The problem comes from someone coming in here and basically slamming the game, because he says DEFINITIVELY that the tracks are too wide. Without a shred of proof other than his 'impression'. An impression he further bolsters by claiming that the track is only wide enough for two cars in certain places.
Excuse me Destinkeys, where have I said that?
This is getting ridiculous by every mean imaginable. You can crap on me as much as you like and call me names - I don't care, because I find all my
subjective and
personal opinions valid from perspective of videos I have seen so far.
I am waiting for this game as much as you do, I have high hopes about it as much as you do and I would like that Shift establishes itself in the genre as much as you would.
But in the same time it does not mean I will not put some issues under the light if I find them interesting for discussion, and I have really found this particular one very interesting in light of recent videos.
I have "slammed" the practice that is happening in the whole genre for last years where developers have introduced the praxis of changing real-life tracks layouts in order to make them "more comfortable" for racing. I really and honestly despise that praxis, no matter if it happen in Gran Turismo with Cote d' Azure track, in Forza with Nordschliefe or in any other game.
All recent videos we have seen are showing real-life tracks where width or configuration (alterations and cambers) are incorrect from cockpit POV. It COULD be POV - I agreed with that immediately after seeing Monza video with exterior replay and put an hold on my comments, but in order to continue crapping on me you have obviously decided to ignore that and use me and my comments as further example of your righteousness.
I am deeply sorry if you find that so personally insulting that you - and not just you - took this from discussion into personal craping on me and calling me a names - which I'm not fond of that by any margin.
But if that makes you feel better, please continue.