NASCAR (Stock cars, Craftsman trucks, etc.) in GT5?


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acording to interviews there wound be less cars total in the game!!! Just at the time of the release there will be less. But with more updates there will be more cars. And the final number of cars will be higher than in GT4. But still Nascar does not belong in GT games.

Y does this thread exist twice?????
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming these things would handle like dogs on non-oval tracks?

If that's not the case then I don't care if they make it into the game or not. More cars the merrier but if they're one trick ponies then I can't see me ever wanting to use one.
Voted no, although i wouldn't have problems with them being in the game, unless that means it replaces another car.

They would make good cars for a destruction derby, but on normal tracks with at least 1 right turn these aren't very competitive versus real GT cars.

Maybe they could make a downloadable nascar pack that includes those cars and tracks, so that you could choose not to have them in the game.
Why don't NASCAR stock cars belong in GT5? Did you know that a Ford Taurus NASCAR stock car was in GT2?
Nope, not interested. If it's in, it's in.

Maybe PD could create these cars as for download. So if someone is interested in these cars and trucks, they can download them.


Why did you create exactly two the same threads?

It applies the same if it's the same type of people.
But you don't know for a fact if they are the same people. That's just it. So, why make the assumption?
That makes sense, but I'd REALLY like to know WHY what I'm saying is wrong and what you're saying is right. Believe it or not, I like to learn. I'm not learning anything right now, other than I can't prove my points, which I knew already in the first place.
If you can't prove them, why make the statement?
Or actually, how can you know I'm wrong if you don't know why you're right? When I tell someone they are wrong, I give them evidence and facts ( if possible) to tell them why they're wrong and I'm right. You've got the first part done, please let me know the second part. Keep in mind I'm really not trying to be a smart-ass by saying this, I'm really interested in why I'm wrong.
That's just it. Neither of us can prove we're right or wrong.
But the thing is that 1 of us made the mistake of thinking we are.

You said most Nascar fans are beer-guzzling rednecks? I may have nothing to prove this isn't true, but you think you do. Where is this actual evidence that supports you? And know that sterotyping does not help prove you're right.

I can sterotype most black people like chicken and watermelon, just because of the people I've been around for 21 years. Does that mean I'm right? For all I know, I could be wrong as can be. Thus, the assumption shouldn't be made.
It is relevant to their interests. It hits the spot that makes them happy. I'd say that pretty much qualifies.
That doesn't mean it represents the American way of life. The fans of Nascar do not represent the US as a whole.
A mechanic is good at fixing cars. An automotive engineer is good at designing cars. Thats a huge difference.
So, when a Nascar driver calls the guys in the pit mechanics, where is he wrong? They didn't design the car, but they do work on it.
It's not easy to build, but it's easy to put together. I'm specifically talking about someone handing you a part and saying "go bolt it on to the car." That is what a mechanic does. That and diagnose problems. That part is very simple.
But that's not all a mechanic does, and it's not always that simple as just bolting a piece.

If I want to replace the mirror in my Civic, do you know I have to rip out nearly everything around the mirror?
I don't see why not. GT has always had cars from various racing types/series, and I'd like to see a few stockcars. Then again, I would love every decent car ever made to be in ;p

I can see races on High Speed Ring, Super Speedway, and a few others. Ah, how I wish Tahiti Road would make a comeback...
not to mention it has its own gaming franchise.

this is irrelevant

Im also taking into consideration that for PD to add one thing they have to subtract another

where do you get these ideas from?

I would rather see something thats not so common in the console world.

stock cars in console sims are very uncommon

They would make good cars for a destruction derby, but on normal tracks with at least 1 right turn these aren't very competitive versus real GT cars.

so by that logic, anything slower than a GT touring car shouldnt be in the game?

I can see races on High Speed Ring, Super Speedway, and a few others. Ah, how I wish Tahiti Road would make a comeback...

High Speed Ring w/ stockcars would be so much fun!
no, that's not what i meant.
NASCARs versus evenly powered GT cars with around the same weight is what i meant.
Don't quote my opinions because they don't go in your favor. This is how the last thread got wrecked.
I could comment on your irrelevance all day and bicker like a child but that would be truly ignorant.
Everyone that disagrees with you seems to be wrong, or speaking of irrelevance, whats the point of having
these 2 threads (which the same subject already exist and Im suprised they haven't been closed) when you don't want to hear
what people are saying.
Don't quote my opinions because they don't go in your favor. This is how the last thread got wrecked.

how could irrelevant comments go in anyone's favor. i also fail to understand how adding a couple of stockcars to the game would lead to replacing other cars. PD's dev team is huge compared to other racing game developers

what i also said is true "stock cars in console sims are very uncommon"

I could comment on your irrelevance all day and bicker like a child but that would be truly ignorant.

id doubt you could do that in the first place
this is irrelevant

Oh, maybe you didn't think about it long enough.

where do you get these ideas from?

Its called logic and you get it from the brain. It takes time to compose everything that exist in the GT world or in any game, which is why every conceptual idea may not make it to the final product no matter how big the developement team is. Theres more involved than just rendering a stockcar model.., but of course you already know this like you know everything else, or its completely irrelevant.

stock cars in console sims are very uncommon

Who said sims? I said games, this is another way bickering tends to start.., People tend to add there own words to others comments. These are a few NASCAR games available (most recent);

  1. NASCAR 09
  2. NASCAR 08
  3. NASCAR 07

ETCC console games available:
  1. SEGA Touring Car Championship

If anyone can think of something else beside this please add.

FIA GT(2-3) console games:

  1. FIA GTR: announced in 2006 for Xbox 360.., Still no sign.

WTC console games:
  1. I believe there was one for the PS2 around '99.

Just a few things I would rather see than NASCAR. Not because I hate it or i'm some big racist but, these series would be more rare and unique to me where as NASCAR is not and is actually pretty common on the console (in the world I live). Just to clarify for all the dictators out there this is my
But you don't know for a fact if they are the same people. That's just it. So, why make the assumption?
You usually know. Black people look black, Mexicans look Mexican, and most Americans look American. Russians look Russian. Hillbillies look like hillbillies, and trailer trash looks like trailer trash.

I refuse to be ignorant of what's around me. I feel that such an optimistic view on life and people is just being ignorant.

If you can't prove them, why make the statement?
I could say the same about you, you're claiming I'm wrong, I'm claiming I'm right.

That's just it. Neither of us can prove we're right or wrong.
But the thing is that 1 of us made the mistake of thinking we are.
One of us has to be right, since we share opposite views. There's nothing to prove it either way, so I go with the next best thing. More F1 related topics than NASCAR and all other motorsports combined on the largest GT related forum is close enough for me to "assume" the majority of GT players aren't NASCAR fans. Apparently not for you, but I can't comment on that.

You said most Nascar fans are beer-guzzling rednecks? I may have nothing to prove this isn't true, but you think you do. Where is this actual evidence that supports you? And know that sterotyping does not help prove you're right.
How about I change it to the other way around. Most beer guzzling rednecks are NASCAR fans?

I can sterotype most black people like chicken and watermelon, just because of the people I've been around for 21 years. Does that mean I'm right? For all I know, I could be wrong as can be. Thus, the assumption shouldn't be made.
You should see the line at my school when they serve fried chicken. I'm don't mean to appear racist, but again, I refuse to be ignorant of what's around me.

That doesn't mean it represents the American way of life. The fans of Nascar do not represent the US as a whole.
👍 That works.

So, when a Nascar driver calls the guys in the pit mechanics, where is he wrong? They didn't design the car, but they do work on it.
I'm not talking about the pit crew, I'm talking about when they say things like "the mechanics have been having working on a new (part)"

But that's not all a mechanic does, and it's not always that simple as just bolting a piece.
Not always, there are exceptions to every rule, but in general that's what we do.

If I want to replace the mirror in my Civic, do you know I have to rip out nearly everything around the mirror?
I have a plastic cover with 3 bolts underneath where the mirror is.

The door panel (on every car I've worked on so far) can be removed by unscrewing a few things and pulling it off the clips, and disconnecting whatever electrical connections there is.
I'd like to clear up a few things about the poll. This is actually supposed to be whether or not GT fans like NASCAR. I know my friend for example, doesn't like NASCAR but would like them in gt5 just to have fun with them.
Perfect Balance
I'd like to clear up a few things about the poll. This is actually supposed to be whether or not GT fans like NASCAR. I know my friend for example, doesn't like NASCAR but would like them in gt5 just to have fun with them.
Exactly my point of view. NASCAR as sport is real drag IMO, but I really´d like a couple of stockcars in GT5, just to drive around Nürburgring. And laugh all the time! I really had fun with the Auto Union around the ring. That car, with its wheelcovers, was made for....*effectful silence*.... oval racing! And boy what a handful on the ring! I´m pretty sure that a stockcar would be in the same league.

*rant* I do not, repeat not, want any craftman trucks though! Trucks should not be in GT5 at all infact. Trucks and SUV´s are utility vehicles, and has nothing whatsoever to do with GT. PD might aswell include lawnmowers, garbagetrucks, busses and the likes if they continue to include things like trucks and SUV´s. The truckrace in GT4 was by far the least fun, and least profitable aswell, race PD ever conjured. *end rant*

^Oh, my very own opinion, of course.

The GTR "news" are really old. The second link states that the game is expected to ship in spring -07. That´s pretty much a year ago.
You usually know. Black people look black, Mexicans look Mexican, and most Americans look American. Russians look Russian. Hillbillies look like hillbillies, and trailer trash looks like trailer trash.

Excuse me!?

Now this is trully one of the most ignorant and sad statements I've come across. First off, please tell me what an American looks like. This is a multicultural country as well as Russia so how can you distinguish what a single American or Russian would look like?

Mexicans and other hispanics, like Brazilians look similar to some so how would you know rather one is Mexican, Brazilian, Cuban or etc. Im African American and my Grandmother was Cherokee, so how would you distiguish me from a Black, Brazilian, Cuban, or Bi-Racial black and white.

How do you distiguish white trash from, lets say for example, a working class white male construction worker, in his work clothes picking up a few bears for the crew after a hard days work? To get the image in your head lets say he has a full beard, t-shirt with a hole or two, blue jeans with holes in the knees and a pair of boots that look as if they've walked 500 miles and a 6 pack of bear in his hand. Are you telling me this person is automatically white trash?

And when you say what an American looks like, I hope your speaking of a person with red, white and blue skin or a Native American like my self otherwise you're trully speaking none sense. This trully one thing thats wrong with America, well the world today, people use there eyes and make judgement.

This thread mite as well be closed, the off topic bickering has spawned to much ignorance.
took the words out of my mouth.Perfect Balance goes from stereotyping to racism just to conjure up reasons why PD should have nothing to do with stockcars. pathetic
And the Oscar for the best action-filled scenes goes to...THIS TOPIC!
Congratulations. Now, why I think should PD put NASCAR cars in GT5?
More cars = More possible audience
More possible audience = More possible sales
More possible sales = More possible $$$
In conclusion: More cars = More possible $$$
Now, stop being so 🤬 immature and act like mature, civilized adults. PLEASE.
You usually know. Black people look black, Mexicans look Mexican, and most Americans look American. Russians look Russian. Hillbillies look like hillbillies, and trailer trash looks like trailer trash.
The people in the photo I posted don't look like trailer trash to me.

But then again, you're comparing a race & countries' people to the appearance of people in general. If you look at a black person, he's more than likely black. If you look at someone who looks like trailer trash, they aren't necessarily trailer trash.
I refuse to be ignorant of what's around me. I feel that such an optimistic view on life and people is just being ignorant.
So in other words, you support stereotyping.

Mind telling me what race you are? Then, I can make an assumption about you based on the people around me.
I could say the same about you, you're claiming I'm wrong, I'm claiming I'm right.
I'm not the one making the statement, though. What I am doing is challenging you to show why you're right with real evidence, not stereotypes.
One of us has to be right, since we share opposite views. There's nothing to prove it either way, so I go with the next best thing.
Your next best thing, though, does not prove Nascar people do not play Gran Turismo, or that most Nascar fans are beer-drinking rednecks. You can't possibly have that evidence in legitimate form, so why bother saying it?

More F1 related topics than NASCAR and all other motorsports combined on the largest GT related forum is close enough for me to "assume" the majority of GT players aren't NASCAR fans. Apparently not for you, but I can't comment on that.
This isn't all we're talking about though. I didn't say you were wrong in that GT players aren't Nascar fans, I'm saying you were wrong in assuming Nascar fans don't like GT.

However, GTP may be the largest GT-related site, but it does not represent a GT fan's opinion about Nascar. We have around 1-2,000 active members. 1-2,000 active members does not account for the 4 million+ people that play Gran Turismo.
How about I change it to the other way around. Most beer guzzling rednecks are NASCAR fans?
Maybe, but that doesn't mean most Nascar fans are that. You can't switch that way.
You should see the line at my school when they serve fried chicken. I'm don't mean to appear racist, but again, I refuse to be ignorant of what's around me.
You flew by the point.

I'm not talking about the pit crew, I'm talking about when they say things like "the mechanics have been having working on a new (part)"
And the mechanics might be. They could be mechanics during the race, and engineers in the shop. However, I can't go by the saying alone.
Not always, there are exceptions to every rule, but in general that's what we do.
You mean what you do. That's not just what a mechanic does in general.
I have a plastic cover with 3 bolts underneath where the mirror is.

The door panel (on every car I've worked on so far) can be removed by unscrewing a few things and pulling it off the clips, and disconnecting whatever electrical connections there is.
I'm talking about the rear view mirror. I have to rip out the ceiling and everything on the nearby pillars if I want an auto-dimming mirror.

Your argument, as far as I can see now, is nothing but assumptions. You assume the people around you account for people elsewhere. You assume the members of this site account for GT fans everywhere. You assume that because what you do as a mechanic, is how every mechanic works.

If your next post is of the same pattern, then I'm done with this. I want factual evidence Nascar fans are mainly beer-guzzling rednecks. I want factual evidence Nascar fans don't play Gran Turismo. I do not want stereotypes and assumptions.
Please don't let PD waste their time modeling these dinosaur technology cars.
I mean those morons JUST realized what air splitters and wings are.
I wouldn't like to see the trucks on the disk, I'd rather see something with more appeal. I wouldn't mind seeing a basic stock car with different paint schemes so you could have a kind of psuedo NASCAR race at Daytona. But for them to do both I'd rather at least one of them come as a download at a later date and for what we get on the disk to concentrate on the more important stuff.
There's a guy in my office who's the one biggest Nascar fans I know. He's not a big GT fan and he's not a beer guzzling redneck, BUT he plays both TOCA and Nascar on his PS2 regiliously.

Recently I've taken it upon myself to 'show him the light' with the Gran Turismo series. Needless to say he's super impressed with GT5P and the Daytona track in it's 1080p glory. I guarantee he would fork up the cash for a PS3 if GT5 included Nascar.

The point is that since we're both gear heads then it's not hard to find common ground especially with the awesome medium PD created for us. It's been documented that Gran Turismo had a direct impact on the cult like following of the Skyline, Evo, and Impreza in the US. Is it really that hard to believe that if Nascar were included in GT5 someone outside the US could begin to appreciate the sport the same way I appreciate JGTC?

With motorsport preferences aside, even I have begun to appreciate Nascar, but I ain't no damn redneck.
The GTR "news" are really old. The second link states that the game is expected to ship in spring -07. That´s pretty much a year ago.
I think you need glasses ;)
I know what it says about the shipping but that's not relevant, the release date is. And is a release date in 2008 old news?

The second link mentions: release date 2008!

I think you need glasses ;)
I know what it says about the shipping but that's not relevant, the release date is. And is a release date in 2008 old news?

The second link mentions: release date 2008!


mhmm... read on dude! The last thing it says is "GTR is expected to ship globally on Xbox 360 in spring 2007."
And that Simbin page hasn´t been updated since around spring 2007... And since Simbin is the developer, and probably publishers aswell (THQ has obviously dropped out), I put my money on them being correct in this matter. No shippingdate confirmed from them at all, it only says "Release date and details are to be announced later." And that´s the way it has been for about a year. Sadly.
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