MAG - GTP's faction is Valor

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Yeah the bunker was directly behind the tower....we tried the fact we tried the bunker at either side......The problem we had was there was no defensive positions towards Sever, they had all the cover! You'd get the tower only for them to roll straight ontop of you seconds later to take it back......then you were met by trying to get back onto the high ground.....

Just a quick thought, it would be good to see a 3 way battle on one of the maps in future, Sever, Raven and Valor all going at it on the same map at the same time, and some (dare I say it) small number battles, say one 8 man squad V's another? Lots of poserbilities and no doubt in future Zipper will put some good DLC out there or even do it at server level? I expect come BF release ther'll be a counter by MAG in the form of inticement game wise. Most players are starting to get up towards 50+ skill points and grasping the map layouts.....well nearly LOL Once the patching has finished and everything is happy in that area we'll most likely see stuff hitting the store......more weapons anyone?
Any games going on tonight? I'm eager to try the game post-patch.

I made a MAG club on here aswell so it's easier to find everyone when not on PS3.
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Oh, one thing I wanted to give my opinion (whether you want to hear it or not :P). Someone mentioned that this game should have possibility to spawn from squad leader. I totally disagree on that. That kind of option would have thousands of ways to be abused in this kind of game. I'll give my example from acquisition, but this works for everything: sabotage, domination, single objectives... This is the deal, for one person it is so much easier to sneak behind enemy lines than it is for 8 people. So squad could decide not to respawn, wait for squad leader to sneak behind enemy lines and then respawn. Suddenly they are all alone behind enemy lines, they can go on to objectives (8 people, so 8 different objectives: for example 2 motor pools, 3 road blocks, sensor array, mortar battery and the lock on car). Then, squad leader counts 3, 2, 1 and everyone plants. After that, there is 8 places ringing behind defending team lines. They blow everything or at least most of things up, because the other team has no possibility to respond fast enough. And they can easily take the car out. Of course there is still the problem to get it out from the front gate, but from the example you see the problem that squad spawning could create. Just in everything, one guy sneaks somewhere and suddenly there's 8 of them!
Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, had some other things to do unfortunately. Will try to be online tonight, but no guarantees. ;)
OK Listen up troops! finaly nailed a workable system to clear towers and bunkers on the big games! All is required is 2-3 people, seriously) and an APC! all 3 players equip with the repair tool and revive tool then jump in the APC, one on gun, one driving and one repairing.............Right first up bunkers, place the APC so it can shoot at the bunkers turret gun, stand the engineer behind the APC in cover and then let the fun start! You'll find the APC can take the turret out easily and the repair guy behind will counter any incoming fire damage wise. OK take out the turret gun then drive to the rear of the bunker, place C4 and cover it with the APC's gun.....good night bunker! once all the bunkers near are down go cover the towers in the same manner, the trick is the repair guy, allways place the APC so incoming fire can't hit the repair guy!
We did this on the last match and basicly had the same APC for 25 minuets! it got so bad for sever we were constantly getting precision and ariel strikes placed right on the APC.....See marker smoke, RUN AWAY LOL Of course once the towers and bunkers are cleared the APC is fairly useless against the Letered targets but going hitting the Anti air, mortar batteries ect ect using the same tactics was a great help to the team......You ca actualy do all this with just 2 of you but pick secured areas for the engineer/driver to jump out in case he gets winged by an incoming round. Oh yeah, score wise it's not too bad either, if the fragos on the bunker you'll get bonus when protecting the C4 at the rear and taking the turret down plus any kills the APC gunner gets the driver gets 3xp per kill, engineer picks up lots for repair work too plus assists, you'll also get a few ribbons for this style of play as it's heavily team based.

Oh yeah and of course being the team spawn point and resuppy you were allways putting guys adsactly where they were needed and ammo'd up, make sure you keep coms up with the comander and the team and tell them what your hitting next, if the other APC crew had done the same as us it would have been a complete white wash for sever on there best map! Oh yeah and finaly the driver's second role is to medic tanyone near, most importantly your engineer or even to double as the engineer if he gets wasted while you wait for him to your APC, also though the driver has 360 degrees of visability so he needs to call out the enemy to the gunner, especialy enemy RPG' for the gunner, Just listen, point and shoot! But try not to overheat the gun, I expect if this tactic becomes widespread a future patch will limit the APC's amo, so keep it to yourself! Oh and finaly if you get ambushed by a few RPG carrying enemy, as a driver hit R1 for the smoke and reverse quickly to a sfe distance while your repaired! as long as you have a repair man and you don't get too carried away you should be the biggest asset to the whole team!
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The above tactic will work even better if you have a platoon leader or OIC in the APC... (They get auto repairs to vehicles as a bonus!)

I'm working my way through Raven at the moment - it's quite frustrating though - as hardly anyone seems to have any Mics at all - so it feels quite lonely - and if they do have Mic's they either
a) play crap music (queue kick)
b) don't talk english

And then - if you're the only guy with a mic - you're likely to get kicked cos your constant jabbering annoys people!! (ridiculous!)

However - having been SVER and attacking Raven - I know where the weakspots are...

In Domination - the AA for Raven is very vunerable - and is a key structure... if you're in the turrets nearest the AA then you need to watch for people running along the boat for it.

Played a few games this morning - mostly defence - and 1 attacking Valor... we won all of our defence games - but didn't win the Valor attack (despite having all of their infrastruture destroyed within 10 minutes - we just couldn't get anywhere close to their letters!!

I'm starting to think that the patch has swung the battle in favour of the defenders - but I can't work out why - if anything there are more things in there to help attackers (i.e. the beeps on the bombs)

Hey - this has happened to me twice recently... I think it happens if you get resed just as you get killed... your controls can reverse themselves... your arrow points the wrong way to where you're looking - amusingly - you can run backwards... it's weird though forward-back is flipped - but left-right aren't!!!

Usually ends up getting you killed - although the first time it happened it did fix itself after a little while - not sure how I fixed it - the 2nd time I died before it came back to normal... after a respawn it went away!!

:grumpy: LMGs....still annoying, just saying.

So I found that I like to defend while on Valor. It's so fun to run around repair stuff and heal people. Just about every game I get 600+ points and usually go up a rank. Other then that though I just stay in the back of my squad and snipe the objectives which also works out really well. I was worried about this game when it was coming out. I was expecting it to be full of bugs and be bad, but I think this is my favorite shooting game I've played. Good job from Zipper, just hope that maybe they'll have some DLC and have some more maps or guns or something later on.
Yay - got my 1000 kills with my Assault rifle (the Grenade launcher (813) doesn't count towards this award, or the grenade award or the RPG award!!!)

So now I have swapped to the Machine Gun... sometimes I'm amazing with it - sometimes I'm horrible - I can't shoot at range - yet a lot of people are killing me with one at range... however - running into a room and hosing out 4 people works!!! - Just hold R1!!!

Not only that - but I'm carrying the RPG around - and am picking up Combat Rocket ribbons like nobodies business... the RPG on Raven is a lot more accurate than the SVER one (a lot less drop on it!) - 3 direct hits will kill pretty much everything!!

BTW - The Grenade Launcher blowing you up with explosion in the distance error - happens with the RPG on Raven too... (Happened to me last night)

I was gonna play MAG tonight - but I suspect that there won't be too many people online?!

Just got 1000 kills with my sniper rifle. I was on a mission finish it off today. My last two games, 34/4 and 38/3. And did I piss some people off on my last game :D. I had gas grenades, artillery strikes, and other snipers gunning for me. Along with that game came a new killstreak, 27, and the kill 30 enemies in one battle ribbon. It was also funny that I was the top person in my squad since everyone else was dead set on rushing the turrets and trying to blow them up. I know most people hate when I or other people sit and snipe, but man it is fun sniping 15 people within a couple minutes of eachother.
Just got 1000 kills with my sniper rifle. I was on a mission finish it off today. My last two games, 34/4 and 38/3. And did I piss some people off on my last game :D. I had gas grenades, artillery strikes, and other snipers gunning for me. Along with that game came a new killstreak, 27, and the kill 30 enemies in one battle ribbon. It was also funny that I was the top person in my squad since everyone else was dead set on rushing the turrets and trying to blow them up. I know most people hate when I or other people sit and snipe, but man it is fun sniping 15 people within a couple minutes of eachother.

I don't mind if we have 1 sniper in our squad - but it's when you paratroop in and see a line of 8 snipers on a roof just keeping their KD's up and not helping fight where the battle is that it gets annoying...

Anyways - now you've got the Medal - I assume you'll be respeccing into something a bit more "go-forward".


PS -'grats on yer Sniper medal - I'm not looking foward to that one... currently working on Machine gun!!
I don't know. Honestly I'm garbage with any gun that isn't a sniper rifle. I think I'm going to stick with sniper and I'll probably throw in my M4 more and try some frontlines fighting. I've been sniping ever since Socom 2 so it's just feels right every time I pick one. Except when Valor defends, I'm all M4 when we do that, or I pick up an LMG from enemy because I'm bored and I don't want to try.

1000 kills takes forever too. I was expecting it to be fairly quick, but no it took forever. Luckey my M4 already has around 400-500 kills so it won't take as long as my sniper one did.
If you respec to something else - then you'll find it better than having the sniper - and not much of an M4... also - you can spend the points on making your player tougher faster harder - instead of having the points in your Sniper gun...

Go-on - give it a go - now that respeccing is dirt cheap - you may as well!!

I think my respec points are around 24,000 now. I respeced once because I had no idea what it did, but I just got all my sniper stuff again. I might try it out in a little bit, I'm just so used to my M4 now I can do better then most the people on my team. I think I'm going to focus on my character now since I haven't done a single thing yet for that.
Got MAG today for GT Academy, I'll have to jump on and have a go at it. Don't really know much about it though, looks good by what i've read here. 👍
open mind, and time is the key, takes a good few hors to learn the basics and start to unlock the good stuff. give the Clan members a shout and get an invite to a mach session for a crash course from any of the guys.
Respecced to the SMG to see what everyone is raving about... it's quite nice - and I hit more often than the LMG... but you need to put serious rounds into people to kill them!! (Although I seem to get killed by SMG's hitting me once?!)

Quite amusing game yesterday - I came across some ex-clan mates that are now in Valor - now that I'm in Raven!!! Was quite amusing to hurl abuse at their corpses (or from my corpse) when they were near!

EDIT (to avoid DP)

Repecced back to Machine gun but didn't buy the more expensive one... doing much better with it now - I think it's the better accuracy means I can actually shoot people who aren't 5 meters away!!

Also - I didn't realise this but you get a 10% bonus from doing "Directives"... so if you want to level up even quicker - hit them directives!!!

And my last point - being an engineer sucks ass... I played a domination game earlier - and in the first 5 minutes I killed 5 people and fixed the AA 3 times... after all of that - I had 88 points!!! I think you should get a bonus group of points for the final fix - like you do when you plant - then explode... you get 5 for the plant and then 15//20/25 for the explosion... repairing should get the +1's for the repairing - and then 15/20/25 when the thing gets fully fixed.

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Just a noob question, sorry if it had been answered before.

What does the ''respec'' function in the skills section ?

Oh and the AM50 sniper PWN!!111ONE!!!!
What does the ''respec'' function in the skills section ?

You can respend the points you have put into your classes. It is a handy feature, because as you become better at the game you realise that you may of spent your points inappropriately. I respec'd, and made an out and out sniper, a very hady feature of the game! 👍
Was just spending some time on the MAG playstation forums...

A 1.04 patch is around the corner... and Zipper are saying it's gonna be a big one!

The list of potential fixes are...

Disconnection Errors – 5:4, 5:5, 13:5
[Status: Investigating]

5:4 Errors mean that you were disconnected from the game because of ISP or infrastructure issues.
5:5 Errors mean that you were disconnected from the game for an unknown reason.
13:5 Errors mean that you were not able to connect to the game server.

There are a myriad of issues that could cause this, so if you experience this problem report it in Jennifer's thread on the Issues and Exploits board.

Players can invade Sabotage spawn points
[Status: Investigating]

We have a clear picture of the problem, but like the “F” Exploit mentioned above, the fixes require map changes, so patching it up isn’t as fast as other types.

Lag and other Latency-related issues
[Status: Greatly improved in Patch v1.03]

Let us know if you have any additional problems with lag or latency.

The 120m Kill stat is not being displayed correctly
[Status: Fixed in Patch Following v1.03]

Though the game is tracking 120m kills (which is why you’re seeing ribbons appear when meeting requirements related to it), it isn’t being displayed in-game. On a related note, if you don’t see all of your stats and/or ribbons, more often than not it’s due to a delay from the stat server and they’ll eventually show up.

Valor Domination “F” Ninja Door Exploit
[Status: Investigating]

We’re aware of this; it requires a physical map change so the fix takes a little longer to implement.

Player Inaction Freeze -- players are suddenly kept from using their equipped item. It happens most frequently with grenades of all types
[Status: Investigating]

This one is one we're going after but have nothing to report yet.

Mics randomly disconnect or don't work
[Status: Investigating]

Though some of these issues are legitimate bugs, others are just the result of microphone sensitivity settings "in-game." If you're having issues, go to the in-game options menu, then Audio, and then adjust the Mic settings so they're cranked all the way up. That may fix the problem.

Controls randomly invert when parachuting, being revived, or falling off of something tall.
[Status: Investigating]

We're still getting to the bottom of this one, but a temporary fix, believe it or not, is to look at the sky or the floor when this happens and just spin around a bunch of times -- it's weird, but it can fix the problem occasionally. Otherwise, just die and proper controls will be restored when you respawn.
No worries!!

How goes everyone's progress?

I'm 37 at Raven at the moment... 500 kills with the Machine Gun have helped propel me upto that level... although that's only about 25k points... so not even half way to 65k yet!

I'm not doing to bad, currently at level 46 Valor. I'm only around 400 points until I get level 47, 60 seems so close. 2201 kills and 1231 deaths with a 1.79 K/D ratio which makes me happy :D. 1316 of them came from my sniper then I have the assult rifle at 545 so half way to another medal.
Wow, I never knew about that F Ninja glitch. No wonder we've been getting spanked on domination defense.