There is a guy on the AV forums who had made and official response to some of the conserns, many had been about issues with FC.
Quoted from AV forums
To add a semi-official voice to this thread, I'm Gareth, and I'm leading the System 3 PR charge for Ferrari Challenge. Any questions you do have, please PM me, and I'll do my best to answer. Obviously, I can't answer specific questions about future content, because these things are embargoed, or haven't been set in stone yet. However, as said, I'll do my best to answer what I can.
So, the patch:
Yes, it is being worked on at present at Eutechnyx. They're not just any developer, but one that was hand picked by System 3 to create the best experience of driving a Ferrari possible. If there are issues, these almost certainly occur in situations that cannot be tested for. One major change recently, is new firmware becoming available for PlayStation 3, which could be a factor. I can't speak for Eutechnyx on if this is the case, or not, nor can I confirm what the actual causes of any problems are. What I can tell you, is that this is being worked on as I type, and is of paramount importance to System 3. IT WILL BE FIXED.
We're glad to know that most of you are happy with the game. Of course, some of you won't be, but these people are just as important as the people that love the game, because contructive feedback is always a good thing. System 3 is an indie publisher, so can move quicker to address any problems.
We're aware that you all want somewhere to get in touch with us, and will have a solution as soon as possible. It could be tomorrow, or it could be next week, but we are working on this. Your voices should be heard, and will be.
Downloadable content:
We cannot comment on the content itself, or the price as yet, as these will be announced very shortly. There's a few things coming up that will really blow your mind. You know there's going to be new cars and tracks, and for now, that's all we can say. A little clue, though, is that the first track is an old favourite, and one that is going to set the online racetrack alight.
So, the fix will come, as will the DLC, and we'll organise this as fast as humanly possible. However, we're not going to rush through a patch that doesn't work. We'll test it - Sony will test it, and in the end you'll have an online experience like no other.
So, if you wish to contact me, again, please PM me. I'll try to answer what I can.
Kind regards,