NFS Shift 2 Unleashed - Details

  • Thread starter LittleLefty
I don't mean to flog a dead horse, but the track is too wide and the elevation change is wrong. How do I know this? I've watched the Bathurst 1000 from start to finish every year for about the last 15 years, have been to the race several times and have spent a lot of time driving the circuit myself.

So call it camera view or whatever, but the track model is not accurate

Proof? Or are we supposed to just BELIEVE you? Those overheads seem to line up VERY well with the game footage.

As it should be. All the explaining and photos in the world would have made little difference to GT5 fanboy. Just look at Amar. My mother lives in Lithgow, a short drive from Bathurst. I've been there so many times of lost count. But somehow, a poster from Croatia as a better idea of track dimensions than someone who actually driven on it?

This is our problem, here. Even people that HAVE been to the track and driven it can disagree. Without something a bit more concrete than just your OPINION, well, that's what it remains. Not the FACT you claim.

Show me the evidence. Post the pictures. That's all I'm asking for.
The problem comes from someone coming in here and basically slamming the game, because he says DEFINITIVELY that the tracks are too wide. Without a shred of proof other than his 'impression'. An impression he further bolsters by claiming that the track is only wide enough for two cars in certain places.

Excuse me Destinkeys, where have I said that?

This is getting ridiculous by every mean imaginable. You can crap on me as much as you like and call me names - I don't care, because I find all my subjective and personal opinions valid from perspective of videos I have seen so far.

I am waiting for this game as much as you do, I have high hopes about it as much as you do and I would like that Shift establishes itself in the genre as much as you would.

But in the same time it does not mean I will not put some issues under the light if I find them interesting for discussion, and I have really found this particular one very interesting in light of recent videos.

I have "slammed" the practice that is happening in the whole genre for last years where developers have introduced the praxis of changing real-life tracks layouts in order to make them "more comfortable" for racing. I really and honestly despise that praxis, no matter if it happen in Gran Turismo with Cote d' Azure track, in Forza with Nordschliefe or in any other game.

All recent videos we have seen are showing real-life tracks where width or configuration (alterations and cambers) are incorrect from cockpit POV. It COULD be POV - I agreed with that immediately after seeing Monza video with exterior replay and put an hold on my comments, but in order to continue crapping on me you have obviously decided to ignore that and use me and my comments as further example of your righteousness.

I am deeply sorry if you find that so personally insulting that you - and not just you - took this from discussion into personal craping on me and calling me a names - which I'm not fond of that by any margin.

But if that makes you feel better, please continue.
Without something a bit more concrete than just your OPINION, well, that's what it remains.

Actually all that really remains is speculation. I think we have exhausted this topic and I can see it turning ugly, so let's all please leave it at that for now and move back on topic.
Just went back and reviewed the entire topic from the Bathurst posts. I owe you an apology, Amar. It was Imari that claimed you could only get two cars alongside each other. I am sorry for that slip-up. Imari... Amar. I get easily confused at my age! :crazy:

But jumping on the bandwagon without proof just feeds these rumors. Stating a negative so authoritatively requires the facts to bear you out. Sorry I piled ALL of that negativity on you, though. There was plenty to go around!

Thing is, why, if SMS get SOME tracks right (in your opinion), would they use a totally different method of calculating track geometry for others? It just doesn't make sense. Anyway.... as I said earlier, to be honest, the track width is the LEAST of your worries at Bathurst. Anyone remember how easy it was to rail-ride around the Aramco in Shift 1? Unless that is fixed (and grass or kitty litter slow you down MUCH more than before), nobody is going to even BOTHER to stay on the track... It'll be faster to just carom off the Aramco.
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Nice backtracking amar212 but your unfounded bashing of this game have been caught out. I have seen Bathurst in real life and it's not as narrow as you made out, neither are the other tracks you mentioned. I also saw your posts earlier on this thread, they were quoted too.

Thing is I remember before GT5 was released you were like the second coming on these forums with literally biblical predictions and stuff. We now all know now good GT5 turned out to be. :lol:

Going by your predictions SHIFT 2 is going to rock. I'm SOLD! 👍

EDIT: I just saw the Moderator post, I'll leave it alone then...
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Proof? Or are we supposed to just BELIEVE you?

You can believe whatever you like. I'm not getting into a pissing contest, just thought I would add my 2 cents since I actually know the track.

But anyway it's not a big deal, if you don't know the track then you have nothing to compare to and it will be awesome either way 👍
The FOV in cockpit mode is NOT the same as a human FOV. Perspective and distance seem WAY off (look how FAR away even your wheel looks) and can compare very differently with day to day experience.

Me, I want to see a few cars go down the narrows in Replay Mode, and then compare that to similar vantage broadcast footage. That ought to answer the issue, once and for all.

Still, no comment about the Aramco issue? Without that fixed, we are all still dancing on the head of a pin... Hard to believe that track width is a dealbreaker, but being able to scrape along the Aramco is NOT.

You've got a strange set of priorities, my friend!
Come on guys, I think we've covered the track width topic enough. At present it's all pure speculation which will only lead to more bickering. I've already asked once that we move the conversation along, next time I won't be asking so nicely.
Relax, no one said it was a deal breaker. Just an observation, that's all.

I don't know anything about the issue you refer to because I only played the Shift 1 demo for 5 minutes before deleting it, so I will wait to try Shift 2 before making any purchases
Does anyone know if the cockpit view parameters can be adjusted? Thinking of the amount of look to apex, amount of G-force acting on the head, seating position etc.. Would also be good if those blur effects on the instrument panel and the black & white vision could be adjusted or disabled. I've seen some setup screens, but nothing in this area yet.

Dijon as new track here:


Villenueve Arnoux battle in that track, amazing. However i don't know why it's not listed in the official site, thre is not even the black spot fot in in the list.
The dreaded hot air balloons, i know for a fact they are not their in real life at that corner!

I don't really mind balloons and choppers. In my opinion, they're welcome elements. They bring some sort of life to the tracks, an atmosphere. How about a pizza van sitting at Variante del Rettifilo or a playground at Aremberg?

New preview of shift 2 on ign, a couple of new bits of info including "The multiplayer aspect is of particular interest because Slightly Mad has used its past experience in PC simracing to boost the features so that you can now tailor events to personal preferences in order to maintain level playing fields. Related to this, although the game no longer rewards you for shunting AI opponents out of way it does keep a record of your on-track behaviour for match-making. The plan is to ensure that the right set of racers meet online, hopefully removing those aggravating instances when you get an idiot deliberately causing crashes or racing round the wrong way. "
You know GT1 licensed cars? I've got a question, will be possible to paint them? I want to create my own livrery for Maserati Gran Turismo S and MC12, but MC12 comes as a GT1 licensed car. I know you don't have the game yet but what's your opinion?

Love this car btw

and this :drool:

Works conversion looks great, looking forward to find some positive feedback about physics in elite mode.
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I wouldn't care if there were even any real life tracks in the game to be honest, I just want a good racing experience, which no game has ever brought before.

Same here. I will never be a real life circuit driver. Close enough is okay by me.

And also can we be please get a bit positive and wait until Shift 2 is released? The game is not even out yet and there are people who talk that the game is going to be arcade, the physics will be bad and the tracks are inaccurate. From all the videos posted I got the exact opposite impression (simulation, good physics, accurate or accurate enough tracks) but can we please wait for the game to be released?

I am sure most games aren't 100% for the most part. Its impossible to duplicate real life accuracy in a video game 100%. No matter what, there will always be complaints. Lets appreciate the effort from the get go.

Due to the track selections in the game, I will probably give it a try. Considering GT has not listened to track request, others are so I am open to new games. For me, racing titles are about the tracks. Of coarse you need good physics to drive that track but I need a good track selection. Be open minded about other racing titles. GT isn't the only title and for the record GT5 failed thus far, it is far below fans expectations so this opens doors for others.

Spa, bathhurst, The Ring, Brands Hatch.......I gotta give it a shot. After all I don't even play GT5 anymore. But between GT5, F1 2010 and Shift 2, I should will have a descent selection of tracks. Unfortunately all three will drive differently but hey, what can you do. If GT5 could have meet all demands, I could just stick with just the GT series. I lost confidence in PD so I am not sure GT6 can actually be what GT5 should have been. Its not a hardware issue, its a gaming development issue on why GT5 can't be top notch. When the PS4 arrives the same things will get said. "Oh GT needs better hardware". Stop making excuses for these game developers.
You know GT1 licensed cars? I've got a question, will be possible to paint them? I want to create my own livrery for Maserati Gran Turismo S and MC12, but MC12 comes as a GT1 licensed car. I know you don't have the game yet but what's your opinion?

I could be wrong here, but...

In the car descriptions it says nothing about belonging specifically to licensed teams(apart from the Matech GT), so the car may be bare but have the real life paint schemes as presets you can choose from.

Like I said though, I could very well be wrong.

Edit: I just checked the website and the Vodaphone MC12 appears to be a works version of the normal MC12, so you should be good.
Yes sorry for ask that we still don't know it yet, I need to wait and see. Anyway with those amount of RM.. I mean Works conversitions and a better livrery editor than Shift 1 I will be busy enough creating some racing livreries while i'm not racing :) Just hoping for a decent car handling and a stable frame rate now.

Love this one too btw :eek: jaguar XKR Works converted
The dreaded hot air balloons, i know for a fact they are not their in real life at that corner! Shift 2 is going to suck hard!

I am sure you are being sarcastic but then again there are people who will start to moan they want the hot air ballooons and helicopters removed because "they are arcad3 and they are not r3a1istic enough for their 1337 ski11z and they distract them!!" :lol:

The funny thing is that including helicopters, spectators, environmental sounds is more realistic than having lifeless tracks! Plus I think it's more exciting and fun to have a dynamic track environment than an environment that feels like it's from a thriller where time has frozen! 💡

Besides hot air balloons are part of NFS's history:


Do you remember "Coastal" from the original 1995 "Need For Speed" on DOS?
This game was truly ahead of it's time! Good times! :D
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Do you remember "Coastal" from the original 1995 "Need For Speed" on DOS!
This game was truly ahead of it's time! Good times! :D

I remember as a 5 year old, drooling over the gallery pics and videos.....and that game has more realistic manual shift time than GT5!!! And probably a better sounding viper too. :dopey:
I remember as a 5 year old, drooling over the gallery pics and videos.....and that game has more realistic manual shift time than GT5!!! And probably a better sounding viper too. :dopey:

I remember when you shifted gears a small animation would pop-up in the lower right corner showing you the real gear lever of the car! And you could hear the clicking sound as you switched gears!
That's what I call attention to detail! :)
Yes sorry for ask that we still don't know it yet, I need to wait and see. Anyway with those amount of RM.. I mean Works conversitions and a better livrery editor than Shift 1 I will be busy enough creating some racing livreries while i'm not racing :) Just hoping for a decent car handling and a stable frame rate now.

Love this one too btw :eek: jaguar XKR Works converted

Looking at the picture, the car looks great but the background is a bit strange. Look at the people and the firetruck..looks cartoonish, is this how they will appear ingame?
Looking at the picture, the car looks great but the background is a bit strange. Look at the people and the firetruck..looks cartoonish, is this how they will appear ingame?

Isn't that a bit nitpicky? you have to give up some unnecessary details on a console for more important matters. At least the people ain't as pixelated as some of those in GT5's.
Mulan those people looks so far away and imho it's not so important if they look cartonish. Even pc sims don't focus too much on creating detailed crowd. Maybe you really care about those details, I don't know what's your priority, but for me all I need is a good racing game with good physics, (gt cars no f1) to alterante with GT5 in my ps3.

Another pic, Mclaren F1 👍