London and England riots

  • Thread starter Alex.
Cheese? If it's anything other than Dairylea, that means you're rich, innit, and I'll burn down your avatar and loot your username.

Kids will do anything for Dairylea.
If it's anything other than Dairylea, that means you're rich, innit, and I'll burn down your avatar and loot your username.

Crap...I eat EasiSingles...:nervous:
I'd rather smoke mine :sly:

I quite like Applewood Smoked cheese, is that what you mean?

Or is this some hip scenester drug-slag that I don't get because I'm not down with the kids?

^^ The latter.

Applewoods nice though. And that Bavarian one that looks like a sausage.

Kids will do anything for Dairylea.

Paedo! Burn him!

I prefer the blue variety. With berry's. Though cheese is nice.

Is this enough off topicness?

And with that, take it to PM.

The rest of us are not interested.

Same apply here???
Not really appropriate for the Amazing & Cool Photos thread. I'll leave it here instead.


Love the atmosphere in this photo. Just wish it had come from happier circumstances.

Anyway... did you see the quotes from Rio and Rooney asking the kids to calm down. Like anyone would listen to them anyway...

The kids love twitter, and it's role models like them, which causes situations like this.
Back on topic...

Many people worldwide LABEL ALL people from this country as being just like the idiots I've seen on TV.

I used to be proud to call myself British. Not anymore.

I don't want the same label as these selfish pricks that are rioting.
Rioting for what? Because they think the police were wrong to shoot someone?
Some of them maybe, but the rest are just pathetic thugs.
Chavs, racists, and other scum backing that dead guys family is ridiculous.
(I don't remember his name and I don't care to know it either. Lowlife piece of ****.)
If you're going to shoot a gun at somebody then expect them to shoot back.
These selfish retards will never accept the consequences.
Love the atmosphere in this photo. Just wish it had come from happier circumstances.

Is that James Earl Jones?


EDIT: ^ I gave up calling it a riot days ago. It's plain and simple robbery.
Just went for a drive around Ealing. It's incredible how many shops were smashed. There are whole rows of wooden boards where the shops used to be. The bang and olfusen shop from the vid a couple of pages back is boarded up but open for business!
Just went for a drive around Ealing. It's incredible how many shops were smashed. There are whole rows of wooden boards where the shops used to be. The bang and olfusen shop from the vid a couple of pages back is boarded up but open for business!

Sky news were camped outside big jims trims and cafe rouge, all day Monday. Just no need for it to have happened.
I quite liked Famines write up of issues with society, but I got adulthood before 1995 and had 2 individuals very likely to be looting in my class.

Let me continue with: Individuals are responsible for their acts.

Saying that it is individuals that are the cause of the riots is wrong though, it is as much beside the point as saing it is the killing of one person or the crisis.

What really irritates me is that none of this rioting is anything to do with the above anyway, and that 90% of it is simply scumbags kicking off because they've been given a window of opportunity.

I do not agree with this, but that is just my view. That scumbags kick off is a clear signal; because they do not have a clear sense of belonging, which is a failure of society.

Education: this is a lot more then school, it includes that people should be happy with what they have and not envy others that have more. Also what your parents teach you (read Famine's input a page back)

Protection, against debts: you can see this on different levels, but some people should be protected from their stupidity, not because of the people themselves, but because of the instability this creates in the business they have the debt with, the issues it creates for the rest of the family or direct contacts of those persons. I know that I'm a lot against the freedom of speach, in my view misleading speach (manipulation) is insufficiently recognised by some as a crime.

help: when people do not get out of issues, support should be there. I agree I would prefer this is a voluntary service in the community and governments do not have to be involved. It does not work this way in the world I know though.

entertainment: part of the reason that these riots happen is that people are not entertained, part of why my tax money went (in Luxembourg this is less relevant) into police protection against hooligans, is that football is a form of entertainment that keeps people happy. The best form of entertainment for me would be that people do community service and have a real sence of community, e.g. church used to organise this, still does in some communities. The last thing we need is the government handing out "entertainment checks" or something similar, that is not something I believe in.

A much better system would be a classically American one (which itself was developed mostly by native Britons), now referred to as libertarianism, which strongly emphasizes personal freedom to make your own choices and personal responsibility so you can't blame others for your own mistakes.

This is just the cause, not the solution.
My current conclusion is that the riots are proving the the Individualism in modern Capitalism is a failing system, just as much as Communism or dictatorships have been.

He probably will not like it, but Famine's statements that he does not understand how people can destroy their community actually shows this cause as well. The looters do not see it as their community, it is the rich (which they will never be able to correctly define) against them.
What they are looting is "Not our society", "not our community" of which we are proud that we organise it so that it is providing us the physical (and safety) needs (from Maslow as Homeforsummer used).

Stretching this quite a bit:
In poor societies there is a strong community feeling. If you are not in the community playing your role, you have very little chance of survival. Also religion is generally strong in these societies.
In rich societies, individualism gets stronger and stronger. I have the money, so I can buy my way out of it. Religion is replaced with science. One colleague (Kai) once joked: "Friends are a sign of weakness".

The issue is that with the latter the community sence (and religion) is disappearing and in its extreme froms the higher levels of belonging (Maslow again) are missing. Leading to reaction, looting in this case.

Just like Kolchoses in Israel seemed to be a Communistic form that was a relative success, probably some kind of small closed community sense combined with Capitalism will have more success then current society.

Part of the people that were defending themselves against the looters seemed to have this community sense (regional business or religious based), and that seems a lot more effective then writing on a forum how it is the looters fault.

Now back to governments: they should take the initiatives so there is a community sense again and everyone on this forum can be calmly back behind their PS3.

(regarding the second and third pictures;)

I'm not a violent man by nature, but if ever mine eyes see for themselves an act of such babarism, I swear on them I will do some damage.

I knew there were some very disrespectful individuals out there today, but that really does shake my faith in the youth some what.

MP5, rubber bullets, stab vest. Its time to get tough right now! Right!?
He probably will not like it, but Famine's statements that he does not understand how people can destroy their community actually shows this cause as well.

I do understand - they haven't been brought up with the concept of "don't 🤬 on your doorstep" (doors don't have steps any more anyway - it's illegal not to provide ramps for disabled access).

It was the "community leaders" who were going on TV I didn't understand. Who'd be proud enough of that community to say they were a leader of it?

My current conclusion is that the riots are proving the the Individualism in modern Capitalism is a failing system

We don't have either of those things in Britain. We have a blend of systems that irritate everyone and please no-one - and it's a lack of Individualism, which promotes the rights and responsibilities of the individual, that has been part of the problem for quite some time.
This is a decades-long problem not limited to a single political ideology or party, and certainly not to any one individual government.
Quite. The most recurrent theme in the analyses and commentaries I've read thus far, including your own, is that politics are largely impotent and irrelevant in the face of a complete breakdown of respect for authority, law and order, and morality. While Keef may not be completely wrong to blame 'leftist' policies, he is wrong to suggest that it is just leftist policies that are to blame.

My current conclusion is that the riots are proving the the Individualism in modern Capitalism is a failing system, just as much as Communism or dictatorships have been.
I agree. The looting seen across England this week has some unusual characteristics, notably the sheer greed and lack of fear of retribution from the authorities, as well as a wholesale rejection of the idea that individuals are part of a wider society. While I believe that poverty and social exclusion can atleast partly explain what has happened, I reckon that this is only part of the story. These looters know fine what they are doing is wrong, and they are not necessarily stealing things they can't afford - they are just plain greedy and have total contempt for the law and a total disregard for others. In many ways, this episode represents the limits of individualism, and demonstrates the need for society to work on the basis of mutual respect and shared values.
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Quite. The most recurrent theme in the analyses and commentaries I've read thus far, including your own, is that politics are largely impotent and irrelevant in the face of a complete breakdown of respect for authority, law and order, and morality. While Keef may not be completely wrong to blame 'leftist' policies, he is wrong to suggest that it is just leftist policies that are to blame.

I agree. The looting seen across England this week has some unusual characteristics, notably the sheer greed and lack of fear of retribution from the authorities, as well as a wholesale rejection of the idea that individuals are part of a wider society. While I believe that poverty and social exclusion can atleast partly explain what has happened, I reckon that this is only part of the story. These looters know fine what they are doing is wrong, and they are not necessarily stealing things they can't afford - they are just plain greedy and have total contempt for the law and a total disregard for others. In many ways, this episode represents the limits of individualism, and demonstrates the need for society to work on the basis of mutual respect and shared values .


No disrespect intended, but anyone watching the news this week would consider that proposal a fantasy.

If you have a plan then more power to you. I just dont see that happening. Not in my life time at least.
BBM surfacing in Brum already.

‘everyman keep off the road tonight, Birmingham is going to be madness, people from london, leicester, derby, manchester to **** up birmingham of them 3 asian guys that got killed in winson green there coming to riot hard and i don’t want no one to lose their life because of it, stay in your yards and pass this on’
The three people killed in Birmingham weren't rioters - they were standing outside their property to protect it and someone drove a car at them.

If anyone's going up to Birmingham to riot on behalf of three men trying to prevent damage due to riots, they're dumber even than Basmati Rice man.