Well the number is irrelevant to the point I was making in that they aren't going to tell you how many of the number are duplicates like this. Just like when they advertised 1000 cars for GT5 they didn't tell you how many were duplicates. Cars like this, free or otherwise, are just padding the future car list.
To be honest, that's all I expect for GT6, and if there are 500 completely different cars with a few additional duplicates, then it's even better.
I can't see them using Standard cars again, and neither can I see them creating near a 1000 (or about 600/700 additional) Premium cars before GT6.
Whether that's enough to stay relevant depends on what's chosen and what other new features are introduced.
Sorry, I was being facaetious. An object cannot simply be "relevant", it must be relevant
to something else. What it tends to mean in popular journalism, when somebody says something is "relevant" is, essentially, "cool" or "in" - it certainly can't mean "useful" in the context of a videogame. It's the classic idea of dressing up opinion in objective- and official-sounding terminology. Combine that with all the hyperbolic, dramatic notions of "jumping ship" and maybe you'll understand what triggered that comment.
The problem remains, though, that it is impossible to be consistent with the definition of what constitutes a separate model, and what is just "filler". So I think it's time to be adults, just take the numbers with a grain of salt, and quietly curse the marketers (as always).
I doubt they'll recycle the Standards again, but I'd prefer it if they did. I'd rather not lose out on cars I enjoy for (what in my case is only) the sake of a difference of aesthetics - I don't use (m)any of the "premium only" features, really.
Maybe PD don't like the idea of charging us for DLC packs containing all the cars that are slated to be included in GT6, so that effectively you're only really paying for a handful of new cars, and for new features in the new game. The Standards aren't quite like that because GT5 did move things on in terms of physics / feel and online; "paying for the DLC twice" will only be "worth it" if GT6 moves things on at least as much. Regarding car count, we could already be at the 600 mark by the end of this year - by my very imprecise projections, at least.
As for the next DLC itself, my main "concern" is also why the price is different this time. Yet again, we need more information. Hopefully Sony will acknowledge this little leak and inform us of their plans.