Let me try and clear this up, for everybody's sake. Make sure to correct me if I'm misrepresenting anyone, or any ideas.
You, and others on here are saying. That PD should give the option to have access to all of the cars, tuning, ect. without the need for any in game credits so that people can skip right to playing online without needing to go through A-spec.
The argument is that it is a win-win because PD will be adding a simple option that will allow more people to play the way the want without having any adverse effects on the rest of the game.
Once again, make sure to correct me if I've made any mistakes or if I've missed something.
The counter argument, at least from my perspective, is that there will be adverse effects to other areas of the game. Namely, A-spec mode itself.
So the debate at this point should really be about whether adding the option to skip the in game economy will have adverse effects on the rest of the game.