IMO, nobody should be allowed to have nuclear weapons. But that's not how it works.
If the current nuclear powers want to dictate to others that they shouldn't be developing them. I think that requires at the very least reducing current stockpiles. I've got no time for hypocritical governments that are of the opinion that they and only they should hold nukes because they're the only ones responsible enough.
But you can't expect any nation facing an existential threat to simply bend over, grab their ankles and grit their teeth. They will do whatever they can to survive, no matter how odious a society they may appear to be or actually are. That's how self-interest and survival instincts work.
It does which is why there has been reduction from those who agreed and are apart of NPT, if you aren't apart of it, then what do you care about NPT for, you don't.
It turned out that both USSR and the US understood and that neither wanted to be the nation that destroyed the world, but at the same time both of them were incredibly wary of the idea that the OTHER party didn't understand (communications not being at an all time high) and that there would be some technological leap that would make destruction no longer mutually assured. Hence, Cuban Missile Crisis. But also stuff like Star Wars, which turned out to be largely bollocks but scared the bejeesus out of the USSR.
Yes but it could be argued that even the Cuban missile crisis, which the U.S. antagonized with their own defense system on Russia's front door prior, wasn't going to actually launch a nuclear weapon through rational means. In reality the fear was that a false launch or aggressive act would cause an over reaction and start a chain of events that would end the world or a large portion. Which is why the crisis is seen as such, but not something that is similar to N. Korea actually prodding the world like a child and saying, "look guys i have a gun watch me use it one of you".
As far as wanting an easier relationship, it's a bit of a chicken and egg thing as far as I can tell. All the way back to the foundation of NK and SK it's been aggressive diplomacy from both sides. I'd say that neither the US and it's allies or NK want an easier relationship at this point.
That's because of the idea of reunification, I'd say that it's less a result of the west and more of the history and isolationism and culture of North Korea, to not want to conduct relations. The goal at the end of the day is to make Korea one nation, and obviously that's a conflict because of the stark contrast in how both sides want to reach said goal.
Quite. On the other hand, they're not making heavy handed threats just for ***** and giggles. They're on the precipice of outright war with the US, and have been for years. It's not about rational, they have an actual threat opposing them. The west would rather see that regime gone (and for good reason) and so they obviously don't want to just roll over. Can you blame them?
That's my point it's not a joke and that's why it should be taken serious and so N. Korea shouldn't be surprised when serious reaction take place. Yes I can blame them, they are a regime, end of. Regimes don't get to prance the world over and do what they want. I make the same damn argument for Imperialism acts done by the west in the name of Globalization. No one party gets to put the world on watch and then claim defense, doesn't work that way, never will and if they think they're special then what comes next will be just as special for said mentality. Which is currently what we're seeing.
It'd be much easier for the Kim family to be the special little regime they are in solitude like they had been for decades before the 90s, and do their thing with out nuclear weapons.
If Russia and China joined up and said "Trump and the US government are a threat to it's own people and the rest of the world. Disband and allow us to form a new government for you or face military action" I think the US and a lot of the western world would tell them to shove it in an orifice.
Yes but that would take far more than just China and Russia, in the case of N. Korea most of the world and to a degree even China, sees an issue. And if this actually comes to some military action that
@Dotini has said rumors suggest, then clearly China saw it an even bigger issue then first thought.
Why would NK react any differently? Most people don't see themselves as the bad guy, remember. They see an existential threat (and I think a plausible one), and wish to communicate that they have the ability (they hope) to play at that level if they're pushed to it. They don't want to destroy the world or they'd have done it already, but nuclear weapons are only really of use if the other side knows that you have them and believes that you're willing and able to use them. I'd say NK are playing that part of it just right. Everyone believes that they'd actually push the button, which is entirely the point and the best way to never have to actually do it (short of everyone disarming).
Yes but being ignorant or deciding to be, isn't a defense. Deciding to launch ballistic missiles at another nation for no purpose other than because you can and "testing", doesn't make you the good guy in any possible argument. I don't think N. Korea are playing a part, I think they're sincere in their actions. Even Iran isn't this obtuse with their own program which is why I've made the argument that their shouldn't be any intervention their.
Also the difference is that Iran actually has moderates and conservative leaders on and off, the country arguably is more moderate than it was under Mr. "Holocaust is a western lie". N. Korea's people and the world in general don't get that luxury, they deal with the same Regime family just a different member after some time, but same ideals.
I don't think this idea of North Korea supposedly wont do it and just want attention is all that real, it could be but you could easily achieve that without every conducting missile tests in the manner that was seen.