Lemons to Le Mans Season 3 Tuesday Series: Final Race, Tuesday 11 October 2011

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
Its a hurricane, dude...

Pretty easy to underestimate a category 1 hurricane, I've been through a direct hit by one of those before and it was pretty wimpy, but this must be a strong category 1, or a large one.
Pretty easy to underestimate a category 1 hurricane, I've been through a direct hit by one of those before and it was pretty wimpy, but this must be a strong category 1, or a large one.

It's big and moving slowly, so that's why it's a bigger deal. Combine that with storm surge and living on an island...Yeah that's where I'm at :lol:

Damage report so far...

I think a plant fell over or something.
Yeah, strength-wise, Irene is nothing. But she is huge, and is maintaining her strength. I was expecting the coast to get a lot of rain and storm surge, but there are lots of trees down on the I-95 corridor and lots of people without power.

All-in-all, I don't mind hurricanes as far as natural disasters go. You can see them coming a week out. Not like an earthquake, tornado, volcano, or tsunami. One of the things I like about North Carolina, we don't have a volcano threat, earthquakes are very rare and very minor, and I've never heard of a tsunami. While we do get tornadoes, I imagine one has a greater risk of being hit by lightening.
Everybody come out OK?

Most of my neighbors had trees down, but not me. Some sporadic power outages and debris/traffic issues.

All minor, really. Hopefully minor stuff for the rest of you as well.
my parents and inlaws are without power but we just had a few flickers. lots of little debris in the yard but nothing big. the inlaws came over for dinner, but they've got a generator if the power doesnt return soon.
We're without power, and 3 nearby neighbors have trees on their houses. There was a tree that was across a street and power lines, but that got cut up today. Power might be back tomorrow.
So should we just postpone this week's race a week, or maybe push it to another night? Could try to have a short double header next week if we need to stick to a schedule... Two 45 minute races or something...?
Don't want to do a double-header. People will need time to test out parts and stuff.

We'll see how things look tomorrow morning as to whether we should postpone. I'm glad Dabney could post. Please, keep us as up to date as you can.

I don't imagine any place got it worse than he did save eastern NC (still without power in places today), but I don't know that we have any members from there.
Why not, give them points based on position from the pre-season? If they only have a legitimate reason, I think this sounds fair. Leadbedr said he couldn't make it, though he really wanted too, because his job out of no where is going to make him work tomorrow. Anyway we can give him his position from the pre-season?
Also, don't forget there is supposed to be an update coming tomorrow, when/if it come's install it before we go racing! I don't feel like waiting an hour on someone to install.
Why not, give them points based on position from the pre-season? If they only have a legitimate reason, I think this sounds fair. Leadbedr said he couldn't make it, though he really wanted too, because his job out of no where is going to make him work tomorrow. Anyway we can give him his position from the pre-season?

I'm sorry, I don't follow the "why not". Why not what? Have a double-header?

As to giving points based on the preseason race, I don't expect the same outcome at Laguna Seca as we saw at Madrid. Madrid is a very tight course, with no run off. I expect fewer wrecks.

I expect the front of the field to be the same, and the back of the field to change very little. The middle of the field is up in the air.

Regrettably, if we don't have a weather/patch delay, then leadbedr will miss the race. I can't postpone it for just one person's job.

I don't mind ringers, though. If there is a clean driver that wants to run Leadbedr's car, I can live with that. I think there was a 17th person that wanted to sign up for the Wednesday series. I wonder if he'd be free to run a car in the Tuesday.
Erase the comma garris, lol. Why not was the beginning of my suggestion. I wished I could run as his backup driver. I'll see if he can find a stand in for him.
I have to miss the first race. Im going out of town this weekend and had to change my work schedule.
Its not a big deal for me to miss it. I was just wondering what happens when Someone doesnt compete in a race.
Do you get the money for finishing last? Or do you get nothing?
Not looking for a handout or trying to sandbag, just dont want to get left behind after the first race.
you get the median winnings (15k last season)

So we're on for tomorrow? Good stuff! Gotta get to practicing....
Pending me fixing my stupid PS3 YLOD yet again I may be available on Tuesday night to run for Leadbedr. I'll have it fixed this evening, so I should be able to firm it up soon if you wanted me to sub.

Pending me fixing my stupid PS3 YLOD yet again I may be available on Tuesday night to run for Leadbedr. I'll have it fixed this evening, so I should be able to firm it up soon if you wanted me to sub.


Fine with me.
Let me know if you get it fixed.
I don't seem to have it in the first post. I'll update that.

If you miss a race this season, you receive 0 points and 5,000 Cr. We all know Baldwin (he was even in the first season) and we are more than excited to have him fill in for you. Just get him your car.

I should be on tonight to do some practicing. Night before last I was on, and was looking for a suitable skid pad. I can't pull out of an oversteer, so I was looking for a place to force an oversteer. I had a hard time finding a good track. And it is so frustrating driving a car through a shadow box.
Hey, I still don't have power. It was supposed to be back on yesterday, and now they say today, but I'm guess it'll be more like Friday.
Dabneyd might not be able to make it because of the storm. What about Sleight? You online, yet?

If we postpone, does Thursday work for everyone? If not, we'll just delay the series by a week.
Dabneyd might not be able to make it because of the storm. What about Sleight? You online, yet?

If we postpone, does Thursday work for everyone? If not, we'll just delay the series by a week.

Thursday doesn't work for me, I'm going to see the Ayrton Senna film.

I'd vote against delaying a week as well, so we can keep the same tracks as wednesday, unless that's also delayed. Hopefully everyone will get power back by the race and it will all be a moot point.
I'm out on postponing races, yes I sound like a douche. (Sorry) I think if we have both series on the same track, it will be easier. Chuyler hasn't said anything about postponing his. Yes, I know this is unfair. Anyway, we can have stand in drivers, or maybe give them points?
Dabney is in the Wednesday series as well so if his power isn't back on he'd need a sub for that race too. If you guys decide to postpone until next week, I will likely do the same for Wednesday. In the event of a postponement, I will still host a race and probably pick a track not on the schedule so we can have some fun.
Dabney is in the Wednesday series as well so if his power isn't back on he'd need a sub for that race too. If you guys decide to postpone until next week, I will likely do the same for Wednesday. In the event of a postponement, I will still host a race and probably pick a track not on the schedule so we can have some fun.

If the drivers that are missing the race due to Irene can get a stand-in, then we'll race tonight. If they can't, then we'll have to postpone. Right now, as far as I know, that is Dabneyd and Sleight. I don't even know if Sleight can get online at all.

Either way, I will be online tonight. We can do 30 minutes at GVE-R or something.

Found out today that my aunt's house took two trees to the roof. Then entire roof will have to be rebuilt. They are looking for some place to rent for the next three months or so.
I'm back and good to run tonight. Some trees came down but luckily I've got power and internet. It was out for about a day and a half.
I still don't have power, but **** it, I just plugged the PS3, TV, and ethernet switch into the generator and I'm downloading the update now. I'll be there tonight.