NFS Shift 2 Unleashed - Details

  • Thread starter LittleLefty
I'm with Dr Justice this time, if I (don't know what happen to you) but if I shake my head up and dawn left and right I see the laptop steady in the same place and I can still read words, it's clear to me I am the one who is moving, not the laptop, not my room or even the world outside. Maybe this effect could differ for everyone, I don't know.
Maybe I didn't understand you, but when I see the words 'Everything remains steady' I tend to take that as written.
I suspect you're addressing me again(?) If so, the phrase you refer to does not appear in any of my writings here.

If you can't see an object you focus on as appearing quite stable while your head moves, you may have a problem that does not affect most people.

I'm sure that at this point our fellow forumites have understood the arguments, so I think we should leave this matter alone and simply agree to disagree.

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...I know they have exaggerated this in Shift 2, I can clearly see that. But, I think why they have is because you can't feel in G forces, you can't feel the car, you don't have any of that going on because its just a game.
It's exactly because of the lack of the G-forces that I think some of us may want to tone down the effect, since we can't use the sensory organs that are affected by said forces to aid in visual compensation. I absolutely don't want to get rid of it; it's a central feature of this game, and a large part in why I have mine preordered.

I also think the game looks pretty solid in the racing department and look forward to experiencing the immersion factor on offer :)

Career mode on the official site, 7 discipline:

1) drift
2) fia gt1
3) muscle

2 left to be announced, any idea?

However sounds great, just hope that drifting is just limited to drift mode so i'll never gonna touch it and enjoy all other racing series.
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There's a speed threshold in head 'shaking'. Perhaps you aren't doing it fast enough?

Try shaking your head as fast as you possibly can. Think about a dog ridding itself of water. Anything else is 'nodding'!

Take a look at car cam shots of what drivers have to go through, maybe at Sebring next weekend.
Just watched the video. This game looks impressive so I will definitely be picking it up. Couple of questions though:

I didn't play Shift so if people who did could answer that would be great.

How are the customization options in this series(as far as vehicles and tracks are concerned)?

I read that if you pre-order you get the limited edition but I haven't seen any other editions. Is there only one edition of the game? I would like to rent it prior to purchasing it, so I might not pre-order the game. So if I wait to purchase it after it is out will I still be able to purchase the "limited edition?"

Do you mean customization in terms of upgrading parts & tuning on vehicles?

I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find a "limited edition" copy after the games release going from what was available after hot pursuit was released, not that they're similar games but both are published by ea & both have limited editions.
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find a "limited edition" copy after the games release going from what was available after hot pursuit was released, not that they're similar games but both are published by ea & both have limited editions.
Yeah, same when Shift was released. My local game store had so many of the pre-order code tickets, he gave them away to anybody that bought a regular copy too. ;)

Watch from 08:55 Interview with Marcus and gameplay at the same time.

Watch when he races daytime...he gets owned by the others...that never happens in GT5...but this is great. He has all kinds of help activated and is rather lousy driver but still it looks great to see the overpassings and how late the AI brakes..this time around he was smashed cuz he braked to soon...nice!

Nightracing might be a good way to learn a track, bet youll get great at daydriving if you learn nightdriving :)
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All cars will be locked even in quick drive mode.
You have to earn each car the hard way and publish if you want in Autolog. Drifting will be arcadeplay, no realism at all as it seems, will be really easy to win.

Physics will be more realistic than Shift1, the cars dont slide as they did and damagephysics seem to work real good. PC version will load tracks really fast (just a few seconds of loadtime) but Xbox 360 will take about 30 sec longer than Shift 1.
Impressions are it reminds alot of Grid in careermode but with more realistic handling.
(Gamereactor preview of the reviewcopy of the game, coming more soon...)

Fanatecs new GT2 wheel is not recommended as it seems, couldnt get any good settings with deadzone and brakingsensitivity...he will try the Logitech G27 instead....
All cars will be locked even in quick drive mode.
You have to earn each car the hard way and publish if you want in Autolog. Drifting will be arcadeplay, no realism at all as it seems, will be really easy to win.

Physics will be more realistic than Shift1, the cars dont slide as they did and damagephysics seem to work real good. PC version will load tracks really fast (just a few seconds of loadtime) but Xbox 360 will take about 30 sec longer than Shift 1.
Impressions are it reminds alot of Grid in careermode but with more realistic handling.
(Gamereactor preview of the reviewcopy of the game, coming more soon...)

Fanatecs new GT2 wheel is not recommended as it seems, couldnt get any good settings with deadzone and brakingsensitivity...he will try the Logitech G27 instead....

drifting is limited to drift mode right? the other 6 disciplines ( muscle, retro works etc )are free of it?


someone know what track is this?
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^ I like the look of that track! Like a flowing country side road. And it certainly doesn't look "too wide" in an absolute sense :lol:

drifting is limited to drift mode right? the other 6 disciplines ( muscle, retro works etc )are free of it?


someone know what track is this?

Yes, you dont have to drift at all to level up, the career mode will be free to go as you wish so you can complete it by racing what you like.
Yes, you dont have to drift at all to level up, the career mode will be free to go as you wish so you can complete it by racing what you like.

great so i'll complete 6 discipline out of 7 couase i'm gonna ignore drift section. thank you.
First of all, what wally is taking screenshots driving the car from BEHIND the car? That ALWAYS makes anything look arcade, even GT5! Plus that's a VERY wide angle lens FOV for that camera (look at how foreshortened the cars look) and is going to exaggerate track width (before anyone chimes in and gets this thread locked, too!) dramatically.

We need some proper replay cam shots for a more realistic view of what's going on visually in the game. Cockpit view, helmet view, hood cam view and ESPECIALLY God cam view, none of those have a realistic FOV. I honestly don't know of a single racing came where the God cam (or 'follow cam', whatever you want to call it) makes the cars and racing look realistic. Even when normal replay cam DOES...

And that's the new touge track, isn't it? Primarily a drift track, but a REAL one rather than just drifting on a race track. I sure hope hitting that wall destroys your car!
Fanatecs new GT2 wheel is not recommended as it seems, couldnt get any good settings with deadzone and brakingsensitivity...he will try the Logitech G27 instead....

That's odd. I'm sure there's a video of a triple screen setup, D-box and basically all fanatec gear.

If true I'm going to have to get this on PS with my G27.

Is there a link please?
I hope their chase cam is improved. Not lifeless as in GT5 (also way too stiff) or Forza. The position is fine just like the first one but damn it was bouncy! Everything on the screen moved.

From those screen shots I hope they did not remove the car specific gauges. Some may consider it as being the way but I liked that little touch.

Btw, the drifting is great. Get the hang of it and you will appreciate it. I didn't like it at first either.