Mission 34 - Mercedes Mclaren SLR at Nurburgring

  • Thread starter Swift
Hint for Mission 34: take a book to read for the first 2 minutes.

I finally nailed this one the other day. It took 5 hours. Then I launched straight into the S-16 licence, and golded that.

That night I dreamt of the Nurburgring.
NSTC Version Mission 34 accomplished and 100% game complete.

Finally!!! After ten days and 54 tries, I could finally passed this mission during my birthday (December 21st) Before passing this mission, I lost in the previous run by 0.084 secs. This winning run wasn't specially a net one (I played a lot in the rough, I lost some time during the second split, ate a lot of grass, and used 3 wallrides), but was the chosen one to win by 0.610 secs. I knew that I deserve to win, because I had better runs the previous days and lost only by 0.2-0.6 secs. If I can I will have a video (in *.wmv mode) ready for you and I'll post it on this site.

Anyway, here are my splits for my best two times, you will see that I ran better the one that a I lost by 0.084 secs.

A close one Time 9'13.165
AI Time 9.13.249

Time Checkpoints
+1'06.618 Pass Car 5 during the Karrousel
+31.074 Pass Car 4 after Mutcurve
+14.638 Pass Car 3 before the long straight
+6.181 Pass Car 2 during the slight curve of the long straight
+0.084 Touch Mercedes SL bumper

Winning Time 9'12.323
AI Time 9'12.933

+1'06.908 Pass Car 5 during the Karroussel
+31.181 Pass Car 4 during the Mutcurve
+14.167 Pass Car 3 before the long straight
+5.806 Pass Car 2 during the long straight
-0.610 Pass Mercedes SL after the last curve and relax for the win.

P.S. Here is my analysis of every checkpoint.

Checkpoint 1: You can afford my time and even better it (+1'48.xxx), if you make two major grass cuts.

Checkpoint 2: you can 8 secs, and not the 7 secs I had. I failed to get into the course just before the straight and ate a lot of grass that cost me speed. You should reallistically aim for the margin +1.40-+1.415 (which I had for most of the previous tries).

Checkpoint 3: I had two mega grass cuts that gave this beautiful gain (+9.5 secs), but it is more reasonable to have a gain of 8-8.5 secs (you are OK if you're in this margin)

Checkpoint 4: A clean and beautiful split, you should aim to gain +13 secs, if you're below the 11 sec gain, practice harder.

Checkpoint 5: I had a big wallride just before this checkpoint, you should aim for 12 sec gain (my 13 sec gain is a bit lucky)

Checkpoint 6: Another beautiful run, this sector is easy and you only have to learn how to break before this checkpoint, you have to aim for 11 secs gain

Checkpoint 7: You can reasonibly gain 15 secs, the 16 secs that I did are very rare, I did a wallride at Karoussel and a little grasscut before this checkpoint.

Checkpoint 8: Try to maintain the car in 3rd gear and brake softly. You will lose some time by trying to pass the 4th car. I had a reasonable gain of 7.7 secs, you should aim for 7.5 - 8 secs.

Checkpoint 9: A very slow and deplorable split, I only gained +5.3 which is bad. In this split I prefer to play safe and slow down to avoid the sand trap and to lose control of my car during this apparently easy split (mostly straight and with curves you can almost pass with the accelerator on. You have to aim for 6-6.5 secs wich you can easily obtain if you pass the sand trap area above 90 mph.

Checkpoint 10: Another beautiful gain, thanks to a much needy but risky wallride. These 11.7 secs changed my run and put me into contention. You reasonably have to aim for 11 secs, which is very good. This checkpoint is the most crucial, because you can know here if you're going to catch up with the leading car. A good run is when you only have a disadvantage below 13.5 secs with the leading car. If you're between 13.6-14.5, you really have to take a risk. A time above 15 secs leaves you virtually out of the win.

Checkpoint 11: The easiest split, if you're behind some car, take advantage of the slipstream to gain valuable tenths of a second. You are OK with a 8.2-8.6 secs gain.

Checkpoint 12: I was trailing by a significant time, but manage to make a bold risk (that risk cost me the race on other runs when I was just trailing by 5.3 secs). In this bold risk, I had a huge grasscut and ate the whole next-to-last curve just to get behind the SL 300 before the last curve. I had a monster gain of 6.4 secs to gain by a comfortable margin and not by the nerve bracking margin of passing the SL meters away from the finish line. You have realistically to consider a gain of 5-5.5 secs and avoid risks that you will regret.

From this analyisis, you can see I had a lot of tremendous gain over some splits, but also significant errors. If you take this into account, you can argue that I would have to won by a margin of 1-2 secs (even by avoiding the last risk of checkpoint 12). I had a lucky run, but I think that my estimates would help you very much. :)

The most rewarding thing of winning this mission, is that I'm now 100% complet, won two excellent cars simultaneously, the Nissan R92C '89 and the black Formula GT, plus a good price of 50,000 cr.
I will never call this one easy! :yuck: :) I don’t have the splits but her you can see my first sights and the over takings.

I moved some lawns but no wall riding. Good luck and keep practicing. :cheers:

I have to agree with you, this mission is not extremely difficult. What makes this mission difficult is the grueling wait and the fact that you really have to know the car and the track (for the ones that play the 24 hr endurance this ceases to be a problem.)

Due to the instability of the car, you can lose a lot of time in this mission, but do not dispare :dunce: , you can play this course in a lot of ways and there are several places where you can make up for the lost time. This car is fast, accelerates fast and has decent steering.

Mission 11 is the really difficult mission, you can only played this mission in one way. You don't have here the chance of wallrides or grasscuts. You got a slow car that loses a lot of power if you dropped below 50 mph., the car also breaks bad. In this race, you have to very technical and perfectionist.

My conclusion is: Mission 34 is possible after a week or two of practicing, just be patient enough to stand for the 126 minutes gain (in that time you can do a lot of things as it has been said before [make a sandwich, cut the grass, grab a beer, call your mother, watch TV, use the internet, go to the bathroom, etc])

P.S. :dunce: I wonder which mission is more difficult: Mission 11 in the PAL version (the AI car finishes four seconds better)? or Mission 34 in the NTSC version (there is a 11 sec difference?
This was a lot easier than I expected. I am currently at about 70% complete but hadn't tried any of the missions. I completed the first few as they are very easy. On here I noticed mission 34 was getting talked about alot so tonight I gave it a shot. Thankfully I managed to complete it after 3 attempts. The first attempt I was 5 seconds down. The second attempt I got a 5 sec penalty for running into the rear of another car, I just missed out by 0.2 seconds at the finish. The third attempt I was 6 seconds ahead at the finish. I just hope the remaining missions are as easy as this one.
I have the PAL version so maybe that is the reason it was easy.
Yes but you still have to be good on the Ring to beat this mission - so congrats.
Now go try mission 11 :-)
Cheers mate. I've been trying mission 11 all day and failing miserably :grumpy: I'm also having trouble with mission 14 in Seattle. These are the only missions I haven't completed.
Guy Incognito
Cheers mate. I've been trying mission 11 all day and failing miserably :grumpy: I'm also having trouble with mission 14 in Seattle. These are the only missions I haven't completed.

I found those missions pretty easy, Mission 14 especially, won it by over 10 seconds I think.

But Mission 34 I cannot get, I find the course to long, I don't hate it. But to remember it near perfectly in order to do the quick time is a bit beyond my brains capabilities.
And the developers at PD shall die horrible deaths for putting in that dog-danged 2 minute wait.


Agreed! ;) I'm starting to wonder if they mixed up the PAL and NTSC wait times just to piss us Americans off.............
Hi guys,

There are 300 posts here so please understand that it will take a VERY long time to find what I am looking for.

I want to know if anyone has a video of them beating the NTSC M34 Legaly. Please guys I am desparate, there is this guy at our forums being a total w!#%er and I need to shut him up.

He has posted a message which shows you how to beat the time by wall riding the entire mission, so you can unerstand what I am trying to say.

So please any video that he can download and watch on his computer in order to shut the hell up, I will be so greatful.

Veilslide maybe?
I want to know if anyone has a video of them beating the NTSC M34 Legaly. Please guys I am desparate, there is this guy at our forums being a total w!#%er and I need to shut him up.

So please any video that he can download and watch on his computer in order to shut the hell up, I will be so greatful.
Linked in to that above, if there are no videos, does anyone have a Maxdrive/Sharkport NTSC (North American) replay of a clean (at least 2 wheels on road at all times, no wallhits and no AI touches) so that I can get a video made of it?

Veilslide maybe?
Unfortunately, Veilside has retired from GT4. I've PM'd hOt6o4bOi and MinorShunt.
Hi guys,

There are 300 posts here so please understand that it will take a VERY long time to find what I am looking for.

I want to know if anyone has a video of them beating the NTSC M34 Legaly. Please guys I am desparate, there is this guy at our forums being a total w!#%er and I need to shut him up.

He has posted a message which shows you how to beat the time by wall riding the entire mission, so you can unerstand what I am trying to say.

So please any video that he can download and watch on his computer in order to shut the hell up, I will be so greatful.

Veilslide maybe?
Here's an NTSC video run by Mr.pot over on the US board.

My run, although it is PAL, is still fast enough to win on NTSC.

I wish that there was a way to fast forward the waiting time. If there was then i'd improve my time. Even though it's all on track, my run still left plenty of room for improvement.
Mr Potses Vid is pretty clean NTSC & signing on the line , nice .

but holy living christ ! , you slaughtered that mission , 777


Even though it's all on track, my run still left plenty of room for improvement.

has to be taking it .

That's , without , the best I have seen that mission nailed .

You have 5 or so on the 300SL.
Mr Potses Vid is pretty clean NTSC & signing on the line , nice .

but holy living christ ! , you slaughtered that mission , 777


has to be taking it .

That's , without , the best I have seen that mission nailed .

You have 5 or so on the 300SL.

5 or so? You mean the lead at the end? He crosses the line 12.986 seconds behind me. It would really have only been an 11 second lead except that once you cross the line the AI cars soon give up racing for some wierd reason only known to PD.
5 or so? You mean the lead at the end? He crosses the line 12.986 seconds behind me. It would really have only been an 11 second lead except that once you cross the line the AI cars soon give up racing for some wierd reason only known to PD.

Yeah , you omitted the difference from the vid , it was a conservative guess .
It's just nice to hear that people do actually watch my videos. I make them so that people who are having trouble can watch the video and then hopefully they can find where they are going wrong.

If you want to you can check out the rest of my site... Let me know what you think.


The videos are accessed by clicking the word at the top of the screen.
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after at least 30 attempts and endless waiting, I passed this torture of a mission despite blowing the last sector. :) :D :sly: 👍 I had to resort to wallriding and lawnmowing, but that's what PD deserves for making this mission so hard! ;) Now off to complete the rest of the game. :)

Wow, I have to give props to the pd for this one. I've yet to come across a task in a video game as challenging as this one.

I have managed to shave my time from WAAY off down to a handful of seconds off in a few days. And I do have faith, its just a matter of time. I'm now to where I'm passing the 5th place in the karussel, but I'm still unsure on the passing point for 4th. And damn this apple (2005 iBook)... I can't get a replay/movie to play on this cursed machine (might be because I've never seen an .xps or .max save for Daan's replay (at www.davidanderson.???) which beats the pal version by .0xx. <-- Not much help when I'm already beating his time by half a dozen seconds :banghead:

On another note, attempting this mission over and over and over and over has lead me to much experimenting. One of my recent curiousities concerns the use of either the analog stick or the buttons for gas and braking. To those that have passed the mission, or are closer than I, what method did/do you use for the gas and brake? Did you try both ways or are you particular to either and thus confident enough in it to rely on it?

P.s. For those of you still attempting this mission, one thing that has shaved a couple more seconds from my time was putting Bob in a variety of different cars (from 100 hp to 600 hp) and sending him around nurb with the dash camera. I've seen others in this thread mention the use of the license testing however watching from Bob's eyes has helped ME more than watching the pace car.
Although I have managed to shave my time from WAAY off down to a handful of seconds off in a few days. And I do have faith, its just a matter of time. I'm now to where I'm passing the 5th place in the karussel, but I'm still unsure on the passing point for 4th. And damn this apple (2005 iBook)... I can't get a replay/movie to play on this cursed machine (I've never heard of a .xps or .max before but i do know it doesn't play on an apple, lol) save for Daan's replay (at www.davidanderson.org.uk) which beats the pal version by .0xx. <-- Not much help when I'm already beating his time by half a dozen seconds :banghead:
xps and max are the actual replay files and you need a sharkport on a max drive to use them. A video of MinorShunt's lap is being made for me and it'll be up on my website soon.

Yes this can be a frustrating challenge. May I suggest it may be worthwhile to practice for the event without the pressure of the clock and AI. Try running at the nurb in arcade mode. I had not done this mission since last April, but running a few laps in arcade helped work out the feel of the car on track before taking to the actual mission again the other night.

I found that taking the stock arcade SLR, on medium tires, and adding TCS only was a fairly close representation of the way the car handles in the mission. Once you are comfortable lapping @ 7'00.00 to 7'02.00 in arcade, you will be able to handle the mission ok. 👍

As a strategy, try and go as fast as you can up to karrussel before the AI becomes a factor, (pass P5 just before karrussel) and then you will have some spare time available to comfortably pass the other AI in good spots while maintaining control.

Good luck! Just keep at it, and you will succeed! :)
Thank you for the support!

I did practice in the simulation mode and that helped immensly on top of watching Bob's lines. I never thought of using arcade mode... I may resort to that if it takes another day.

When i read your reply, it was after a run where i passed 5th place just before the karussel, (which made going through the karussel 100x easier) and i had 1st place in my vision but right towards the end i knicked the wall for a most incredibly painful 5 second penalty.

But still being positive, i was 2 seconds ahead of the winning splits posted in this thread when i bumped the wall.... so its just a matter of a little luck and some more time.

P.s. One key thing to getting rid of those last 10 seconds: if you are comfortable, you aren't going fast enough. :lol:
Ha!! In Your Face M34!! :lol:

:banghead: lots of practice --> 9:13.1xx vs. 9:13.8xx <-- a little bit of luck 👍

Those who've yet to conquer this monster, have faith in yourself but most importantly have persistance.... 3 days ago I could barely finish the race let alone within 2 minutes of first place. Today I finally beat it but even then there was a good couple seconds left on the track.
I beat M34 :)

I feel kinda bad b/c I rode the Karusell b/c I was a bit behind, but thats the only place I cheated.

Sometime I'll go back and beat it fairly.
I bloody hate this test. The McLaren sucks ass...
This is my 3rd save and I'm finally on the last test.
This one is pain in the ass!
Argh! :irked:

Try 2 : **** you PD!
Try 3 : Why!!!!! Go to hell bloody ****ing car! Sports tires...**** you game!
Try 4 : **** you mother****ing car! Bloody brakes, this mission is so lame! Go to hell PD!

Yay! I took me 5 tries to complete it this time! :dopey: It's a PB! :D
I feel kinda bad b/c I rode the Karusell b/c I was a bit behind, but thats the only place I cheated.

Shame on you Kenny. I thought you had better training than that. :lol:

Good to see you have a pad back in your hands. Stop by and see us in WRS sometime. It would be good to mix it up with you again. 👍
i've finally reached this mission... i found the rest easy... mission 11 possibly the hardest i've done... i'm not even going to bother try this one

anyone living in british columbia would like to do it for me? :)