Logitech Driving Force GT

strange question, but How long is the USB cord? i use a 52" tv and sit a good distance away and i would hate to buy this wheel and not be able to plug it into the ps3!! :)
My GT just died on me! I lost control and was trying to re stabilize myself, then I smelled the odor of something burning. Luckily I'm still under warranty but I don't know how I'm going to get through my GT addiction until I can get a new one.:ill::yuck::grumpy::scared:
My GT just died on me! I lost control and was trying to re stabilize myself, then I smelled the odor of something burning. Luckily I'm still under warranty but I don't know how I'm going to get through my GT addiction until I can get a new one.:ill::yuck::grumpy::scared:

Wow whats going on ? How often do you use it ? Is it not responding @ all ?

Everyday while I use my DFP I think about what wheel I should get and its a toss up. The G25 has a clutch and shifter box but the DFGT has more buttons on the wheel plus is a hell of a lot cheaper.

Help me out is there any guys on here with both ?
PC users

- Automatically downloads hardware onto the PC for 200 degree mode only

-This software enables you to use 900 degree mode but the DFGT will be recognized as a driving force pro.
the horn, PS button & the 2 real time adjustment keys are disabled for now (they were disabled initially anyways)


Has there been any update to this anywhere? I'm would really like to use these buttons sometime. Plus why is my force feedback not working? It's turned in game and in the software.

Has there been an update to the PC software yet? The wingman 5.02 still does not see a few buttons that i would really like to use...
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I have bought the wheel about two months ago. However do to long hours at work including weekends have not use it that much. I recently found my misplaced GT4 disc which was in my GT5 prologue case which was in side my box for the wheel. Questions for the users out there. Is there anyway to get this wheel to work with GT4 while on the PS3? If not can the wheel be used with the PS2? Anyways used the wheel for the first time on GTR2 today. I had recieved GTR2 as an xmas gift but did not have a wheel so was unable to really play GTR2. Anyways lots of great racing choices for me now and I am almost starting to get caught up at work.

Well I got the wheel to work on the PS2 with GT4, forgot that the PS2 even had USB ports.
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strange question, but How long is the USB cord? i use a 52" tv and sit a good distance away and i would hate to buy this wheel and not be able to plug it into the ps3!! :)

what? just use an extension cable

Has there been any update to this anywhere? I'm would really like to use these buttons sometime. Plus why is my force feedback not working? It's turned in game and in the software.

Has there been an update to the PC software yet? The wingman 5.02 still does not see a few buttons that i would really like to use...

no updates yet.

Is there anyway to get this wheel to work with GT4 while on the PS3? If not can the wheel be used with the PS2?
see front page

Anyways lots of great racing choices for me now and I am almost starting to get caught up at work.

i recommend that you buy GTR evolution and if you're into stock cars, arca simracing
Hi Guy's

I'm From Denmark and Waiting for the GT wheel to be released, I've talk to the Admins on Danish logitech, and they Think! it will be released in Europe Mid September.

I've broken my Brake pedal on My LT Drivng Force EX, Logitech will give me a new set, but the packets got lost in The high and migthy fantastic Danish mail service system, and now I'm waiting for some money from the Post office.. And It's been 4 weeks now with out GT5p or Any Driving Games, and it's a Clean Killer, and then I don't wanna Buy just another set of EX, when GT is coming that soon, But the waiting is killing Me)

BUT! here is my questions.
Has any of you Bought the GT wheel in Europe, and where is that then - Link please ;) and if! is it the Euro version ? And what did you pay ?..

Thanks in Advance.

Dream Extreme
@Flagmo...if you read this and other threads about this wheel from the beginning you will find out that many of us have it allraedy for months....there are also links in here to find out where to buy it....do some more research man...its all there...:)👍


Thanks man. I Know. But again, It is a little like Playing (FISH) many topics on the same matter, and a lots of filling..

I'm glad i didn't started a new thread asking the same thing hehe..

Edit away hehe

Dream Extreme

PS.. (edit) Thanks again spyrrari
I found your buy link in this thread, and to be honest, it was late night when I wanted to ask about the stuff I did, so I only saw the link that tells us that the GT wheel is 86 days away (from today just clicked it)

But 149.95$ is a lot! on amazon.com it's getting much cheaper like 119,95..(amazon.com/us do not ship to EU)

But if you bought a US version, how does it work with the power cords in EU ? 110v-220v ? "JUST want to be sure"

For 149.95$ I can buy the G25 wheel. what would you do ? again lots of places to read about it, but .

My favorite games to drive is GT5p and FC and Richard Burns rally"RBR" (PC) and the G25 is awesome for RBR, But the GT wheel is the same for GT5p.

Hmm what to do what to do...
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i just got the DFGT and i am trying to use it to play some games on my pc and i am having problems with steering and acceleration/braking. i installed the drivers from the top of this thread but that doesn't seem to help. the acceleration is always on and braking doesn't seem to work. the steering wheel is not centered in the game (drivers hands are 90 deg to the right of mine). not sure what to do. any help would be appreciated.
Has anybody in here actually tried using the DFGT with GT4, on their PS2?

I just tried (cuz i miss the nurburgring), but am unable to use it in the game. The D-pad and buttons will work in the options menu, but that's the only place they work. Once I exit the options section, not a single button on the wheel works, let alone the steering.

Has anybody successfully used the new DFGT for GT4 on their PS2?

Any help would be much appreciated.
switch the USB jack you're using the wheel on

i just got the DFGT and i am trying to use it to play some games on my pc and i am having problems with steering and acceleration/braking. i installed the drivers from the top of this thread but that doesn't seem to help. the acceleration is always on and braking doesn't seem to work. the steering wheel is not centered in the game (drivers hands are 90 deg to the right of mine). not sure what to do. any help would be appreciated.

try exiting the game, recalibrate it
I've used the DFGT on PS2. Didn't work at first, then I reset the PS2 and switched USB ports and it worked.
I think I'm set on getting one of these, it's within my price range, the G25 would be nice, but spending ~£170 on a wheel isn't feasible, ~£60 is. All the reviews I've read look good and give important feedback.

Anyone have anything to add?
Anyone have anything to add?

If you think the G25 is not feasible the DPGT or the DFPro will do you fine.

You do well with the controller and I'm sure you would be taking time of your laps soon after getting either wheel.

They both have very similar pedal setups and that is where the extra money for the G25 comes from, besides the clutch feature.

The G25 is the best of the 3 but go for the DFP unless you want a horn.
If it (horn) is ever to be in the final release I'm sure you can set a button for it anyway.
I found it almost as easy to use the DFP for in-race functions once I got use to the button layout. The DFGT has an advantage there, but to me that's it.

If it were not for my DFP's age/damage I would be happy still using it.
I actually like the DFP's wheel better. The grip material is harder on the DFGT.

If you have never used a wheel it's quite the feeling. :sly:

My question to you.
What will you attach it to?
Computer desk, for both PS3 and PC use. I have used wheels on occasions, and have a wheel for the PS2 (Williams F1, pretty poor buy tbh) but if you don't use it all the time, you just don't learn.

I want a wheel, it's more fun and I know I am about as far as I can get with the pad. I'm just getting into Race 07 on the PC too, so to be able to use it on that would be a plus.
Computer desk, for both PS3 and PC use. I have used wheels on occasions, and have a wheel for the PS2 (Williams F1, pretty poor buy tbh) but if you don't use it all the time, you just don't learn.

I want a wheel, it's more fun and I know I am about as far as I can get with the pad. I'm just getting into Race 07 on the PC too, so to be able to use it on that would be a plus.
I run Race (the original game) with DFP and it works even better than with F1CE, so DFGT should too. I have the Williams wheel also but I haven't given it enough of a run to judge. I think I will though. I heard with a special cord it should be usable with the PS3 as well.
Are there any settings devices you can change on the wheel? I can only find guarantee's, start guides, etc in the box. I know you can change settings within games, is this all that can be done?

i can swear I saw someone (I think it was Madison) saying about changing something by pressing select-R3 and something else.
Anyone have any issues with the DFGTs' steering lock(or lack of it) in GTP5? I've just heard a few complaints regarding the fact that you cannot lock the steering wheel at anything bar 900 degrees and I was wondering if this is an issue for anyone
It is an issue, considering the game doesn't have any option to limit the wheel to 200 degrees. That's what I like about my DFP, I can always switch the steering to 200 degrees whenever I drive the F2007 or whenever I have friends over (To make it easier for them to play).
Something that may not be well known regarding the differences between the DF Pro and GT is the GT's wheel diameter is significantly bigger. The Pro wheel is 10" diameter while the GT is 11".
Got GTR Evolution/Race07 for £4 the other day, will put my DFGT on the PC on Tuesday, intrigued as to see how it goes!
Right, can't get this DFGT to work with GTR Evo. I've downloaded latest Logitech drivers and have the wingman thing downloaded too. When I go in to control settings I can see that it has detected my DFGT but doesn't have a profile for it. When I selected G25 profile (from the show all possible devices button), the Detected DFGT bit went highlighted, it didnt' with other bits. Can I create a G25 profile to work with the DFGT?

If not, how do I get the DFGT to work with it?

Edit: Okay, got it working, but it's still only at 200 degrees, how do I get it to 900?

Got it, I'm just being dense.
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i've had a DFGT for one year now, works great in Live For SPeed and rFactor for PC, and brought new life to GT4 on PS2.

I have driven almost 50k miles in LFS, and xfire reports 800 hours(although probably 1/4 of this is just spectating and creating layouts). GT4 has 25% completion last I checked and the wheel still seems to be holding up strong.