NBA 2011-2012 Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
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Will Haslem be available for the Game 6?

It was a payback for this?

I don't blame Haslem for doing it, but I think he overreacted.

Hansbrough's foul was probably Flagrant 1, arguably 2. Haslem's was clearly a 2, but ref's definitely covered for Miami. Not that it would have helped the Pacers by looking at the final score.
Don't forget Pittman's mega elbow to the throat at the end!
I don't blame Haslem for doing it, but I think he overreacted.

Hansbrough's foul was probably Flagrant 1, arguably 2. Haslem's was clearly a 2, but ref's definitely covered for Miami. Not that it would have helped the Pacers by looking at the final score.

Gotta agree with that, but if you wanna get back at a player by fouling them then you don't just flagrant them and risk the chance of playing in the next playoff game on the line.
Something I've been wondering about: People say San Antonio is a small market team, though as far as population go, they are one of the largest cities in the United States. I've also heard in the past that many Texans outside San Antonio would rally for the Spurs?

San Anton might be a small media market, but I don't consider it a small market team, especially if the State of Texas root for him. What do you think?
From all my time spent living here, that doesn't get any truer. Dallas fans (& some Austin fans apparently) love to rally behind the Spurs when the Mavs get knocked out. I know a couple buddies who are actually going to be down in San Antonio for Game 2.
In fact, even though I have a strong amount of family in OKC, I still hope San Antonio takes the series.

As for the market, I wouldn't know much, tbh. I know San Antonio as a city focuses much of itself on the riverwalk & then only the residents seem to bring up the Spurs.
Actually, I think for us, Brandon Roy retirement actually hurt us more than the Greg Oden situation. But with Brandon, we knew that he had knee issue before drafting him. Oden was a complete surprise. A lot of losers with 20/20 hindsight claim that they knew about Oden's health issues prior to draft, especially in Portland, but I have yet to find one article warning of this prior to the 2007 Draft. On the Oregonian(local paper) website, every time this comes up, I ask them to site their source where they read Oden injury problems. Again, not one reply. They make the claim, never come back with an article dated before Oden's first knee surgery.
I don't know much about Roy, but I did a quick Google on him, & that is extremely unfortunate for him. 3 All-Star & Rookie of the year stats, and forced to leave the league after 5 seasons. :indiff:
We have not had a proper GM since Rich Cho was fired unexpectedly last year. They unexpectedly fire Pritchard who rebuilt the team & the organization, then fire Cho for some unexplained reason(sited communication.... huh? Did he not speak English?). It's completely possible that the owner Paul Allen might not be so clear in his head these days. Acting GM, Chad Buchanan, supposedly he's a great college talent scout. His eye for an NBA talent is truly horrific. We needed to hire a proper GM like last year.
Hopefully, whomever Portland hires will get the job done. Not liking the coach is one thing, but watching some of those games where the team seemed to not even be trying was sad.

We might find out this Sunday!
We shall. In fact, I'm anxious to see how Manu does; an article on Yahoo said during all 3 regular season games, Manu did not play in any of them. They did match up Parker vs. Westbrook, Ginobili vs. Harden, & had a quote from OKC stating that SA is a team full of shooters and masters of the pick & roll, so they'll have to change their up their game after playing a physical team of the Lakers.

Miami probably suffers from A.D.D. So much talent, but they have shown some serious lapses. Dirk, I don't like him, but you have to respect his skill level. He, along with Nash, Kobe, in their prime, they are/were truly some of the best, and most consistent shooters I ever saw. Bigger people in their faces, but when they are "on", it doesn't even matter, the ball's hitting just the bottom of the net! 👍 Especially Steve Nash, she's the best I've seen outside WNBA.
That's low. :lol:

Nash has been my favorite player for years. He's one of those players I really want to see get a ring; it's long overdue for the guy. His season next year will be interesting now that he's a free agent.
Completely agreed on the Lakers. Again, so much talent, but in their case, I can't remember the last time I've seen so much mental problems on one team. Look at Gasol! Whatever happened to that guy? He was a premier F/C just couple of years ago. He's still not old, but he's just being walked on now.
If they didn't implode after last year, they will this year; Kobe believes he still has another championship in him & placed a lot of blame on the team for their poor performance, esp. Gasol.

Rose is Derrick Rose, right? Which Davis are you talking about? Baron?
Correct. Rose is out for 8-12 months & I don't think they've even said if Baron has a time frame. Some think it's the end of his career.
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If they didn't implode after last year, they will this year; Kobe believes he still has another championship in him & placed a lot of blame on the team for their poor performance, esp. Gasol.

It's hard to argue with Kobe after watching his play this year, what a scoring machine! I bet Marc Gasol is loving it though, now he's the best Gasol brother.:lol:
I saw a mention of Portland needing a new head coach and it made me think of this piece about Greg Oden. Portland may also want to look at hiring a new training staff while looking for a head coach.

Grantland Interview with Greg Oden

Reading the above article and either reading an article or seeing a video about how the Phoenix Suns' (probably the best in the league) training staff go about keeping their players healthy, there would definitely seem to be some issues with Portland's staff.
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Miami was thugnificent last night.

I feel bad for Oden though. Hopefully it's Portland's med staff that sucks and he can make a completely recovery next year. Sign with Miami, Greg!
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Miami barely has enough money to get another water boy let alone an injury plagued center. This season belongs to the western conference anyway.

As for the spurs thunder series, I'm picking spurs in 6. They are playing inspired ball at the moment, and they happened to have a coach named Gregg popovich, perhaps the closest coach to Phil Jackson's legacy to be still in the game.
Miami was thugnificent last night.

I feel bad for Oden though. Hopefully it's Portland's med staff that sucks and he can make a completely recovery next year. Sign with Miami, Greg!
I didn't find any articles this morning. Is Pittman suspended, or will they allow him to play?
I wonder where the Clippers would be now if Chauncey Billups hadn't been injured...
Hopefully they suspend Pittman and not Haslem. Pittman could have crushed that punks windpipe. Ultra dangerous move there. Haslem was just court justice.
They better let him play and I suspect they will
They won't.

Haslem suspended for Game 6; Pittman gets 3 games

By Official Release
Posted May 23 2012 6:41PM - Updated May 23 2012 6:57PM
NEW YORK -- Miami Heat center Dexter Pittman has been suspended three games without pay for striking the neck and shoulders of Indiana guard Lance Stephenson, and Miami forward Udonis Haslem has been suspended one game without pay for striking the head and shoulders of Indiana's Tyler Hansbrough, it was announced Wednesday by Stu Jackson, NBA Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations.

Both Pittman and Haslem had their Flagrant Foul Ones upgraded to Flagrant Foul Twos, as did Indiana's Hansbrough, who struck the head of Miami's Dwyane Wade on a foul that occurred shortly before Haslem's foul.
The incidents occurred during the Heat's 115-83 victory over the Pacers on May 22 at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami.

Haslem will serve his suspension on Thursday when the Pacers host the Heat in Game 6 of their Eastern Conference Semifinal series. Pittman will begin serving his suspension in Game 6.

Great call on Pittman. That was a dirty foul in the same league as Bynum's on JJ. Haslem's isn't so bad as the officials saw Hansbrough's foul as equal punishment.
I think NBA made good on this one. I do feel bad for Haslem, as he was just trying to stand up for his buddy & the captain of the team, but that two handed block at the torso. Really? Many teenagers playing ball can make it look more legit than that. He might as well screamed "look! look!" while taking down Hansbrough. They should suspend him another game for being clumsy. :crazy:
Don't forget Pittman's mega elbow to the throat at the end!

I didn't know about this until today.

I agree with you guys, that was cheap, dirty & dangerous. I'm not sure if three was enough for foul like that. What had he broke the guy's neck? Definitely a possibility with that particular swing at the neck. After looking at the replay, I think I might have banned him for the season. Dead serious.
Gotta agree with that, but if you wanna get back at a player by fouling them then you don't just flagrant them and risk the chance of playing in the next playoff game on the line.
Not if you are in the position that he is in, or if your team is in the position the Heat is in, as they are already playing without Bosh.
Not liking the coach is one thing, but watching some of those games where the team seemed to not even be trying was sad.
I've been a Blazer fan since either 1987 or '88. 2011~12 Blazers were the worst Blazers team I ever saw. I'd like to see the front office trade away as much as possible. One thing to suck, but whole another matter to quit on the team & the fans when you are getting paid ungodly amount of $$$.

We shall. In fact, I'm anxious to see how Manu does; an article on Yahoo said during all 3 regular season games, Manu did not play in any of them. They did match up Parker vs. Westbrook, Ginobili vs. Harden, & had a quote from OKC stating that SA is a team full of shooters and masters of the pick & roll, so they'll have to change their up their game after playing a physical team of the Lakers.
Local sports talk show interviewed the OKC play-by-play or commentary guy(I forget), and he made some good points about the upcoming series, and so did Ben Golliver( They also seem to have more respect or confidence for the Spurs as well. Golliver especially made a point about Westbrook not being the most consistent player, and I thought that was valid. Parker, like most Spur is high basketball IQ, so he might try to get Westbrook out of sync. He also said he can't see Spurs losing four out of next seven, but I can't really picture Thunder losing four either.

It's great to hear that Ginobili didn't even contribute to the regular season series though. 👍

That's low. :lol:
I forgot, she used to play for Dallas. :P Seriously though, I do respect her him a lot. One of the best point guards of our time. My Nash bashing stems from when I used to talk smack with my buddy who was a Nash fan, and I of course was Parker fan. Today, I actually rather have Nash than Parker. I hope I didn't just jinx the Spurs.

If they didn't implode after last year, they will this year; Kobe believes he still has another championship in him & placed a lot of blame on the team for their poor performance, esp. Gasol.
That would be the first person I blame also. Like I said, he was a premier F/C just couple years ago. I question his heart.
Correct. Rose is out for 8-12 months & I don't think they've even said if Baron has a time frame. Some think it's the end of his career.
I think Baron's done. Like Greg Oden. They may still have good game every now and then, but between how many weeks of sitting down with injury? I like both Oden & Davis(add Brandon Roy here), but if I was putting together a team, I would not plan on those guys suiting up when I needed them to.
It's hard to argue with Kobe after watching his play this year, what a scoring machine! I bet Marc Gasol is loving it though, now he's the best Gasol brother.:lol:
No kidding. :crazy:

If you think Kobe's good now, did you watch when Kobe was great? I'm a Blazer fan(Blazer fans are not allowed to root for the Lakers), and I am a Kobe fan if that tells you anything.
I saw a mention of Portland needing a new head coach and it made me think of this piece about Greg Oden. Portland may also want to look at hiring a new training staff while looking for a head coach.

Grantland Interview with Greg Oden

Reading the above article and either reading an article or seeing a video about how the Phoenix Suns' (probably the best in the league) training staff go about keeping their players healthy, there would definitely seem to be some issues with Portland's staff.
They've been questioned last couple of years now. I am no expert at this, so I couldn't tell you, except I think Oden and Roy would have suffered knee issues regardless of training staff. If they could have received better care, I don't know.
Miami was thugnificent last night.

I feel bad for Oden though. Hopefully it's Portland's med staff that sucks and he can make a completely recovery next year. Sign with Miami, Greg!
I'm gonna tell him about that Omnis guy who mocked him...... since the draft, probably. Yeah, that Omnis will be jeering from the stands for sure. Don't go to Miami. :D
'm picking spurs in 6. They are playing inspired ball at the moment, and they happened to have a coach named Gregg popovich, perhaps the closest coach to Phil Jackson's legacy to be still in the game.
I'm a huge fan of both, but I think Popovich is the better coach. It's hard to say though. Phil had MJ/Pippen & Kobe/Shaq(or Gasol), Pop had roster full of very skilled & intelligent players.
I wonder where the Clippers would be now if Chauncey Billups hadn't been injured...
Same place, at least I think so. Now Billups from say five or so years ago played on this Clippers, they might have avoided a sweep, but I think they still would have lost against the Spurs.
The thing about judging hard fouls is determining what actually diffrentiates between a good hard foul and a Technical or Flagrant Foul. Then with Flagrants, how do you tell between a Flagrant-1 or a Flagrant-2? I know the definitions and all of Flagrant Fouls. F-1 is unnecessary contact; F-2 is unnecessary and excessive contact. You can only review Flagrant-2 fouls.

This said, those were some pretty hard fouls in that Pacers at Heat game. I think they were all ruled as F-1 Flagrant fouls. However, some of those seemed like absolute cheap shots. Elbow to the throat = Flagrant-2. No Technical, no Double Technical- Flagrant-2.
I think it's case by case.

Like in the Miami game. First foul by Hansbrough, yes, that was more difficult to determine, because that was a foul committed on actual play. Was the contact excessive, did he follow through intentionally to hurt Wade? I think Flagrant 1 was adequate.

Second foul by Haslem, third foul by Pittman(or whatever), foul was unrelated to the play. It is excessive contact, because hitting anyone hard without even trying to make a play is considered an excessive contact. Calling Flagrant 1 on those two are utter unprofessionalism by the refs. They probably wanted to avoid making controversial calls. I'd suspected NBA of playing favorites again, but considering how they made it right the next day, it was probably the refs with small balls.
Pittman and Haslem kind of got what they deserve, a night off. Hansbrough gets away scot free...

Uneven-handed penalties? This isn't NASCAR or WWF, Stern.
Pittman and Haslem kind of got what they deserve, a night off. Hansbrough gets away scot free...

Uneven-handed penalties? This isn't NASCAR or WWF, Stern.
What the hell indeed. Hansbrough's foul wasn't any different from Haslem's (Flagrant-2), yet because Haslem may have done his in retaliation, he gets the suspension?

If that's the case, Hansbrough should have remained a Flagrant-1. Increasing all 3 to "F-2's" tells me the league doesn't stand for the physical force, but I guess the Pacers catch a break. 👎
No guys, Hansbrough foul was on the ball. It could've been Flagrant 2, but he gets the benefit of the doubt, because he did make play for the ball. Haslem and Pittman made no attempt at the play. Their full intent was to hit the player, ignored the ball completely, which is why I made this comment yesterday:

but that two handed block at the torso. Really? Many teenagers playing ball can make it look more legit than that. He might as well screamed "look! look!" while taking down Hansbrough. They should suspend him another game for being clumsy. :crazy:

These guys are truly horrible. There is "tough" basketball, where you foul hard. You can still send the message. Pittman & Haslem foul is just retarded. If they want to send a statement, or foul hard again, watch the Hansbrough foul on youtube, take some notes. Most basketball player learn this at very young age, when they are still kids. :crazy:
Not that I watched them, but if you go back even further, games used to be a lot rougher from what I understand. Of course, so much more is riding on the games these days, with scrubs making million dollars or more, a lot has changed in the NBA.
Back then there was no three seconds rule, no hand checks, no wussy flagrant fouls.

The rules have changed over the years to favor the offense over defense, but yet, teams still averaged 100s back in the day.

In my opinion, the three second rule has to go.
Gotta go with the underdogs, but I think Celtic will clutch it in game 7.

Yep same here. I'd really like to see the Sixers win, but my head tells me, that the more experienced Celtics will come up big in game 7.
Celtics and Heat series is going to be intense.

Literally an unstoppable force in Miami and an immovable mountain in the Celtics.

KG turning back the clock, Rondo showing signs of being an offensive threat in the jumpshot, Wade and Lebron being Perseus and Theseus on the court.

So many great story lines to be had.
I'd love to eliminate the 3-sec rule, it'd make my job a lot easier and more fun.:lol:
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