You usually know. Black people look black, Mexicans look Mexican, and most Americans look American. Russians look Russian. Hillbillies look like hillbillies, and trailer trash looks like trailer trash.
The people in the photo I posted don't look like trailer trash to me.
But then again, you're comparing a race & countries' people to the appearance of people in general. If you look at a black person, he's more than likely black. If you look at someone who looks like trailer trash, they aren't necessarily trailer trash.
I refuse to be ignorant of what's around me. I feel that such an optimistic view on life and people is just being ignorant.
So in other words, you support stereotyping.
Mind telling me what race you are? Then, I can make an assumption about you based on the people around me.
I could say the same about you, you're claiming I'm wrong, I'm claiming I'm right.
I'm not the one making the statement, though. What I am doing is challenging you to show why you're right with real evidence, not stereotypes.
One of us has to be right, since we share opposite views. There's nothing to prove it either way, so I go with the next best thing.
Your next best thing, though, does not prove Nascar people do not play Gran Turismo, or that most Nascar fans are beer-drinking rednecks. You can't possibly have that evidence in legitimate form, so why bother saying it?
More F1 related topics than NASCAR and all other motorsports combined on the largest GT related forum is close enough for me to "assume" the majority of GT players aren't NASCAR fans. Apparently not for you, but I can't comment on that.
This isn't all we're talking about though. I didn't say you were wrong in that GT players aren't Nascar fans, I'm saying you were wrong in assuming Nascar fans don't like GT.
However, GTP may be the largest GT-related site, but it does not represent a GT fan's opinion about Nascar. We have around 1-2,000 active members. 1-2,000 active members does not account for the 4 million+ people that play Gran Turismo.
How about I change it to the other way around. Most beer guzzling rednecks are NASCAR fans?
Maybe, but that doesn't mean most Nascar fans are that. You can't switch that way.
You should see the line at my school when they serve fried chicken. I'm don't mean to appear racist, but again, I refuse to be ignorant of what's around me.
You flew by the point.
I'm not talking about the pit crew, I'm talking about when they say things like "the mechanics have been having working on a new (part)"
And the mechanics might be. They could be mechanics during the race, and engineers in the shop. However, I can't go by the saying alone.
Not always, there are exceptions to every rule, but in general that's what we do.
You mean what you do. That's not just what a mechanic does in general.
I have a plastic cover with 3 bolts underneath where the mirror is.
The door panel (on every car I've worked on so far) can be removed by unscrewing a few things and pulling it off the clips, and disconnecting whatever electrical connections there is.
I'm talking about the rear view mirror. I have to rip out the ceiling and everything on the nearby pillars if I want an auto-dimming mirror.
Your argument, as far as I can see now, is nothing but assumptions. You assume the people around you account for people elsewhere. You assume the members of this site account for GT fans everywhere. You assume that because what you do as a mechanic, is how every mechanic works.
If your next post is of the same pattern, then I'm done with this. I want factual evidence Nascar fans are mainly beer-guzzling rednecks. I want factual evidence Nascar fans don't play Gran Turismo. I do not want stereotypes and assumptions.