There is a possibility of unlocking the full power of the g pro wheel in gt7. You have to set it to g923 compatibility mode

it feels much better. But it's not perfect. There is a lack of versatility. All the cars feel quite similar but... similarly good

a lot more grip with this setting. Now I can drive even older cars and have good control of them. With standard g pro compatibility mode it was very hard.
To versatile the feeling I change strength settings for different group of cars. For road cars about 6-6,5NM, gr3 7NM gr2 7,5 gr1 8NM. There is one issue with high downforce cars, a lot of wheel shaking around the center on long, high speed straights. Seriously a lot of shaking ;p that much that it's unplayable on lemans with gr1 cars. But for other cars or tracks without that long straights it feel much better than standard setting

In game setting for me:
Max force 10, sensitivity 1 vibration 35
On wheel:
Strength 6-8, filter 15, damper 15, TF audio 100, angle 1080, compatibility g923