NSX-RM Wednesday Night World Championship (Champion-Jonzster!!!)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
Already have, but apparently it doesn't matter now so nevermind.
With just two races left, i'm more in a mind to finish clean as possible and relax instead of bringing up anything, so look for me to say not a word.

Can think of what it might be, but I won't ask as clearly you do not want to say, but PM me if you want. :)
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Would i be able join you guys for the last two races?

If so sign me up!

PSN: GrayFox32
Car #: 32 (if available)
Great win again Jonzster 👍

Enjoyed our battle but as usual it was short lived lol.

R35 you have been solid recently mate and deserve all these points you are picking up.

Barn - don't hide your thoughts it's not like you :)

Honestly the end of this season has been a bit of a nightmare with connection issues, drivers backing out and me losing everything I had on my computer.

For these reasons me and Haig have struggled a bit to keep on top of everything aswell as re-designing the website and planning season two. (In our spare time)

We know there have been things we could have done better and we have learned alot along the way... with the help of you guys ;)

Season 2 will be the one :)

Drivers are going to be punished more for errors and we are looking into creating a reputation system to avoid dirty racers being able to race with our best drivers.

We will have a list of back-up drivers before the season kicks off and if anyone misses two races without informing us they will be removed instantly - no exceptions.

Damage is going to be on full to create a more realistic race and stop people being able to finish high up the table when they crash lots.

At the moment Japanese Super GT500 is the most popular vote for season 2 but we obviously want you guys input.

Steg :)
Would i be able join you guys for the last two races?

If so sign me up!

PSN: GrayFox32
Car #: 32 (if available)

No problem mate as long as you race clean and show up on time we will be glad to have you race with us,
Paint your NSX Yellow and stick the number 4 on it, Fully upgrade and race modify it, run it to 424bhp.

Next race is on Wednesday at Monaco, Check GTRC for countdown. ;)
No problem mate as long as you race clean and show up on time we will be glad to have you race with us,
Paint your NSX Yellow and stick the number 4 on it, Fully upgrade and race modify it, run it to 424bhp.

Next race is on Wednesday at Monaco, Check GTRC for countdown. ;)

Not to worry about me being a clean racer, I am. Also since its late in the season I wont be racing too hard, wouldn't want to ruin championship points for anyone. I just want to race! I got some practicing to do.
Not to worry about me being a clean racer, I am. Also since its late in the season I wont be racing too hard, wouldn't want to ruin championship points for anyone. I just want to race! I got some practicing to do.

Nice one mate 👍

In that case I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

I have added you to Ps, feel free to join me in some practice whenever I am online.

Any other questions either leave here or Pm me bud.
Monza race replay is up, enjoy :)

Part 1

Part 2 - mega 3 way battle for 2nd (14 odd minutes) between Sic, R35 and Toffe 👍

Part 3
Great videos as always Jonzster! Really nice video quality too. Wow, this race looks even more intense in replay than when I was actually driving. No wonder I was all sweaty afterwards!

STEG-13: SuperGT sounds like a great idea I think. However, I was thinking that perhaps using prototypes could be an option too maybe? Many rooms online don't allow them and there seems to be few championships using them too... It would be fun to compete with them... But I can imagine SuperGT will make for close racing though.
That's a good shout Toffe, nothing is decided yet and obviously you guys already racing with us have the biggest say on the next series, I will add Prototypes to the suggestions 👍

KK - can you have a wee look here and get back to me mate ;)
That's a good shout Toffe, nothing is decided yet and obviously you guys already racing with us have the biggest say on the next series, I will add Prototypes to the suggestions 👍

KK - can you have a wee look here and get back to me mate ;)

Im on the case
The battle with Sic & R35 between 10:00 and 10:30

Stewards Decisions

SICWHITT & R35 & Toffe

On part 2 of the Monza Race Replay courtesy of jonzster...

at 4:42 R35 crashes right into Toffe at the variante della roggia. First Violation

at 10:16 R35 crashes his way through to overtake SICWHITT at the variante della roggia. Second Violation

You've had two strikes before this race mate....No Option but to Give a Penalty....

You will miss the Qualifying for the Next Race in Cote d'Azur and you will start from the back of the pack...
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Thanks for the decision kk, appreciate you taking the time to look into this :)
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Are you guys kidding me on? I see these examples of these things and I see all this crap, I have alot of points to make 1. Toffe's incident was me braking late and that was a mistake but I lost considerable time in waiting to make it up, I cut down the inside after braking later than sic, I took the corner line later than him then steered into the corner I did not "crash my way through" and what happened to the common courtesy of asking for a second opinion? I crashed my car and damaged it considerably in one case trying to avoid crashes in the race so you cannot say I'm doing this on purpose.. I see barn has a complaint and as Kk says there are many violations so why is mine being the only one highlighted? I have not gave anyone a serious disadvantage as of yet and it's just getting ridiculous as barn says can we not just enjoy the series as we only have 2 races left? Or does sic still have it out for me since Suzuka now he knows reporting me for every scratch is the only way he gets an advantage now? As i watched tgat replay and he was wronged by toffe yet nothing about that. Seriously unhappy
Hey R35..I look at the incidents which have been reported...If you or anyone wants to report feel free to do so...I can assure you, you are not being picked on and I know you are not doing this on purpose. I also have said that you had two strikes before this race and you have to dial down the aggression a little so that everyone can enjoy the racing. Believe me when I say I dont want to give out Penalties unless I have to. This was your third strike. I and other race directors would have given you a penalty after your incident with SIC in Deep Forest Raceway but I chose not to.

Starting from the back in monaco is not so bad mate...I know that you get flying starts from the grid and you are a very fast driver. Just dial down the aggression a little...You certainly have the pace since you caught up with the pack after crashing twice...The drivers just want clean and fair driving...👍
R35 - I have no idea how you can feel unfairly treated ?

Most hosts here would of kicked you out by now to be blunt but I gave you more than one chance to make up for your mistakes.

Time after time I have defended you to others and yet you think we are picking on you.

There is no conspiracy here mate. You are involved in at least one major incident a week and I have had more complaints about you than all other drivers put together.

If someone reports an incident within a reasonable time after the race then I pass it straight on to kk and he decides the penalty as he is not bias, he doesn't even know the guys we race with apart from the ones on here( you).

The fact is R35 you caused two avoidable collisions in one race and nobody else did, that is the reason you are getting a penalty.
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I never cause any major incidents, the one in deep forest was close but I have never caused any serious position loss in any race and don't give me that once a week steg.. High speed ring.. Laguna seca.. Nurb gp.. Le mans.. All clean races. And monaco is actually by far the hardest track to climb places and I realised that and I find it hard to think I'm being treated fairly when on my first race I put a report on sic and you told me that I need to let it go between me and him
Look mate, I have nothing against you, infact I think I get on pretty well with you.

We have tried to avoid penalties as much as possible in our first series because a group of adults should be able to sort things out by themselves.

Look at it from my point of view, fair play I exaggerated about every race but you yourself even said that you are at the centre of most incidents.

What am I meant to do when someone complains about an incident and we find out you were at fault?

I know you didn't mean to crash and I know you are a good guy but I have said before that you make silly mistakes. You have the pace but are still learning the racecraft.

Nobody dislikes you bud and believe it or not I enjoy racing with you.

What would you do if the roles were reversed, I hit Jonzster from the back and overtook Toffe while bumping and cutting a corner?

You have been warned before mate and you have never had a time penalty or a DQ.

Out of all the incidents you caused this is only your second penalty and I feel that is more than fair.

I stand by kk's decision and believe he has made the correct decision.
Good to see we've all calmed down a bit...It is very clear that you are fast mate...It was clear when I was watching the replay when you caught up with Toffe and SIC...TWICE...Reminds me of a certain 'lewis hamilton'...See you in monaco mate..;)
Didn't want to butt in earlier but as things have calmed down now, I would just like to add my 2 cents.

I understand the need to enforce the rules and all, but can the the man not be able to participate in qualifying at all? You know you will all be either deaf at the end of it (beeeeeeeep) or blind from smoke (donuts) when boredom kicks in ;)

Seriously though, IMHO banning anyone from qualy is a little harsh. I would like to see a more real world motor racing approach to dealing out pentalties eg F1, WTCC etc.

Could the steward(s) at least consider for example, a 5 place grid penalty in future. Even 10 place penalty for a really bad infraction. It would still probably end up putting most people at the back of the grid, unless of course we had a full grid, in which case it would still feel worth while them taking part to get as far up as possible. Personally I feel any of the above is enough of a penalty to discourage drivers from any unsporting conduct during a race.

EDIT: I know... I'm dreaming, realize the only thing that can be done is ask the player to sit out of qualifying. Something else Kaz needs to fix :lol:

cheers :)
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Great win again Jonzster 👍

Enjoyed our battle but as usual it was short lived lol.

Cheers Steg, pleasure racing with you as always.

Great videos as always Jonzster! Really nice video quality too. Wow, this race looks even more intense in replay than when I was actually driving. No wonder I was all sweaty afterwards!

STEG-13: SuperGT sounds like a great idea I think. However, I was thinking that perhaps using prototypes could be an option too maybe? Many rooms online don't allow them and there seems to be few championships using them too... It would be fun to compete with them... But I can imagine SuperGT will make for close racing though.

Thanks, yep awesome race that was 👍 I agree SuperGT sounds great and if it's run anything as well as this years championship it should be awesome.

Not to worry about me being a clean racer, I am. Also since its late in the season I wont be racing too hard, wouldn't want to ruin championship points for anyone. I just want to race! I got some practicing to do.

Welcome aboard mate :)
I like the LMP idea as well. GT500 and or GT300 are good for close acing but there are also 450/500/550 road cars, tuners, and even rally cars on road courses.
As for not saying nothing, well i know it's not me but i did and nothing was done, prolly forgotten about, so i'm forgetting it as well (good humanitarian that i am).... stop coughing.

As for R35 getting all bent out of shape, sorry but you did deserve it.
Being fast is no substitute for lack of conideration for other drivers.
Something you apparently lack or just get to heated up and tend to not think about.
You've got skill, but are not pushing yourself like you should and you can do better, maybe trying a bit harder to not cause accidents would be a good start.

Trust me, i'm not the best driver out there but i always try to not ruin other drivers races, then place well second.
Patience is key and winning is a byproduct of good driving.
jonszter and Steg, thx for the offer.
I get where your coming from Jonzster but because of the standing starts it would be impossible to move someone down the grid after they have qualified, unless I am mistaken.

We don't have the ability to rewind the live races unfortunately or we could have a steward call drive-throughs for bad incidents. (Would be amazing)

As for time penalties for contact, how can we fairly judge how much time Toffe or Sicwhitt lost as a result of these incidents

We really don't like handing out penalties and in my eyes we have only done so in the most serious cases where a participants race has been affected to the extent that they see the need to make a complaint about another driver.

If we can figure out a better penalty system we will use it in future mate but at the moment kk's decision is final.
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Yep absolutely agree Steg mate, I's a shame there isn't another way, but I know it's the only thing that can be done for now.

I do talk some rubbish at times :lol: