Oculus RIFT Head Mounted Display 90 Degree FOV

  • Thread starter ibuycheap
This quote is from an article from Forbes

To play Hawken is to get a glimpse of a decades-old promise in gaming. This, you realize, is immersion – anything else pales in comparison. If you need to look to your left, you look to your left. You look behind you and you see the back of your cockpit. You feel like a small, squishy human empowered by his access to a flying rocket launcher.

"Anything else pales in comparison"

Hummmm, interesting, maybe it is more than just "3lbs of plastic you strap to your head for 3D" (paraphrasing of course).

My wife caught me inspecting the pixel density on my Samsung Galaxy S2 phone, while holding it 1/2 inch from my face I heard her say: "Why are boys so strange?" I just said, "It would take too long to explain..."
The thing is VR is already used in many of those fields. It is just prohibitively expensive for most consumers. We are talking $20k for a basic setup and even millions for some of the highly advanced ones. The fact that we can get a good experience for $300 is amazing in itself.
The more I read about this device the more I want it.
It's almost like having the need to go to the toilet urgendly. I feel that pressured to get this, though I better listen to my mind and wait for the consumer version.

I am playong ETS2 at the moment and so much wish to just look around my truck's cabine to see if there is any approaching traffic. What happened now I can't... of course some carnage where I ran over a car and dragged some more along side the truck. >_<
So will you be reviewing this for us then?

I will do my best but I don't even really know where to begin. Reviewing something like this is going to be difficult since the experience will vary from person to person and wide FOV HMD's are really something you have to use to understand how incredible they are.
Sure, I know, but I just want a basic review of how well it works for sim racing. How good is the pictire.quality and motion. I know this stuff is bleeding edge so there is really no comparison to be done. Just want first impressions from a sim racer - their opinions carry more weight to my interst level.
It's funny, I have noticed that all the haters in this thread are the ones that have wasted lots of money on huge screens and custom cockpits etc.

Bias perhaps?

In all likelihood it will obsolete triple screen setups, people who want full immersion and the ability to see the cockpit they are sitting in will move onto 360 projection systems, for everyone else there will be the Oculus.
It's funny, I have noticed that all the haters in this thread are the ones that have wasted lots of money on huge screens and custom cockpits etc.

Bias perhaps?

In all likelihood it will obsolete triple screen setups, people who want full immersion and the ability to see the cockpit they are sitting in will move onto 360 projection systems, for everyone else there will be the Oculus.

im definately no hater (i will be ordering when i can) but ya money ive spent on cockpit, triples, CSW etc etc but they will still get used & will stay where they are for other things :) i just cannot wait till i can afford to get the DEVKIT
Sure, I know, but I just want a basic review of how well it works for sim racing. How good is the pictire.quality and motion. I know this stuff is bleeding edge so there is really no comparison to be done. Just want first impressions from a sim racer - their opinions carry more weight to my interst level.

Will do, I'll be sure to give my impressions that will mostly be focused on racing games, as long as I have some decent content to work with by the time I get mine (late May estimated). As far as content goes, the VorpX drivers will supposedly support rFactor 1 immediately so that will likely be my baseline. I don't know what other driving/racing games will be supported by third party, but I don't think we'll see any integration for games like iRacing, rF2, pCARS, AC, etc for at least a few months. But, who knows, maybe one of those development teams has already been working on it. I hope so!

It's funny, I have noticed that all the haters in this thread are the ones that have wasted lots of money on huge screens and custom cockpits etc.

Bias perhaps?

In all likelihood it will obsolete triple screen setups, people who want full immersion and the ability to see the cockpit they are sitting in will move onto 360 projection systems, for everyone else there will be the Oculus.

There are going to be people who stick to their absurd large screen setups, and that's fine, they are free to miss out. I actually know one guy who has still to this day never bought a DVD or Blu-Ray. He buys used VHS tapes because he likes the way they look and sound. Some people are nostalgic like that and will want to stick with their "dinosaur tech" giant screens.

One big improvement over typical triple screen setups is going to be the ability to see all of your gauges since you have much more vertical FOV than with even a 4:3 triple screen setup. That will add to the immersion since you will feel more like you are sitting in the car, there won't be bezels in front of you cutting off your view above, below, and to the sides.
I intend to buy a Rift because it'll probably be cheaper and less GPU-heavy than three 1080p monitors running on a single 680, then (provided the whole being unable to see your wheel and buttons thing is easy to get used to) I'll get a single large high resolution monitor to replace my current triple 1680x1050s. That's my plan, anyway. If the Rift is no good for simming I'll go with the much more expensive (I think) Plan B which is three 1080ps and a second 680.
Almost ordered one today, but than i realised that shipping cost, import taxes, import fees and VAT (21%) raise the price too much for me to buy the developer kit.

So i will wait another year or so and buy the consumer version for sure.
Still very interest to hear from the first users of the developer kit.
It's funny, I have noticed that all the haters in this thread are the ones that have wasted lots of money on huge screens and custom cockpits etc.

Bias perhaps?

In all likelihood it will obsolete triple screen setups, people who want full immersion and the ability to see the cockpit they are sitting in will move onto 360 projection systems, for everyone else there will be the Oculus.

This post was rather amusing... :nervous:

Haters? I don't think things are just as you put them..

Having multiple screens has lots of uses for computer users, can you multi task on a rift for instance? Surround gaming, supports dozens and dozens of games and support will not just stop. It also will support much higher resolutions for those that want that and the costs/graphical power to run it.

By the way your talking it is as if nobody will need or care for the upcoming advances in screen technology. Oh goodie virtual world is here and we all will love it!!!

It is just sensible to be a bit more realistic and understand that each format has their own advantageous and benefits. Neither I would say will replace the other like how you put it.

Chances are those that have spent such money on multi screen set-ups will not think twice about buying a Rift come the time if they want it. Also they have many months yet to enjoy their set-ups before Rift is properly available and according to you multi screens become obsolete.

When is Rift going to retail?
What and how many games will be fully supported for it on launch?

I'm sorry but I do not see everyone having the same excitement or will maybe want to constantly keep moving their head/neck for gaming hour after hour and wear a headset. Revolutionary it may be but their are some factors that not everyone will enjoy it as much as others. 3D glasses was such an issue for some people causing big debates about it never mind wearing an enclosed device. So on a technical level it sure could be amazing but in real world usage will it appeal to everyone as a must have device. I agree gadget freaks will be foaming for it (that is clear already) but will this be enough to make it a commercial success in the general market?

Personally, chances are I will like to experience it but certainly not convinced it would replace my need or desire to do away with having a multi screen configuration.

Besides how the heck can I reach for my coffee without spilling it with that thing on my head :)
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Surround gaming, supports dozens and dozens of games and support will not just stop.

That's a joke right? The only games that properly support surround gaming are sim titles. Otherwise you have an obnoxious fish eye effect on the outer screens. Obviously you have an interest in those titles but to say support for surround gaming is so broad is inaccurate. If this is the type of support you think is adequate then driver patches and the rift will parallel that level of "Support."

True we do not live in a perfect world.
Then again Rift wont be perfect neither.

btw I had beta, vhs, laserdisc, vcd, dvd, blu ray and none of them just blasted onto the market place killin off formats that were established.
I don't think PC gaming has ever been "properly perfect" :)

Stick to topic if you don't agree with other peoples views, fine you don't have to.
Express your reasons why then everyone will just go bonkers for it.
I don't think PC gaming has ever been "properly perfect" :)

Stick to topic if you don't agree with other peoples views, fine you don't have to.
Express your reasons why then everyone will just go bonkers for it.

Your statement is not an opinion. You said that surround gaming has wide support. Outside of simulation titles that is not true at all. The level of support of the rift will match surround gaming immediately through custom drivers so that is hardly an advantage of surround gaming.
I think in a few years devices like the Rift might have a chance to replace multi-monitor setups but not immediately. If the Rift is successful I can see the second or third version of it using a high resolution curved OLED screen. With that, there are already people working on virtual desktop applications that will give you much more flexibility than even a six screen setup. But until then, as much as promise as I see in the Rift, I will still be keeping my three screen setup for productivity and unsupported games.

I've got two triple screen setups now, one on my racing rig and the other at my desk. I'll be happy to be able to lose the racing rig screens since they take up so much space. I bought the three screen setup and my rSeat Formula cockpit to enhance my immersion in racing games. The Oculus Rift is a logical step for putting yourself "in the game." But for other games that I enjoy like the new Sim City and Diablo 3, my triple screen setup is great. I'm sure there will be innovators who come up with a way to make those games viable to play on a HMD, but it will be some time.

Between the Vireio Perception and VorpX drivers, we should have maybe 75 games well supported by the time everyone starts receiving their Rift developer kits. Nthusim is also releasing HMD software but they have been more quiet about their list of supported titles. With every major racing sim developer ordering a dev kit, things look very good for the sim racing community.

Also remember there are hundreds of indie developer titles already being worked on that are being designed from the ground up to be used with VR. That will be an amazing experience in itself that won't be available to standard monitor users.

It won't catch on immediately for everyone, just read some of the comments on tech sites like Engadget, "I'm not wearing that thing, I'll look like a dork!" Give it a few years though and I think it will become more and more common due to the price.

Give high resolution HMD's a good desktop app and some good games and I think over time we will see multi-monitor support in games fade away. Because if you can buy a HMD for $250 and use it with your current video card, why spend so much more on a triple monitor setup?

Oh, and eye tracking is a very real thing that will likely be coming to HMD's in the next few years. That will be a huge step towards the overall success of these products.
just read some of the comments on tech sites like Engadget, "I'm not wearing that thing, I'll look like a dork!"

lol...I dont think would put us off (racing crowd) as most of us sit in our front room with a steering wheel on our lap making brrm brmm noises at the TV :sly:

...but I do think people need to remember the price is the real factor here. This isn't a rich kids toy, this is maybe a third/quarter the price of CSW set yet it can be used for anything. It's less than the secondhand GPU I ordered today :D
lol...I dont think would put us off (racing crowd) as most of us sit in our front room with a steering wheel on our lap making brrm brmm noises at the TV :sly:

...but I do think people need to remember the price is the real factor here. This isn't a rich kids toy, this is maybe a third/quarter the price of CSW set yet it can be used for anything. It's less than the secondhand GPU I ordered today :D

very true, the money I was trying to save up for a tripple projection setup, I can now allocate to a motion rig! I think the best part about it is for people like me who don't have a dedicated room in their house for a fixed sim rig can now place a wheel in any corner of the room (or any closet) and not have to roll in a cockpit and hookup all their cables every time after the kids goes to bed and I want to race. I plan on leaving my rig in the hallway closet and just playing in there. now that I don't need the extra space for tripple screens in front of me.
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Who cares if you look like a dork? Thats so dumb. You care what you look like in the privacy of your own home? People who care about such things also watch TMZ, think that people are defined by what they wear, and are shallow stupid jerks. I'd rather be a dork than chugging brews at a kegger fist bumping. LOL