My Simvibe Testing Situation
Just an update that I hope within the next 2 months to be in a position to begin and conduct my own testing and ready to do full RTA monitoring of Simvibes effects and general settings.
Some will be rather easy to determine others will require much more work. Understanding of the following is desired. (Multi-dimensional / Stereo / Mono based effects) / (Dynamic Tone Adjustment & Dynamic Volume Adjustment regards Small - Big Tone Values) / (What Hz "Textures" typically use and their general operation)
While not posted here. After some research regards the importance of the motion physics data. I believe I now have a better understanding in relation to what may be the...
- Suspension & Road/Surface Based Effects
- Chassis & G Force XYZ Axis (Pitch/Roll/Yaw) Based Effects
Of course testing/evaluation will determine how accurate the current theory and understanding is but the above should be relevant factors. From various users own admission some effects re-creation by tactile may not be individually/properly conveyed, or is potentially restricted/lost on a single tactile units operation with other active effects.
"They feel similar " is often the response and previously discussed here.
The Mono / Stereo Consideration?
If my understanding is right, to describe this would be that possibly "Independent suspension" is MONO based to each of the ALL4 suspension
(eg front left wheel over left kerb). "Chassis" load is "Front-Back" based, operating in STEREO
(eg braking/acceleration) for altering the surge of the car but
also "Left-Right" based operating in STEREO
(eg body roll) of the car. Yet both these axis may also be effected by the physics data regards the vertical load or heave from the vertical Z axis.
So suspension based effects/surfaces could feel similar to forces of when the car chassis is under load and be mistaken to be doing the same thing. Also as highlighted with
@RW65 charts the default settings for each of the separate effects involved being similar, their sensitivity and effect creation controls.
I assume, to be successful in this would first require these effects (if/when properly understood) to have
unique differences in how they are felt over the tactile. Understanding when/how they operate is only part of the process. Their is however plenty of scope within the "Tone Generation" and possible individual intensities to make them feel very different. What is not known without testing is how well it works in real operation but few I feel have really tried to delve into this often opting to turn certain effects off instead.
Just seems so much is unknown about this or between what may be independent suspension based and what are Chassis G Force related across the Vertical/Lateral/Longitudinal Axis. I certainly want to unravel Simvibes potential. So this research is required to better understand their independent operation but also to be realistic and determine which effects are most-least important based on immersion value.
To consider...
- Is it even possible to highlight or separate their own unique operation via tactile?
- What is the potential/best application of effects for a typical user?
- What is the best application or configuration possible?
These will ALL of course be restricted by what each sim offers but that is another interesting factor.
Can anyone discuss if the best "motion" from sims (for track detail/realism) also equates to titles having better/more detail or general performance in Simvibe. This would be appreciated.
What are the top 3 esteemed sims in this regard?