NSTC Version Mission 34 accomplished and 100% game complete.
Finally!!! After ten days and 54 tries, I could finally passed this mission during my birthday (December 21st) Before passing this mission, I lost in the previous run by 0.084 secs. This winning run wasn't specially a net one (I played a lot in the rough, I lost some time during the second split, ate a lot of grass, and used 3 wallrides), but was the chosen one to win by 0.610 secs. I knew that I deserve to win, because I had better runs the previous days and lost only by 0.2-0.6 secs. If I can I will have a video (in *.wmv mode) ready for you and I'll post it on this site.
Anyway, here are my splits for my best two times, you will see that I ran better the one that a I lost by 0.084 secs.
A close one Time 9'13.165
AI Time 9.13.249
Time Checkpoints
+1'06.618 Pass Car 5 during the Karrousel
+31.074 Pass Car 4 after Mutcurve
+14.638 Pass Car 3 before the long straight
+6.181 Pass Car 2 during the slight curve of the long straight
+0.084 Touch Mercedes SL bumper
Winning Time 9'12.323
AI Time 9'12.933
+1'06.908 Pass Car 5 during the Karroussel
+31.181 Pass Car 4 during the Mutcurve
+14.167 Pass Car 3 before the long straight
+5.806 Pass Car 2 during the long straight
-0.610 Pass Mercedes SL after the last curve and relax for the win.
P.S. Here is my analysis of every checkpoint.
Checkpoint 1: You can afford my time and even better it (+1'48.xxx), if you make two major grass cuts.
Checkpoint 2: you can 8 secs, and not the 7 secs I had. I failed to get into the course just before the straight and ate a lot of grass that cost me speed. You should reallistically aim for the margin +1.40-+1.415 (which I had for most of the previous tries).
Checkpoint 3: I had two mega grass cuts that gave this beautiful gain (+9.5 secs), but it is more reasonable to have a gain of 8-8.5 secs (you are OK if you're in this margin)
Checkpoint 4: A clean and beautiful split, you should aim to gain +13 secs, if you're below the 11 sec gain, practice harder.
Checkpoint 5: I had a big wallride just before this checkpoint, you should aim for 12 sec gain (my 13 sec gain is a bit lucky)
Checkpoint 6: Another beautiful run, this sector is easy and you only have to learn how to break before this checkpoint, you have to aim for 11 secs gain
Checkpoint 7: You can reasonibly gain 15 secs, the 16 secs that I did are very rare, I did a wallride at Karoussel and a little grasscut before this checkpoint.
Checkpoint 8: Try to maintain the car in 3rd gear and brake softly. You will lose some time by trying to pass the 4th car. I had a reasonable gain of 7.7 secs, you should aim for 7.5 - 8 secs.
Checkpoint 9: A very slow and deplorable split, I only gained +5.3 which is bad. In this split I prefer to play safe and slow down to avoid the sand trap and to lose control of my car during this apparently easy split (mostly straight and with curves you can almost pass with the accelerator on. You have to aim for 6-6.5 secs wich you can easily obtain if you pass the sand trap area above 90 mph.
Checkpoint 10: Another beautiful gain, thanks to a much needy but risky wallride. These 11.7 secs changed my run and put me into contention. You reasonably have to aim for 11 secs, which is very good. This checkpoint is the most crucial, because you can know here if you're going to catch up with the leading car. A good run is when you only have a disadvantage below 13.5 secs with the leading car. If you're between 13.6-14.5, you really have to take a risk. A time above 15 secs leaves you virtually out of the win.
Checkpoint 11: The easiest split, if you're behind some car, take advantage of the slipstream to gain valuable tenths of a second. You are OK with a 8.2-8.6 secs gain.
Checkpoint 12: I was trailing by a significant time, but manage to make a bold risk (that risk cost me the race on other runs when I was just trailing by 5.3 secs). In this bold risk, I had a huge grasscut and ate the whole next-to-last curve just to get behind the SL 300 before the last curve. I had a monster gain of 6.4 secs to gain by a comfortable margin and not by the nerve bracking margin of passing the SL meters away from the finish line. You have realistically to consider a gain of 5-5.5 secs and avoid risks that you will regret.
From this analyisis, you can see I had a lot of tremendous gain over some splits, but also significant errors. If you take this into account, you can argue that I would have to won by a margin of 1-2 secs (even by avoiding the last risk of checkpoint 12). I had a lucky run, but I think that my estimates would help you very much.
The most rewarding thing of winning this mission, is that I'm now 100% complet, won two excellent cars simultaneously, the Nissan R92C '89 and the black Formula GT, plus a good price of 50,000 cr.