Lemons to Le Mans Season 3 Tuesday Series: Final Race, Tuesday 11 October 2011

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
It is. I didn't see Cujo. I didn't see anyone. Feel free to report any incidents (lap counts would really help).

Last season, Cujo had more car than he could handle. He wrecked me at Monaco. This season, he has an FF, and should be able to handle things a bit better.

Treat this as a warning, Cujo.

A warning, go watch a replay I didn't batter RAM anyone. If I tapped a rear bumper it'd be because if some terrible braking. Someone has a replay, please go educate yourself.

As for last season I was more than capable of handling the skyline. Fo watch replay and you'll notice I rarely lost it where I caused accidents for other drivers. What a load of ****. No worries this season as both the fto and the talon will have me well placed.
I know I rammed someone on the front straight as there was some sort of indecent already there. I lost concentration and before I knew it, POW! I crashed right into someone (pretty sure it was leadbedr). I know I gave a mea culpa already, but again, sorry about that.
I don't remember the incident, but I'm glad you didn't get damage. I lost concentration after the first several laps, after T-boning a stopped sideways car I couldn't avoid in the chicane on the back side of the track, and Cujo's several insanely aggressive pass attempts on me that damn-near spun me, and possibly put me into the wall, allowing him to get by easily.(I thought using your car as a battering ram was frowned upon in this series?)

Also apparently my brake bias got reset to 5/5 after qualy for some reason, which caused me to understeer into the wall several times until I figured it out, causing damage each time, ruining what little was left of my race.

How about when you crashed in the chicane causing an unavoidable accident for me.dropping me several positions. I may make aggresive pass attempts but if you can't handke it..... Well that's not my problem. Find the video and post the segments witb your issues and ill be happy to see them.

Nice tension building for the first race. Goodluck to all.
You know that episode of Star Trek TOS where Kirk and Spock have to fight each other and there's that tense music that was parodied in The Cable Guy? Yeah... I feel that now.

Cujo vs. The World. Tuesday! Tuesday! Tuesday!! Tune in or suck....

As for all things being sorted out at Leguna Seca... I have to get my $h!t together, because I ran like a complete newb last night during the practice sessions...
No need for tension to build. Everyone just relax.

I have found that if I change my brake bias while driving, it isn't saved when I return to the lobby. Not sure if that was your case.

Cujo, I think you just underscored the difference. His accident was "unavoidable".

I can site lots of examples of that. This week, when I hit Dika. He was behind me. I pushed too wide in a corner and hit the outside wall. As Dika was moving on the inside of me, I hit him during the rebound. It wasn't an accident without clear fault. Yes, it was my poor driving, but it wasn't aggressive and it wasn't avoidable.

To go back to Monaco, that was avoidable. You were being too aggressive, in a car that you couldn't handle (and I know I'm a rubbish driver, but I can say this because I've been careful enough to pick a stable FR). The back end was always all over the place (and I know you have a DS3, so you have limited throttle control). Everyone has said this over and over again, if one is following a slower car, it is entirely the responsibility of the following driver to get around cleanly. In the case of Monaco, it was a battle for the lead. That single wreck punted me from first to, if I remember correctly, tenth. And yes, I know I was entering the turns slower than you. I had a Talon. I had horrible understeer and poor tire wear. I had to enter the turns slower.

Since I had enough power to hold you off on the straights, and that course doesn't have corners where it is easy to pass, you should've just waited for me to make a mistake (or for me to pit, even trying to save my tires, they would wear faster than yours).

I'm not really sore about that wreck, because I truly believed I would've crashed myself before the end of the race anyway. I don't think that wreck affected the outcome. If you had done that to someone that actually had a chance of winning that race, though, it would've been an entirely different matter.

Madrid was a tight course, and I did wreck myself, and I wrecked Dika. There is lots of run off at Laguna, so I am optimistic that I can make it without wrecking myself. I am trying really really hard. That is, honestly, my only goal. At this point, I don't even car about the race, I'm trying to just be consistent and not wreck.

This is going to be about an hour of driving (probably 30 laps again). Please, everyone, be patient, and try not to hit anyone else.
You know that episode of Star Trek TOS where Kirk and Spock have to fight each other and there's that tense music that was parodied in The Cable Guy? Yeah... I feel that now.

Cujo vs. The World. Tuesday! Tuesday! Tuesday!! Tune in or suck....

As for all things being sorted out at Leguna Seca... I have to get my $h!t together, because I ran like a complete newb last night during the practice sessions...

Just makes me more keen to getI to the front faster!!!!! Mwahahhahaha PYXEN JOIN THE REVOLUTION. I'll have to paint my car jet black! Que the Vader music!!
Just makes me more keen to getI to the front faster!!!!! Mwahahhahaha PYXEN JOIN THE REVOLUTION. I'll have to paint my car jet black! Que the Vader music!!

I'll be practicing tonight for laguna seca. Prolly round 7ct
cause he's excited....LEAVE THE MAN TO TRIPLE POST IN PEACE!! Don't you understand the pressure that's being placed on him to be careful and race like a respectable person?? Honestly.....

And Cujo...I might be persuaded to part from the green for a race. I think I have a matte black hanging around somewhere.
For anyone interested, I have 2 copies of my car for this season.

My test mule is painted: Shadow (as all good test mules are...)

My race-ready beast: Go Mango (Fantastic paint name!)

Anyone else have "Go Mango" laying around? I'm quite smitten with the way it looks like an Orange Julius...
With this damn hurricane coming tomorrow I hope I have power on Tuesday for the race. Really don't want to miss one this season.
With this damn hurricane coming tomorrow I hope I have power on Tuesday for the race. Really don't want to miss one this season.

I am not expecting Irene to be much of a problem. She is big, I grant her that, but she not particularly strong and she's just skirting the coast. Any damage she does will be because the east coast hasn't had a hurricane in a long while. I know we haven't seen one in North Carolina for five years.

As a result, we've been in a drought.

I live in rather far inland in Durham, though, and the last time we've had a hurricane that did any damage was Fran in '96.

I busted up a toe on Thursday, though. As a result, I've been hopping around and not caring to log in. I hope to get on tonight, though. I'll check out any more cars that are shared and I'll hopefully do some practicing.
I live on the south shore of Long Island and about a mile south of me has mandatory evacuation so I'm expecting a power outage. Although I do think people are over reacting around here.

The electric company here doesn't exactly have a history of getting things done quickly, and neither does my ISP. I love having FiOS but Verizon support sucks.
I am not expecting Irene to be much of a problem. She is big, I grant her that, but she not particularly strong and she's just skirting the coast.

I hope you're right. I'm pretty inland in Richmond, and it's raining and blowing pretty damn hard right now and it looks to get worse. :nervous:
Take video... I want to see it. Stay safe tho.

I'll share my car tonight... I keep forgetting to log in and do it.
I live on the south shore of Long Island and about a mile south of me has mandatory evacuation so I'm expecting a power outage. Although I do think people are over reacting around here.

The electric company here doesn't exactly have a history of getting things done quickly, and neither does my ISP. I love having FiOS but Verizon support sucks.

FiOS is awesome, and I've never had problems with support or account questions. Must be a Long Island thing... :sly:

Hope anybody in Irene's path stays safe. I've been in quite a few hurricanes in my life (my last three Ocean City, MD vacations all during hurricanes!) but don't expect to get more than rain in Central PA.
I live on the south shore of Long Island and about a mile south of me has mandatory evacuation so I'm expecting a power outage. Although I do think people are over reacting around here.

The electric company here doesn't exactly have a history of getting things done quickly, and neither does my ISP. I love having FiOS but Verizon support sucks.

I expect Long Island will be pretty miserable through Monday. Irene is big enough that you'll get lots of rain and sustained winds for a while. I imagine it'll just be category 1 and less, though.

Good luck, though.
Seems I've underestimated this storm. Sounds like it has torn up my hometown of Roanoke Rapids, further east of me, quite badly.

Hopefully everyone will be fine come Tuesday.