I haven't tried from scratch, but I'd guess that doing it starting from a "random" base, as I did, would be more tedious. You pretty much still need to do races in all cars at all tracks, and yet you don't know when you've got "all points" from each track. Many races, even tracks, yield no points. But you have to do them in case your "real races" missed one-or-two points there for some reason. If you're starting from scratch, each track should yield a predictable number of nice yummy reassuring points. If you're following the detailed method precisely, you should even be able to tell whether you've got all points for the track.BobKCongratulations, TornadoAlley, nice job! I'd agree that doing it from scratch isn't particularly difficult once you get the hang of it, but it is incredibly tedious.
I'm still confused about this all B-Spec points....
Someone mentioned doing the Family Cup race with a Lupo, gave Bob alot of points.., where is the Family Cup?pls.
Also, which Nurbs is mentioned in the following link?pls ...TY
I'm still confused about this all B-Spec points....
It doesn't really matter if you are starting from scratch, or picking up the point hunt with fairly high skills (unless you have detailed records of each and every point), you still need to follow the method as described to collect all the points. The major difference between a scratch game and a clean up game, is there is a prediction table available with the JP method with milestone scores so you can verify all points have been collected up to that point.I have my machine skill at 100 and the other two at 88 points apiece. Sad thing is, its been done by accident. I would like to bring the other two skills up though...
I have my machine skill at 100 and the other two at 88 points apiece. Sad thing is, its been done by accident. I would like to bring the other two skills up though...
Thanks for all the info and work you guys have put into B-Spec.
I'm at 9300-97-93-89 and I'm afraid I ran out of races to get any more. I didn't keep any written records but I'm pretty sure I've hit every track with all drivetrains. Thanks again guys.
We've got a pretty good idea how to collect the B-spec points, but no one has made much progress in figuring out what they do. The most noticeable differences are a marked reduction in mistakes, and improved passing ability. This is especially noticeable at lower skill levels, but you need to look pretty hard to find the difference between a skill level of 8,000 and 10,000. I don't think I've ever heard a credible argument that a higher B-spec level makes the driver faster. There was a long discussion about this on GameFAQs. A small group ran several tests on B-spec Bob's lap times. However, I could never get them to draw any conclusions from their research.
I never saw that thread, great job there TA! I hope you don't mind, but I added a link to it in my Lists/Info Links thread.I did a comparison of my 10,000 B-spec driver to a 0 point rookie driver awhile ago but the post has gotten buried.
My general conclusion was that the 10,000 point driver was better but tended to be a bit more aggressive and drive off the track on some corners. He did do better when racing other cars when compared to the rookie driver.
I never saw that thread, great job there TA! I hope you don't mind, but I added a link to it in my Lists/Info Links thread.
I didn't know B-Spec was about a challenge. I thought it was the way around the things you didn't want to, or couldn't, do. Or, you can always set it up the same way you would set up a challenging A-spec race. Make it the equivelant of a 200pt A-spec race.i dont see the point in having max b-spec points the driver would be too good and there wouldnt be much of a challenge or anyways to improve