MAG - GTP's faction is Valor

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How goes everyone's progress?

SSV8NC froze my progress :D

But, something like this: Sver lvl60 -> Raven, now level 4X (can't remember the exact level). 1000 kills done with LMG, SMG and AR. Now I'm doing sniper rifle and I hate myself for that :yuck:


hmm, is that F Ninja glitch usable by attackers too? I thought that it was only Valor's that have been able to go through the wall.
hmm, is that F Ninja glitch usable by attackers too? I thought that it was only Valor's that have been able to go through the wall.

Not sure. That was the first I'd heard of it.
No - someone I know told me about it whilst he was on Valor - I ran through (and shot through) it the other day as Raven... it's amusing watching your guys mince up and lay charges on the gate - as you waltz through and hose out a few guys - you usually die - cos no-one follows you - but you get some kills usually!!

My KD is about 0.9 - but that's not what this game is about.

Just finished my best game ever, 43/2. Along with that came my new kill streak, 30 and my 1000th headshot. I've started to try more front lines action, but when we attack SVER's base and I'm first platoon, I have to snipe.
Upto 40 on Raven now - that's roughly halfway to 60!

Looking forward to escaping Raven TBH - not enough people in Raven have Mics - and not enough people heal...

Last night I was lying on the floor on the way to Valor's C in Sabo... 5 guys ran past me - who all had medikits (3 in my own squad who could hear me asking for them to heal me) before the 6th guy decided he wanted my 10 points!!!

Nismo? - Your 43/2 game? Did you win that?

Just finished my best game ever, 43/2. Along with that came my new kill streak, 30 and my 1000th headshot. I've started to try more front lines action, but when we attack SVER's base and I'm first platoon, I have to snipe.

Wh, because you have to get more kills?
Yeti, no. Everybody in my platoon totally avoid the burn off towers and went after the bunkers. The people who did go for the burn off towers I covered them and made sure no one took it back.

Duffers, yes. That's why I play theses games. Why would I rush and die a bunch of times instead of covering an objective and getting kills, that's how I see it atleast. I can't play any war game and have a K/D ratio under 1.00. My friends and I were like that in SOCOM 2 and I've done it ever since. Plus I suck with the assult rifles and hate LMGs, so I stay with my platoon, but off to the side and snipe people when the rest of my team just runs and guns.
Don't take this the wrong way Nismo... but I'm not sure you're really getting what this game is all about?!

Having said that - I would quite like to have a positive KD... but I'm having great fun running around - killing lots of people and gaining ground for my team... Snipers never gain ground - they can only hold ground that others gain.

Well everbody plays the game different. Plus I'm usually up with my squad, sometimes I'm the one getting the objectives when my teammates are are all off dying. It doesn't matter what gun you use really, yes I snipe a lot, but as soon as we move up to a cooling tower I'm right there with my team. Now I sometimes snipe for the first part and then after a while I changed to my M4 or SCAR and go with my team.

Edit: The shotguns own.
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I have a positive K/D ( around 1.7) and I never snipe. The whole point is that if everybody works together it's incredibly easy to win.
Well that's nice. And like I've said before, I do work and move with my team. Just not right in the middle, I shadow then along the sides. Plus they put sniper rifles in so I'm going to use them, just like machine guns, I hate them but I don't T/K and vote the 90% of people who use them. People use and do what they want so I'm fine with whatever.
Hmmm - reading on the MAG forums - the 1.04 patch has a big bug in it... if you're doing any of the objectives - and you get killed - bleed out immediately... if not and you get rezed - you might freeze your PS3 - needing a hard reset.

:ouch: I just did that. So yea, bleed out or you're screwed. I've had that happen and the thing were you die, come back to life, but you can't do anything. Not fun, but it's only happened twice to me so whatever.
:ouch: I just did that. So yea, bleed out or you're screwed. I've had that happen and the thing were you die, come back to life, but you can't do anything. Not fun, but it's only happened twice to me so whatever.

I've not witnessed it yet... I guess rezing people that are near objectives is now a bad thing to do as well!??

That kinda sucks... might not play until this is fixed.

I just played against some dumbass with the clan tag ''PRO''.
I was playing raven (Defence) vs S.V.E.R in Sabotage. They were camping at our spawns, it was freaking pathetic, I hope they will fix that ASAP.
I've not witnessed it yet... I guess rezing people that are near objectives is now a bad thing to do as well!??

That kinda sucks... might not play until this is fixed.


Eh, it's not too bad. That's really the only problem I've came across.

I have a new love, the shotgun :D, well atleast close quarters. Although I come across people who can take 4 hits and keep going sometimes.
Played last night - didn't happen to me - but that's cos I know - I told all my clan/group mates... yet they managed to get themselves kicked out despite my warnings!! It does suck and it happens every time... so it's very predictable!

So - an 84.14 Meg download greeted me tonight for MAG... assume this is a hotfix patch... but that's a lot of hotfix...

So checked Mag Blog...

Patch v1.04a
Available March 17, 2010 | N/A (TPPS), 84MB (DLS)

•Adjusted player boundaries to limit “spawn camping” exploits in Darien Network, Copper Hills Relay and Syr Daria Uplink maps.

Map – Syr Daria Uplink
•Pushed in physical defensive boundary for Attacker’s “Alpha Squad” spawns 10 meters.
•Removed two short staircases in front of Attacker’s “Alpha Squad” spawn.
•Relocated box truck to block sightline on attacker’s right side at “Objective A” stairwell.
•Added box truck to block sightline exploit to Attacker’s “Alpha” squad main entrance.
•Added fence line to Attacker’s right side at “Objective A.”
•Pushed parachute drop near “Objective C” forward by 25 meters.
•Added new entrance to “Objective C” building in right corner.
•Added additional geometry near “Objective C” to block sightline exploits near main door.
•Added and removed various small object and panel locations to repair or enhance sightlines.
•Multiple terrain repaints in various locations.

•Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when reviving players who died while interacting with objective.

So they've fixed the crashing - stopped spawn camping in SABO (is it possible in other maps?) - and they've done some changes to SVER's Sabo maps...

Assuming that as this was a rushed in hotfix they decided to slip SVER SABO map changes in last minute - and these would normally be in 1.05... so expect a raft of map changes for other game types/maps in 1.05 I reckon...

Wondered what that was. I had to download it today when I turned it on today at around noon. I haven't really noticed anything different though, but I didn't play the Syr Daria Uplink though.
Yeah I think the main differences (if you don't play Sabo) are no spawn killing (although I heard someone say that Valor were trying it against us (but not sure if they succeeded?!)) and the resus/objective fix...

I would be interested to see what they change on the Dom maps when they get to them! (I mostly play Dom or Acq - (Well I mostly play Directives))

I'm 45 in Raven now - so will be in Valor at some point in the nearish future!!

I've noticed over my time of playing when Valor defends and Raven attacks, Valor wins almost every time. But when SEVR attacks, SEVR wins almost all the time. I knew they had an advantage, but is it really that much? And still all those machines guns get so annoying sometimes. All I want to do is secure or de-secure something, but here comes three people just sprayin' bullets everywhere, so annoying.
From my time in Raven I've noticed a few things about the Faction split

a) More people in SVER have mics.
b) More people in SVER revive downed colleagues
c) SVER have the easist DOM map to defend.
d) Raven have the easiest ACQ map to defend.

Gun wise whilst there is a miniscule difference of a few stat points here and there - it's fairly negligible really.

Just got my 1000th kill with my Assult Rifle and a few days ago my medal for reviving 500 teammates. Next on my list is 1000 with a shotgun, although I'm only at 260.
Raven era has come to an end and now I'm fighting in the lines of Valor. Even though I already do like Valor better than Raven, I still think that I'll go back to Sver after finishing Valor. I do have some of you on my friends list, so maybe we'll fight together if we happen to be online at the same time.
So what's with me kniving people and not killing them. Multiple times I've walked up to someone knived them, then get shot. I know they have all the different armor, but still I mean I hit a guy in the head today and didn't get him.

I don't know if anybody else uses them, but the shotguns are very random. Sometimes it'll take a shot to drop somebody, but then the next guy it'll take four. The thing has a horrible spread pattern too, if your not pointed right at the guy it doesn't even phase him.
Extended Health can mean knifing isn't 1 hit death... usually head shots should sort them out though!?

On another note - Free DLC available on Thursday - and to celebrate... a double XP weekend from Thursday...

DLC includes a new LMG for each faction, Flashbangs & 2 extra armour patterns.

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Ah, I forgot about the extended health, um, perk thing.

Good thing about the double XP though since right now I'm level 58 and these ast few are tough to get through so double XP will be nice. More LMGs? That sucks, I'm getting so tired of people with those things. I don't know why, but for some reason I really do not like anybody that uses them. I just find it annoying that the majority of the people just run around and spray everywhere. Or chase me down and just hold the trigger the whole way, noobs 👎