Make all cars available from the start?

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Make all cars available from the start?

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log in bonus

...You gotta admit, not everyone can play five consecutive days for this "benefit". I certainly can't. Log-in bonus system is flawed, actually. But that's a discussion for another day, I suppose.
Hundreds of hours? An hour of seasonal races with log in bonus could earn you enough money to buy most of the cars in the game in one go. Admittedly I stopped playing GT6 last year but I doubt the rewards have gone down much since then.

That just isn't true. The seasonals never paid very well, and took far too long to earn that much. The quickest way I made money when I played GT6 was grinding the Red Bull standard series with 200% login bonus, which got me way more than when I did the seasonals, and I still only had about 500 cars after literally hundreds of hours of playing.

Note that no-one is going to buy a game to exclusively grind boring chase the rabbit races for cash, so you have to factor that into the play time. There are over 1200 cars in the game, the cheapest of which will set you back over $250,000 if you want it fully upgraded, and a bunch of them are 10 - 20 million each, not to mention the hordes of 1 - 6 mil race cars. They are priced ridiculously high. If you actually want to drive the cars after you buy them, you'll spend the next year only playing gt. I played GT6 for over a year, a couple of hours most days, and I would be willing to bet that I spent more than twice as long grinding as I did getting 100% on career, playing for fun, and online racing combined.

As I said, that model belongs in the '90's. It's been done too many times before to be even remotely fun again. If the cars must be locked in some way to make some people feel like they've "earned" them, maybe allow all cars available in all modes except career.
In response to the above statement:
1. Most cars cost less than 500k.
2. Most race cars are 1-2 million.
Unless you covet, say 1960's Ferrari's, you can get most cars for under 6 million (they changed the prices in a DLC to make it a LOT cheaper and now most cars cost 6 million or less.
maybe allow all cars available in all modes except career.
That will not work, because you have to earn them to race in the seasonal events, and if you have not got that car for that event well you have to buy that car in the dealership.
The most money you can make is in the red bull championship which takes what? 20 odd minutes? for 2.5 mil including login bonus? That isn't going to get you every car in the game in an hour...

I know what the cars cost, I own the anniversary edition and spent hundreds of hours playing it. They didn't lower the price much at all in the update. If GT6 hadn't killed my ps3, I could give you specific numbers on how long it would take to earn the money to buy every car and upgrade them. I worked it out something like 8 or 9 months ago, with a friend of mine. It was a ridiculous amount of hours of constant grinding, I remember that. When you factor in some time to at least try your cars, and maybe some photomode or online racing, it quickly adds up to hundreds of hours before you get even remotely close to owning the entire car list. Remember, this is meant to be a driving simulator, not pokemon, so the collecting isn't meant to be the be all and end all of the game.

The worst thing with GT games is there's always a really boring race/series that pays out much better than everything else, so if you want to earn cash quickly, you have to endure hours of painful grinding boring "races" to buy a couple of nice cars. I learned from actually playing GT5 and 6 for a lot of hours that it wasn't really worth my time. I won't want another grind fest like the last few GT games because in 4, 5 and 6 I spent way way longer grinding than I did actually enjoying the game.

It was ok for them to churn out the same stuff over and over when they had no realistic competition on Playstation. But with Project CARS, and soon Assetto Corsa, they will find it very hard to convince me I need another GT. All of my friends are of the same opinion. I guess when we were kids we had enough time for grinding games, but these days it's hard to find enough time to even play all the games I want to, let alone finish them, and much less grind a bore fest like the last few GTs.
Mate, I need you to read the word "most". I understand that a 250GTO is more expensive with that. But you can earn, say a LFA in an hour for example.
That will not work, because you have to earn them to race in the seasonal events, and if you have not got that car for that event well you have to buy that car in the dealership.
Well that'll be part of the career. Seasonal events are like a lame extension to the career, so the entire career if it was another GT style career would be to grind and earn and buy your cars. Everyone else could just play arcade mode and have access to all cars.

Maybe only make it possible to buy upgrades for cars you own in career, so you can drive every car stock in arcade, and tune them where they have tuning options stock (like race cars), but to hot up cars you need to do career and buy them. I don't know, but they need to change the formula some how, or their sales will drop far quicker on PS4 than they did on PS3.
Mate, I need you to read the word "most". I understand that a 250GTO is more expensive with that. But you can earn, say a LFA in an hour for example.

My post was about the statement that an hour of seasonals can earn you enough to buy most cars in the game in one go. An LFA is one car, the statement I responded to in my post you responded to first was about getting most cars in the game in an hour lol.
Make it like Arcade mode in GT4, every car in the whole game is available there, but to drive it online or in events you'll need to buy the car.
Basically add Arcade mode (like in GT4) which has huge list of cars but few which are locked and you had to own it in the Career mode to unlock it in the arcade mode. And For Career, do the usual grinding and stuff...

If GT7 Career mode is like the good o' GT4 "Career" mode then i would definitely will play it.
Getting most cars in the game in an hour is obviously unrealistic. Don't you think it might have been a typo?

This is the statement:
"Hundreds of hours? An hour of seasonal races with log in bonus could earn you enough money to buy most of the cars in the game in one go. Admittedly I stopped playing GT6 last year but I doubt the rewards have gone down much since then."

The way it's written is that he/she believes most of the cars could be bought in one go after an hour of seasonal races. If he/she meant an hour of seasonals is enough to buy most cars in the game one at a time, then it makes no sense, as they'd essentially be agreeing with me, saying it would take hundreds of hours of playing before you had all of the cars.

In any case, my point which was on topic was I think that they should give players access to all of the content from the get go in some form, even if it's arcade mode only, because it feels like a bit of a rip off to have to grind so much for a massive list of cars that you've already done the grind for in previous games over and over. I think it's in their best interest to change the game to more of a racing game. Bring some fun back to the series, because the last time I did the big grind to save up for some of the best cars, I realised playing the game felt more like a job most of the time.
Hundreds of hours? An hour of seasonal races with log in bonus could earn you enough money to buy most of the cars in the game in one go. Admittedly I stopped playing GT6 last year but I doubt the rewards have gone down much since then.
Unless the rewards have gone up exponentially recently, I don't think it's possible to earn most of $0.69Billion in one hour
You are presuming every car has the same average cost to come to the accumulated value.
No, I'm using the total cost of all cars in the game, no assumptions made. Not hard to find, just Google it. Doesn't include upgrades either, which would add a substantial amount to all the road cars, more than $100Million I would guess.
No, I'm using the total cost of all cars in the game, no assumptions made. Not hard to find, just Google it. Doesn't include upgrades either, which would add a substantial amount to all the road cars, more than $100Million I would guess.

What if you deduct for duplicates, which is another 'argument' you run with at times. Then take off all the prize cars. So what would the real cost be?
I seriously doubt PD would allow such a radical change in their game model.

But, I did the money glitch at the beginning and it made my offline play substantially more enjoyable. I know I've had a much better time enjoying the tracks and cars without worrying about needing to win every race. Don't need to overtune cars and run super grip tires. No doubt why I've liked GT6 more than GT5. I can concentrate only on the driving experience.
This is the statement:
"Hundreds of hours? An hour of seasonal races with log in bonus could earn you enough money to buy most of the cars in the game in one go. Admittedly I stopped playing GT6 last year but I doubt the rewards have gone down much since then."

The way it's written is that he/she believes most of the cars could be bought in one go after an hour of seasonal races. If he/she meant an hour of seasonals is enough to buy most cars in the game one at a time, then it makes no sense, as they'd essentially be agreeing with me, saying it would take hundreds of hours of playing before you had all of the cars.

In any case, my point which was on topic was I think that they should give players access to all of the content from the get go in some form, even if it's arcade mode only, because it feels like a bit of a rip off to have to grind so much for a massive list of cars that you've already done the grind for in previous games over and over. I think it's in their best interest to change the game to more of a racing game. Bring some fun back to the series, because the last time I did the big grind to save up for some of the best cars, I realised playing the game felt more like a job most of the time.
In GT7 you have to earn that content before you can do any event, having all the content from the start of a game without earning them is wrong way to go.
No, I'm using the total cost of all cars in the game, no assumptions made. Not hard to find, just Google it. Doesn't include upgrades either, which would add a substantial amount to all the road cars, more than $100Million I would guess.

No, you missed the point, you can't simply divide the total value by the number of cars present (even including the duplicates), that would give you an average value artificially inflated by the few top priced cars. You could buy a lot of the 10,000-30,000 cars for just the cost of the 20,000,000cr classics.

This is the statement:
"Hundreds of hours? An hour of seasonal races with log in bonus could earn you enough money to buy most of the cars in the game in one go. Admittedly I stopped playing GT6 last year but I doubt the rewards have gone down much since then."

The way it's written is that he/she believes most of the cars could be bought in one go after an hour of seasonal races. If he/she meant an hour of seasonals is enough to buy most cars in the game one at a time, then it makes no sense, as they'd essentially be agreeing with me, saying it would take hundreds of hours of playing before you had all of the cars.


That's a very wrong interpretation. A seasonal grind with log in bonus used to be able (as I said I haven't played this year) to earn you 6 million or so and with most of GT's car field being low priced road cars you could earn enough to buy a lot of them in one go, you wouldn't do an hour of seasonal to buy just one car and I don't know why you would think that was implied.
Collecting cars is "something to do", so in that sense I don't mind it. Given the sheer number of cars in the game, it can make you discover a ton and try them out. Most cars are dirt cheap these days anyway.

My preferred model would be to have a decent selection available from the start, and the capacity to make bundled purchases. To have to see that short cutscene of the car you bought is excessively time-consuming over 1000+ purchases. Just let me check a box to select everything I want, dang it.
That's a very wrong interpretation. A seasonal grind with log in bonus used to be able (as I said I haven't played this year) to earn you 6 million or so and with most of GT's car field being low priced road cars you could earn enough to buy a lot of them in one go, you wouldn't do an hour of seasonal to buy just one car and I don't know why you would think that was implied.

That's not what I thought was implied at all. What I thought was implied was exactly what I responded to in my post that quoted that. I said that was the only other way that sentence could be interpreted, which I thought was unlikely since it would have been massively contradictory for one. lol.

You can get about 6 mill from an hour of grinding the red bull championship too, which is more or less what I already said. But the statement I responded to was that you could buy "most of the cars in the game in one go" with that amount, which, even if you work from cheapest up, you're not going to buy more than 600 cars (more than half to be considered "most of") with 6 mill. :rolleyes:

In GT7 you have to earn that content before you can do any event, having all the content from the start of a game without earning them is wrong way to go.

So you're suggesting they do the same type of start with a demio and work your way up approach they've been using since the '90's for career mode? Count me out then 👎
The old system where you start with a slow car and grind your way to the top is ideal for me in Simulation Mode, with all cars being available in Arcade Mode (unlike how in GT4 only 200ish were available unless they were in your Simulation garage).
So you're suggesting they do the same type of start with a demio and work your way up approach they've been using since the '90's for career mode? Count me out then 👎
Yes, because it becomes a challenge that way, and having all the content at the start of a game and there is no challenge what so ever in a game.
Yes, because it becomes a challenge that way, and having all the content at the start of a game and there is no challenge what so ever in a game.
Just how challenging was that money glitch for GT6?
I have not got a lot of time to play GT6 that's why I [@hall90] did the money glitch to make it a bit easy.
Yes, because it becomes a challenge that way, and having all the content at the start of a game and there is no challenge what so ever in a game.

No. Sorry, but no. GT games are absolutely not challenging. Forcing players to grind low payout events over and over to buy high priced cars is a weak way of giving the illusion of a challenge. I had achieved 100% in GT6 within a week of it coming out, without even playing it much. Every race is a guaranteed win, due to the AI being nothing more than sunday drivers. Even all of the licences and time trial type events are made so easy to achieve gold that it poses absolutely no challenge.

All content is available from the get go in Project CARS, yet that game manages to provide ample challenge. GT starts you half a lap behind the leader in a 3 lap race, and still manages to make it easy enough to win by half a lap.

The fps equivalent would be one game being genuinely hard to survive through, and another being an insanely easy shooting gallery that you have to shoot identical targets over and over for hours on end to unlock guns to use in game modes you've already finished.
No. Sorry, but no. GT games are absolutely not challenging. Forcing players to grind low payout events over and over to buy high priced cars is a weak way of giving the illusion of a challenge. I had achieved 100% in GT6 within a week of it coming out, without even playing it much. Every race is a guaranteed win, due to the AI being nothing more than sunday drivers. Even all of the licences and time trial type events are made so easy to achieve gold that it poses absolutely no challenge.

All content is available from the get go in Project CARS, yet that game manages to provide ample challenge. GT starts you half a lap behind the leader in a 3 lap race, and still manages to make it easy enough to win by half a lap.

The fps equivalent would be one game being genuinely hard to survive through, and another being an insanely easy shooting gallery that you have to shoot identical targets over and over for hours on end to unlock guns to use in game modes you've already finished.

Project CARS Vs GT6? right, a real fair comparison of two totally different style of car games, from two totally different era of consoles. right ok that seems a valid argument :rolleyes:
Project CARS Vs GT6? right, a real fair comparison of two totally different style of car games, from two totally different era of consoles. right ok that seems a valid argument :rolleyes:
He's comparing the challenge in each game which has nothing to do with the gen of the console and everything to do with game design.

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