Obtaining Better B-Spec Stats ??

  • Thread starter LivingSoul
Congratulations, TornadoAlley, nice job! I'd agree that doing it from scratch isn't particularly difficult once you get the hang of it, but it is incredibly tedious.
I haven't tried from scratch, but I'd guess that doing it starting from a "random" base, as I did, would be more tedious. You pretty much still need to do races in all cars at all tracks, and yet you don't know when you've got "all points" from each track. Many races, even tracks, yield no points. But you have to do them in case your "real races" missed one-or-two points there for some reason. If you're starting from scratch, each track should yield a predictable number of nice yummy reassuring points. If you're following the detailed method precisely, you should even be able to tell whether you've got all points for the track.
Spike, usually when machine points get stuck for the standard tunings you can run all the sweeps and still not collect the missing points. However, you want to track down all the floating points before starting the sweeps to avoid poluting the data, just in case. Sometimes a particularly good race will spit out stuck machine points on generous tracks like Nurburgring, Fuji, or El Capitan, but you might have better luck with an alternate tuning.

The C and D class floating points usually don't get stuck, and aren't even all that picky about tuning, so try the B and A classes first. The B-1 and B-2 Miatas are just within the lower end of their sub-class, a stronger tuning might help. Two cars that are good at scrounging up stuck machine points are the Nike and Prowler. Entering them in practice or photo mode on the Ring frequently maxes out the machine skill. Otherwise, check the links in the message below for alternate tunings in each sub-class.

Yes I agree that it wasn't particularly difficult or necessarily tedious starting from scratch (thanks to all of the info here). I was just pleased to make it through and have the utmost respect for you guys that have spent much more time figuring out all of the intricacies and methods to find those stuck or "lost" points.
You can't just walk away and leave B-Spec Bob on his own. Keep in mind that one of your greatest assets in B-Spec is that you only need half a tank of gas on a pit stop. Don't fill all the way up in a close race.
Ace! I'm glad you could make it.

Hey everybody, I'd like to introduce Ace_Maverick, a founding member of Team B-spec. Ace_Maverick pioneered a lot of the early work that led to the current machine point theories. Many of the strategies for winning tough B-spec races are based on reports from his tests.

So Ace, are you stopping by to see how your research has developed? Are looking for some stray points? Maybe you'd like to run a few tests. There's still a lot we don't know about B-spec, and details that would be useful to develop further.

I'm always impressed when people read the whole topic. There's a lot of good information available, but a lot of it is buried under repeated questions and explanations, and mixed in with a fair share of mistakes - kind of like the old B-spec thread at GameFAQs. 4x4x4 Fan is still hosting the old archive; I refer to it occasionally. You can find a link to the old topic, updates from the JP author, and direct links to important posts in this topic on SportWagon's B-spec Reference Topic.
I'm still confused about this all B-Spec points....
Someone mentioned doing the Family Cup race with a Lupo, gave Bob alot of points.., where is the Family Cup?:dunce: pls.

Also, which Nurbs is mentioned in the following link?pls ...TY

At most any track in the Original Circuits, City Courses or World Circuits halls, the rightmost option is "family cup".

I'm not sure what you're asking with the second question; there's only one Nurburgring.

The whole procedure on collecting B-spec points is rather nicely detailed here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=1686790
I have my machine skill at 100 and the other two at 88 points apiece. Sad thing is, its been done by accident. I would like to bring the other two skills up though...
I'm still confused about this all B-Spec points....

Ok, in a nutshell, B-Spec points are like A-Spec points. Useful for bragging rights. B-spec stats are how good you're driver is in B-spec. 100 is the Max, with 0 obviously being the lowest.
I have my machine skill at 100 and the other two at 88 points apiece. Sad thing is, its been done by accident. I would like to bring the other two skills up though...
It doesn't really matter if you are starting from scratch, or picking up the point hunt with fairly high skills (unless you have detailed records of each and every point), you still need to follow the method as described to collect all the points. The major difference between a scratch game and a clean up game, is there is a prediction table available with the JP method with milestone scores so you can verify all points have been collected up to that point.

Since your machine skill is maxed, you might also have all the floating battle points and be tempted to skip Nurburgring Tunings. This can confuse the data if a few stray floating battle points happen to trickle in during the sweeps - so I always recommend testing all 8 tunings on the Ring before systematically checking each track with 4 cars in search of track points.

If you know you've been over certain tracks many times with various cars, you might be able to skip that track with some cars. But the record keeping required to cover each track in each direction and recording the points after each race needs to be accurate over 228 races. I suspect you'll want to use a systematic approach and check each track in order just to keep things straight.

So the process is the same either way. Keep detailed records, race all 8 subclasses until the points stop, then check and recheck every track until all the points are found. Collecting most of the points (9800-9990) is a reasonable goals, and not difficult to accomplish. Collecting all 10000 points, especially on a clean up game, is a fairly difficult and time consuming task.

If you are looking for some easy points, and not all the points, you can improve the odds by looking in the right places. Drive slow cars on long tracks and fast cars on short tracks. You can also check the FAQs and Guides for which tracks are used less often or only with certain classes of cars.
I have my machine skill at 100 and the other two at 88 points apiece. Sad thing is, its been done by accident. I would like to bring the other two skills up though...

Using the methods so well described by this forum I constructed a spreadsheet that contains all of the races that you would need to run through to find those other points. If you follow the link in my sig you can find my B-spec stats page.

Best of luck!👍
Tornado, thanks for the links, 👍
My B-Spec points were at 8577/98/85/85 for a while, then i did the Japanese 80's again with an 89 300ZX 2 seater. Got about 40+ points in default and then @ 334 hp got another 40+ points, so now i'm up to 8668/100/86/86.
I tried the World Circuits/Nurbs- Family Cup with the cars and set up you mentioned, Lupo 1,4, Toyota R Raid and Nissan 350 LM Race Car Prototype, but no new results in B-Spec points. The Mazda Miata 1800 RS 04, is it from the Used list? The dealer has the 04 RS 1,8. I have an 1800 RS (J) '00 which i tried, but got nothing.
Should i try the other tracks @ World Circuits in Family Cup??
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated 👍 Thanks! :boggled:
Looking at that 8668/100/86/86, I'd say you have all the floating points and a little over half the track points. The next step is to race all four cars on every track in World Circuits except Suzuka West. Then do the same in City Courses and Original Circuits. The problem is unless you've kept detailed records there's no way of knowing which track points you've collected and which you haven't, so you have to do them all. Don't forget Beginner's Course and Motorland.

Your Miata should be fine.
Warning: If @ anytime, while reading this post, you feel a headache coming on, please, stop reading immediately and seek medical help/advice, if necessary!!

Thanks Bob 👍
As i predict it, after doing all the races with the VW Polo 1.4, the Mazda RS 1800 (00) 1&2, the Subaru WRX Rally Prototype and the Nissan 350Z Race Car Prototype, in the end, Dork (B-Spec driver) had 9973/99/99 :ouch:
Then, for some reason, i decided to let Dork take the Nissan March '99 for a spin @ Motorland and @ Beginners Course and @ Beginner Course Reverse, Dork got another 13 points, bringing the total now to 9986/99/99
Being trying other races since, but no luck!
:ouch: :ouch: Unfortunately, i didn't bother to keep track of all the points etc... so, now --- i have to start allover just for those 14 points ? :( 🤬
Anyone had a similar experience and found out on which track were the poits hidden?? I might've missed a Reverse race somewhere, since the Diary does NOT 🤬 indicates wether the race was done in Reverse 👎
Why didn't they program the game to display the B-Spec points awarded, like in A-Spec?? :mad:
After all that, I really didn't notice any improvement in Dork's driving, it's just annoying to watch it hit the car ahead 3-4 times and or pushing it 5+ seconds, then sway left and right, before slamming on the brakes and getting back up to speed and trying to pass on the left on a right hand corner and viceversa on a left hand corner and so on, only to end up on the grass or sand etc.... Dork is Dork, no doubt.:lol: I did most of the races @ X3, cause i just couldn't dare to watch it....
Another day gone, another day wasted on B-Spec 🤬
Your 14 missing points are exactly what is predicted from 1 missing track. Of course, you won't know if a fraction is missing unless you can find the missing points. This happened to me in my clean up game. I wasn't keep the careful notes I should have been and missed a track. I figured I forgot something between my late night run and next day trials and re-ran a few of those races. Fortunately I got lucky and found the track I missed. And yeah, it was a reverse track - Stage Route 5 or something.
I have a question, does experience on one track carry over to all tracks?

Ex: Lets say I gathered all possible points from all classes on Tsukuba. And I got a time of 1'00.00 in class D-2 time trial(so battle points shouldn't matter). Then I went and gathered a bunch more points from other random tracks. If I were to go back to Tsukuba, would my time get better or stay relatively the same?

Why I ask this. I've gotten to the point in Gt4 where my b-spec points are so scattered I have no Idea where I'm missing them, and it seems like too much of a pain to go through all the track again in b-spec, but I truly enjoy comparing cars and setups and whatnot, and b-spec seems like the most unbiased way to test various aspects of the game.
Yes and no. As far as we can tell, the machine, course, and battle skill points apply equally to all vehicles, tracks, and races. However, it would be stretching it a bit to argue that this would lead directly to improved time on the tracks.

We've got a pretty good idea how to collect the B-spec points, but no one has made much progress in figuring out what they do. The most noticeable differences are a marked reduction in mistakes, and improved passing ability. This is especially noticeable at lower skill levels, but you need to look pretty hard to find the difference between a skill level of 8,000 and 10,000. I don't think I've ever heard a credible argument that a higher B-spec level makes the driver faster. There was a long discussion about this on GameFAQs. A small group ran several tests on B-spec Bob's lap times. However, I could never get them to draw any conclusions from their research.

I would expect a B-spec driver with a higher skill level to have improved race times due to fewer mistakes, but the best lap wouldn't change very much. Or, a highly skill B-spec driver may have improved lap times because now he can handle a higher pace without mistakes. A B-spec driver with high battle skill shouldn't spend as much time stuck behind slower traffic, and this should lead to a faster 1st lap. That's about the best I can offer.

If you've got more that 8000 points, and the battle points is over 70 or so, he should do fine in any race, and it should be fair to compare times unless you collect many hundreds of extra points. If you've got less than 7000 points then you missed a larger pocket of easy points someplace. And BTW, there's 8 subclasses for the easy floating points, but only 4 classes for the track points spread all over. Still, that's a total of 232 tracks to search through, and it's probably not worth the effort.
Thanks for all the info and work you guys have put into B-Spec.

I'm at 9300-97-93-89 and I'm afraid I ran out of races to get any more. I didn't keep any written records but I'm pretty sure I've hit every track with all drivetrains. Thanks again guys.
Thanks for all the info and work you guys have put into B-Spec.

I'm at 9300-97-93-89 and I'm afraid I ran out of races to get any more. I didn't keep any written records but I'm pretty sure I've hit every track with all drivetrains. Thanks again guys.

I'd like to point out the drivetrain doesn't matter; rather, it's the general performance category of the cars, A-1, B-2, C-1, etc. I reached 10000/100/100/100 with a FF and three FR cars, specifically the cars listed in this post; no MR or FWD and certainly no RR drivetrains. As a practical matter, though, unless you want the satisfaction of a perfect score I wouldn't bother putting a whole lot of effort into improving your score. Your B-spec driver is already pretty much as good as he's ever going to get and has been since the high 8000's. The only way to ensure you've collected all points, I'm afraid, is to redo all 232+ races.

Having said that, though, I observe your machine skill is at 97. You can collect the missing 3 points at either Nurburgring or one of the Fuji tracks without a great deal of difficulty, using the cars and procedure referenced.

Good luck with it!
Thanks for all this information guys, very useful. However I have 2 questions regarding the topic mentioned in the previsous post:


1) Where is this famous Family Cup (nurburgring) you're talking about?

2) What "Miata" and "Supercharger" mean exactly?

Sorry if these questions have been already asked by someone else :ill: and thank you in advance for your answers :)

Family Cup = Any one of the four races found in the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast of the GT4 Simulation Mode screen. Family Cup at Nurburgring is the Real Courses one (I forget which corner), then Nurburgring, then select "Family Cup".

Miata = Mazda Miata = Mazda Eunos Roadster = Mazda MX-5

Supercharger = A tuning part which can be fitted by way of going to the country (in this case Japan), then to the manufacturer (in this case Mazda), then to "Tuning". A supercharger is like a turbocharger, but instead of being exhaust driven it is belt driven, from the crankshaft.
We've got a pretty good idea how to collect the B-spec points, but no one has made much progress in figuring out what they do. The most noticeable differences are a marked reduction in mistakes, and improved passing ability. This is especially noticeable at lower skill levels, but you need to look pretty hard to find the difference between a skill level of 8,000 and 10,000. I don't think I've ever heard a credible argument that a higher B-spec level makes the driver faster. There was a long discussion about this on GameFAQs. A small group ran several tests on B-spec Bob's lap times. However, I could never get them to draw any conclusions from their research.

I did a comparison of my 10,000 B-spec driver to a 0 point rookie driver awhile ago but the post has gotten buried.


My general conclusion was that the 10,000 point driver was better but tended to be a bit more aggressive and drive off the track on some corners. He did do better when racing other cars when compared to the rookie driver.
I did a comparison of my 10,000 B-spec driver to a 0 point rookie driver awhile ago but the post has gotten buried.


My general conclusion was that the 10,000 point driver was better but tended to be a bit more aggressive and drive off the track on some corners. He did do better when racing other cars when compared to the rookie driver.
I never saw that thread, great job there TA! I hope you don't mind, but I added a link to it in my Lists/Info Links thread.
i dont see the point in having max b-spec points the driver would be too good and there wouldnt be much of a challenge or anyways to improve
I didn't know B-Spec was about a challenge. I thought it was the way around the things you didn't want to, or couldn't, do. Or, you can always set it up the same way you would set up a challenging A-spec race. Make it the equivelant of a 200pt A-spec race.