New Year Holiday Challenge: Nürburgring GP/F 10 Lap Survival Race

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I haven't beat this one yet, waited til past midnight to do for the 200% bonus and tried twice. With stock GT500 GTR. Its probably fast enough but I wasn't doing real well. So far both races I tried Inter to end of lap 7 and went on RS or RM and both time spun as soon as pit exit. The track dried fast enough to do 1:57s and I think its possible to probably catch the leader, but its hard work and you can't see the drying line that you could in some other races(where wet tire didn't seem to matter much). There is only 1 dry line and running slightly off-line is sketchy as hell. I think Inter/Inter will work if just taking that sketchy factor away. I might try the RS/Inter/RS too...

This was pretty tough as far as a GT6 races goes, a change for the better for sure.
Yea, the RS/Inter/RS is a perfect combonation. Pit on Lap 3 for inters and then lap 8 for RS and you're good to go. :D
used @shaunm80 Toyota TS030
Limiter to 88,5 to get 600pp
Changed Brakebalance to 9/3 so the rear does not break out.
LSD 8/10/25 ( was 8/10/20)
automatic gearbox
traction=2 (1 did not go well this time)
Braking at the first corner after the start/finish, i tapped, not a full brake.
Started with race soft and did 2 laps,
changed to intermediate, next pitstop at lap 6/7 and stayed on intermediate
Finished with 13.8 seconds ahead of the leader.

Ai is very agressive like always.
first ride ever with 2J in GT6. that was easy, even with 2 pitstops. best lap 1.52.***


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I used an HSV and had a nice close race, gonna try some more gt500

I used the TS03 IM tires pit lap 6 for another set of IM won by 45 seconds, the Ts03 at 600 is like driving a 650+ machine.

On a side note, the 5-6 times I've run this, I've yet to have a single AI opponent ram or pit maneuver me and none drove off of the road.
I love this Nürburg survival race, though it brings some thoughts...

On the Nürburg/Nordschleife I can (and alwaysdo) drive RH in the rain, even 100% wet. Needs some attention, but very doable.
Not really realistic, I know, but now PD went for the other extreme: RH in 10% wet and when taking a corner very slow (about 45km/h) the car spun on me like three times. That is also not very realistic imo.

So I went to buy inters (I only have two or three cars with inters already available) and started a new race. Won rather easy with 15" advance.

Took the Audi R8 Phoenix, tried two races and my best place was 12th, even got lapped once !?
The Audi was 2" a lap slower, OK, but that difference... !

Then went for the Nissan Yellowhat and blasted AI away (6 laps IM + 4 laps also IM).
Did some 10 races, just to get even :lol:

Won them all by a big margin.
Had to buy some cars to make room for the credits. 1.1 mil for 20' race !!

Don't like any of the other seasonals, but this one really keeps me busy.
So busy that I did not pay attention to the wheather. Is it possible that it is sort of random ?
During the 24' races you know exactly when rain is coming, but here I got the impression that it is not always the same.
Neither are AI. Sometimes you get some overcooked guys that ram you at random, sometimes going off track, preferably right in front of you, while other sets of AI are all very nice and follow their racing line.
I love this Nürburg survival race, though it brings some thoughts...

On the Nürburg/Nordschleife I can (and alwaysdo) drive RH in the rain, even 100% wet. Needs some attention, but very doable.
Not really realistic, I know, but now PD went for the other extreme: RH in 10% wet and when taking a corner very slow (about 45km/h) the car spun on me like three times. That is also not very realistic imo.

It's actually quite a lot more realistic than before, 10% wet means 10% on the racing line, off that line it can be really wet. Slicks do not work unless the track is very nearly dry, any sort of standing water and you'll aquaplane, especially in a racing car with really wide tyres. Skid recovery force isn't helping matters either, causes some really weird inconsistent handling and you cant turn it off for this seasonal which I find incredibly stupid.

If you stick to the racing line you can use the slicks up until about 25% if you're careful, then the inters work best until about 65% before wets work better.
Standing water ... I would like PD to create the possibility to SEE that. Guessing does not cut that.
Same thing during the 24' races. After some updates we finally got spray, but the road ahead looks always dry.
And no, I don't think it is more realistic now, it is just as unrealistic, but on the opposite side imo...
I agree its gone the opposite way now, but never having driven on racing tires in the rain in real life I probably have no idea what I'm talking about. I try to remind myself its just a game. I dont like the SRF being forced on. Even though throttle control with a DS3 is only a figment in my mind, I dont like how the cars handle in the rain with it on. It seems unpredictable. I made the mistake of leaving TC at 5 one time, and man, exiting a turn and wait, wait, no power, wait, wham! Full power, and a looping we will go.
This whole 'stray from the racing line and you die' thing is *seriously* getting on my tatti-bojangles. What were they thinking?! The AI follow the racing line religiously, so to overtake them would mean not using the racing line, at which point the physics system turns to GTA V wet physics where any steering wheel input has no effect whatsoever. Bloody stupid...
Last night, being my third overall try at this, I tried the old MatMut, powered down to 50%. It was something ridiculous like 480hp/1,100kg, lol. I set the gears to max at 175mph, and only use gears 2-5.
I had very little problems making fun of the AI for most the race. Stuck with Intermediates until lap 7.
Pitted with 2 cars in front of me, and was pushing buttons too quick and didnt notice the game gave me an auto-choice of RS, after a good round of loud swearing to myself, by the end I had 1 bad spinout, 2 bad dirt naps, and 2 cars that rammed ME and the game penalized ME 5 seconds each for both.
From 3rd place at lap 7, to end race at 9th and the 8th place had many lengths between us, lol.


Try try again tonight, lol.
There are three different amounts of rain that you have to expect !
my nervous eye recognized that in about 15-20 try's !
54%, 71% and 83% ! (ca.)
with the TS030 there was no problem at all to win in any of the three variations ! with the rabbit in round 6 on my table for lunch !
with the HSV it had to rain hard with the 83% of wetness, because the AI did drove just a little bit slower and so i could catch the rabbit in round nine !

You have to ckeck out of the event and start it again for a new try with a different condition !

Inters only ! After Pit they need up to 30sec. to get their grip !
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There are three different amounts of rain that you have to expect !
my nervous eye recognized that in about 15-20 try's !
48%, 64% and 83% !
Thanks for confirming that. I did notice that. But was not sure because I did not really pay attention. 👍
This whole 'stray from the racing line and you die' thing is *seriously* getting on my tatti-bojangles. What were they thinking?! The AI follow the racing line religiously, so to overtake them would mean not using the racing line, at which point the physics system turns to GTA V wet physics where any steering wheel input has no effect whatsoever. Bloody stupid...

That's the issue with running slicks on a track that isn't completely dry though. If you run inters it's not really an issue.
I keep getting killed on this...Using the HSV with Motor City Hami's excellent tune.

First of all, the Ring in all of its demonic incarnations is my least favorite track in the game. I don't perform well there at all, even on this version. The first corner out of the chute just kills me. I brake hard before it and try to follow the line and I feel like the car just won't steer into it at all.

That said, I've followed all of the advice and I still can't put in decent laps. I stray just slightly off the line, running intermediates and I still fly off into the muck. I actually tried pitting and my car actually spun out of pit lane and out onto the track again (that's a first). I had to pit later and then my tires were so cold and hard that I spun twice. After that, I said enough is enough.

I just can't get any speed. Any advice to get me through this seasonal? I don't think I'm bad, but I'm not a 10,000-race veteran either. I've done decent enough on the other two seasonals, but this one might be a mountain I can't climb.
That's the issue with running slicks on a track that isn't completely dry though. If you run inters it's not really an issue.
You're right about the second part. That's why I changed to inters for the complete race, which gave me very easy wins.
But you should be able to (carefully) use slicks on a modestly moist track. Did that i.r.l. a lot driving my kart and not having rain tires. It is difficult but fun.
Lived it as a passenger in a Nissan GTR on slicks in Zolder too. Same thing: difficult but fun.
But in this case, taking a corner at very low speed and spin a few times, that is NOT normal. As I said before: it was not realistic on the Ring 24' races and is NOT realistic in this race. The realism lies in-between these two extremes.
I've done decent enough on the other two seasonals, but this one might be a mountain I can't climb.
If you passed the other seasonal, this one should not be a problem. I don't know about the HSV, but I used 12 different cars by now and the only one that could not win - for some unknown reason - is my favorite Audi R8 LMS Phoenix. It was 2-3" a lap slower than the other cars, but if it was only that, it would still win by a few seconds. I even got lapped in one race...
Just to confirm the Toyota TS030 on inters with tc on 1 to stop wheel spin, It will go the full distance on 1 set of tyres I had rain at 83% lap 7 but it dried quickly after that and i had to nurse the tires home, still won by 31 seconds.

Oh and set diff acc at 5 again to stop it spinning out.
Just to confirm the Toyota TS030 on inters with tc on 1 to stop wheel spin, It will go the full distance on 1 set of tyres I had rain at 83% lap 7 but it dried quickly after that and i had to nurse the tires home, still won by 31 seconds.

Oh and set diff acc at 5 again to stop it spinning out.
I've only run this once with my fave, the RX-7 T.C. and I started with race soft because it wasn't raining. I pitted on lap 3 for Im Rains then again for heavy wets, then changed back to race soft too soon at the end!?!? Needless to say I finish waaay back.

Here is the interesting part though, in the replay I jumped into the leading car in the roster Motoyama, I think, and I watched him for the whole race. He started on Inters and carried on for the whole race on one set of tires?!?!? Holy Batcrap Batman, what a strategy?? He did not spare the ponies either and about lap 5 he was spinning the rears on every single push of the gas pedal. I was watching him from a rear end view and I could hear him cooking the tires endlessly in every gear. Needless to say the tires wore down to 5's on the rear by about lap 6 and I fully expected him to pit for tires. He never all. By lap 9 his rears were down to 1 on the outside and 2 on the inside. He still did not pit even though he had a big time cushion???? On lap 10, the rears flickered on ZERO and his traction went out the window. No surprise there, and here comes Quinterella, cooly passing him halfway around lap 10 for the win, and comfortably too. (Motoyama was pretty much parked by this time)

So I ran the replay again, this time focussed on Quinterella. Quinterella also started on IM Rains and ran them until lap 7 and pitted for IM Rains and a teaspoon of fuel. The tires stood him in good stead for the remainder of the race which brought home the GOLD, passing Motoyama on lap 10.

So, there you are, Quinterella's strategy should work well for us guys as well. Minimal pit time and steady as she goes racing without drama.
Cheers, Pete
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You know what I like most about this community that frequents this forum and the tuning forum?
(I say only these two, because I don't/rarely ever venture out of just these two)

I like the fact that 90% of us, aren't egocentric MeMeMe people. As in, most of us don't look for every chance we can to tell everyone how awesome we are, or always just spilling out how easy things are to them that others are having difficulty on.
I say this here and now, because I think it's cool how those who figured some tricks out here, aren't just bragging, but everyone seems to be lending what they figured out to the rest of us. That is commendable.
Most gaming sites aren't like this. Most sites are so full of the elitest-nazi-gamers that you almost have to throw up after reading most of the content. And maybe, just maybe, get 5 words of useful info out of a page of bragging, lol.

Good job everyone, you make me proud to be part of 'everyone' :gtpflag:
You're right about the second part. That's why I changed to inters for the complete race, which gave me very easy wins.
But you should be able to (carefully) use slicks on a modestly moist track. Did that i.r.l. a lot driving my kart and not having rain tires. It is difficult but fun.
Lived it as a passenger in a Nissan GTR on slicks in Zolder too. Same thing: difficult but fun.
But in this case, taking a corner at very low speed and spin a few times, that is NOT normal. As I said before: it was not realistic on the Ring 24' races and is NOT realistic in this race. The realism lies in-between these two extremes.

Moist should be fine, you don't really get much of that in GT sadly.
So busy that I did not pay attention to the wheather. Is it possible that it is sort of random ?
During the 24' races you know exactly when rain is coming, but here I got the impression that it is not always the same.

I tried something last night with the weather. I've ran this seasonal like 20 times probably, I really started liking it now after a couple of runs. It's much better than just grinding the redbull silverstone for an hour and it's really about the same money give or take a couple hundred grand.

So the weather....Normally I pit with inters at the end of lap 6, new inters and finish easily. First outlap will always suck, mine was 2 min 24 or somethin, then by the middle of lap 8 the rain goes away and it's clear till the end. The outlap if you run that 6th lap, in the tso30, you should be in either 1st or 2nd place still or it's easily taken back right away.

I changed and pit at the end of lap 5, the outlap was a lot longer because when I came out I was in 7th place, after still having been in 1st when I went in the pits. 2 Min 45 sec or something because I had to weave and pass through a lot more traffic to get back 1st but the rain did not last until lap 8, it went away at lap 7 in the exact same spot. The TS030 has enough passing power though, so it's easy to weave through the traffic once you get your tires warmed up and then you have almost 3 clear laps without rain.

When I pit at the end of lap 6, the rain always goes away at the exact same spot on lap 8 or at least it seems to me it has.
That was good fun.... I started on RS tyres, pitted end of 2nd lap for IM's and the weather peaked at 71% midway of lap 6 and I grabbed 1st on the start of the 7th as the Xanavi Nismo Z pitted that lap but he stayed on IM's, then the wet dropped back to 0 by mid lap 7 so I pitted for a set of RS tyres and the Z got back ahead by 6 seconds, but he only kept that lead for one lap and I was back in front around the hairpin on lap 9 which was also my fastest lap of 1:57.685 :D

This could have been one of the best seasonal events, ever, BUT.... PD decided to have AI cars that accelerate at a rate that exceeds previous dry pavement, expert level races, and it also has the AI race on rails.... Example: Have the AI touch you and you lose 5-10 seconds off a lap, yet you can go 150+ mph into an AI car and they barely go off course. I don't mind losing as long as it is "close" to fair. I won with 60+ different cars in the last seasonal, yet this wet seasonal has cars accelerating at a pace that FAR exceeds the last expert challenge, which was on dry pavement? Laughable! I'd rather have the AI run totally perfect laps, than to have them run some laps that are beyond what a normal race car is capable of, racing in the rain.. Another example: I posted a picture of a previous win using the Chaparral 2J. In that race, I couldn't even catch the back end of the main field until the end of the 4th lap, yet I won by nearly 40 seconds with 3-4 penalties? WTH? For the first four laps of that race, I could have driven a rocket-powered, TS030 Hybrid driven by, D. Papp and it still wouldn't have mattered! I'll stick to the previous seasonal at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. At least there, you have a truer chance to win with multiple options...


I've done this event many times but no matter what I do I can't do a 1 stop stratergy with the TVR Speed 6 touring car. I've have tried running intermediates only pitting on lap 5 but I can't seem to catch up. I'll probably give up and try it with a new car or again with the 2J :lol:

Good idea for next Seasonal events, Reward anniversary cars even though that'd be quite unfair to those who bought the anniversary edition .
Happy racing all!
If anyone still has trouble with this, just go to the in race menu and turn on the driving line. Use that as a guide to tell you where its fit for the intermediate tires. You can win in any GT500 car at 600pp or even 590pp. Just stay on intermediates through till the end. Try to go to lap 7 and pit for more intermediates before lap 8. The suggested fuel should be enough to get you home. If youre up to 3rd place by the time you pit on lap 7, youll win if you stick to the racing line. No other way can you even tell where to put your car.
So is this event better to grind for credits in the meantime or should I stick with Redbull Standard championship? I want to know in terms of credits/time.
Once you have completed the Redbull Standard championship, just do race 2 Trial Mountain race at 200% login bonus and for winning it you get 248,000 credits for the win and it takes around 3 minutes to do the race, and do the race 5 times and if you win the 5 races and it takes around 15 minutes and you will have 1,240,000 credits. 👍
Can someone pleas post a tune and pit strategy for the Honda Raybrig HSV
Thanks in advanced

Try Praiano's tune. .i used the Keihin which is exactly the same "mechanically" just with a different livery.. he did a tune for Laguna Seca 600pp seasonal... i think theres a link on the seasonal forum page... pit strategy RS for three laps intermediate wet till end of lap 8 and two laps on RS ... ☺
Hi all,! i'm new on this forum.
I wanted to point out that in the event of seasonal nurburgring gp-f. We see that the time is updated to the real one, because 16 to 30 is already night, I found that the use of the usual racing soft tires was not the best because the car did not tun well in the corners but goes straight, like the tyres needed to warm up. I finally used the intermediates with only one pit. They seem to have changed the grip of the asphalt. or rather it seems to me. Anyone notice that ? ( I use the hsv honda 15th annyversary)