It's funny, I have noticed that all the haters in this thread are the ones that have wasted lots of money on huge screens and custom cockpits etc.
Bias perhaps?
In all likelihood it will obsolete triple screen setups, people who want full immersion and the ability to see the cockpit they are sitting in will move onto 360 projection systems, for everyone else there will be the Oculus.
This post was rather amusing...
Haters? I don't think things are just as you put them..
Having multiple screens has lots of uses for computer users, can you multi task on a rift for instance? Surround gaming, supports dozens and dozens of games and support will not just stop. It also will support much higher resolutions for those that want that and the costs/graphical power to run it.
By the way your talking it is as if nobody will need or care for the upcoming advances in screen technology. Oh goodie virtual world is here and we all will love it!!!
It is just sensible to be a bit more realistic and understand that each format has their own advantageous and benefits. Neither I would say will replace the other like how you put it.
Chances are those that have spent such money on multi screen set-ups will not think twice about buying a Rift come the time if they want it. Also they have many months yet to enjoy their set-ups before Rift is properly available and according to you multi screens become obsolete.
When is Rift going to retail?
What and how many games will be fully supported for it on launch?
I'm sorry but I do not see everyone having the same excitement or will maybe want to constantly keep moving their head/neck for gaming hour after hour and wear a headset. Revolutionary it may be but their are some factors that not everyone will enjoy it as much as others. 3D glasses was such an issue for some people causing big debates about it never mind wearing an enclosed device. So on a technical level it sure could be amazing but in real world usage will it appeal to everyone as a must have device. I agree gadget freaks will be foaming for it (that is clear already) but will this be enough to make it a commercial success in the general market?
Personally, chances are I will like to experience it but certainly not convinced it would replace my need or desire to do away with having a multi screen configuration.
Besides how the heck can I reach for my coffee without spilling it with that thing on my head