NASCAR (Stock cars, Craftsman trucks, etc.) in GT5?


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Clearly no.

What I want is more Le Mans prototypes, all the IMSA prototypes - GTO and GTU and the Group-C cars which were not included in GT4 etc.

I'll never want anything like NASCAR's, or Craftmans Trucks in the GT series, these vehicles have nothing to do with racing, they look like a brick on wheels, they are heavy like a brick and have aerodynamics of a brick and drive on extremely boring tracks (ovals). Its like watching 300lbs+ people running in the olympics. :yuck:
The game's dead. SimBin have announced another racing sim will see the Xbox 360 instead.
Please don't let PD waste their time modeling these dinosaur technology cars.
I mean those morons JUST realized what air splitters and wings are.
Your ignorance is flat out overwhelming.

Voted no, although i wouldn't have problems with them being in the game, unless that means it replaces another car.

They would make good cars for a destruction derby, but on normal tracks with at least 1 right turn these aren't very competitive versus real GT cars.

Maybe they could make a downloadable nascar pack that includes those cars and tracks, so that you could choose not to have them in the game.
In realistic settings, just as you wouldn't be racing a Nascar against a GT car, the game shouldn't be allowing you to race LeMans cars against JGTC GT500 cars competitively, either.

So, what actual difference would it make if you could?
Well that sucks, hit ctl v instead of c. Killed everything I wrote.

Basically, Mclaren, I can agree to disagree if you can agree that just because I can't prove I'm right doesn't prove you right.

Neither of us have solid proof of our claims (I claim I'm right, you claim I'm wrong)

I'm the one making the claims, but unless you have proof otherwise, the only thing you can prove is that I may be wrong, nothing more.

It just goes back to 50/50, not in favor for me or you. If you can agree to this, I'm done also, this debate sucks.
EA is license holder for all NASCAR and STOCK CAR related merchendise! So even tho if PD would want to put it in the game people would never be able to race the cars of their "red neck" idols. ;)
EA is license holder for all NASCAR and STOCK CAR related merchendise! So even tho if PD would want to put it in the game people would never be able to race the cars of their "red neck" idols. ;)
And as I said before, so was the F1 license. This doesn't stop PD from creating their own stock car.
The title of this poll may be misleading.

Example: I don't want GT to have rally racing. That's not incompatible with the fact that I love rally. I just want it on a separate game.

In this case, I don't care if PD includes stock cars in GT5, as long as 1) it doesn't interfere with other, more relevant developments (like, say, GT cars?) and 2) they don't make me do a stock car series to complete the game.
Well that sucks, hit ctl v instead of c. Killed everything I wrote.

Basically, Mclaren, I can agree to disagree if you can agree that just because I can't prove I'm right doesn't prove you right.

Neither of us have solid proof of our claims (I claim I'm right, you claim I'm wrong)

I'm the one making the claims, but unless you have proof otherwise, the only thing you can prove is that I may be wrong, nothing more.

It just goes back to 50/50, not in favor for me or you. If you can agree to this, I'm done also, this debate sucks.
Sorry, but I'm not going to agree to that. You're sterotyping, and you're the one making the claims.
All I see your post as is just backing out while you still can.

You have zero evidence and the only way you can get yourself off that spotlight is ask me to prove you wrong.

I'm not the one making the claims. You are. Back 'em up & stop stereotyping.
Guys, ya'll need some chill pills.I am a NASCAR fan and a F1 and WRC fan also. They each have their things that I like, WRC is the balls those guys have, F1 is the technology they have on the cars and NASCAR is how something that started out of nothing (rum runners) can become a huge sport and how much fun it is to go to an event. Most of you think it's just go there, sit down, watch ars turn left. Well last race I went to was Ford 400 @ homestead 2007.We got there at about 10:00 in the morning and left at 11:45 at night after a full day of walking around in the fan area, meeting drivers and going in the pits and meeting the pit crew. Can you do that in F1? I doubt it...

And the stereotypes are mostly real, went to pepsi 400 on july and about 85% of people there were rednecks drunk, 2 black guys and me and familly were the only puertoricans in about a 10 mile area. Rest of them were young people.
And as I said before, so was the F1 license. This doesn't stop PD from creating their own stock car.

But as i said before, F1 cars are owned by the manufacturer. So if PD gets ferraris license for the car they can make it. But all NASCAR cars are owned by NASCAR and not the individual teams. And Nascar already gave that license to EA. I did some research and figured out that the license that EA holds includes the pattern for the car.
So yea PD could make a Stock car but it would have to look completely dif from the Nascar pattern. And than that would just be some ugly undriveble V8 monster. ;)
But as i said before, F1 cars are owned by the manufacturer. So if PD gets ferraris license for the car they can make it. But all NASCAR cars are owned by NASCAR and not the individual teams. And Nascar already gave that license to EA. I did some research and figured out that the license that EA holds includes the pattern for the car.
So yea PD could make a Stock car but it would have to look completely dif from the Nascar pattern. And than that would just be some ugly undriveble V8 monster. ;)
NASCAR only owns the pattern to the Car of Tomorrow. They do not own the general design. Otherwise, there wouldn't be races in Mexico and places in the US with similar cars that doesn't have Nascar on them.

Either way, PD can try to create one if they wanted to.
I'd like to know who came up with the concept that including every single form of motorsport in the GT series was good.

This thread is about NASCAR and CRAFTSMAN cars . Both of those are registered trademarks!!! Nobody here is talking about Mexico. So yea PD can make Mexican stock cars as long as they want. Because i dont think that the hype over that license would be to big. But we will NOT see a NASCAR cars or a CRAFTSMAN trucks in GT. (unless they are Mexican) :)
I'd like to know who came up with the concept that including every single form of motorsport in the GT series was good.


Then don't use those cars unless you have to.

Good god. some people are so close-minded. It's almost as if they're trying to build a racetrack and people are screaming "NOT IN MY TOWN!!!" even though it really isn't that sort of an issue.

Yes, I'd like to see a stock car of some sort, (even if it's a generic scheme) In GT. Would I be angry if there wasn't one? Nah. You guys have to remember that if you don't like a certain type of racing, you only have to participate in it once, to complete the game. and that's only if you want to complete the game.

I think some people are worried that they'll get the car, and then the type of racing they "Hate." or that that car will be competitive with others they claim superior. But Me? I say, "the more, the Merrier," and get on with it. Who cares if it sucks? There are Kei cars in my garage, and I like driving them, even if they're painfully slow.
Sorry, but I'm not going to agree to that. You're sterotyping, and you're the one making the claims.
All I see your post as is just backing out while you still can.

You have zero evidence and the only way you can get yourself off that spotlight is ask me to prove you wrong.

I'm not the one making the claims. You are. Back 'em up & stop stereotyping.
Ok, I'll say it another time.

I can't prove them.

Do you realize that it still doesn't prove you right though?

I'm just as tired of this as you are, we're just repeating ourselves, and have been for the last posts.

I actually wasn't backing out, I had another one of my posts written up and tried to copy it, because I knew it would make me log in again, and hit ctrl v instead, replacing everything I wrote with a youtube link.

IMO, being over-optimistic and believing that everyone is the same and equal and intelligent ect ect, is a lot more ignorant than using stereotypes, especially if the stereotypes aren't used blindly from whenever they reach your ears. I only use them when they've been true 90% of the time (in my experience), and there is a higher chance of them being right rather than wrong. Stereotypes aren't always a bad thing either, it's just that people don't really mention anything about them when they are good stereotypes.

EDIT: Is anyone else really surprised this hasn't been closed yet?
Ok, I'll say it another time.

I can't prove them.

Do you realize that it still doesn't prove you right though?

I'm just as tired of this as you are, we're just repeating ourselves, and have been for the last posts.

I'm not saying I'm correct. But I still want proof of what you're claiming.
I only use them when they've been true 90% of the time (in my experience), and there is a higher chance of them being right rather than wrong. Stereotypes aren't always a bad thing either, it's just that people don't really mention anything about them when they are good stereotypes.
But you can't prove they're true.

And you're basing it off the people around you. Those people DO NOT ACCOUNT for over a 3 MILLION other people.

BTW, the stereotypes you're spouting are NOT good stereotypes.And personally,I am starting to take offense to your posts about Nascar fans because I am one.
Missed the point. Seems to be a role with folks lately.

Just do me a favor and let Perfect Balance respond instead.
Missed the point. Seems to be a role with folks lately.

Just do me a favor and let Perfect Balance respond instead.

I didnt miss ur point! I have been following yours and perfect balances conversation and i must say i agree with u. But never the less no jeff gordan or Jr. car will be in GT
I'm not saying I'm correct. But I still want proof of what you're claiming.
Perfect Balance
Ok, I'll say it another time.

I can't prove them.

But you can't prove they're true.
No, I can't, but they've been true for me in the past and continue to be true.

And you're basing it off the people around you. Those people DO NOT ACCOUNT for over a 3 MILLION other people.
It's very rare that statistics include everyone that is affected by whatever is in it. They normally take a few thousand people or so, and just increase the numbers with a constant ratio. That's how most estimated statistics are.

BTW, the stereotypes you're spouting are NOT good stereotypes.And personally,I am starting to take offense to your posts about Nascar fans because I am one.
If you aren't one of those people, then you shouldn't be offended by it, since it wasn't directed at you. There's plenty of stereotypes about people from Ukraine, I don't fall into most of them, so I don't let them bother me, and if someone directs one at me, I'll show them why I'm not part of it. If anyone does the same in return, they've earned my respect and are viewed as exceptions in my book.

Missed the point. Seems to be a role with folks lately.

Just do me a favor and let Perfect Balance respond instead.
I don't have anything to say.

I usually don't when I don't know anything about the subject.

EDIT: I don't mean NASCAR BTW, I'm talking about all the trademarks and legal stuff it takes for PD to have stock cars.

I didnt miss ur point! I have been following yours and perfect balances conversation and i must say i agree with u. But never the less no jeff gordan or Jr. car will be in GT
You mean that I can't prove my points? I agree with him too on that.

No, I can't, but they've been true for me in the past and continue to be true.

I don't believe for a second that accounts for millions of other people.
It's very rare that statistics include everyone that is affected by whatever is in it. They normally take a few thousand people or so, and just increase the numbers with a constant ratio. That's how most estimated statistics are.
Sorry, but that doesn't prove it either. Unless you're telling me for a fact you personally know 2,000-3,000 rednecks. :rolleyes:

I can't buy that.
If you aren't one of those people, then you shouldn't be offended by it, since it wasn't directed at you. There's plenty of stereotypes about people from Ukraine, I don't fall into most of them, so I don't let them bother me, and if someone directs one at me, I'll show them why I'm not part of it. If anyone does the same in return, they've earned my respect and are viewed as exceptions in my book.
So why make a stereotype about a million people you don't know, and aren't giving a chance to defend themselves? Then again, I can ask the 20 or so guys at FChat what they think about being grouped as Rednecks, but you can just respond that you weren't talking about them.
I didnt miss ur point! I have been following yours and perfect balances conversation and i must say i agree with u. But never the less no jeff gordan or Jr. car will be in GT

And I'm not saying there will be. What I am saying is that PD can create a Nascar similar to the ones 2-4 years ago as that design is also being used by different series without a Nascar sponsorship.
FIA GTR: announced in 2006 for Xbox 360.., Still no sign.


I was meaning its not available.

games available

I've asked GameSpot and EB and no one knows the official release date. (Edit): Some haven't even heard of it...

And it really doesn't matter because its for 360 and its only one game, which fortifies my point.
I don't believe for a second that accounts for millions of other people.
Maybe not, but I've seen and met the same type of people anywhere from Georgia to New York, which lets me know there are the same type of people besides what I've dealt with around here, but hey, you can't prove it and neither can I.

Sorry, but that doesn't prove it either. Unless you're telling me for a fact you personally know 2,000-3,000 rednecks. :rolleyes:
At least 2,000. Not so far to call them friends, but I don't exactly want most of them to be my friends.

So why make a stereotype about a million people you don't know, and aren't giving a chance to defend themselves? Then again, I can ask the 20 or so guys at FChat what they think about being grouped as Rednecks, but you can just respond that you weren't talking about them.
I never talk to those millions of people, they never heard of me, they couldn't care less what I said about them.

The ones that do know, and if they want to show me why they don't fit the stereotype, they are free to do so.

I should mention, all the rednecks I know are proud of it, and display it though "redneck" and "git-r-dun" bumper stickers, through word of mouth, dixie-outfitters t-shirts, things like that.
-> I agree with both of these cars/trucks as long there is no liveries:

Sprint/Nationwide Cup

Craftsman Cup
Wow.., I've been to work, the store, and the carwash and the bickering still has a pulse.
Whats it now? 2 days, 3 days?

-> I would like to see NASCAR on GT5, but the problem would EA again. But also then again, if its like a test car with no liveries, I would think EA wouldn't mind. Here are some examples:

Winston/Nextel/Sprint/Busch/Nationwide Stock Cars


Craftman Truck


^ And also, these vehicles has to be tuned for road course for regular road tracks (like Infineon, Gilles Villueuve, and Watkins Glen). Would you drive an oval-spec car in Grand Valley? :confused:

Then don't use those cars unless you have to.

Good god. some people are so close-minded. It's almost as if they're trying to build a racetrack and people are screaming "NOT IN MY TOWN!!!" even though it really isn't that sort of an issue.

Yes, I'd like to see a stock car of some sort, (even if it's a generic scheme) In GT. Would I be angry if there wasn't one? Nah. You guys have to remember that if you don't like a certain type of racing, you only have to participate in it once, to complete the game. and that's only if you want to complete the game.

I think some people are worried that they'll get the car, and then the type of racing they "Hate." or that that car will be competitive with others they claim superior. But Me? I say, "the more, the Merrier," and get on with it. Who cares if it sucks? There are Kei cars in my garage, and I like driving them, even if they're painfully slow. I'm not afraid of becoming attached to SCR anytime soon!

Hey, since we're all about racing (who cares what GT stands for anyways, right?), let's throw in truck racing as well! Heck, whip up some airplane racing while you're at it too! Motorcross is a form of racing? Has nothing to do with GT cars? Big deal! Shove it in! they go!

BTW, anyone care to explain what this means?:

"Jack of all trades, master of none"
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