Official Ferrari Challenge Thread

  • Thread starter kekke2000
Well Scaff, if you say this game is SIM, then I buy it, if arcade then I'll pass. It all in your hands. No pressure ;)
I hope to get first impressions posted up sometime on Friday, and once I have had the weekend to get to grips with it a fuller review early next week.

Hope that's OK.


I love what the game description says on the website:

Ferrari Challenge
# In-game tutorial and in-ear commentary by BBC Top Gear's Tiff Needell.

Tiff Needell? Top Gear? 2008?

Well Scaff, if you say this game is SIM, then I buy it, if arcade then I'll pass. It all in your hands. No pressure ;)

I too am really interested in reading what Scaff thinks of the game, and I'm hoping it will offer enough options to make it a more challenging sim-style racing game. However, because I'm a sucker for classic Ferraris, this is still going to be a must own for me regardless of the poor review from Edge or anyone else for that matter.

Seriously, there isn't another game out there that has this many different Ferraris from different eras. I can't wait! 👍
Hey guys... I have not read the Edge review but I saw on this board that it was a 7. Some of you are treating that score as a poor one. For Edge, it is a fine score. Many games get below that score; 4, 5 and 6s are all commonly seen. Their reviewers have always been slow to give out scores above an 8 and they are known for that. Metal Gear Solid 4 just got an 8 and GT5 Prologue got a 7. GRID got a 9 but they were rating it as an arcade game--which it is. Sim fans like us don't like GRID as much but that doesn't mean it doesn't have merit. At the end of the day, most mainstream publications have a bit of trouble rating simulations because their staff often aren't really into them. I just hope Ferrari Challenge is enough of a sim to warrant that same problem.
The game's graphics don't look that nice.. and there doesn't seem to be in big physics on the cars either? all flat on the ground... or is it just me?
The game's graphics don't look that nice.. and there doesn't seem to be in big physics on the cars either? all flat on the ground... or is it just me?

It could help you if you'd read last 40 pages of this whole thread, in order to get alrealy stated oppions regarding those issues by all of us who are posting in this thread in last year or so. Cheerz mate! :)
It could help you if you'd read last 40 pages of this whole thread, in order to get alrealy stated oppions regarding those issues by all of us who are posting in this thread in last year or so. Cheerz mate! :)

im not sure i follow?... i've been checking this thread for the past year... i was referring to the latest video. And anyone else's "stated opinion" is not my state opinion, which i have just posted (?!). say "in stock now" (for UK only. If you change to euro, say 4/7/08):

Well have already taken my money from my bank and are packing it already, will probably arrive Friday or Saturday. Don't worry its coming out on Friday.


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im not sure i follow?... i've been checking this thread for the past year... i was referring to the latest video. And anyone else's "stated opinion" is not my state opinion, which i have just posted (?!).

Sorry man, you're right. :dunce: Regarding video, game looks like that, no changes.
im not sure i follow?... i've been checking this thread for the past year... i was referring to the latest video. And anyone else's "stated opinion" is not my state opinion, which i have just posted (?!).

if you are graphic quality addict then stay with codemasters GRID. If you are trying to find second simulation racing game alternative on ps3 then you should try this game 👍
if you are graphic quality addict then stay with codemasters GRID. If you are trying to find second simulation racing game alternative on ps3 then you should try this game 👍

well for sure i'll try it... but from the video, it doesn't seem very good if i'm honest. Lots of people complain that GRID's suspensions are flat and the cars are not bouncy enough, looking at that Ferrari video (just posted a few posts above), it looks Uber flat to me... anyways, we'll see once we get our hands on it. Not holding my breath over it or anything tho.
well for sure i'll try it... but from the video, it doesn't seem very good if i'm honest. Lots of people complain that GRID's suspensions are flat and the cars are not bouncy enough, looking at that Ferrari video (just posted a few posts above), it looks Uber flat to me... anyways, we'll see once we get our hands on it. Not holding my breath over it or anything tho.

You need to check the Track videos over the official site to see it bounce and very well very realistic too. Its the games best part the weight transfer.
Gametrailers exclusive Race To Win Trailer HD

Activision has got their fingers on it - comfirmed. Good.

We can expect the sequel - which is in works as I know, and it will feature city tracks as a focus - to be even better.

It seems they've fixed the hand-movement animation. I'm so looking forward to get my final-copy ASAP.
can't wait to play this game, i'm having fun with F1 ce, but it's time to try something new and Ferrari Challenge seems to be a good game !
Oh, well I was hoping someone else would write it. The game is horrible! PS2 graphics at best, very arcady look and gameplay... if you like NASCAR 09 then this is one good game for you, too.
However test FC:TP before you buy, it'll save your $, just an advice .
Online is a joke too...:rolleyes:

PS. was really hoping for a good alternative to GT5:P and was most shocked by the display of raw unfinishedness this game has to offer...
After so many delays you'd think they had polished it a little, this wouldn't even have been a good launchtitle .
Oh, well I was hoping someone else would write it. The game is horrible! PS2 graphics at best, very arcady look and gameplay... if you like NASCAR 09 then this is one good game for you, too.
However test FC:TP before you buy, it'll save your $, just an advice .
Online is a joke too...:rolleyes:

PS. was really hoping for a good alternative to GT5:P and was most shocked by the display of raw unfinishedness this game has to offer...
After so many delays you'd think they had polished it a little, this wouldn't even have been a good launchtitle .

Hey man, please elaborate!

Do you have the final game? Have you played it?

Thanx in advance.
Oh, well I was hoping someone else would write it. The game is horrible! PS2 graphics at best, very arcady look and gameplay... if you like NASCAR 09 then this is one good game for you, too.
However test FC:TP before you buy, it'll save your $, just an advice .
Online is a joke too...:rolleyes:

PS. was really hoping for a good alternative to GT5:P and was most shocked by the display of raw unfinishedness this game has to offer...
After so many delays you'd think they had polished it a little, this wouldn't even have been a good launchtitle .

A little more detail would be of use here!!!

The in-game videos that are already out clearly show a game that is a long way from PS2 graphics, particularly the rain effects.

As for an arcady look and gameplay, well without more information from you those comments are basically worthless, come on what exactly do you mean by this?

Same with on-line, what exactly is a joke about it?

Without detail your comments are pointless.

For the record I still intend picking up a copy (it will be this afternoon before I will be able to post up any thoughts - busy morning) and I will certainly do my best to give more detail to my thoughts.

For the record I still intend picking up a copy (it will be this afternoon before I will be able to post up any thoughts - busy morning) and I will certainly do my best to give more detail to my thoughts.

Looking forward to it, my copy is stil in dark realms of european postal services.
Yes, i have the final game rented yesterday and am truly shocked !
I just wanted to warn people not to buy it without testing it before.
I can't make a review, i didn't play it long enough to do so. My English is probably not good enough, too. :)
Online is a joke imo because i tried 1 hour to join any race... didn't work. i was given the message 'lobby is full',with only one other player in ... also PS3 crashed 3 or 4 times at this point. So i was not amused .
( online is the same system as JUICED 2, is that any good ?)
The gameplay (driving) is not what i expected, not Sim like. The tuning options seem to be very unbalanced and it takes very long to go thru the menus, which is a joke too.
I would have been very pi**ed had i bought the game, thats all.
Oh and why did it remind me on Nascar 08/09 demos all the time? :confused:
Must be something with the gameplay / graphics wouldn't you think ?
Hmmm well my copy is still in the post, I hope it arrives today at some point. But from what I've seen the graphics are not bad (defiantly way past PS2) and from the reviews stating that with all the driving aids off it's more of a sim, plus the Senna Junior tweaking the handling for the game I'm sure its more sim like than arcade, from what I can gather from your look at the tuning it sound in-depth or was i getting the wrong impression. I didn't expect the online lobbies to work anyway as its not the release till today so they were probably lasts minute tweaking of the severs. Who knows I will reserve judgment till play time.
After playing jewels like MGS4 and GT5P i almost cant believe how poor this game is coded.
Some details:
the textures are bad, smoke is almost not existent, the cars look like toys, colors look like candy ( im getting hungry ), there is no feel for speed or power- feels like you go 15mp/h all the time, the menues are dodgy - takes ages to load up, the sound is poor- you always hear the crowd scream but your engine is so low you can't really hear it. The menu - options seem to be unfinished ( you can turn HUD off but you cannot have only cauges or only mirror, its on or off ...) the controls- 3 choices only - aren't customizable aswell.
For me its like Grid, Nascar, Burnout... plain boring arcade, Grid and Burnout use the PS3 for some good graphics at least. :/

MY rating for FC:TP would be 0.5 /10 simple not even a good launch title. ( 0.25 for its coming on BD, 0.25 for the XMB works just fine ;))
Hmmm well my copy is still in the post, I hope it arrives today at some point. But from what I've seen the graphics are not bad (defiantly way past PS2) and from the reviews stating that with all the driving aids off it's more of a sim, plus the Senna Junior tweaking the handling for the game I'm sure its more sim like than arcade, from what I can gather from your look at the tuning it sound in-depth or was i getting the wrong impression. I didn't expect the online lobbies to work anyway as its not the release till today so they were probably lasts minute tweaking of the severs. Who knows I will reserve judgment till play time.

See that's a problem somehow, you preorder a game and when you receive it you will be biased in a way. Thats why i never preorder, renting is better imo 👍 As for the PS2 graphics: it didn't look like this on pictures i saw and it probably has higher res than a PS2 game, but compared to others it looks like :(
Sorry for doublepost,**** PS3 browser!:nervous:
I wanted to rent the game, today. I called the store ( and they said that it isn't possible to rent a game, any game, anymore. A new law, since July first, makes it impossible to rent any game anymore. So I can't try out FC:TP.

Anyway, IMO, I think it's not worth buying.
I wanted to rent the game, today. I called the store ( and they said that it isn't possible to rent a game, any game, anymore. A new law, since July first, makes it impossible to rent any game anymore. So I can't try out FC:TP.

Anyway, IMO, I think it's not worth buying.

Really :confused: - is this an EU law... hope not !!!? :nervous:
But yeah unless you are very rich ... you better don't buy it lol 👍