Make all cars available from the start?

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Make all cars available from the start?

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When I was still active, I only had one or two hours a day... maybe two or three days a week... to play.

I used to have the time to do four to five hour binges on weekends, but nowadays, I'm too busy to even pay attention to Candy Crush.


I stopped playing GT5 because, as I went along, I started having to spend my entire game time allocation grinding just to get the cars needed to do the next series.

This is a far cry from GT3 or 4, where you could win the cars needed for the next series. In fact, there have been challenges on GTPlanet where players have attempted to complete as much of the game as possible without buying anything.
How is your game affected in any way, if I choose the Online Racing and Event/Career Generator, if you choose the GT Classic Career?​

*raises hand* The way you choose to play the game has no affect on the way I choose to play the game. :)

I do want that Event/Career Generator Offline, though.
.....................Those 20 mil cars are not worth it. They may look nice but that's just about it. They cost this much so you'd end up forking over $180 of your real money for some virtual currency to afford one. (and upon realizing you've been had, promptly tears your hair out)
.....................I can hear them now, laughin' all the way to the bank: "Got you, sucka!! Bwa ha ha!!"
I know I'm off topic, but please do not buy into this MT daylight robbery...
.....................Those 20 mil cars are not worth it. They may look nice but that's just about it. They cost this much so you'd end up forking over $180 of your real money for some virtual currency to afford one. (and upon realizing you've been had, promptly tears your hair out)
.....................I can hear them now, laughin' all the way to the bank: "Got you, sucka!! Bwa ha ha!!"
I know I'm off topic, but please do not buy into this MT daylight robbery...

I...wait, what? Anyone who spends $180 on a car in a video game and THEN realizes it's a dumb idea shouldn't have access to money, or a tv, or hands.

Thanks for the PSA though I are about a year late though.
I think guys like you and me are more representative of typical GT fans these days. We have jobs, careers, businesses to run, families, wives/husbands/gf's and all kinds of commitments we may not have had when we were younger and first found our way into the GT world. Sure it was exciting to play offline and slog through the career mode and earn cars...back then. But we've matured, our time available is less and less and we aren't interesting in slogging through hours and hours of races to build a garage like we were when we were teenagers or young adults and there was no racing online in GT. We just want to race online or drive and tune/modify a whole bunch of cars and turn to the offline or TT's when we have extra time. Question is will the game mature along with it's audience or continue with the same tired formula it's had for 15 years?
You just reminded me how growing up and taking responsabilities suck, thank you very much.
Jokes aside an important word here is used: contents formula.
Back in the day gaming was totally different,you had to play the game in every difficulty, you begin with an animated sequence, then several hours of hardcore gaming then a final sequence to give you all the accomplishment you deserved.
Now in the case of granturismo stuff is a little different, but in the end gaming design choices, and thus, gamer's game choices developed, changed.
I don't want to suddenly jump on the "everything right now, right at the start" bandwagon, i just really want to look for a compromise, because GT is a compromise aswell; part driving game, part sim.
And this said, i'd really like to enjoy the sim part of the game, not forgetting that it's a game, so it should challenge me (not in a ridicolous way like Shift 2, like a sim does.) So there must be a way to make everyone happy like in some scenarios depicted before (career and arcade with all cars and event generator, even if i'd really like this to happen in GT career too because i'd make really epic races, but i'd really like some payout too.)
In the end GT is a product with his own marketing, i know i'll even enjoy future installaments, but for the sake's of its own good they should refresh it, be competitive, famous and be speak of.
Just like in the ol'good days, in the PS1 era nobody, NOBODY dared to challenge GT2 on his field, thats why imho EA swerved his interest towards street racing (Underground- 2- MW-Carbon)
From the end of the PS2 era GT is falling in the niche area of gaming, and thus creating a new generation of games with the likes of GT, the simcades.
This is my view of things, excuse me the little OT but i see it like a contestualization of the comment
Kaz is working on making the game to suit the way gamers play, instead of making the game the way PDI think we should play it. It's in one of his past interviews. So, far he/they are doing it. Much more events for the online player. An Offline player like me, has to find a way to make the game replayable. This comes with what cars are available.

At the moment, I can't log in. So, I'm making replicas of certain Hondas, to make it seem like less of a chore to grind. Some of the short circuits and City circuits arent available in the International and Super Career Modes. Most of the Circuits in Career Mode go unused as is. Lucky for me I have Ver.1.14, Suzuka 2014 and the BMW M4 Updates.

What im going to do is, try the game as is, with no updates. I'll use another of my profiles and see how much I can enjoy GT6.
So there must be a way to make everyone happy

Yes, that is the whole point to asking for everything at the start. One problem with these threads is that you end up with one side asking for a compromise. It's always the side that already has what they want. The thing is, you only need a compromise when it's impossible to satisfy everyone. That's not the case here.

If all the cars were available at the start of the game, you would not even necessarily know it. You could just play GT in the same way that GT1-6 was played. Literally no difference. You would just not make use of the free play mode. We don't need a compromise here.
Yes, that is the whole point to asking for everything at the start. One problem with these threads is that you end up with one side asking for a compromise. It's always the side that already has what they want. The thing is, you only need a compromise when it's impossible to satisfy everyone. That's not the case here.

If all the cars were available at the start of the game, you would not even necessarily know it. You could just play GT in the same way that GT1-6 was played. Literally no difference. You would just not make use of the free play mode. We don't need a compromise here.
I don't get it how you put it, there's people like me that still want to buy their cars, what's you point?
There is a similar career mode in Shift2 too but for god's sake the more costy cars are about 2 millions and not 20...
In Shift 2 there's a DLC that unlocks all events and all cars (except rival cars), that DLC makes the game a lot more enjoyable, I was able to go straight to the stuff that interests me without having to grind anything or play events I'm not interested in. I actually did a bunch of custom races with a variety of cars before starting career mode.

Kaz is working on making the game to suit the way gamers play, instead of making the game the way PDI think we should play it.
I think is actually the opposite, PD is making the game in the way they want without taking into account what players want.

People have been asking for more realistic racing, with mechanical damage, standing starts, penalties, tire wear, full balanced grid, etc, none of that stuff is available offline.
People have been asking for better AI, instead of better AI PD made most offline races catch-up format to give players a false sense of difficulty.
People complained about the level system in GT5, instead of improving the level system PD implemented a star system that makes career mode in GT6 even more linear that it was in GT5.
People have been complaining about SRF that cannot be turned off in some events, PD ignored those complaints and kept forcing SRF in certain events.
People have been asking for basic online features that every other game has like friend invite & leaderboards for every track/event, no sign of those yet.
In GT7 if you need a car to race for that event whether it is offline or online, you have to buy it and if you have not got enough credits for that car well you just have to grind for it, and that is the way it should be for ever in the GT series.
I'm promoting the idea I've had from the beginning.

The players liking credits go to GT Mode.

The players who don't go to free mode.
This more or less what Johnnypenso said...
I would like it too with just some simply modifications...

- The career mode should be similar to the one of GT3 or GT4 with licence system and with each series of races giving you credits depending on final position of each race and a prize car if you win all the races/series... The cars you win/buy go into the offline garage giving you access to full exterior and interior tuning... The cars you win/buy in career mode can be used in quick races too...

- The quick race mode should give you access to all the cars in the game but you don't have access to full modifications, just color and racing number for the road cars and one of the liveries for the race cars... You have access to mechanical tuning before the race but the game doesn't saves the tunings you did on the car... Quick races could give you credits just less than the career mode but no prize cars...

- The online mode should have its own garage and a licence system too... When you win enough races (or you get enough points for your placements in races) you unlock the next licence and when you get it you unlocks all the cars in that category... You can save the tunings you do on your online cars and you can modify the exterior too... Online races can give a prize if the creator of the race wishes so...

Simple and neat...

In GT7 if you need a car to race for that event whether it is offline or online, you have to buy it and if you have not got enough credits for that car well you just have to grind for it, and that is the way it should be for ever in the GT series.
This is totally crazy...
First in the GT series before GT5 you had a reward that was a car suitable for one of the next series, second grinding on a series you already won cause you don't get enough money to go further and buy the car needed for the next series is not the way a game should be but simply a bad design of the game... In every decent racing game when you finish a series you get the car needed for the next series or enough money to buy it... Forcing you to grind a already finished series of races doesn't add to the game but adds to the frustration...
You may like to grind but grinding requires time that not all people have and the direction took with GT5 and GT6 had alienated most of the customers and you can see it from the poor sellings GT6 is making... The fall of the price of the game in the PS store denotes this, it's a desperate move to sell more copies cause PDI needs more money to make GT7 and despite that they are still making the same mistakes...
The only cars they give you for free are just a bunch of interiorless prototypes that you cannot setup, you cannot tune, you can't even change the color or apply a racing number...
This more or less what Johnnypenso said...
I would like it too with just some simply modifications...

- The career mode should be similar to the one of GT3 or GT4 with licence system and with each series of races giving you credits depending on final position of each race and a prize car if you win all the races/series... The cars you win/buy go into the offline garage giving you access to full exterior and interior tuning... The cars you win/buy in career mode can be used in quick races too...

- The quick race mode should give you access to all the cars in the game but you don't have access to full modifications, just color and racing number for the road cars and one of the liveries for the race cars... You have access to mechanical tuning before the race but the game doesn't saves the tunings you did on the car... Quick races could give you credits just less than the career mode but no prize cars...

- The online mode should have its own garage and a licence system too... When you win enough races (or you get enough points for your placements in races) you unlock the next licence and when you get it you unlocks all the cars in that category... You can save the tunings you do on your online cars and you can modify the exterior too... Online races can give a prize if the creator of the race wishes so...

Simple and neat...
You're getting closer but I don't understand the unnecessary restrictions of the second part. Why not save my tuning? Why not let me modify the cars and keep it? Why is the game better if I can't do those things, but you can in the career mode? Who will be encouraged by a game mode that allows them to put effort into tuning but won't save their results. Why would I get less credits? If I run a 10 lap GT500 race online against 15 opponents and win my payout should be substantially higher than in an offline race because the difficulty is that much higher against real people. It sound rather petty to me.

By the way, just ignore @hall90 his answer to everything is, "that's the way it's always been and nothing should ever change".:odd: I haven't quite figured out if he's deliberately trolling or really believe the stuff that comes out of his keyboard.
- The quick race mode should give you access to all the cars in the game but you don't have access to full modifications, just color and racing number for the road cars and one of the liveries for the race cars... You have access to mechanical tuning before the race but the game doesn't saves the tunings you did on the car... Quick races could give you credits just less than the career mode but no prize cars...

There is no point to that. The free mode should let you do absolutely anything. If it doesn't, it's useless because then you need to grind GT Mode. If you want to pay for upgrade, go to GT Mode. If you want 1000 completely personalized cars that you get to control every last detail of with no need to unlock, go to free mode.

- The online mode should have its own garage and a licence system too... When you win enough races (or you get enough points for your placements in races) you unlock the next licence and when you get it you unlocks all the cars in that category... You can save the tunings you do on your online cars and you can modify the exterior too... Online races can give a prize if the creator of the race wishes so...
Again, this is pointless. GT Mode has unlocks. Online doesn't need them and would benefit from not having anything to do with them. GT Mode could have its own online for people who want credits, but that should kept far far away from free mode. It will only dilute and convolute racing. I don't need cheaters trying to bang out credits in a serious race. I also don't need to waste time with licenses just to enter a race.

If you're looking to add these things just because it's a popular trend for games, I can't support that reasoning. We don't need a thousand arbitrary limits in the game. We just need to be able to play.
you just have to grind for it, and that is the way it should be for ever in the GT series.
And why is that, exactly?

I haven't quite figured out if he's deliberately trolling or really believe the stuff that comes out of his keyboard.
I would hope if he was actually being sincere he wouldn't keep folding and claiming he never said what he did when called on it.
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No, all cars shouldn't be available from the start since it would make the game less fun, less challenging, less reason to race for, and less real
"that's the way it's always been and nothing should ever change".
Yep, that is right dear Johnny, nothing is going to ever change the way you get cars for the game in the GT series, and the players that want all cars available at the start of a game without earning them accept for in the arcade mode, they are just to lazy because all they want the cars for free and they do not want to do it the right way and that is to earn them.
No, all cars shouldn't be available from the start since it would make the game less fun, less challenging, less reason to race for, and less real

Less fun, completely false.

Less challenging, even more false. Unlocking cars is in fact fake difficulty since it adds no challenge, except in stupid situations like the GT5 Historic Car cup that locks away the only competitive cars in the series and forces you to win by taking advantage of the AI not knowing how to drive. So you can add bad game design to the whole thing.

Less reason to race. If you need to unlock cars to race, you have no reason to race. At all. Also, see every sim ever made where people not only have a reason to race, they have a reason to spend $1000's of dollars on a glorified controller and race like this:

You do not need locked content to race, and you can seriously impede serious racing by having such content.

Less real, no. What is not realistic is that every other year, the great wealth I've amassed by playing GT suddenly vanishes, I have all my licenses revoked, and I become a nobody in the GT racing world, even though I was an inhuman deity figure with 100% race win rate yesterday.

Yep, that is right dear Johnny, nothing is going to ever change the way you get cars for the game in the GT series
Someone doesn't remember GT5 birthday cards or the GT6 credit glitch. So, not only is your reasoning and argument ridiculous, it can't even claim to be vaguely factual. This is ignoring that you can't predict the future, and even devs as stubborn as PD seem to be at times can actually stop forcing a bad idea on us.

and the players that want all cars available at the start of a game without earning them accept for in the arcade mode, they are just to lazy because all they want the cars for free and they do not want to do it the right way and that is to earn them.

Much like the other part of your argument, this is dribble. I suppose if people enjoying themselves are "lazy" people enforcing the laws of video game land have their priorities a bit misplaced. Yes that's right, I have no shame in getting around GT's useless credit system while I spend time every day earning real money to buy real sports cars to go do real racing.
Yep, that is right dear Johnny, nothing is going to ever change the way you get cars for the game in the GT series, and the players that want all cars available at the start of a game without earning them accept for in the arcade mode, they are just to lazy because all they want the cars for free and they do not want to do it the right way and that is to earn them.
I said earlier I wasn't sure if you were trolling or not. Now I'm sure. You are definitely trolling. No one could possibly be that :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: for real.
You're getting closer but I don't understand the unnecessary restrictions of the second part. Why not save my tuning? Why not let me modify the cars and keep it? Why is the game better if I can't do those things, but you can in the career mode? Who will be encouraged by a game mode that allows them to put effort into tuning but won't save their results. Why would I get less credits? If I run a 10 lap GT500 race online against 15 opponents and win my payout should be substantially higher than in an offline race because the difficulty is that much higher against real people. It sound rather petty to me.
The reason why there should be no credits for online racing is simple... If you already have access to all the cars in your garage and you can tune them freely why you need money??? You would spend money you get in the online mode to buy cars in the offline mode and this is silly IMHO...
The problem of a "quick race" mode that would let you have access to all cars without spending money to tune them and you can save the tuning you made to the car too, well it would completely kill the offline career mode cause who would go to career mode if he can do the same in "quick race" mode without even having to pass the driving licence???
The best solution would be a licence system shared for online and offline races (so it's not about the grinding but about winning a series of races in a certain category and then unlocking the next licence and category)...
You start with the basic licence and start to drive ugly slow beasts like the Honda Fit and then you unlock more and more powerful categories...
The fact is that this method would kill completely the need of credits cause you dont have to buy any car and we all know how PD loves this thing about collecting cars...
It's not an easy task to balance a career mode that is rewarding but not frustrating...
Hey @Riblo72 what you are saying is making the game to easy, you want a challenge like earning credits to buy cars and parts to put the cars in your garage and that is the only way to get cars you want.
Wtf ? GT mode should stay the same , if all the cars are available from the start and you don't need crédit no more , this game would have lost his soul , i'm on GT since the first one , i would more like to be like GT4 , arcade mode with all cars and GT mode where you have to earn money and buy cars :)
The reason why there should be no credits for online racing is simple... If you already have access to all the cars in your garage and you can tune them freely why you need money??? You would spend money you get in the online mode to buy cars in the offline mode and this is silly IMHO...
The problem of a "quick race" mode that would let you have access to all cars without spending money to tune them and you can save the tuning you made to the car too, well it would completely kill the offline career mode cause who would go to career mode if he can do the same in "quick race" mode without even having to pass the driving licence???
The best solution would be a licence system shared for online and offline races (so it's not about the grinding but about winning a series of races in a certain category and then unlocking the next licence and category)...
You start with the basic licence and start to drive ugly slow beasts like the Honda Fit and then you unlock more and more powerful categories...
The fact is that this method would kill completely the need of credits cause you dont have to buy any car and we all know how PD loves this thing about collecting cars...
It's not an easy task to balance a career mode that is rewarding but not frustrating...
True, no need for credits online. But you raise a good point. The only place the game needs an economy is in the career mode.

Can't agree on the license system though. All it proves is that you can drive a certain speed against the AI or the clock, neither of which has anything to do with online racing. Speed isn't a requirement. What is needed online is a safety rating along the lines of iRacing. Clean driving is a requirement for good online racing. Leave it optional and up to hosts if they want to hold races that count towards your rating or not, so that if they want to race dirty or have a smash up derby, they can do so without penalty.

Wtf ? GT mode should stay the same , if all the cars are available from the start and you don't need crédit no more , this game would have lost his soul , i'm on GT since the first one , i would more like to be like GT4 , arcade mode with all cars and GT mode where you have to earn money and buy cars :)
Don't hit the button that gives you access to all the cars from the beginning - problem solved.

Don't hit the button that gives you access to all the cars from the beginning - problem solved.
There will not be a button that gives you access to all the cars from the beginning you have to earn them, and that is the correct way to go about it and not your way Johnny is ridicules.
This thread. I swear.

I think is actually the opposite, PD is making the game in the way they want without taking into account what players want.

People have been asking for more realistic racing, with mechanical damage, standing starts, penalties, tire wear, full balanced grid, etc, none of that stuff is available offline.
People have been asking for better AI, instead of better AI PD made most offline races catch-up format to give players a false sense of difficulty.
People complained about the level system in GT5, instead of improving the level system PD implemented a star system that makes career mode in GT6 even more linear that it was in GT5.
People have been complaining about SRF that cannot be turned off in some events, PD ignored those complaints and kept forcing SRF in certain events.
People have been asking for basic online features that every other game has like friend invite & leaderboards for every track/event, no sign of those yet.

I'm trying to find the interview where Kaz admits to what you wrote above. He is trying to make amends by listening to what players want. Hence why I typed he is trying to make Gran Turismo the way players play instead of his old thinking of how HE THINKS we should play Gran Turismo.
Less fun, completely false.

Uuuuhhh....That's not really up to you is it? It's up to the person saying it would be less fun for them...I agree with him. It would kind of spoil it if you could just choose to have everything unlocked at the start of the game. Think of it in terms of trophies.

What if, at the beginning of every game, it gave you a choice. Play the game normally, or, have every trophy unlocked from the start. What does that do to trophies? What happens to the people who enjoy the challenge and accomplishment of collecting trophies? Unlockable content serves as an incentive to play and to progress through the game. If you take that away (and make no mistake, having the option to circumvent it, is taking it away) It greatly shortens the life of the game.

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