Pettitte shouldn't make the HoF either. The others I have not heard anything regarding steroid use. Might as well throw in Derek Jeter, Pujols or anyone in that generation.
Of course you haven't heard about them, that's my whole point. But just because you haven't done any research about any of it doesn't mean they didn't do it. Well.. because they've all been 'caught'.
Andy Pettite has admitted to using HGH on more then one occasion (2002 and 2004) to help recover from injuries. Same thing as Bonds with his knee issues.
Mike Piazza has also admitted to a reporter and had a bad case of back acne (side effect) and it was 'magically healed' in 2004 when they first started testing.
Jerry Hairston Jr orded two cases of HGH from Applied Pharmacy in Mobile Alabama in 2004. Denies it... but don't they all? It
was legal at the time though.
Troy Glaus was prescribed banned steroid substances by Roman Scruggs from September 03 to May 04.
From 2002-2005 Matt Williams received $16,000 in various substances (Steroids and HGH) from Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. Matt retired in 2003, helping some buddies out eh? Some of it being HGH meaning it was legal at the time.
Bronson Arroyo admitted to using Andro a then legal substance, he did stop when 'found out' it contained steroids. In the interview he hinted both Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz were both using as well.
Brian Roberts admitted to using steroids at least once in 2003.
Pudge reportedly used Deca-Durabolin and/or Winstro with Canseco, Palmeiro and Juan Gonzalez. Not a huge stretch.
Of course a huge amount of guys in that era were juicing, but like it or not, Bonds was the most successful and famous, so you're gonna hear about him the most. I don't personally agree with anything performance enhancing, but there's no way Bonds shouldn't be in the HOF, one of the best ball players ever, roids or not.
It really makes you respect the guys in that era who really did play clean. Ken Griffey Jr. and Frank Thomas come to mind immediately.
To be honest, I don't think anyone is innocent... I wouldn't be surprised if any player used anything steroid/hgh related from the 70's until nowadays.
To me, I just don't care. If tomorrow there was a headline that Posey used... I wouldn't be surprised.... Or Matt Kemp... Or Jeff Mathis... Or Derek Jeter... No one would 'surprise' me.
I defend Bonds because the substance he used wasn't illegal until 2005, so is it really cheating?
However I won't defend Cabrera... or Mota. I didn't defend Guillen in 2010 either. I'm pissed off at Cabrera, I feel sick thinking about it. A bit heart broken... He was a huge part of the team and a huge part of the fans... The Melk Men and the Melk Maids... A huge hit. Everyone loved him and he loved back. Now hes gone... And he pissed a lot of teammates off... Especially Posey who was interview and seemed livid.
But you got to move on you know? And you know what, I've prosecuted Bochy over the years for his love of certain players and dog house rules with rookies. But I don't think there is a better manager in baseball when dealing with this.
Anyways we have a healthy Sandoval finally... And hes a much better player then Melky. I think we'll be fine.