MAG - GTP's faction is Valor

  • Thread starter Earth
I use the suport gun alot for one reason, 100 rnd mags I also use the scar fully kitted out (not the heavy scar) with grenade launcher. Of the 2 guns the scar is much more acurate and takes less time to down an oponent.......but if Im defending a position thats being swamped with enemy I'll simply get overrun when changeing mags with the scar so I switch to the suport gun.
I did alot of sniping in the beta and early on in the full game, get the rollins with the high mag scope and the bipod and it's one leathal combination, if you know the maps well enough you can make a real difference for your team with it. One major things about this sniper rig is it's ability to take out turret guns on bunkers withut too much dificulty....

I had a mate over last night, ex kings regiment full screw and certified 360 MW2 fanboy. I threw him into a clan game on MAG with Erik and a few new clan members....It was fun to watch him strugle with the game at first but then very quickly get the idea of what was going on........His verdict, "why isn't this on the 360?" said it all really LOL His main "amazement" moment was when he was clearing the church whilst defending A and he vainly called for backup only to find backup arived! He looked at me as if this was something new to him......... ;)
The Machine guns do pack more of a punch than the Assault rifles - although my Grenade Launcher more than makes up for that (when I aim right - or it doesn't glitch and kill me)...

The beauty of the Assault rifle is that it is all things to all men... with a grenade launcher, supressor & scope you have a killing machine - room clearer and low range sniper all in one.

I did have the Heavy Assault rifle - but to use that you need to remove the grenade launcher - as it needs the foregrip for steadiness...

When I get 1000 kills with the assault rifle (200 away) then I'll probably switch over to the Machine gun - when I goto Raven... that said apparently the Raven Sniper rifle is the best in the game - so maybe I'll go sniper for a while... Might have to look out for some decent sniper spots in the mean time!

RE: Spawn camping... I like that the game has the red lines - so that they can't get into your spawn area (although somehow someone did it on SVER sabotage the other day - they didn't last long) - but I also dislike that on Sabotage especially - the attacking team can be penned in... this makes the game mega boring (Attacking & Defending) - and mega low scoring for everyone - can I suggest that people don't do it for the enjoyment of both sides...

being hemed in.........ahh the red mist decends and everyone keeps rushing foreward into the ambush kill zone.......most anoying LOL, getting the whole team to flank left or right out of the spawn area and pushing through the weakest spot is the trick but once the red mist has kicked in it can be hard to co-ordinate the team to do anything LOL. Smoke is best used in this situation but it's usualy the first thing sacrificed from loadout so rarely people have it, although it is more useful than grenades! I do have one loadout with smoke for just such occasions, I'd recomend it to everyone.

The grenade launcher glytch, thats the one where you fire it then duck back into cover only to be blown up by the thing? One of the only drawbacks of that weapon, here's hoping they patch the problem.
The grenade launcher glytch, thats the one where you fire it then duck back into cover only to be blown up by the thing? One of the only drawbacks of that weapon, here's hoping they patch the problem.

That be the one - it managed to cost us an objective the other day - I fired it - saw the explosion underneath the enemy - I died - he didn't - he kept A and they unlocked C!! (Sabo)

I'd say 1 in 10 shots dose that to me LOL but those other 9 shots........sweet LOL Best used against a group, in a room the results can be very satisfying. LOL
So, it's no secret that I pefer to snipe then banzai attack. Today I was playing domination on the SEVR map where they defend. I found a perfect spot where I could cover a burn off tower and a resupply dump. So everytime a team member would get the the burn off tower I could get every enemy how came up to get it. Well while I was sitting there someone on my team came by and said "get up, join the action stop camping", well I stayed and got a few more kills. Then all of a sudden I get shot by my team mate, who had and LMG :rolleyes:, and then he took off. At then end of the game I took a look at our team stats and saw something funny, the guy who killed my had 357 points I think and went 16/34. I looked at my stats and I had 354 points and K/D was 32/6. So just for fun I messaged and said "next time you shoot someboday make sure they aren't covering a burn off tower and have almost as many kills as you have deaths, ok? OK." :D, still haven't heard back.

Also, has anybody else noticed that their kills in the barracks havent changed. I've had 836 kills now for about a week. Doesn't really bother me, but I kinda want to know what my overall K/D is.
So, it's no secret that I pefer to snipe then banzai attack. Today I was playing domination on the SEVR map where they defend. I found a perfect spot where I could cover a burn off tower and a resupply dump. So everytime a team member would get the the burn off tower I could get every enemy how came up to get it. Well while I was sitting there someone on my team came by and said "get up, join the action stop camping", well I stayed and got a few more kills. Then all of a sudden I get shot by my team mate, who had and LMG :rolleyes:, and then he took off. At then end of the game I took a look at our team stats and saw something funny, the guy who killed my had 357 points I think and went 16/34. I looked at my stats and I had 354 points and K/D was 32/6. So just for fun I messaged and said "next time you shoot someboday make sure they aren't covering a burn off tower and have almost as many kills as you have deaths, ok? OK." :D, still haven't heard back.

Also, has anybody else noticed that their kills in the barracks havent changed. I've had 836 kills now for about a week. Doesn't really bother me, but I kinda want to know what my overall K/D is.

It depends on how many snipers were on the squad... if you got so many kills defending one tower - it sounds like your team were struggling to hold that tower... perhaps they could've done with an extra team member in the thick of it?

There were about 7 or 8 people running around it and the guy that killed me was in a different platoon. And the whole time I was there we had the tower because no one could from the other team could get it back.
Well I finally got my copy. Amazon UPS'd me a free one after it seems the postal service lost my original order last month. It's probably still beneath 2 feet of snow somewhere in Delaware. Incompetent bastards.

So, when can we play?
Well I finally got my copy. Amazon UPS'd me a free one after it seems the postal service lost my original order last month. It's probably still beneath 2 feet of snow somewhere in Delaware. Incompetent bastards.

So, when can we play?

That sucks.

Hereward appears to be the leader, you should ask him to be in the MOA clan everyone is in.

This game is teambased but sometimes that backfires. Today my squad was full of idiots who kept driving the APC out from behind cover to the middle of two turrets just so they can get some quick kills with the APC's guns. It's amazing how big of a difference a squad of good players can make over bad ones.

Squad leaders need more control over their squad in order to help the new guys make a bigger impact and show them the way. Simply setting way points and fragos is not enough.

We need the ability to spawn off a squad leader if attacking, because too many times idiots move the APC and get it into trouble.

And I'm getting tired of sever guys with big support guns (the guns with 100 bullets) running around and getting head shots on me at close range while the shot gun, which is suppose to be a short range weapon, requires pin point accuracy to work at close range. This has been brought up on the MAG forum, the 100 bullet gun needs to have its accuracy cut down unless a bipod is being used or a scope. The accuracy should be much less while moving.

And something needs to be done with SVER'S base in domination, its way harder to penetrate geographically because the turrets are so close together and there is essentially no cover. Raven's base has plenty of cover for attackers so does Valor's. Its not even close to fair.
I absolutely hate this control scheme.

edit: Wow, right now this game is pretty much unplayable. SVER's sabotage defense map is a guaranteed win for them. Everyone is crawl glitching, which is where they appear to be prone/bleeding out but are actually sprinting around the map and killing you before you even see them.

I can't believe I waited a whole month for this crap. I was having more fun with the BFBC2 demo, and that was free.
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So I got to level 60 on Sver and now I'm on a level 17 (I think) on Raven. After Raven I'm going to head towards Valor, then back to Sver. Even though I'm on such a low level I want to give some thoughts of the differences between Sver and Raven.

Firstly, the maps. I haven't been playing these maps so much that I would have a supersolid idea of them, but I don't think that Sver's maps are so much better. I'll take the sabotage maps as an example. When you are defending as Sver, you can get quite a good defend positions and it requires some good planning for the attacking team to get into A&B. For sure, Raven's A&B are easier to capture. But, re-taking A&B back is much harder on Sver maps than on Raven in my opinion. On Raven maps you can through grenades from far straight to objective. For example I captured B back on myself easily. I only ran from spawn, through a grenade in to objective, got 3 kills with that and then finished the last guy with a gun. In Sver maps getting grenades in is a lot harder and you can't basically get them really into objective so you are always forced to go run and gunning in. I've only defended C once on Raven but it seems quite nice to defend too. But at this moment, considering A&B, I'd say that Sver's is easier to defend but Raven's is easier to take back.

Acquisition for both have their strong side which is almost impossible to breach and then the easier side. But they are very different, in Sver maps bunkers are lined up, which means that coming from straight ahead is a suicide. But it's harder to defend when attacking team starts to take down bunkers from one of the sides. On Raven's map bunkers are lined so, that they can give a good support to bunkers next to them. If this is used, they are hard to take out but if the team doesn't work together, it's easy to bring them down.

I haven't played domination map enough on Raven to give comments yet. Bottom line (so far for me) is, that there isn't that big of unbalance in maps, it's just that you have to approach defense/attack in a different way. What works on one faction doesn't necessary work on another. You have to use strong/weak points of each faction to success. Maybe Sver maps work with more simple tactics that everyone does naturally even without thinking and this might be the reason why they rock so hard atm.

Second thing I want to comment is in my opinion a major thing and the biggest thing that affects on the games. People on Raven have A LOT less medikits and those who have it, don't use it. I mean there really is a big difference compared to Sver. In Sver there was almost like a race to revive a guy. If a guy was 50m from you, you were usually too late when you got near enough. Someone had already revived him! In Raven I've laid down on a route from spawn to objective and nobody revived me. Sometimes medic is next to me shooting out but he wont pick me up. And thanks to this, people bleed out too easily. I've killed myself several times with a situation where I run to revive someone to get a 2vs1 situation just to see him bleeding out in front of my nose and getting the needle in my own arm and then of course, the enemy comes behind the corner and I can't even shoot back. These two things (not reviving and bleeding out) means that we have constantly underpower on the field. There's always people lying down waiting to be revived and there are those that bleed out immediately, so there is a lot of players that are all the time running from the spawn. These both are out of the action leaving the rest in underpowered situation. We clearly lost one sabotage defense simply because nobody revived anyone on C. There were a lot of us laying down, but medics just kept on shooting into distance and not reviving. All of them died too and then there were only enemies left...

There's some of my thoughts so far and they are naturally only my personal opinions. Some other might see things differently. It's interesting to see how things develop on Raven and what's the deal on Valor when I get in there (and of course I'm looking forward for the homecoming back to Sver when I've done my share of spying other teams weaknesses :sly:)
Maybe Sver maps work with more simple tactics that everyone does naturally even without thinking and this might be the reason why they rock so hard atm.

Thats one reason I'm sure an its very unfair. One of my brothers is on SVER's side and said he noticed alot more radio chatter. This falls in line with them reviving each other more etc etc. The problem is I think if two equal teams of SVER and Valor go against each other SVER will win easily. Last night our company leader was giving instructions every bit of the way and they still got 75% damage. I still see it as a fundamental flaw in map design in SVER's favor.

Raven does suck. As someone said maybe its because the younger audience is attracted to their futurisitic looks and weapons but their players for the most part are bad.

I had my first clan night with MOA last night, and it confirms to me even more they gotta give us the ability to spawn off the squad leader, or at the very least give us more tools to find each other and stay together. Now I wasn't the greatest team player but alot of that was because I could hardly find where everyone was at. When I see their arrows on the map and they are 150 meters away man thats annoying. It was very rare in my 4 or so matches with MOA to get grouped with more then 1 squad member. In Battlefield 2 (PC) I was able to stay in squads alot better because of spawn on squad leader option.

How about letting us spawn off the squad leader if we want, but with a 50% or more longer spawn time if we choose to do so to keep it balanced?
Your post is confusing - first you say that you think that SVER map is easier to defend - then you say - that Raven's troops are rubbish... so which is it - Raven's troops are worse - or the SVER map is easier?

I still don't think that spawning off of the squad leader works - not only in a 'story' way - but in a tactical way...

I do agree that it is hard to stay with your squad though - the names are sometime quite hard to read...

Not sure how to change that though - but spawning off of Squad leader just isn't it... how exactly are you meant to spawn off of your squad leader - pop out of his ass?

So I started playing suppression, and my god this is fun. I still can't believe how much of a pain in the ass Sabotage vs. SVER is.
Working in the clan can be quite confusing first time out, everyone knows where to go without being told........but if your new then you won't have a clue, so that was totaly down to me not relaying info to new guys.
It's funny how you can go from 10 points a game to being the MVP simply by buying the resuscitation skill. My highest score is like 297 points now. Also, getting the steadying skills is essential for the M4. Now I can kill dudes as opposed to bullets flying all over the place.
1.03 patch coming tomorrow. I really wish they got rid of the camera that shows who killed you and where they are. This really hurts sniping, because keeping your position unknown is a big part of sniping.

I also like how they're fixing the accuracy of machine guns while moving.

Can't agree with increasing the spread on shotguns, its already ineffective as it is as a short range weapon. I lose all the time in close range 1 on 1 when someone has a machine gun and i have a shot gun. I have to take the time to aim high on them while they can just wildly spray me.


* Overhauled tuning of multiple weapons of all types (see “Weapon” section below)

* Improved speed of weapon and gear swapping by approximately 500 milliseconds.

* Fixed bug in SVER’s Aralkum Mechanical Acquisition map and Absheron Refinery Domination map that allowed players to defuse a charge planted on a repaired gate or door.

* Added a “solid tone” sound effect near the end of a charge’s beeping detonation timer so that players know when the charge can no longer be defused and that they should vacate the area.

* “Medium Improved” Armor now works as intended with the speed properties of Medium Armor and a defensive value greater than Medium, but less than Heavy Armor.

* Changed resuscitated player’s camera orientation to match the last camera direction used while incapacitated instead of the pre-harm camera.

* Players no longer lose XP if a teammate is killed by an objective explosion caused by a charge they planted.

* Respec Point requirements in Barracks have been changed from 3K, 5K, 10K, 17K, 26K, and 26K-Repeat to 1K, 2K, 3K, and 3K-Repeat.

* Lowered the amount of damage necessary to kill an incapacitated enemy

* All fired projectiles (RPGs, Turret Rockets) have been given a steadier aim.

* Mines that haven’t been triggered are no longer removed from the map when the dead player that deploys them respawns unless that player changes their Loadout (note: The maximum number of mines you can plant cannot exceed the number you initially spawn with).

* Fixed bug that prevented “fully-resuscitated” players with more than 100 health points from receiving their full HP.

* Fixed bug that caused players to take unnecessary damage from both friendly and enemy vehicles when touching them.

* Players no longer lose leadership points after entering “Veteran Mode.”


* “From the hip” firing for Light and Medium machine guns have stronger recoil and are less accurate when moving.

* Tuned weapon damage for all three factions.

* Modified all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs) so that they’re less effective at long distances.

* Made Battle Rifles more effective.

* Reduced accuracy bonus for using iron sights and reflex sights so that players can no longer snipe with weapons that aren’t intended to do so.

* Increased damage values for all rockets to make them more effective (ex: three rockets can now destroy a DE turret).

* Shooting through thin materials (fences, tents, etc.) will be more consistent.

* Increased spread on shotguns.

* Improved animations for rocket launchers.


* Fixed bug that caused the recoil animation to end early or stop animating if a player was firing their weapon for a long period of time.

* Changed detonation time on smoke and poison gas grenades to prevent them from exploding in mid-air to eliminate unintended FX issues.

* Added realistic fogging effects to sky-domes.


* Fixed most conditions that caused players to be caught in a “respawn loop” which kept restarting the respawn queue when the countdown clock reached 0.

* Changed in-game conditions to make it less likely to experience in-game freezes.

* Improved client-side stability.
Never seen prone sprint glytch, either it's a very new glytch or an isolated incident, either way seems Zippers really on the ball with patches so expect it to be patched next time if it becomes widespread.

Thats one huge patch! lots of "issues" addressed and seems severs guns may have been toned down slightly and maybe ravens have had a bit of a boost? Look foreward to trying it out later, cheers for the heads up Earth.

Omis I see you've gone from hate to love with MAG, a number of us have said the more you play the better it gets LOL, Unfortunatly those renting will never experience this as most give up very early on. I'd suggest if your planning on renting this then rent for a week not a couple of nights!
The problem is I think if two equal teams of SVER and Valor go against each other SVER will win easily.

I don't agree. I play mainly with Finnish friends from a Finnish gaming site. In a one domination match we got 2 full squads of us (Sver) and accidentally we got directly against us a full squad from same gaming site, but in Raven group. And oh what an epic battle that was! Definitely the hardest match I've been in. They did bring our bunker down several times and the only thing that saved our asses was the other full squad of us that was in the next bunker. They were able to hold them until we got back from respawn. When they didn't get our bunkers they changed tactics and brought the two other bunkers down and got the whole line down that way. They did get all the way to the letters but in the end we won the match. But there was two equal squads with a difference that we had two full squads and Raven had one. And it was Sver defense and they still got all the way to letters! So I have to disagree with you, it's about tactics and teamplay and how you use your strong and weak points.

Your post is confusing - first you say that you think that SVER map is easier to defend - then you say - that Raven's troops are rubbish... so which is it - Raven's troops are worse - or the SVER map is easier?

Hmm, I wasn't sure if this was pointed to me or to Earth? But I didn't say that they are easier, I said that they need to defended differently. On Sver maps I think that simpler tactics work better than on Raven. On Raven you need to have a bit more complicated tactics to get the best out of the maps.
I'm now Level 0!!! At Raven... Needed 300 points on my last game for SVER (for now) - but managed to get 1050!!! (was 2nd MVP by 20 points too!)...

Platoon Leaders and Strafing runs when Attacking (as long as the AA is down) can really really really - rack up the kills and points... drop them in between the building and the spawn (Domination) - and each one is almost guaranteed to get you about 6 kills!!

1.03 patch coming tomorrow.

Interesting list of changes... Zipper really are progressing the game forwards - It seems they're reading forums and tweaking up some of the more annoying things (like getting yourself blown up when you're trying to defuse a bomb) and some of the gitches... (like SVER defusing - with this fixed I think Dom will be a lot easier to lose for SVER!!)

I've also been informed that there is a glitch on F of Valor's domination map - one of the gates has a non-visible gap that can be walked through without removing the gates!!

I really wish they got rid of the camera that shows who killed you and where they are. This really hurts sniping, because keeping your position unknown is a big part of sniping.

No No No No No No No No!!! - It's only a rough guide - if you're far enough away - then you can't see much anyway... also - a better sniper moves around a bit rather than camps in one place.

Hmm, I wasn't sure if this was pointed to me or to Earth? But I didn't say that they are easier, I said that they need to defended differently. On Sver maps I think that simpler tactics work better than on Raven. On Raven you need to have a bit more complicated tactics to get the best out of the maps.

Directed at Earth...

EDIT : Patch 1.03 is live now - 41MB download... coming down pretty quickly (typing this is slowing it down a bit though!)

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Hit the game for a few matches after I downoaded the patch.........things have been shaken up quite a bit! and theres a bug in the reselect skill now (it stays at 3000 and your points go down?) anyway, forget sniping with anything other than a scoped weapon (red dots not included) you really need to put more aimed shots in and shooting from the hip is really been toned down. all in all a good patch and one which has improved and changed the game and playing style! You'll notice this in your end of game XP scores :)
Correction - Patch is 90 megs - it gets downloaded in 2 pieces... 41 meg then 49 meg...

Another 15 minutes to wait!!

Omis I see you've gone from hate to love with MAG, a number of us have said the more you play the better it gets LOL, Unfortunatly those renting will never experience this as most give up very early on. I'd suggest if your planning on renting this then rent for a week not a couple of nights!

It's easy to hate when you have no skills earned and are only pulling 30 points a match because your weapon is not deadly and noobs don't know how to attack in Sabotage. Once I tried out suppression and got the med+resus kit, things changed.

Also, the controls are ridiculous when you're not used to them. I still don't like the communications controls. If you're used to the CoD standard (which is pretty much the scheme for all FPS games today), it takes a while to adjust.

Also, there needs to be a better way to kick people. Especially fag TKers. They should blow up if they try to spawn TK. That works well in CSS.

And finally, the patch cut out a LOT of the BS. Before the patch, things were redonkulous. Now things play better and there's far less shenanigans.
Hit the game for a few matches after I downoaded the patch.........things have been shaken up quite a bit! and theres a bug in the reselect skill now (it stays at 3000 and your points go down?)

The respec points have been....respecced...

Instead of it being 3000, 50000, 10000 (and so forth) they have changed it in the patch to

1000 for first respec, 2000 for 2nd, and then 3000 for 3rd and any respec there after. So if you had a few thousand respec points before the patch, you can respec a few times before you have to build up your respec again.
I know it's VERY debatable if Sever are "overpowered" but Valor got seriously hemed in in last nights matches, time and time again.......30 minuets trying to take the first burnoff tower and bunker with no joy! on one match, then you hit Raven and it's a breeze! Right enough said LOL
Did notice the "fogging" has been increased and thus the draw distance reduced but the extra it's saved has been used to smoth out the shadows, especialy on the trees, gives things a little more gritty aperance which fits in with the game.
It's not that SEVR are overpowered, it's just that their maps are so ridiculously slanted in their favor. I think the original design was for SEVR to be the most rag-tag group that really relied on surroundings more than anything. But then they went ahead and made them formidable in the open too.

The reason why we didn't do squat against their burnoff towers is because everyone was being a noob and trying to take the burnoff tower before we destroyed their bunkers. That said, on that map their bunkers are extremely hard to even get near.