

That's what Cujo and I did for the last couple of laps last night.. we came up on 2 cars, and I was freakin' out about it, until I remembered that he'd have to go around too.

So, sorry...I'm not going to block you or try to get in your way, but I'm sure as hell not gonna get out of it, either. I'm racing, you're racing...you're just doing a better job of it. If you start asking people to back down and move off the line, then you're asking for trouble and offs, because they won't be taking the best approach to turns and stuffing it on exit..hopefully not into you.
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Don't fret over it BobKat, I never got any damage from running with you. The only thing you née to do is, when a lapped car is going past, you simply hold your line. Don't go wide on purpose, it causes us to slow more, thinking you might go back into our line. When the track straightens, move over, simple. You done well last night, though rosoo, kept trying to race with dabney and I, with 2 laps left. I had damage and was racing for 3rd (which turned into 2nd) and he kept passing me making dabneys gap bigger. When I finally said something he laud off. No big deal, but next time let us run our race.

Yeah, I wasn't actually trying too hard to keep up with you. I was braking early and trying to give you as much berth as possible, but it seemed like you just kept going slower and slower. I honestly wasn't trying to pass you constantly.
I was using my rear view, and slid through first turn. Both tie rods up front were junked. I decided to press on, because I had a shot to hold dabney off, it worked!
I've updated the leaderboard spreadhsheet. I've added more colors!

If your car is in green, it is good to go for next week. If your car is in yellow, it still needs to be shared. If your car is red, then it is not cleared to race for next week (and I've likely sent you a PM explaining why).

If your car is green, you can stop sharing it if you want. I personally keep a test car, so I will keep my race car shared all week. Feel free to look and laugh.

p.s. I've tested using the TiVo Premiere to capture the PS3.

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I've updated the leaderboard spreadhsheet. I've added more colors!

If your car is in green, it is good to go for next week. If your car is in yellow, it still needs to be shared. If your car is red, then it is not cleared to race for next week (and I've likely sent you a PM explaining why).

If your car is green, you can stop sharing it if you want. I personally keep a test car, so I will keep my race car shared all week. Feel free to look and laugh.

Not seeing any colors at all there Garris, other than the gold/silver/bronze, anyway.
Video looks great, Garris! Need to check your aspect ratio on the output vid tho..seems crunched.
Video looks great, Garris! Need to check your aspect ratio on the output vid tho..seems crunched.

Yeah, the display is 16:9, and the PS3 is set to that. But for some reason, the final product comes out 4:3.