Yea, I'm in the military, so we all have access to lifts. Be it at the motorpool or at the auto-hobby shop.
Suspension huh? What are you thinking of doing there? I have Cusco Zero2's, and I have nothing but good things to say about them. Little rugged for everyday driving, but get it out there in autox, and you're a beast. Other than these, I was going to get either JIC Magic's FLT-A2's or Tein RA's. I had Flexes on my S14 for a while, bought them used and had them rebuilt, they were decent.
S14 Blacktop, had that in my S14. Was a great motor, but the process to install is a little more extensive than a S13 redtop/blacktop. Nothing you need McGuyver for though, its just a few things due to the motor having VVT. One downside to the VVT Blacktop is its lowport head, which limits cam size. Most people that I know, that are going to go beserk with their Nissan, get a S13 motor, due to the fact that you can stick some honker cams in.
Dont sweat the questions, ask away if need be =)