MAG - GTP's faction is Valor

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He he he - I know what you mean - I'm about 100 away from my LMG award... I tried the SMG when it was weak... so will try that again now that they gave it a bit more power... or maybe the Shotgun!!

Looking forward to FlashBangs though - they could be seriously cool!!

I'm at 48 - so the Double XP might help me finish Raven off!!

So what's with me kniving people and not killing them.

Another reason can be simply the good old lag. I don't play MAG at the daytime at all anymore. At the daytime servers are filled with Japanese and the ping is huuuge. Evenings are much better when Japanese are offline. I mean, I've stood behind a guy, knifed him in the back with no result. Still standing behind him, I've seen how his hand does the knife animation and I've died for that knifing :crazy:

And it's the same with guns, I've been shooting ages and die immediately when they start to shoot. But it's simply that they've been shooting already, it's just not visible for me. Or this one is my favorite with the knife incident. I get killed and after that the shooter comes from behind the corner. How can you fight against someone who kills you before he is in your screen?
Just finished my fist game as Raven. I was planning on going over the SVER, but over the past week it seemed like Raven is the new power house. Overall though I like it, I just want to get my assult rifles silenced and get a better sniper rifle and I'll be set.
...but over the past week it seemed like Raven is the new power house.

Yeah, what the heck happened? I've been with Valor since beta/launch and we keep losing to Raven in every game I've been in, at least.

At first I was like, "Oh, Raven. This win is in the bag.... OH GOD NO WTF IS HAPPENING?!?!?!" :crazy:

Then we beat SVER in a couple of matches. The Shadow War has been turned on it's head! :ill:
I know! This last week when SVER attacked while I was Valor they barely did any damage most of the time. Then when Raven attacked it was over in 15 minutes.I guess a lot of people got to level 60 on SVER and moved over to Raven. Well atleast I hope so I'll win a lot :lol:
Wow, Raven is HORRIBLE while defending against SVER. Some of the objective rooms are so small in one enemy gets in he can get so many kills and cause just as many TKs at the same time.
DLC? - Not quite - it's an unlock - they were already there - or got delivered in one of the patches...

But yes it is out now.

I just rented this game. Anybody got useful hints or tips for first starting out?

With your first points get a resurrection kit. That way you'll help your team a lot as a medic and it also brings points nicely to level up. Other than that, follow your squad leaders advices and work around places he frago's. Also keep a repair kit when defending in acquisition and domination, there's sometimes shortage on repair men. Even though it doesn't give as nicely points as healing, it is very, very important job in the team.
Other tips...

Do the training mission - gives you an extra point.
Give the game time... if you give up before you get to level 15 you won't have discovered any of it's potential.

Also - If you've got a mic - use it.

Hmmm, I think I'm about done with this game. It's a little boring the second time around, but the biggest reason is, yep,the machine guns. I still don't know why I hate tem, but every time I'm killed by one it just annoys me. Especially when I'm in a shoot out and the other guy just sprays bullets and rushes :rolleyes:. I don't know I'm going to try a little more, but chances are the noobs will make me stop.
Yeah - it's a bit of an issue with Raven I think I'm with Raven 2nd time through - and I've only got a few more points to get to escape - but it's not as fun - but I think mainly that is because less people on Raven have mics.

I've escaped the Raven and am now in Valor...

I've got a clan - but wondered if there were any GTPers that are still in Valor out there?

Heh, nice timing. Yesterday night I escaped from Valor to Sver :) So now I've gone with a route from Sver -> Raven -> Valor -> Sver. I must admit, it feels good to be back home. I was Sver already in the Beta. Now I have to rack up some levels to get back my beloved Vipera. I haven't used SMG's after the nerfing, let's hope it isn't load of rubbish now.
I hear ya - I'm thinking that I've done this the wrong way round...

If I'd started at Valor/Raven - and done SVER last - then I would've only had to battle through 3 periods of being woefully equipped... but as I'll want to Vet back to SVER I'll have to fight back through the lower echelons of SVER again too!!!

Don't know if you heard but MAG gonna have Move support added

how cool is that?
Does GTP have a Valor clan? I'm a late joiner to MAG, though I really enjoyed the original open Beta.

I'm about level 32ish with a 1.2 KDR. I have joined a Valor clan already but will jump to GTP if that is an option :-)
For some strange reason the search function would not locate this thread. Anyway, I rented this last night but havent had a chance to play yet. Maybe I can play with some of you over the weekend. I dont have a blu tooth headset so I wont be able to talk. How are the servers? Still active? Full of lag?
Although I'm not interested, MAG's going for cheap nowadays... Seen them going for $30... Best Buy, Gamestop...
I had a chance to play for about 2 hours yesterday and I must say, this game is quite fun online. I almost made it to level 5. I was also surprised how well the survers were running. I dont think I saw any lag or framerate drop at all. Which seems insane for free online gaming.
The support for this game is great.
They constantly adding free stuff or realocate systems (skill trees)

I would enjoy playing it more often the time given
I really did have a lot of fun with it yesterday. It still amazes me how well this game runs with what 256 players online?? And to top that off the online is FREE!
Not all games are 256 players.

The deathmatch is 64 players, the others are 128, and domination is 256 (i think).

It's good that it's free, and it probably one of the underrated PS3 games, as you got a lot of game per buck
This is a game I want to buy for the PS3 eventually for sure. I should check craigs list and see if anyone has it cheap. Just checked and they have a used one for $30.00. I am sure I can find it cheaper by christmas time.
Although I'm not interested, MAG's going for cheap nowadays... Seen them going for $30... Best Buy, Gamestop...

You seem to get them new for 30 dollars

I played around a 100 hours on that game for 45€. That's a lot more than most game. And still play it from time to time.

And also supports the Move which is great. A bit tricky to get used to it at first, but a cool experience