Make all cars available from the start?

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Make all cars available from the start?

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Uuuuhhh....That's not really up to you is it? It's up to the person saying it would be less fun for them...I agree with him. It would kind of spoil it if you could just choose to have everything unlocked at the start of the game. Think of it in terms of trophies.

What if, at the beginning of every game, it gave you a choice. Play the game normally, or, have every trophy unlocked from the start. What does that do to trophies? What happens to the people who enjoy the challenge and accomplishment of collecting trophies? Unlockable content serves as an incentive to play and to progress through the game. If you take that away (and make no mistake, having the option to circumvent it, is taking it away) It greatly shortens the life of the game.
Really? I used a money glitch early on in GT5 and accumulated $75Million in a week. Bought every car I ever wanted and played for hundreds and hundreds of hours, racing online, tuning, entering F.I.T.T. events as a tuner and test driver. I ran my own Racing Club, participated in many online championships, even joined the WRS. The game could easily be designed to have a compartmentalized career mode that could be an exact duplicate of what you have now, but that still doesn't satisfy you, you're worried about what everyone else is doing. You are simply unable to see the game outside of a very narrow box and you're afraid of having to make decisions about gameplay. You feel more comfortable being shoehorned into a very tiny, comfortable and familiar box and want to force the rest of us in there with you, in spite of the fact that some of us (40% of us if the poll is any indication) have been forced into the same box for 16 years and would rather not do it again.

I'm trying to find the interview where Kaz admits to what you wrote above. He is trying to make amends by listening to what players want. Hence why I typed he is trying to make Gran Turismo the way players play instead of his old thinking of how HE THINKS we should play Gran Turismo.
As with all things Kaz, you have to read between the lines. If you look at the GT5 Trophy List for example, which is a huge database (427,000 players)it's not hard to extrapolate that most of the unpopular things % wise, especially Rally Events, Endurance Racing, Special Events in general were all dropped due to low participation.

Look at the completion rates for the various career levels and licenses. National A was just over 50%. Beginner level in career was only completed by just under 39% of players for God's sake and qualifies as "uncommon". Beginner level! 18% of players never won a single event!!! So what happens? The difficult and time consuming XP system is gone, replaced by stars, even easier and dumber AI, much shorter races, no endurance racing at all, resulting in an even more arcade career mode that anyone can beat.

Ever wonder why Shuffle racing is gone? I don't. While popular on GTP, the truth is most nights there were only a 10-20 Shuffle racing rooms online representing a very, very tiny portion of the player base. Not popular enough so it's canned.

I don't think Kaz is interested in what individual fans have to say because let's face it, most of our requests never happen, the "Ask Kaz" Forum is a joke, and the few requests that do happen are low enough that they are probably just a coincidence. I think GT6 at least and probably a large part of GT7, is being designed by the numbers, the stats, not the passion and direct feedback of fans. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
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Think of it in terms of trophies.

Funny. I finished GT3 and GT4 to watch the ending movie. Not to have a trophy to show other people online.

Even funnier, no one is asking for a Certificate that they've finished the game. They're just wondering if it wouldn't be better if all the cars were available at the start.


Wonder what the most popular GT ever was? I don't. Because it was GT3. A game where you didn't have to grind for anything. You had a huge selection of cars readily accessible in Arcade Mode, and in Simulation Mode, you didn't have to grind for anything. There were expensive cars, but you could win them in races instead of grinding for cash. You could still grind for cash if you wanted to, but it was mostly pointless fun for those of us collecting unique colors.

A lot of players still miss the Roulette-style prize cars. :D

Best selling GT ever. Most beloved GT ever (though every GT after it had a better, more realistic driving model), Gave something to everyone. And nobody ever felt shortchanged because other people could race anything they wanted in Arcade Mode. Nobody.


A lot of people are too fixated on the virtual "status symbol" culture created by MMORPGs. Let's face it... a racing game isn't an MMORPG. The online portion of a racing game is basically a shooter. You go out and frag other players. That's all there is, to it.

Trophies? Unique cars? Meaningless. All that matters in an online race is who's quick and who's dead... errh... last.


As I said some twenty pages ago: I'd rather go into an online room a nobody with no Trophies and a common car and win than go in with a 100% Trophy tag over my name with a unique and lose.

Again though, nobody is asking for an instant win. They're just asking for access to the cars so they can go out and bloody race online.
Funny. I finished GT3 and GT4 to watch the ending movie. Not to have a trophy to show other people online.

Even funnier, no one is asking for a Certificate that they've finished the game. They're just wondering if it wouldn't be better if all the cars were available at the start.


Wonder what the most popular GT ever was? I don't. Because it was GT3. A game where you didn't have to grind for anything. You had a huge selection of cars readily accessible in Arcade Mode, and in Simulation Mode, you didn't have to grind for anything. There were expensive cars, but you could win them in races instead of grinding for cash. You could still grind for cash if you wanted to, but it was mostly pointless fun for those of us collecting unique colors.

A lot of players still miss the Roulette-style prize cars. :D

Best selling GT ever. Most beloved GT ever (though every GT after it had a better, more realistic driving model), Gave something to everyone. And nobody ever felt shortchanged because other people could race anything they wanted in Arcade Mode. Nobody.


A lot of people are too fixated on the virtual "status symbol" culture created by MMORPGs. Let's face it... a racing game isn't an MMORPG. The online portion of a racing game is basically a shooter. You go out and frag other players. That's all there is, to it.

Trophies? Unique cars? Meaningless. All that matters in an online race is who's quick and who's dead... errh... last.


As I said some twenty pages ago: I'd rather go into an online room a nobody with no Trophies and a common car and win than go in with a 100% Trophy tag over my name with a unique and lose.

Again though, nobody is asking for an instant win. They're just asking for access to the cars so they can go out and bloody race online.

I agree with the GT3 bit. I missed that style.

However with GT3 as you progressed in Arcade you won more cars right?
I agree with the GT3 bit. I missed that style.

However with GT3 as you progressed in Arcade you won more cars right?

No "progress" at all. You just had to win races on all the tracks to unlock groups of cars.

No ladder. No progression. No nuthin'.

I know people who didn't play anything but Arcade... and people who didn't play Arcade at all.
All cars available at the start? defiantly no, They'll never do it. And that's a good thing.
why a good thing???
Having to grind to unlock something i already payed is not good...
It'like being forced to listen ten times the first song of a CD before being able to listen the Second...
@Riblo72 You know why it is a good thing, because you have earn that car in the game, and having all cars available at the start is ridicules and it makes the game easy.
@Riblo72 You know why it is a good thing, because you have earn that car in the game, and having all cars available at the start is ridicules and it makes the game easy.

You can say it a million times, it still won't make it true.

And you have yet to show why having all cars available at the beginning makes a game "easier."
I agree with niky...
I own Assetto Corsa and there you have access to all cars...
It is more challenging than GT6 cause the IA is Smart...
And the game has a career mode Too where you drive championships with more and more bigger cars without the need to but them...
Cause let's face it, a pilot doesn't buy the cars he drives on the circuit, he uses the car the Racing team owns...
You can say it a million times, it still won't make it true.

And you have yet to show why having all cars available at the beginning makes a game "easier."
The money glitch made it a lot easy for players to get their cars they want, which means this will make the game very easy for them, and there is no challenge in that is there, and having all cars available at the start is still ridicules because they are lazy and they do not want a good challenge playing the game. @Riblo72 this is not Assetto Corsa this is Gran Turismo way of earning cars so you just have to learn to live with it.
The money glitch made it a lot easy for players to get their cars they want, which means this will make the game very easy for them, and there is no challenge in that is there, and having all cars available at the start is still ridicules because they are lazy and they do not want a good challenge playing the game. @Riblo72 this is not Assetto Corsa this is Gran Turismo way of earning cars so you just have to learn to live with it.

There is no challenge because the money glitch finishes the races for you? You can make circular arguments all you like, but in the end, you have to answer the one simple question: Does having all the cars mean you don't have to race to finish the game?


Correction: This is the Gran Turismo 6 way of opening up cars. This isn't the Gran Turismo 3 way, or the GT Concept way, or the GT Prologue way, or...
Uuuuhhh....That's not really up to you is it? It's up to the person saying it would be less fun for them

Well, except having all the cars at start doesn't mean you can't play the old way. If I was some crazy person that needed to control how other people played and demanded that the only way to play the game was with all cars unlocked, you'd be right. I think it's fair to say I've been a lot more reasonable than that.

If you could access all cars from the beginning, it's not going to be a problem for anyone.

...I agree with him. It would kind of spoil it if you could just choose to have everything unlocked at the start of the game. Think of it in terms of trophies.
I'm still waiting for the option to delete my trophies if I'm honest. They don't serve any purpose and I've never once actually wanted to see mine or anyone else's. I'm very glad that some number of updates ago you were able to turn off the cut scene spoiling trophy sound. It's been off ever since.

What if, at the beginning of every game, it gave you a choice. Play the game normally, or, have every trophy unlocked from the start. What does that do to trophies?
This isn't much of a comparison. Trophies are given when you reach a goal. There's no point to having them available at start.

On the other hand, cars are content. They don't exist just to be unlocked or achieved. If you have the option to play with unlocks or just have all content available, it doesn't spoil anything. The player just needs to decide how to play.

What happens to the people who enjoy the challenge and accomplishment of collecting trophies?
They get to still have the challenge and accomplishment of collecting trophies. Even if they were all accessible with a button press, that doesn't force you to press the button. What changes is you can't brag about them, but then that's not true either because when every trophy has the same unlock time down to the second that's kind of a red flag. You'd be able to tell who pressed the button and who didn't.

As for the cars situation in GT, earning cars add no challenge anyway. Not to mention as has been said, GT Mode can remain exactly as it is while all cars become available. It's a win-win for everyone.

Unlockable content serves as an incentive to play and to progress through the game.
One that in my opinion, only ultra terrible games need. A good games gives you incentive to play by being fun.

If you take that away (and make no mistake, having the option to circumvent it, is taking it away)
No it isn't, because it's still right there for anyone who wants to bother with credits.

It greatly shortens the life of the game.
I don't know about you, but if I know that 100% of my play time will actually be enjoyable, I'll be playing longer. The people who will only stick around as long as their is a prize to win will come and go as usual. They'll still have GT Mode, and once they've done everything I guess they will drop the game and go somewhere else.

The money glitch made it a lot easy for players to get their cars they want, which means this will make the game very easy for them, and there is no challenge in that is there, and having all cars available at the start is still ridicules because they are lazy and they do not want a good challenge playing the game. @Riblo72 this is not Assetto Corsa this is Gran Turismo way of earning cars so you just have to learn to live with it.

Go load up a save with most of the cars unlocked, then go race online and try to match your offline win rate. Then maybe we can talk challenge. If you don't want to do that, go take your big garage and race only use cars competitive to the AI.
Exorcet you nailed it...
The real Challenge in a driving game is to win the races, not to repeat endlessly Like the Wind on SSX to get 140k credits each 4 minutes to buy the 20 millions Ferrari you would like to own....
I am not saying that a career mode that let you unlock/buy the cars is wrong, but the way this is handled in GT6 is totally out of mind and totally boring...
Maybe having all the cars unlocked is not fun For someone, but having to boringly grind Money on SSX (where you need a car that reaches 400km/h and you automatically win all the time in 4 minutes) to but the cars is the most boring and less funny implementation of a career mode ever... I hate that race but i still do it 10 Times per week to have the Money to but that 7.5 millions Ferrari...
I wasn't Able to exploit the VGT Money glitch but if i was Able i would have get all the cars cause what i want from a Racing game is to drive and race and not to spend all my time on a single track cause it's the one who gives you more Money per minute of play...
My Brother hated so much that SSX gringding that he left GT6 to gather dust and he started to play Skyrim again...
Probably if he had all the cara available he would race everyday on a different track everyday For the sake of what a driving game should be... DRIVING NOT GRINDING...

GT IS NOT WoW...!!! Period...
I'm still at a loss to figure out why the word "easy" is even being brought up at all. The hardest part about amassing huge amounts of money in GT4 and GT5 was figuring out what TV show you wanted to watch after you gave Bob the fastest car you could use for the quickest paying event. Literally no effort was required in terms of player interaction that couldn't be done with a TV remote. In GT6 I don't even have to do that much, since I could just whip out my credit card and accomplish the same thing. Both of those options are perfectly legitimate ways implemented by PD to completely bypass any difficulty the game might have had in attaining cars, so what fantasy world is this where difficulty is the problem in question? It has nothing to do with race difficulty, so what could he even be referring to?
In arcade mode, yes. GT Mode, hell no! The point of GT is to race and earn and buy the cars you dream of owning, and maybe the car you do own in real life. If GT7 had all cars from the start, there is no incentive to play the game then is there? If you had everything, whats the point in playing. Thats like starting GTAV with $50,000,000, all the guns and all the cars. It's stupid. Yes, Project CARS has everything at the start, but that is because that is what PCARS is, GT is about doing championships, winning cars & credits, and then spending those credits on pretty much any car you like. Arcade Mode can have all 1300 or so cars at the start, but GT Mode should have a 10-20K starting cash and having to buy a small hatchback to start off and build up your car collection.
You can say it a million times, it still won't make it true.

And you have yet to show why having all cars available at the beginning makes a game "easier."

The money glitch made it a lot easy for players to get their cars they want, which means this will make the game very easy for them, and there is no challenge in that is there, and having all cars available at the start is still ridicules because they are lazy and they do not want a good challenge playing the game. @Riblo72 this is not Assetto Corsa this is Gran Turismo way of earning cars so you just have to learn to live with it.
Told he can say it a million times and it still won't be the ante to 1,000,001...and counting. A classic. You are nothing if not consistent hall...:lol:

In arcade mode, yes. GT Mode, hell no! The point of GT is to race and earn and buy the cars you dream of owning, and maybe the car you do own in real life. If GT7 had all cars from the start, there is no incentive to play the game then is there? If you had everything, whats the point in playing. Thats like starting GTAV with $50,000,000, all the guns and all the cars. It's stupid. Yes, Project CARS has everything at the start, but that is because that is what PCARS is, GT is about doing championships, winning cars & credits, and then spending those credits on pretty much any car you like. Arcade Mode can have all 1300 or so cars at the start, but GT Mode should have a 10-20K starting cash and having to buy a small hatchback to start off and build up your car collection.
Of course the GT Classic Career Mode should stay, it's an integral part of the series and to my knowledge, no one here has suggested doing away with it so it's a non-issue.

But I'd also like to see another kind of career in GT, perhaps a Pro Career as @Tenacious D has often suggested, but have it modeled like a real professional driving career. You start off in a kart that your Dad buys you or maybe in a beater like in traditional GT style. You race some events, Club events essentially, and you need to gain enough experience or show enough potential, to get offered an entry level racing contract in say a Spec Miata series, or any of the lower powered racing cars. No need to buy the car or own the car, you are doing this for the joy and challenge of racing. From there it can branch out in many directions. Gain enough experience and you get offered more contracts. You can get offered rides to drive classic cars in spot races. You can get an offer to drive at LeMans in a car relevant to your experience level, or the 24 hours of Daytona or Nurburgring (adjustable length of course). Goodwood, Tsukuba Time Attack, Time Attack anywhere, drifting demonstrations, sponsor days and a whole ton of things could be offered to you along the way to enhance the variety and challenge level.

Work your way up through various Touring Car series, graduate to GT500 or Lemans or branch into Open Wheel racing. To me this would be the most engaging type of career that would interest me. Introduce the idea of friend's avatars as your opponents assuming they've run the same races and it's a whole different world of possibilities. At the same time I can always choose to have all cars available for online racing at any time so I can both race offline and online, and not be hampered by having to continually run offline to support my online habit.

See what I did there? Everybody wins!
No, all cars shouldn't be available from the start since it would make the game less fun, less challenging, less reason to race for, and less real
I got Grid Autosport a couple of days ago.
There's a career mode but there's also a custom cup mode where all the tracks & cars are available from the start. Obviously I went straight to custom cup, spent several hours in that mode driving a variety of cars at different tracks. I did play a few career events yesterday but I can affirm with no doubt that going straight to the stuff that interests me in custom cup was fun, challenging (unlike in GT6 offline in GAS AI difficulty can be adjusted and there's mechanical damage), realistic (there's practice, qualifying, standing starts, balanced grid), and the fact that I had access to all cars & tracks from the start actually gave me a lot of reasons to keep playing.

Think of it in terms of trophies.
Not everybody cares about trophies, achievements, or 100% completion.
Having a platinum trophy or 100% completion doesn't necessarily mean one is actually good at the game.
The money glitch made it a lot easy for players to get their cars they want, which means this will make the game very easy for them, and there is no challenge in that is there, and having all cars available at the start is still ridicules because they are lazy and they do not want a good challenge playing the game. @Riblo72 this is not Assetto Corsa this is Gran Turismo way of earning cars so you just have to learn to live with it.

I bought the 15th Anniv. Edition. So I guess I was too lazy to buy those cars after I bought the Fit. Hell No!
I bought the GT Signature Edition. So I guess I was too lazy to buy those after I bought.. oh, wait. I didnt buy anything my first race, because I used my Stealth Cars. Guess I cheated my way through the game and didnt do things the hard way, by earning them with the cars PD provided me, via special content. Hell No!

Know whats weird about the start of GT6? It begins like NFS Shift. You get put in a car at Brands Hatch to learn the physics. That's it. I thought GT6 was going to be more challenging than past GTs. Just because of the way GT6 started. From there, we are given a choice of cars, as long as it's a Honda Fit '10! Wait, my first experience in a new game and I get to learn driving one of the hottest hatchbacks out today(The Renault Clio R.S.)?! Plus, I get to practice over and over before to accustomed to the physics and controls. Which leads to, Why can't I buy an AE86 or Mazda Demio or Honda Beat or Nissan Pao? I cant, because all the cars are locked, bar 1. And why cant I have that Clio to bgin with, as Ive grown accustomed to its handling?

So, either PD need to stop trying to make money by offering special cars pre-order(they wind up in the next game anyway) and/or the bonus' should not be offered. This will force people to do it the old way and learn to earn.

As a long time player, I see no harm in options. Its like dialing a number on your phone one digit at a time, touching 'Home' on your phone or saying 'Home' on your phone. You dial by numbers on yours. I press 'Home' and call. Done.

@Johnnypenso I'm careful not to take his word as gold. The findings you mentiomed, are telling in how PD change GT by how we play.
Told he can say it a million times and it still won't be the ante to 1,000,001...and counting. A classic. You are nothing if not consistent hall...:lol:

Of course the GT Classic Career Mode should stay, it's an integral part of the series and to my knowledge, no one here has suggested doing away with it so it's a non-issue.

But I'd also like to see another kind of career in GT, perhaps a Pro Career as @Tenacious D has often suggested, but have it modeled like a real professional driving career. You start off in a kart that your Dad buys you or maybe in a beater like in traditional GT style. You race some events, Club events essentially, and you need to gain enough experience or show enough potential, to get offered an entry level racing contract in say a Spec Miata series, or any of the lower powered racing cars. No need to buy the car or own the car, you are doing this for the joy and challenge of racing. From there it can branch out in many directions. Gain enough experience and you get offered more contracts. You can get offered rides to drive classic cars in spot races. You can get an offer to drive at LeMans in a car relevant to your experience level, or the 24 hours of Daytona or Nurburgring (adjustable length of course). Goodwood, Tsukuba Time Attack, Time Attack anywhere, drifting demonstrations, sponsor days and a whole ton of things could be offered to you along the way to enhance the variety and challenge level.

Work your way up through various Touring Car series, graduate to GT500 or Lemans or branch into Open Wheel racing. To me this would be the most engaging type of career that would interest me. Introduce the idea of friend's avatars as your opponents assuming they've run the same races and it's a whole different world of possibilities. At the same time I can always choose to have all cars available for online racing at any time so I can both race offline and online, and not be hampered by having to continually run offline to support my online habit.

See what I did there? Everybody wins!
Now you want to choose to have all cars available for online racing, how much easier do you want this to get Johnny, and Johnny this is the Gran Turismo way of earning credits to buy cars and stuff, you just have to learn to live with that or don't play the game at all. You just want all cars available to make the game a lot easy for yourself and that is not a challenge and you know that.
Now you want to choose to have all cars available for online racing, how much easier do you want this to get Johnny, and Johnny this is the Gran Turismo way of earning credits to buy cars and stuff, you just have to learn to live with that or don't play the game at all. You just want all cars available to make the game a lot easy for yourself and that is not a challenge and you know that.
Come to race online hall90... people like Johnny will make you bite the dust cause you are racing only grinding on like the wind to buy new cars :P
However it's useless you repeat like a litany that thing that GT will never change... The career and arcade mode in GT before GT5 was a lot different and there is differencies too between GT5 and GT6... period...
You just want all cars available to make the game a lot easy for yourself and that is not a challenge and you know that.
You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

Try something for me. Start the B-Spec Dream Car Championship in GT5 with the X1. For extra "difficulty", you can use the X1 that PD gave everyone simply for owning the game before the end of the 2011 F1 season. You can even use a level one driver. Then go and read a couple chapters in a novel, watch half an episode of Spongebob, start a delicious batch of cookies. Whatever.

Get back to me if you somehow manage to lose that first race that you weren't paying any attention to with the car that was given to you for nothing and the driver who you only had to push the X button twice to create. Then you can actually comment on whether the issue at hand is "difficulty"
Now you want to choose to have all cars available for online racing, how much easier do you want this to get Johnny, and Johnny this is the Gran Turismo way of earning credits to buy cars and stuff, you just have to learn to live with that or don't play the game at all. You just want all cars available to make the game a lot easy for yourself and that is not a challenge and you know that.
Why are you so keen on dictating how other people should play and enjoy their game?
Come to race online hall90... people like Johnny will make you bite the dust cause you are racing only grinding on like the wind to buy new cars :P
It would be interesting to have people who posted in this thread play each other online, 2 teams of 8 players, grinders vs racers.
Come to race online hall90... people like Johnny will make you bite the dust cause you are racing only grinding on like the wind to buy new cars :P
However it's useless you repeat like a litany that thing that GT will never change... The career and arcade mode in GT before GT5 was a lot different and there is differencies too between GT5 and GT6... period...
Having all cars available at the start without earning them will just make the game a lot easier for players to win races online as well, and how easy do you want the game to be.
Having all cars available at the start without earning them will just make the game a lot easier for players to win races online as well,
So, you're saying that if instead of using the Peugeot 908 HDi that I bought with my "hard earned" credits I use the Peugeot 908 HDi that's available from the start in arcade mode and as a online courtesy car it will be easy for me to win online races?
Wow, I didn't know that, thanks for the tip! I guess that might be a very good reason for everybody to stop grinding and simply use the cars that are available as courtesy cars.
Funny. I finished GT3 and GT4 to watch the ending movie. Not to have a trophy to show other people online.

Even funnier, no one is asking for a Certificate that they've finished the game. They're just wondering if it wouldn't be better if all the cars were available at the start.


Wonder what the most popular GT ever was? I don't. Because it was GT3. A game where you didn't have to grind for anything. You had a huge selection of cars readily accessible in Arcade Mode, and in Simulation Mode, you didn't have to grind for anything. There were expensive cars, but you could win them in races instead of grinding for cash. You could still grind for cash if you wanted to, but it was mostly pointless fun for those of us collecting unique colors.

A lot of players still miss the Roulette-style prize cars. :D

Best selling GT ever. Most beloved GT ever (though every GT after it had a better, more realistic driving model), Gave something to everyone. And nobody ever felt shortchanged because other people could race anything they wanted in Arcade Mode. Nobody.


A lot of people are too fixated on the virtual "status symbol" culture created by MMORPGs. Let's face it... a racing game isn't an MMORPG. The online portion of a racing game is basically a shooter. You go out and frag other players. That's all there is, to it.

Trophies? Unique cars? Meaningless. All that matters in an online race is who's quick and who's dead... errh... last.


As I said some twenty pages ago: I'd rather go into an online room a nobody with no Trophies and a common car and win than go in with a 100% Trophy tag over my name with a unique and lose.

Again though, nobody is asking for an instant win. They're just asking for access to the cars so they can go out and bloody race online.

Then...why doesn't GT7 work like GT3? Have a large portion of the cars available in arcade mode, then make them easier to unlock in GT mode. Done. Seems like a much better alternative then implementing a policy that nearly 2/3rds of the fanbase doesn't want.

There are those that seem convinced that the only two options are to have everything unlocked, or to keep things the way they are in GT6. Which just isn't the case. GT has enough cars to throw them at players for everything without leaving nothing left worthy buying. That'll be more true than ever when GT7 launches.