Official Ferrari Challenge Thread

  • Thread starter kekke2000
Here is a good player-review from another forum:

"OK then, this arrived this morning and i've given it about 30 mins so far like Chowy. Here's my initial views :-

Presentation & Visuals - Not bad actually, the game defaults to 1080p and looks pretty sharp. The resolution doesn't look as high as GT, but is clearly higher than the likes of GRID. I actually felt that the menu's were OK, not brilliant, but OK. GT5p's worst aspect is it's menus as you have to keep coming out of one, to go back to the main menu etc. and these are much more user friendly.

The car models are great with plenty of detail and from what i've seen so far they look very accurate (as you would expect from an officially licensed game). The tracks are also very good, with plenty of detail and although i've only driven Monza so far, it's a very accurate replication . My only gripe with the graphics is that the colour palate used is a bit garish and gives it more of a Forza look than a GT5 look. GT5p looks much more realistic, where there's no doubting that these visuals are from a video game.

Framerate, I switched to bonnet cam and didn't notice any slowdown during the race, but there is some in the replays when viewing from the TV presentation type views. I have only driven Monza as I say, but whilst it clearly lacks the 60fps smoothness of GT5p or Forza 2, the framerate is stable and I personally have no problems with it.

Overall for visuals i'd give it an 8/10 with really only points lost for a poor colour palate and low res reflections.

Gameplay - Very good IMO. It doesn't quite match up to the superb driving model and feel of GT5p, but I really enjoyed driving the F430 round Monza in this game. I usually know straight away (GRID being the only real exception in recent times) whether I love a game or not and I really enjoyed playing this. It just had the right feel for me and the driving model is highly complex. Driving with the aids off is harder to master than GT5p I found and the game is clearly a simulation. I played with the G25 and overall it was superb and allowed for great control over the car. That said (unless i've missed something) it doesn't have 900 degree support or the option to alter the feedback. I found the feedback to be very heavy and whilst I got used to it, I would prefer to be able to alter it. A lack of 900 degree steering is a shame though and if it's not in the game I hope they add it in a patch. Overall though i'm very happy with it so far and would give the gameplay 8.5/10

Sound - Sound is functional really, the engine noise seems decent enough but the other effects (such as making contact with another car) are rather ropey. Naturally you can turn the music off etc. but really the sound is neither bad, nor outstanding. I'd give it a 6/10 personally.

Game modes - Not had chance to try them all yet but there does seem to be a lot of modes available (online 16 player, Challenge (career), quick race, time trial, tutorial (which is actually very good, especially for those who are not experienced racers), card battle etc. and I can see there being a great deal of lastability in this game. There's a fair few tracks (with favourites like Spa, Monza, Silverstone, Hockenheim included) and 50+ cars. There's also a Forzaesque livery editor built in, but i've not dabbled with it yet. Overall, for game modes i'd say it's looking like a solid 9/10

Initial impressions are very good for this title. I can see it becoming a fave of many of us on here. GT is still king in my book, but this is certainly a very good alternative. It offers a different experience to many other racers and has a unique feel, which does remind you of the Sega arcade & dreamcast classic.

At this stage i'd position it somewhere between 8/10 & 9/10 but my gut instint tells me that it could end up being a solid 9/10 game if the online works well. If folk are looking to this to be a GT beater then they will be disappointed. If folk view it for what it is (and it offers a different experience to other games like GT) then they will most likely be impressed.

Anyway, back to it!"

Ciao joe8
Visual jewels. Clearly FC is not for people like you.

Visual??? Have you played MGS4? Its the best videogames of all times, not only visually!! GT5:P could do better though ( smoke, other effects, better Vsync, framerate...), but a jewel it is nonetheless :)
No, FC is clearly not for me i give you that, having dampers /springs only set to hard or to soft and the feeling im on a 80s Arcade machine while playing is not in my likes for sure :rolleyes:
Well id actually like to play on a 80s arcade MGS1,Asteroids, Pong or something, but FC:TP ? ... :lol:
Hm. 900-degree thingie bothers me, since man obviusly have G25. It worked out-of-the-box on the preview.
Thing that bothers me is GT5P is like less than half what this costs and it apparently better in nearly all aspects plus it has Ferrari's and will probably be updated with more for free!

I had to register here just to say that I've been playing this game since yesterday (delivered from game) and its not as bad as been made out. I'm a big driving fan, play PGR and GT5P as my fav's. Now this game is Not a sim in my view, at least is doesn't drive like one, nor does it drive like PGR, it has its own feel but is fun to drive.

Graphics, well inside the car is nowhere near as good as GT5P but i would say the track detail is better,Game runs at a lovely looking 1080P but there seems to be a fair amount of slowdown and lock ups however i updated my PS3 to FW2.40 so that my be the reason.

Sound, Take some getting used to, it sound odd because most of the cars don't drop the accelerator when changing gear as in real life seqenual gearbox's. all other sounds seem fine to me.

Options, well i don't see a seat adjustment anywhere, 3 controller presets, mainly using either buttons, triggers or thumbstick (thank you god!) and a pedal and steering sensitivity for a wheel.

Overall i like the game very much, loads of tracks loads of car to unlock and promises in the manual about new cars and track been added weekly and liveries to change as the teams change in real life series.

So score,

Graphics 8/10 (because of slowdown)
Audio 7/10
Gameplay 9/10 (loads to do)

Hope someone finds this helpful, if you love driving games get this, i know you will anyway :)

Overall i like the game very much, loads of tracks loads of car to unlock and promises in the manual about new cars and track been added weekly and liveries to change as the teams change in real life series.

So score,

Graphics 8/10 (because of slowdown)
Audio 7/10
Gameplay 9/10 (loads to do)

Hope someone finds this helpful, if you love driving games get this, i know you will anyway :)
Thanks. This seens a more objetive review, nor than others from high-graphic-quality-poor-gameplay lovers.

there seems to be a fair amount of slowdown and lock ups however i updated my PS3 to FW2.40 so that my be the reason.
Bufff... You think could be for the new firm?. Do you think is not for the 1080p resolution (it success at 720p too?).
Could a PS3 updated to 2.40 be downgraded to firm 2.36?.

Thanks again for your impressions.
MY rating for FC:TP would be 0.5 /10 simple not even a good launch title. ( 0.25 for its coming on BD, 0.25 for the XMB works just fine ;))

Sorry, but you lost all your credibility with that statement.

I understand you might not like the game, but giving it a 0,5/10 because of those reasons is just dumb.

I myself am in doubt if this game is good or not, but so far the professional reviews have been good... i'll check out the demo first, but im sure it will be better then a 0,5/10. :ouch:
Thanks. This seens a more objetive review, nor than others from high-graphic-quality-poor-gameplay lovers.

Bufff... You think could be for the new firm?. Do you think is not for the 1080p resolution (it success at 720p too?).
Could a PS3 updated to 2.40 be downgraded to firm 2.36?.

Thanks again for your impressions.

LOL since you obviously mean me there i gotta ask, you think the only games I play, GT5:P and MGS4 have poor gameplay? Well thanks for you unbiased opinion ...
If you didn't get it by now that it's an arcade game not a sim, i don't know.
And no, you cannot downgrade your FW and other games don't suffer from it ( remember GT5:P ,MGS4?).
Sorry, but you lost all your credibility with that statement.

I understand you might not like the game, but giving it a 0,5/10 because of those reasons is just dumb.

I myself am in doubt if this game is good or not, but so far the professional reviews have been good... i'll check out the demo first, but im sure it will be better then a 0,5/10. :ouch:

The 0.5 was a joke and said 'i would', ok?
My other points you better should prove wrong, which some of them are also stated in the more 'fanboyish' much too high (imo) rated reviews!
I really only wanted to prevent people expecting a sim when they get it ...then i stated a view points i didn't like because i was asked, whats so wrong about that?

Just arrived, shame im not playing it till later this afternoon.
Game runs at a lovely looking 1080P but there seems to be a fair amount of slowdown and lock ups however i updated my PS3 to FW2.40 so that my be the reason.
Hummm... This is something that worries me. I noticed in the last two videos (the C&VG flash/mini trailer and the new from Gametrailers) some v-sync problems, and this is something that seems to happen from the 1080 implement.
OK here we go, I too have a copy and after spending around an hour with it here are my thoughts.

The menu system is easy to navigate and looks reasonably polished, the options do take a short while to appear (in reality less then a second), it is noticeable, personally I don't find it an issue. Its not as 'next-gen' a menu screen as the likes of GT5:P and Grid, but its far better than the un-holy mess that was Enthusia. Certainly not work marking it down for.

A good range of options exist within the game itself, including a nice progression system that rewards certain activities with 'collectors cards', basically top trumps for Ferrari, one that I hope will get patched for the Trophy system. A mini game to play top trumps with them also exists within the game itself - one my 8 year old will love.

The music varies a lot, most of it horrible, switching it off was one of the first things I did.

In-car sounds are good, with a nice shriek from the engine, a whine from the race transmission, over-run pops as you change down and a good thump as you shift as well.

The rest of the sounds are a bit of a mixed bag, some like the noise from rumble strips is done very well, others like the metal on metal sounds as you make contact as a bit weak.

General sound placement through 5.1 is very, very good, the one exception is when you use the rear view, as despite now looking right at the engine is eerily quiet.

Ignore the music and overall its very good.

Let me get this straight from the outset, I was not expecting a GT5:P challenger here, but I have to say it doesn't look shabby at all. The basic colour palette is a bit bright are garish, but with brightness, contrast and gamma adjustments available it can be toned down.

Cars first then, the overall poly count is clearly down on GT5:P, but for the one car I drove it looked good both inside and out, both details and proportions of the cars look right.

Tracks next and I have to say this is the area that stands out, the track I spent the most time with was Monza and track detail is both accurate and good looking, road textures are well done as is the track furniture. Lighting is good and varies well over the track length, I have yet to try the rain effects, but from this starting point they should be good.

Overall the game appears to run at the claimed fixed 30fps and what is being output to my TV is 1080P, without a pixel count (which I'm not doing) I can't be 100% sure its not upscalled. However I quite frankly don't care, it looks more than good enough.

Replays look good as well, with the dynamic camera angles doing a far better job than the likes of FM2, but why can't they be saved?

OK now I have only had a short time with the game itself, but it looks like quite a range of modes, events, tracks and cars are available. The main core of it based around the three Challenge events themselves (Italy, Europe and America), and the event structure is exactly as it should be, with a qualifying session followed by two timed races. The races themselves are flagged and penalties do apply, at present these seem to be fairly done as well.

Set-up options are limited, but that is only to be expected, anyone who knows the series will be more than aware that the real events offer only limited set-up choices.

In all honesty more than enough content seems to be on offer here.

The big one.........

and its good. First out, my biggest fear that it was using a fixed rotation point is out of the window. With all the aids on you have an easy to drive racer with a strong arcade bias.

However switch the aids to a lower level (or off) and things start to look more promising. While I'm not yet (time will tell) ready to call it a sim, the handling model is surprisingly in-depth and detailed. Load transfer and how smoothly its done are more than present and correct, in fact smoothness can make the difference between making an apex and understeering into the gravel.

Yes that's right, UNDERSTEER, its nice to see a game that remembers such a thing exists, brake to late into a corner (particularly with ABS off or low) or turn in to hard or both and you will be greeted with understeer.

However the opposite is also true, get back on the power in anything other than a straight line with the aids low or off and the back will step out on you. Its progressive and easy to catch if you are smooth, but get the load shifting too quickly at speed and you can end up fish-tailing down the track and into the tyre wall.

Which leads me to damage, to be honest from what I have come across so far its pointless, minor cosmetic stuff is all you get, it certainly doesn't affect the outcome of a race.

I've not yet had a chance to try the on-line side of things, as PSN has been down for most of today (the one time it was on I was playing Buzz - but that is another thread).

The Final Score
So what would I give it and would I recommend it.

Well first off this is based on a limited time playing it (and please note I have not yet had a chance to play it with a wheel), but I have to say, yes I would recommend it. While not perfect, the core of the handling model does appear solid and a lot exists to do in here (if and its a bit if, you like Ferrari), some of the sounds are a bit off and the crash damage is pointless, but for me its certainly not enough to ruin it.

Very glad to have P/X's GRiD for it.



Great stuff Scaff - as always - just one question: are the animation of hands in-cockpit au-pare with GT5:P? That was my greatest letdown in the preview.

And of course - private races, here we come - from next week.
OK here we go, I too have a copy and after spending around an hour with it here are my thoughts.

The menu system is easy to navigate and looks reasonably polished, the options do take a short while to appear (in reality less then a second), it is noticeable, personally I don't find it an issue. Its not as 'next-gen' a menu screen as the likes of GT5:P and Grid, but its far better than the un-holy mess that was Enthusia. Certainly not work marking it down for.

A good range of options exist within the game itself, including a nice progression system that rewards certain activities with 'collectors cards', basically top trumps for Ferrari, one that I hope will get patched for the Trophy system. A mini game to play top trumps with them also exists within the game itself - one my 8 year old will love.

The music varies a lot, most of it horrible, switching it off was one of the first things I did.

In-car sounds are good, with a nice shriek from the engine, a whine from the race transmission, over-run pops as you change down and a good thump as you shift as well.

The rest of the sounds are a bit of a mixed bag, some like the noise from rumble strips is done very well, others like the metal on metal sounds as you make contact as a bit weak.

General sound placement through 5.1 is very, very good, the one exception is when you use the rear view, as despite now looking right at the engine is eerily quiet.

Ignore the music and overall its very good.

Let me get this straight from the outset, I was not expecting a GT5:P challenger here, but I have to say it doesn't look shabby at all. The basic colour palette is a bit bright are garish, but with brightness, contrast and gamma adjustments available it can be toned down.

Cars first then, the overall poly count is clearly down on GT5:P, but for the one car I drove it looked good both inside and out, both details and proportions of the cars look right.

Tracks next and I have to say this is the area that stands out, the track I spent the most time with was Monza and track detail is both accurate and good looking, road textures are well done as is the track furniture. Lighting is good and varies well over the track length, I have yet to try the rain effects, but from this starting point they should be good.

Overall the game appears to run at the claimed fixed 30fps and what is being output to my TV is 1080P, without a pixel count (which I'm not doing) I can't be 100% sure its not upscalled. However I quite frankly don't care, it looks more than good enough.

Replays look good as well, with the dynamic camera angles doing a far better job than the likes of FM2, but why can't they be saved?

OK now I have only had a short time with the game itself, but it looks like quite a range of modes, events, tracks and cars are available. The main core of it based around the three Challenge events themselves (Italy, Europe and America), and the event structure is exactly as it should be, with a qualifying session followed by two timed races. The races themselves are flagged and penalties do apply, at present these seem to be fairly done as well.

Set-up options are limited, but that is only to be expected, anyone who knows the series will be more than aware that the real events offer only limited set-up choices.

In all honesty more than enough content seems to be on offer here.

The big one.........

and its good. First out, my biggest fear that it was using a fixed rotation point is out of the window. With all the aids on you have an easy to drive racer with a strong arcade bias.

However switch the aids to a lower level (or off) and things start to look more promising. While I'm not yet (time will tell) ready to call it a sim, the handling model is surprisingly in-depth and detailed. Load transfer and how smoothly its done are more than present and correct, in fact smoothness can make the difference between making an apex and understeering into the gravel.

Yes that's right, UNDERSTEER, its nice to see a game that remembers such a thing exists, brake to late into a corner (particularly with ABS off or low) or turn in to hard or both and you will be greeted with understeer.

However the opposite is also true, get back on the power in anything other than a straight line with the aids low or off and the back will step out on you. Its progressive and easy to catch if you are smooth, but get the load shifting too quickly at speed and you can end up fish-tailing down the track and into the tyre wall.

Which leads me to damage, to be honest from what I have come across so far its pointless, minor cosmetic stuff is all you get, it certainly doesn't affect the outcome of a race.

I've not yet had a chance to try the on-line side of things, as PSN has been down for most of today (the one time it was on I was playing Buzz - but that is another thread).

The Final Score
So what would I give it and would I recommend it.

Well first off this is based on a limited time playing it (and please note I have not yet had a chance to play it with a wheel), but I have to say, yes I would recommend it. While not perfect, the core of the handling model does appear solid and a lot exists to do in here (if and its a bit if, you like Ferrari), some of the sounds are a bit off and the crash damage is pointless, but for me its certainly not enough to ruin it.

Very glad to have P/X's GRiD for it.




Hmmmm, I can´t say much about the handling, but I understand that its likely the most important thing for many.
But the sound is exactly what makes me don´t like the game most. Try to play that over your TV, its unbelievable all you can hear is people screaming with a little tiny noise from the engine... i mean if you need a surround system to hear it somewhat right, isnt this a bad thing? Also there are clunky noises way before you go over the curbs, that may be the correct sounds but why at that point and so loud? I know how a F430 sounds in real and well, its not like this!
I just wonder whats up with the online play/ lobby, i somehow doubt it ever will work...
Oh, one more thing : Two of my PSN friends played the game, one for about 10minutes, went straight back to Gran Turismo, the other one played about 5 minutes, went straight back to GT still playing... remarkable, isnt it?

Like I said there will be quite a few people angry when they bought this game.
For the people who really like it : Enjoy ! 👍
I just went to GAME to P/X Grid and they say its not for sale till next week so whats all that about when you can order it on the website.

Were did you P/X scaff?
Thanks for your review Scaff 👍

ps: orders will be delayed for 5-10 days.
I've just ordered my new copy from gameseek
Here is a good player-review from another forum:

"OK then, this arrived this morning and i've given it about 30 mins so far like Chowy. Here's my initial views :-

Presentation & Visuals - Not bad actually, the game defaults to 1080p and looks pretty sharp. The resolution doesn't look as high as GT, but is clearly higher than the likes of GRID. I actually felt that the menu's were OK, not brilliant, but OK. GT5p's worst aspect is it's menus as you have to keep coming out of one, to go back to the main menu etc. and these are much more user friendly.

The car models are great with plenty of detail and from what i've seen so far they look very accurate (as you would expect from an officially licensed game). The tracks are also very good, with plenty of detail and although i've only driven Monza so far, it's a very accurate replication . My only gripe with the graphics is that the colour palate used is a bit garish and gives it more of a Forza look than a GT5 look. GT5p looks much more realistic, where there's no doubting that these visuals are from a video game.

Framerate, I switched to bonnet cam and didn't notice any slowdown during the race, but there is some in the replays when viewing from the TV presentation type views. I have only driven Monza as I say, but whilst it clearly lacks the 60fps smoothness of GT5p or Forza 2, the framerate is stable and I personally have no problems with it.

Overall for visuals i'd give it an 8/10 with really only points lost for a poor colour palate and low res reflections.

Gameplay - Very good IMO. It doesn't quite match up to the superb driving model and feel of GT5p, but I really enjoyed driving the F430 round Monza in this game. I usually know straight away (GRID being the only real exception in recent times) whether I love a game or not and I really enjoyed playing this. It just had the right feel for me and the driving model is highly complex. Driving with the aids off is harder to master than GT5p I found and the game is clearly a simulation. I played with the G25 and overall it was superb and allowed for great control over the car. That said (unless i've missed something) it doesn't have 900 degree support or the option to alter the feedback. I found the feedback to be very heavy and whilst I got used to it, I would prefer to be able to alter it. A lack of 900 degree steering is a shame though and if it's not in the game I hope they add it in a patch. Overall though i'm very happy with it so far and would give the gameplay 8.5/10

Sound - Sound is functional really, the engine noise seems decent enough but the other effects (such as making contact with another car) are rather ropey. Naturally you can turn the music off etc. but really the sound is neither bad, nor outstanding. I'd give it a 6/10 personally.

Game modes - Not had chance to try them all yet but there does seem to be a lot of modes available (online 16 player, Challenge (career), quick race, time trial, tutorial (which is actually very good, especially for those who are not experienced racers), card battle etc. and I can see there being a great deal of lastability in this game. There's a fair few tracks (with favourites like Spa, Monza, Silverstone, Hockenheim included) and 50+ cars. There's also a Forzaesque livery editor built in, but i've not dabbled with it yet. Overall, for game modes i'd say it's looking like a solid 9/10

Initial impressions are very good for this title. I can see it becoming a fave of many of us on here. GT is still king in my book, but this is certainly a very good alternative. It offers a different experience to many other racers and has a unique feel, which does remind you of the Sega arcade & dreamcast classic.

At this stage i'd position it somewhere between 8/10 & 9/10 but my gut instint tells me that it could end up being a solid 9/10 game if the online works well. If folk are looking to this to be a GT beater then they will be disappointed. If folk view it for what it is (and it offers a different experience to other games like GT) then they will most likely be impressed.

Anyway, back to it!"

Ciao joe8

Hi Joe,

That's my initial views (posted originally on AVForums) and after a good few hours play I pretty much stand by them.

My main gripe is the online side as i'm finding it nigh on impossible to get a game. If I host and someone joins then it crashes and if I join a game then it boots me and crashes them. I've played online plenty with Xbox Live, PC and other PS3 games (Burnout P, GT5p, Resistance, Motorstorm, F1:CE etc) and had no problems in the past. I've tried putting the PS3 in the DMZ and everything but no joy. The brief time I have managed to spend playing online has been superb and it's great to see that folk who use you as a brake receive a penalty and generally come off worse.

Overall I like the game, the handling is great and each car feels very unique. The visuals are generally OK, but not outstanding (apart from the rain which looks superb) and the tracks i've played have all been very enjoyable to drive.

The AI is rather annoying as they do tend to just turn sharply to cut you off (often hitting you) but once you learn how to drive against them it's not too bad.

Let me know how you guys get on with the online side as to be honest (with GT5p having no private lobbies yet) that was one of my main reasons for getting this.

(and please note I have not yet had a chance to play it with a wheel)

Thanks for your review, Scaff.

Personally I think impressions taked about simulation level or handling using a pad for play are not much valid.

Thanks again.
So this isn't compatible with 900º mode on G25? Which wheel do you use Scaff? I'm afraid I can't get used to the 360º mode or does it feel right and real?
Good to hear the fixed rotation point is out of the window Scaff. Judging on some videos I was sure it wasn't there but yes some did look dodgy.

Are you using a 900 degree wheel Scaff and if so does it feel right or meant for those wheels and do you know if I can use the Clutch and Shifter on the G25. OK just seen you not had chance yet, sorry...

Also does the frame rate in general feel choppy at all?

Sounds good and I'll probably get this without renting if I can't rent it without searching.
Cheers scarf, I've had my eye on this for a while, release date at game was for next friday, seems they've moved it foreward a week! first time a gamescome early LOL anyway off to asda to grab a copy.
Recently I made a full format of my PS3´s HD and it save the last firm updated.

The firmware data is stored over a 128mb dedicated flash-rom and independent from the main memory and HD.

Once the download is finished to the local HD it is installed to that 128mb ROM space.

Like flashing a PC BIOS.