New Year Holiday Challenge: Nürburgring GP/F 10 Lap Survival Race

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You know what I like most about this community that frequents this forum and the tuning forum?
(I say only these two, because I don't/rarely ever venture out of just these two)

I like the fact that 90% of us, aren't egocentric MeMeMe people. As in, most of us don't look for every chance we can to tell everyone how awesome we are, or always just spilling out how easy things are to them that others are having difficulty on.
I say this here and now, because I think it's cool how those who figured some tricks out here, aren't just bragging, but everyone seems to be lending what they figured out to the rest of us. That is commendable.
Most gaming sites aren't like this. Most sites are so full of the elitest-nazi-gamers that you almost have to throw up after reading most of the content. And maybe, just maybe, get 5 words of useful info out of a page of bragging, lol.

Good job everyone, you make me proud to be part of 'everyone' :gtpflag:

Fully agree. Most folk on here just enjoy helping others. A great community.
Seasonal greetings to all,

To all those who are still having issues with this event, (you really shouldn't be as the solution has been put up by plenty of fellow members above this post), all you have to do is start on intermediates, pit at the end of lap 5 (or 6, tyre wear depending), accept the suggested amount of fuel, fit a new set of intermediates and bring it home. Basically, job done.

It took me 4 attempts to learn that the above strategy was the most forgiving. The first two attempts involved cunning use of dry weather tyres, both mediums and softs at the start and toward the end. Both of them garnered 14th place, due to what is now apparent as untimely aquaplaning.

My third attempt was the one that rather than storm off in the huff made me laugh out loud. I had decided that inters were the way to go for the race duration, however, I stupidly thought I could shave a couple of seconds during the pit stop by reducing the amount of fuel on offer. After all, how bad could it be? Well, all was going reasonably peachy and I was in the lead on the last lap by what can only be described as many seconds, but just as I came out of corner 10, an immediate loss of power informed me that I had in fact run out of fuel and was in limp home mode. After 20 plus minutes of racing I wasn't too keen to come in 14th again, so I did my best to become a mobile chicane down the back straight, a manoeuvre that saw me cross the line in 9th place...

Undeterred, I had another go utilising the intermediate plan and not skimping on the fuel at the pit stop, and in a nutshell it was a fairly straight forward win.

If I may be so bold as to address some member's complaints of getting time penalties during the race that were caused by the AI. It is the nature of racing that the unexpected can and does occur. To have a game that attempts to replicate this is, in my humble opinion, quite a splendid thing. Is it frustrating to come flying round a fast corner only to end up slamming into an AI who has spun off? Yes it is. However, what I've learned (especially with this particular event) is to remain ridiculously focused in general and be aware where the car in front (and for that matter, behind) is in relation to where I am. With a bit of luck and surreptitious avoidance procedure as and when required, damage limitation can be achieved.

A couple of other tips I'd like to share with regard to this particular event. I tend to have a reasonably heavy front biased brake set up as a rule of thumb. In the main, I'm happy enough with how that has gone, up until this event. As tyre wear has such a baring on how the race pans out, I ended up bringing the front end down from 7 to 4 and rear from 5 to 3. In doing so, the degradation to the front set was slightly less horrific and the rear wasn't that bad at all by the time both pit stop and chequered flag came. If you allow your tyres to get to 1 or 0, it is akin to driving on the rims alone, and by in large, quite bothersome.

My last tip for those having issues would be to lean on the side of cautiousness. As the precipitation and grip levels differ from lap to lap it is very difficult to put in consistent lap times. Add the AI into the mix and it becomes nigh on impossible to remain consistent. However, this event is called a survival, and basically, as long as you do that, you'll add some cash to the bank. Some examples of being cautious; brake a bit earlier than you would normally (this can prevent locking up), keep an eye on your tyre wear (back straight allows a safe quick glance), don't stay too long in AI slipstream as the spray will screw up your braking point and more than likely a time penalty for hitting the AI in front.

I just realised I omitted to say which car I was in. It was the HSV 15th Anniversary, ABS of 1, TCS of 0, Top speed set to 260Kmh (approx 165 Mph), and a DS3.


RH 60/60

SR 15.03/16.07

Comp 5/4

Ext 4/3

ARB 4/3

Cam 1.0/0.5

Toe -0.10/0.33

Brake 4/3

LSD 5/8/20

Wing 400/560

For me, this event has raised the fun factor, when done with inters!

After reading your post I just can say: Thank you so much for your tips they were very helpul. I tried 4 times before with other cars and just ended up disappointed, I mean I just could make it on 14th & 16th :(

I used your tune on my HSV-010 GT Base Model '12 with inters all the way out (1 pit stop only ending lap 6) and got the silver on my first try, due to the 🤬 Calsonic GT-R who would not let me pass him on two occasions pulling me off the road.

The second one I got the gold. Sweet victory! :cheers:

I would like to share some statistics of the race, and let me tell you that each race or try definitely we'll find variability in weather conditions (rain %) and the other cars (AI). Hopefully PD does not create these kind of seasonal events only for the holidays, but implement them throughout the year, at least once a month would not be too bad.


Now it's time to give other car the chance! Happy Holidays! :D
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I haven't beat this one yet, waited til past midnight to do for the 200% bonus and tried twice. With stock GT500 GTR. Its probably fast enough but I wasn't doing real well. So far both races I tried Inter to end of lap 7 and went on RS or RM and both time spun as soon as pit exit. The track dried fast enough to do 1:57s and I think its possible to probably catch the leader, but its hard work and you can't see the drying line that you could in some other races(where wet tire didn't seem to matter much). There is only 1 dry line and running slightly off-line is sketchy as hell. I think Inter/Inter will work if just taking that sketchy factor away. I might try the RS/Inter/RS too...

This was pretty tough as far as a GT6 races goes, a change for the better for sure.

I keep getting killed on this...Using the HSV with Motor City Hami's excellent tune.

First of all, the Ring in all of its demonic incarnations is my least favorite track in the game. I don't perform well there at all, even on this version. The first corner out of the chute just kills me. I brake hard before it and try to follow the line and I feel like the car just won't steer into it at all.

That said, I've followed all of the advice and I still can't put in decent laps. I stray just slightly off the line, running intermediates and I still fly off into the muck. I actually tried pitting and my car actually spun out of pit lane and out onto the track again (that's a first). I had to pit later and then my tires were so cold and hard that I spun twice. After that, I said enough is enough.

I just can't get any speed. Any advice to get me through this seasonal? I don't think I'm bad, but I'm not a 10,000-race veteran either. I've done decent enough on the other two seasonals, but this one might be a mountain I can't climb.

Use the HSV (Praiano's tune for me) on inters. Pit after lap 5. Accept recommended fuel (I added 2 litres) & stay on inters for an easy enough win. I went farming on lap 7 & still won by a good few seconds...
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I did the Pit after lap 6 with the HSV, inters all the race. Used this tune:

RH 60/60

SR 15.03/16.07

Comp 5/4

Ext 4/3

ARB 4/3

Cam 1.0/0.5

Toe -0.10/0.33

Brake 4/3

LSD 5/8/20

Wing 400/560

Thank to NK

Way to go. :) I pitted after lap 5 just to play safe & it worked out ok... Gonna try using lesser cars as well now.
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Way to go. :) I pitted after lap 5 just to play safe & it worked out ok... Gonna try using lesser cars as well now. (Maybe the Rocket can do it without a pit stop?)

I'm not sure but I think it's different on each race/try, both AI and weather. At least that I noticed on my 4 tries :lol:
I found a short video on youtube, but I ignore if I can post it here, just search and you'll find it.

I guess you're talking about that 1 minute video that shows the final lap or something? I saw that but I was talking about a video showing the full race.
I guess you're talking about that 1 minute video that shows the final lap or something? I saw that but I was talking about a video showing the full race.
That's the one. I have the full race replay on my PS3, but can't upload it. To be honest I don't know how.
Same here. Inters all the way, pit on lap 7's end. Seems that's a decent approach for most cars too. HSV, TS030, and a couple of others I played around with getting money.

The beginning of this race is really discouraging since the other cars seem to just bullet ahead and you seem like you're barely keeping up no matter how hard you push it. It's only when they seem to have a horrible choice in tires do you start passing them left and right. It's like they pit and and ask "Hey, can I get some serious crap put on this thing?". If people are still having trouble, there is the shortcut and it's actually worth it even with the 10 second penalty since you're slowing down anyway. It does bring you up enough to catch up, though you really don't need it.

Anyway, this one is pretty fun. Wish there wasn't a dark part near the end though. I really hate driving by headlights. My eyesight isn't that great for those.
Ran the HSV using the Soft/Inter/Soft and just won. The setup on my car is still too twitchy I think. I did an earlier race on all Inters and actually ran out of tire on the last lap and dropped to 3rd.
Yes it appears to me to have changed. I ran RS on the TS030, R18, and then Impreza touring car. It seems that the back end snaps around very fast when braking on all of them, and that on the straights there is considerable instability. I always ran RS on wet races, but on this seasonal they are terrible. On the one race I replayed, the lead AI had IM, stayed out till the beginning of lap 8 and then changed to full wets.
If only this were the case in every other weather race. They really goofed up the "Rainmasters" and Super Events with their weather/tire shenanigans.
I really enjoy the realism of only being able to use the slicks right down the middle of the driving line.
Does anyone have a good tune for the SuperGT NSX's? Tried yesterday with my Epson NSX '06 using Praiano's tune, but it is just eating my tyres. Intermediate tyres are already gone by the end of lap 2, have no clue how some of you can do this one with only one stop (though the HSV's are friendlier for their tyres). The only thing I changed compared to Praiano's tune is the camber angle, instead of 0 / 0 I used 1.5 / 2, since camber seems to be fixed. Racing Softs can reach the end of lap 3, but then the wetness of the track prevents good lap times.

Hope someone has a fix for my tyre problem, since I really want to win this race using my Epson or Raybrig ('08) NSX.
Does anyone have a good tune for the SuperGT NSX's? Tried yesterday with my Epson NSX '06 using Praiano's tune, but it is just eating my tyres. Intermediate tyres are already gone by the end of lap 2, have no clue how some of you can do this one with only one stop (though the HSV's are friendlier for their tyres). The only thing I changed compared to Praiano's tune is the camber angle, instead of 0 / 0 I used 1.5 / 2, since camber seems to be fixed. Racing Softs can reach the end of lap 3, but then the wetness of the track prevents good lap times.

Hope someone has a fix for my tyre problem, since I really want to win this race using my Epson or Raybrig ('08) NSX.
Traction Control 1.
Tried that already, but is not helping that much. Still can't even finish three laps before my tyres are gone... Will try TC at 1 again though. :)
If you're TCS is at 1 and you are still unable to do 3 full laps before they get down to 4/10 or below, your driving style is the cause. A horrible tune could be a factor as well, but even the worst tune will have relatively the same tire wear on this track.
Slow in, fast out.
If you're TCS is at 1 and you are still unable to do 3 full laps before they get down to 4/10 or below, your driving style is the cause. A horrible tune could be a factor as well, but even the worst tune will have relatively the same tire wear on this track.
Slow in, fast out.

Will try to ease down my driving style, though it's a bit hard with a DS3 to gradually apply the throttle. :)
Won again with the R8 GT3. I love the huge PP difference in the GT3 class, the car with the lowest PP is the quickest. Ran 1:54.0xx on a dry track with worn tyres in the R8, can only do a 1:58.4xx with the GT-R GT3 in the same conditions with newer tyres. Haven't bothered to try the SLS GT3 because you'll have to detune it so much to get to 600PP I cant see it being quick enough.
Used the BMW LMP detuned to 600pp. Pretty much stock, minor adjustments to toe and knocked off the camber.
Used IM up to lap 7, then RH. Easy win.

The 2nd stint was really odd. 0% wet but turn1-3 was like an ice rink, and very unstable coming up to final chicane. Anyone else experience this? It also felt like I was still on IMs at very slow speeds. TCS was zero. I did wonder if it was wet off of the racing line....doubt it but....or was it just a glitch? It was certainly not behaving like it was on RHs. Oh, and also eventhough it was 0% wet by lap 10, there was still huge spray from cars. Puzzled. Expect its something obvious!!:dunce:
Try Praiano's tune. .i used the Keihin which is exactly the same "mechanically" just with a different livery.. he did a tune for Laguna Seca 600pp seasonal... i think theres a link on the seasonal forum page... pit strategy RS for three laps intermediate wet till end of lap 8 and two laps on RS ... ☺
Thanks mate
Used the BMW LMP detuned to 600pp. Pretty much stock, minor adjustments to toe and knocked off the camber.
Used IM up to lap 7, then RH. Easy win.

The 2nd stint was really odd. 0% wet but turn1-3 was like an ice rink, and very unstable coming up to final chicane. Anyone else experience this? It also felt like I was still on IMs at very slow speeds. TCS was zero. I did wonder if it was wet off of the racing line....doubt it but....or was it just a glitch? It was certainly not behaving like it was on RHs. Oh, and also eventhough it was 0% wet by lap 10, there was still huge spray from cars. Puzzled. Expect its something obvious!!:dunce:
With slicks after the rain has stopped falling, if you venture off the preferred racing line even a half tire, you will have a bad time. It isn't as bad at the beginning of the race, but even then it can be difficult if you venture too far away.
After the rain stops driving on the ideal line throws up very little spray. Driving off of it you will throw up quite a bit. The pavement is a touch darker and shinier where it is wet, but this effect is nowhere near as stark as it was in GT5.
Thank you @shepzki! I was hoping this would be the case. Now I just gotta get back in front of my PS3 so I can do some laps... 👍

If you look at the Cr payouts on the seasonal screen, some have ticks some don't and I'm assuming the ones with the ticks are win once and ones that don't are as many times as you want