New DLC September 26: HSV-010, BRZ, GT-R N24 '12

  • Thread starter Keshian
Why so many complainers :(

Because why be happy? ^ I try to stay happy, but, this world's full of greedy people who expect perfection, but don't put theirselves behind their own work projects.

If you think you can do better than PD, SimonK, go ahead & try. I know that I can't program better than PD. Therefore, I won't try; nor will I complain.

Mike Holmes, guys: "If you wanted it done right, you should've done it right yourself."
Does it? Like I say, find me a post where someone was attacked for simply saying they were happy the DLC, without the context of them already attacking someone for dislking it.


So its come to this

1 dollar per car

****ing highway robbery

I love this game and will purchase every DLC released for it. But goddamn... at first it was about half that price. ughhh

I actually want it like that because buying car packs is a waste of money so by doing this you can choose what cars you buy and you still save money

Car packs??? U mean the lame 4 or 5 cars they release?? where other games release 10+ cars at a time plus events for those cars to race in.. The 99c is a ripp off.. Should of just made all 3 cars avaliable for a dollar since 2 of them already have base models in the game..

See a completely positive statement attacked & brought back down by the negative..

But I'm done with all this, it's just stupid... Unsubscribing and moving on to some useful info...
Because why be happy? ^ I try to stay happy, but, this world's full of greedy people who expect perfection, but don't put theirselves behind their own work projects.

If you think you can do better than PD, SimonK, go ahead & try. I know that I can't program better than PD. Therefore, I won't try; nor will I complain.

Mike Holmes, guys: "If you wanted it done right, you should've done it right yourself."

Oh great, now you're moving onto the "let's see you do better" argument. Almost as strong as the "Don't like it, don't buy it argument".

If you bought a car and the wheel fell off would you complain to the company that made it or just think "Well, it's not like I could do any better at building a car" and leave it at that? I doubt it.
I'm going to school to be a mechanic. I could do better.

*B:censored:h please meme.*

But, indeed, you're saying that a wheel came off of the HSV you haven't bought? Awesome!
Does it? Like I say, find me a post where someone was attacked for simply saying they were happy the DLC, without the context of them already attacking someone for dislking it.

Almost as strong as the "Don't like it, don't buy it argument".

and was this "non-negative" post directed at you? No it wasn't.. I wrote it..


Sometimes I wonder if PD delivered a dog turd through everyone's letterbox as DLC if people would still defend them for it.

This is personally attacking EVERYONE that is happy with the DLC
Oh great, now you're moving onto the "let's see you do better" argument. Almost as strong as the "Don't like it, don't buy it argument".

If you bought a car and the wheel fell off would you complain to the company that made it or just think "Well, it's not like I could do any better at building a car" and leave it at that? I doubt it.

I agree with you here, but you are guilty of using the same argument as bolded above.
For *insert deity or prophet of choice*'s sake, shut up! You're worse than politicians. None of you engaged in this pointless back and forth are proving anything other than your desire to have the last word, even if that word is, in fact, pointless.
It seems there is war out there, anyway may I ask if someone has already driven the HSV from cockpit view and how it sounds? Is it the same type of sound as seen in one video from the external view?

More questions for those who already bought this DLC.

GT-R N24: Is there any mention on the performance of this car, is it really feel different from last year's car? Does it sound exactly the same? Does it handle even better?

Subaru BRZ: Honestly I want to buy on of these cars in real life whether the Toyota or the Subaru, I think this will be a good chance to check the difference somehow, of course this is a game, but maybe I can feel the difference on the handling, some say the Subaru is more gentle (less funny though)

HSV: Stunning looking car, more variety for the GT-R 500 class, but it seems one of its unique characteristics, engine and exhaust sounds are not correctly recreated, well I will have to judge by myself as there is no mention on how it sounds from cockpit view.
Well vaga I can honestly agree with you.. It's just to the point now where I'm sitting back after a long nights work having a strong drink and having fun with this :D
I'm going to school to be a mechanic. I could do better.

*B:censored:h please meme.*

But, indeed, you're saying that a wheel came off of the HSV you haven't bought? Awesome!

Way to dodge the question with sillyness.

and was this "non-negative" post directed at you? No it wasn't.. I wrote it..


Sorry, what? He directly asked me if I could do better.

I agree with you here, but you are guilty of using the same argument as bolded above.

Me telling people to ignore my posts if they don't like them isn't the same as those telling me not post negatively in the first place because as I've already said, I'm entitled to.
...Can both sides just stop responding to each other for a sec?

Look, people play GT for different reasons, and people pay attention to certain details more than others. Now, in the sounds department, some people don't care much, while others care alot. Great. You are all special people in this world. You have your opinion, and you're free to voice it.

Here stems the issue, when people voice a certain opinion out, someone from the other side of the camp seems to feel like they have to say something against it and belittle the other party, almost like having to justify and defend their own opinion to prove their opinion is correct. Then the thread turns into a thermonuclear warzone.

Really folks? If you don't like the DLC for whatever reasons, say whatever you like. "GT5 HSV doesn't sound like the real thing. This DLC sucks, I won't buy it, because PD screwed it up again! Why can't PD put more emphasis on accurate sounds? It should sound like this! Blah blah blah...ARGHHHH!!!!" Great. You've voiced your frustrations, move on.

If you don't mind as much and support the DLC, say whatever you like. "GT5 HSV doesn't sound like the real thing. But oh well, I still support PD and will buy the DLC. I love the new cars. Blah blah blah...Love you, PD!" Great. You've voiced your support and approval, move on.

It's the personal comments like "Stop complaining, ungrateful folks! Don't like it, don't buy it." or "The defending camp will just eat up whatever subpar content that PD shoves their way." that always starts the negative vs. positive arguments. You know...maybe just cut those comments out and it'll be alot more civilized in here.
Ok,lets stop this pointless debate and lets have a blast with the game we're supposed to love.
Road cars
Sports soft
Some people like to think its a driving sim.
A simulator simulates all aspects of the environment it's attempting to simulate.
Including the sound.

Then some people need to think again, I like the game but by no means is it a sim. As pointed out by many people..... That's what a PC is for. Other games may well have better sounds, but they will more than likely fail in other departments.
Then some people need to think again, I like the game but by no means is it a sim. As pointed out by many people..... That's what a PC is for. Other games may well have better sounds, but they will more than likely fail in other departments.

Oh I agree with with you. It's not a sim in many ways.

To some it is though.
:lol: Its like the dark ages all over again....

Church of Turismo

Its not about positive or negative comments towards GT5, PD... its about the reaction and counter reaction that attempts to silence anyone with an opinion you don't agree with. There are some simple facts about GT5 that are above debate but that's not what this thread illustrates or discusses - this is simply a great example of a community in conflict over the individual right to have and express an opinion.
Ok,lets stop this pointless debate and lets have a blast with the game we're supposed to love.
Road cars
Sports soft

Brian: Excuse me. Are you the Judean People's Front?

Reg: **** off! We're the People's Front of Judea!
A couple things, since I don't have the energy to respond to the sheer insanity of some of the arguments in this thread presented by certain members:

He never speaks English in interviews. Give me proof that he speaks English.
I think the fact that one of the administrators of this website stated that Kaz had a conversation with him in fluent English is proof enough that he does. Considerably more proof than you saying that he doesn't and then saying "prove he does" when people ask you for proof.

I got your back, real GT5 fans unite!
It's nice to know that the GT fanbase has reached the level of the Sonic fanbase 6 years ago, where "true fans" are the ones who support the developers unfailingly and have nothing negative to say about a product made by them no matter how obviously flawed it is rather than being the ones who want the games to get better (or, preferably, don't exist at all, because the concept of a "true fan" is an inherently elitist bit of nonsense).

This is personally attacking EVERYONE that is happy with the DLC
Not really, no. It is attacking the people who feel the need to defend the obvious problems it has by declaring that all negativity isn't allowed, as MrMelancholy and several others were kind enough to do since the thread really got rolling.
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For the former, they have the right to complain, remember back in November 2011*? We were all expecting DLC every 2 months, whether that meant 8 weeks or 60-70 days, we had a ballpark in mind.

About the bolded, I don't think anyone seriously expected that. Kaz said "maybe", and I believe most people learned to not to take everything he says seriously, otherwise you're just setting yourself for disappointment. Kaz says a lot of things which rarely become true, I thought we all knew better than that. But apparently not.

Alright, people newer the the community (like myself, only been here 18 months), would generally like to take people at their word, especially big public figures in official interviews, if it's true what you say, that's a real shame, I prefer to think that they got 'carried away' with GTA, and then 6 months later went 'Oh crap! We forgot the DLC! Quick! Get something out there! Who cares what we've got!', instead of your position, which is basicaly a kind way of saying 'Kaz sometimes lies'.
If you guys choose to continue the argument without me, it's fine. Stop mentioning me. At this point, I'm ready to PM a mod, and ask said mod to remove every trace of "me" from this useless thread.
If you guys choose to continue the argument without me, it's fine. Stop mentioning me. At this point, I'm ready to PM a mod, and ask said mod to remove every trace of "me" from this useless thread.

It doesn't really work like that, if you don't want people to quote what you've said you shouldn't have said it.
Seriously, what is the huge issue with the HSV? That you have to give a dollar for something that isn't 100% perfect? It may not scream like a Formula car in GT5 but it still has a decent squeal. Before the game came out people were begging to have the HSV in the game and I also remember the disappointment when it turned out not to be in the final game. Now PD has added it as beautifully modeled premium and people nearly cry because it doesn't sound authentic enough to be worthy of a single dollar. There are a lot of cars in GT5 which do not sound perfect so why should we expect the HSV to do so? Don't give me the minor price tag argument. Look at things in a greater perspective, PD improved the realism of tire wear, aero physics and ensured greater variety in the Super GT500 line-up. These things should provide the fundamentals for making online races increasingly worth our while. I am in no way a defendant of PDs odd approaches but the complaints are extreme. We haven't even heard what it sounds like when being driven properly, that preview is nothing but a sunday cruise.
There are a lot of cars in GT5 which do not sound perfect so why should we expect the HSV to do so?

So Basically PD have shown that there sounds are not up to much so don't expect improvements.
I suppose you could temper your expectations and resign yourself to that fact.

What about the next GT? Are we to expect the same?
Alright, people newer the the community (like myself, only been here 18 months), would generally like to take people at their word, especially big public figures in official interviews, if it's true what you say, that's a real shame, I prefer to think that they got 'carried away' with GTA, and then 6 months later went 'Oh crap! We forgot the DLC! Quick! Get something out there! Who cares what we've got!', instead of your position, which is basicaly a kind way of saying 'Kaz sometimes lies'.

And that's perfectly fine. You can interpret it however you like, there's no problem with that. I didn't say he lies btw, but he is always vague in his answers, and many optimistic people choose to interpret that in their way (making themselves believe something is coming) and after nothing happens - they get disappointed. For example - there are definitely people here who are convinced that spec III is coming, even though nothing was ever said about it. As a GT fan I guess you have to have a "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude.
Soundfans! There is one thing we can do, if you still want to buy the HSV:

Imagine, it got a engine swap (it's the least we can do 👍) but the HSV body remains.
Its not about positive or negative comments towards GT5, PD... its about the reaction and counter reaction that attempts to silence anyone with an opinion you don't agree with. There are some simple facts about GT5 that are above debate but that's not what this thread illustrates or discusses - this is simply a great example of a community in conflict over the individual right to have and express an opinion.

Well, I'm just very pragmatic when it comes to praising or criticizing something I see, I don't have a mindset aiming to please or dismiss others nor do I feel the need to defend I actually like the GT-series despite me criticizing a lot of aspects.
I don't think this is a great example of a forum in conflict over free expression, it's more an example some don't seem to understand the idea of free expression or don't like the outcome it produces.

What I get is a rather immature attempt by some to turn this site into a fanclub or a North-Korean party congress whilst on the other hand I don't see people who are unhappy with whatever aspect trying to persuade the happy bunch to be unhappy for the sake of a consistent shared consensus which would kill the whole point of an open discussion forum if it would be reached (be it positive or negative).
I agree with a lot of what SimonK wrote about PD. I am tired of their half-baked approach to GT5. They have repeatedly shown their unwillingness or inability to fix simple problems. And when they do fix something they break other parts of the game. Over and over this is the case. They don't even fulfill there own promises or deadlines etc.

No one expects perfection but PD asks for feedback, because they know the game is half-baked, but then they go about ignoring 99.9% of the feedback they are given. Why bother asking if you are going to do what you want. Very frustrating. I figured them out a long time ago so my expectations are very low for them, even for GT6. When a product has equal parts Great and Mega Fail at the same time, like GT5, its not hard to imagine there will be many people split on if its a good product. It's a nice distraction while they continue doing business as usual. Kind of like the theater of politics.
Personally, I don't see any reason on why any of us should comment on any negative comments unless it's vulgar. The way some of you say it, is like there should be absolutely no negative feedback at all, and that everything should be all sugar and rainbows. If you're the person that doesn't care at some of the details, sound, or practices of PD, then why should you care if the other person doesn't? Anyway please, don't bother trying to change other people's point of view. Best you can do is ask them to be more civil about it.
So Basically PD have shown that there sounds are not up to much so don't expect improvements.
I suppose you could temper your expectations and resign yourself to that fact.

What about the next GT? Are we to expect the same?

I think improvements such as sound, AI etc. are being focused toward GT6. Our ability to acknowledge their efforts depends heavily on GT6s ability to improve but not so much on GT5 DLC. I'd see the problem if every car in GT5 sounded authentic and the HSV sounded like this. That would be a bad sign but I think we should just take GT5 for what it is and those who can't do that should just stay away from the DLC and keep their fingers crossed for GT6.
I think improvements such as sound, AI etc. are being focused toward GT6. Our ability to acknowledge their efforts depends heavily on GT6s ability to improve but not so much on GT5 DLC. I'd see the problem if every car in GT5 sounded authentic and the HSV sounded like this. That would be a bad sign but I think we should just take GT5 for what it is and those who can't do that should just stay away from the DLC and keep their fingers crossed for GT6.

But like someone else said earlier, this car will obviously carry over to GT6. There is no reason they couldn't have got the sound sample done correctly now before releasing it as DLC for GT5. The PS3 is not a limitation, the problem is how GT collect sound samples. The cars are going to sound just as bad on PS4 if they don't upgrade the way they record cars.

Plus again as mentioned earlier, PD clearly just haven't even bothered to sample the car for this DLC full stop, they've copied it's sounds from another car. It's sloppy, if they haven't had an opportunity to sample it for whatever reason that's fine but then they shouldn't be adding it as DLC. The car isn't finished, simple as that.
But like someone else said earlier, this car will obviously carry over to GT6. There is no reason they couldn't have got the sound sample done correctly now before releasing it as DLC for GT5. The PS3 is not a limitation, the problem is how GT collect sound samples. The cars are going to sound just as bad on PS4 if they don't upgrade the way they record cars.

Plus again as mentioned earlier, PD clearly just haven't even bothered to sample the car for this DLC full stop, they've copied it's sounds from another car. It's sloppy, if they haven't had an opportunity to sample it for whatever reason that's fine but then they shouldn't be adding it as DLC. The car isn't finished, simple as that.

That thought also crossed my mind but I suppose that there must be something that prevents them for having authentic sounds in GT5.