Manufacturer Team Championship! Season 2 is coming! See last page!

  • Thread starter EivlEvo

How many events would you like from this series? What Day/Time is best?

  • 1

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • 4

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • 5

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • 6

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • 7

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • 8

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • 9

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • 10

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • I could give a rats...

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Weeknights GMT

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Saturday Morning GMT

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Saturday Afternoon GMT

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Saturday Evening GMT

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Saturday Night GMT

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • Sunday Morning GMT

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Sunday Afternoon GMT

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Sunday Evening GMT

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • Sunday Night GMT

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Also do not care...

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters
Any manufacturer that has been previously used by anyone is not available to anyone. Honda could not use Nissan or Ford or Honda.

I thought thats what was meant I just wanted to clarify.
I know who I'll want then :) Just got to get someone to join me as its a slightly strange Manufacturer to want.

15mins till Lobby?
Also I think my team mate has decided to quit this series. He hasn't posted here in a few weeks.
I guess its too late to ask for a sub but next week I may need one. Just saying.
I currently don't know the track very well, last time I ran it was a GT5:P WRS in a Viper so yeah..
I'm happy being in the 40's as I know that during the race I'll be able to drop that by a second or 2 easily.
If I can have a clean race with you Subaru's I'll be very happy :P
Not even trying for the win as Audi should be using the R10.

the R10 cant make it in unless the power limiter is used
evo are you watching the replay

Topban... I've already spoken with Mitch. I'll be watching the replay later tonight or tomorrow, and I'll have the race 6 thing sorted out ASAP. I need you to PM me any details you'd like heard, and as I've said to him that will be where it stops. If either of you choose to continue fueding into the last race then you'll both be permanently removed from the series, and all future events. I'd prefer not to do that, as both of you are fine racers. So PM me your version, I'll handle it as I see fit, and let it end there.


i dont consider that an apology, but if u insist on getting 1..

Dear: Topban82

topban. im extremely sorry about what happened during race 5. i lost my patience earlier then i should have and turned slightly dirty while driving against you, and while we both commited offences, I would like to take the brunt of it.
:P lol
well i will have a apology of being ahead of you because you did ruin my race so if you do i will rest my case ok
no? not okay? lol, im done fighting, we will let evo take care of it from here, it was an accident that turned into a fight. end it.
I didn't do anything so there

ok, come on dude, your sounding childish.. u were a lapped car, driving really close to me, and along with that, causing damage, on me, i had a right to be a little angry at the time.. im done talking about it now, all I am going to come to this thread to see now, is race 6 info, not u whining about where u finished
Can anyone fill me in? From my point of view 5 racers were in the race, Evo, Jesse, DC9990, Hartwell and me. Obviously DC9990 could see topban and mitchman , judging frome the texts, but i could not. I am watching the replay they are nowhere to be found. I finished third place from my point of view. Has anyone seen me race or not? This must be the weirdest glitch ever.
Can anyone fill me in? From my point of view 5 racers were in the race, Evo, Jesse, DC9990, Hartwell and me. Obviously DC9990 could see topban and mitchman , judging frome the texts, but i could not. I am watching the replay they are nowhere to be found. I finished third place from my point of view. Has anyone seen me race or not? This must be the weirdest glitch ever.

My replay also said there was 5 runners but 7 were shown.
I noticed in the replay some cars were very twitchy & not as smooth as others.

Jesse won, hartwell came 2nd but car was technically illegal, you were 3rd, Mitch came 4th, topban came 5th, I gave up & dropped to 6th, Evo thought it was somesort of rally & was intent on killing his beautiful gt40 in 7th he gave up before me. We sat at trackside chatting for the last 6laps lol
Jesse won, hartwell came 2nd but car was technically illegal, you were 3rd, Mitch came 4th, topban came 5th, I gave up & dropped to 6th, Evo thought it was somesort of rally & was intent on killing his beautiful gt40 in 7th he gave up before me. We sat at trackside chatting for the last 6laps lol

I saw that! You had those special seats at the back of the pits. I was going to join you for moment, have a smoke, especially when heartwell overtook me, but then I realised that there maybe I had invisible competitors (topban and mitch). Funny thing is that during the race i could not see them, neither their name appeared on board, nor can they be found in my replay. What a glitch!

On the first lap I clipped the grass and spun the car HARD into the wall. It was SO badly damaged that it was pitching about on the left rear and front right wheels only, so I put it onto the grass because the uneven surface helped me keep some sort of speed. I pitted (4:11 first lap) came out of the pits and promptly drove into the wall. I use a controller, so there's not an easy way to drive with damage so I pitted again. Ran a clean lap (albeit conservative) and was rear ended by someone braking late shortly after the pits and again found myself wrong way round. Pitted again and while driving out of the pits, clipped the damn grass and took right front damage. Then I pulled over and sat there.

This is what happens when you're "old" and have a "job" that leaves you no time to prepare a car or practice the track until 2hrs before race time. lol... it was fun though...
Next orders of business...

1. Topban, Mitch, anyone else feeling like they want to get involved. Its GT5. I understand that frustrations have run high... Mitch I spoke with you via bluetooth and I have your side of the story. I asked you to let it go, and it needs to stop here or you'll be removed from the series permanently. Topban... the same goes for you. I asked you to PM me your version of what happened, and I haven't received it yet, but I see you've been having it out in public on here. I'm not your fathers, and I don't want to be... if either of you WANT to apologize, then do so, but leave it at that. Topban, get me your side of the story so I can get the results posted with the proper relegations.

For the record... I'm not mad. I don't even really care, but lets not let this boil over into ruining the experience for yourselves or others. :)

2. I have no idea what was going on with the replays or the races? Sometimes people are there, other times they aren't. I believe I have everyone placed... and when I post it, I'd urge you to check it out.

3. Myself and Lance have decided that we WILL be running a second season. There will be some changes, no one can call "dibs" on any teams yet, and you ALL will be notified at the same time and in detail with what to do should you choose to return for the second season. Be aware though that there will be a break between the 2 seasons. At least one week, but perhaps more. Certainly not too long (it will largely depend on how many seats need to be filled again), and you'll all get first shot at keeping your seat in the series before it opens up to others. We're also toying with the idea of running it at a different time/day (which I know is going to throw a wrench into the mix) but we'll work with that in the new thread. We aren't looking for suggestions right now, but I think Saturday is pretty much the worst possible day for the two of us right now... so think about other times during the week or on sunday that may suit you so that you have some input when the time comes.

4. Look for an alternate host for Race 6. If anyone wants to host, please feel free to PM me... if a bunch of people PM and you don't get picked... don't think it's because I hate you or anything its just going to be convenience...
Penalties have been distributed. Points have been totaled. And Results have been posted.

Nice try Evo but you don't get a podium this time, you've forgotten someone..
*cough*ME!*cough* lol
Nice try Evo but you don't get a podium this time, you've forgotten someone..
*cough*ME!*cough* lol

lol! The points were right, but I must've forgot to copy ur name back in. Either way... its taken care of now. :)
lol! The points were right, but I must've forgot to copy ur name back in. Either way... its taken care of now. :)

Mmhmm, I see what you were trying to do there :P lol
On a more serious note though I will need a substitute for the next race.
If you are interested post here or pm me.
If you don't have many Honda's don't worry I seem to have collected a few since starting this so if need be I might be able to send you a suitable car.
Depending on the race rules that is.
I want to end the season on the podium :P (ie get in front of Ford lol)
As of right now, we need a host for the last race. I cannot do it as I'll be out of town on business, and Lance cannot do it because he has a flight. Neither of us can host the following week either... so we're either postponing the race by 2 weeks, or we need someone to host?

PM me if you can help out...
idk, i think having the true hosts be there for the race is a better idea, so, even though i hate to wait, postponing sounds bettter to me anyway
I think I agree with Mitch here, I'd rather wait for 2 weeks & have 7-8 people on the grid instead of this week & have 5 people on the grid.