Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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Mission Hall is a very bad challenge for me: I started again after a month, playing only the races, to try this mission hall game, but couldn't stand at all the driver aids (ASM, TCS, etc).

This is so stupid not to be able to remove all this handicaping stuff... especially when I decide to never used them while playing GT4!

How can you guys enjoy this "so-called challenge" part of the game?
Mission Hall is a very bad challenge for me: I started again after a month, playing only the races, to try this mission hall game, but couldn't stand at all the driver aids (ASM, TCS, etc).

This is so stupid not to be able to remove all this handicaping stuff... especially when I decide to never used them while playing GT4!

How can you guys enjoy this "so-called challenge" part of the game?
My thoughts exactly! It sucks to adjust your driving style because there's no option to switch these stupid assists off. Well, I'm gonna do the missions anyway, but it's not an enjoyment for me. Also in the license tests it sucks. If the aim isn't "how to drive a car with this and that assists and aids" then I think there should be an option to switch these aids off. And BTW, I don't think there was any driving aids in the 70's. I'm now in the mission 25 or something and I hate the XXX second waiting before the start. I also tried mission 34 a couple of times, the closest one was about 1 second behind the 1st car, so I think it's possible to pass with less than 100 attempts... Oh, and the driver of the SL 65 AMG is an ***hole.
I'm just wondering... has anyone been able to beat 34 on automatic? I know all you "real" gt fans are scoffing... yes, i've been kind of lazy... but all the other missions were fairly easy to beat on auto (with the exception of 23 - manual was the easiest way to limit speed through that first turn so you don't get too far ahead)...
anyway, clearly nurburgring is a far more difficult course than any other, with it's nasty angles and bumpiness... so i'm just curious if manual is really the only option.
also, what are good times at each checkpoint to make it under 9:12?
I think I've completed about 50 laps around the Nurb, and my best time so far is a 7'20". When I started I was around the 7:40's, so maybe about another 50 laps and I'll be about there.
As for all of you who continually brag about how good you are at this game, and how easy all the missions are, but how ASM and TCS ticks you off so bad, STFU! STFU! STFU! We're all tired of hearing it. If you think the missions are easy, maybe you should just stay out of the thread titled "Mission Hall is a *****".
Oh, and STFU!
As for all of you who continually brag about how good you are at this game, and how easy all the missions are, but how ASM and TCS ticks you off so bad, STFU! STFU! STFU! We're all tired of hearing it. If you think the missions are easy, maybe you should just stay out of the thread titled "Mission Hall is a *****".Oh, and STFU!
Well I've read only last few pages of this thread and I haven't seen much bragging. I don't think that the missions are easy, but I think ASM/TCS/Whatever sucks as long as there isn't a possibility to toggle them off. At least I could use my normal aggressive driving technique in the missions if the aids were optional, not saying or bragging that the missions would be much easier without driving aids. It's just that I don't want the game to tell me how to drive or what technique to use. So to me the driving aids MAKE the missions much more obnoxious and not so fun to drive.

And I think those professionals who think the missions are easy are more than welcome to post to this thread as they might have some good advices for the rest of us. As the starter of this thread said:
I think we need to share some strategies here because good driving alone won't be enough.
I've had the game for less than a week now, and I have tied some of the missions. they are cool. So far I've beaten the first 12 and the one with the micra race car, the one lap magic with the Cien (WHAT A PIECE OF EXOTIC, LOUSY JUNK!!), the lotus, the ford GT, and the S2000 slipstream battles... they keep getting harder, I have a lot of trouble with paris in the 206 rally car and with the superbird (but I enjoy having trouble with a superbird... not with a damn peugeot -_-) but yeah, so far, it's been a good challenge. Specially the ones held in tracks that I don't know at all... I dont see how I could complete the micra race car 3 lap test in 3 tries... I dont know that track (Suzuka, I think?) at damn all.
more seattle superbird advice:

at the start, go all out and T-bone the 5th place car when it is in the first turn...aim for the passenger side door, and if you do it properly, you will be slowed down to the proper speed AND pointed in precisely the right direction after the penalty.

Well Wall_Rider, after taking your advice, and about a dozen tries in a row, I have beaten mission 14 👍 . I feel weird though because this is the first mission I have beaten by cheating. Although I guess it's more of a exploit rather than a cheat, whatever.

The strange thing about this mission is that you can get all the way up to second place before the end of the first lap, but then it takes just as damn long to catch up to the Buick Special as it did to pass all the other cars combined! I actually ended up winning by 4 seconds but if you screw up once in this mission, like coming into a corner too fast, you might end up face first in a wall, ruining your chances. I'm just glad I have this one done because the way PD has the superbird setup in this mission, ugh. A turning radius the size of city block, braking distance equivalent to a freight train, and swing it around too much on the corners and you wind up sliding around all over the place. (Not that it controls that much better out of my garage haha)

I got a question for the vets - Are missions 11 and 14 considered to be harder than the others (3 lap battles) or what? If they are I can breathe a sigh of relief, if not then I'm going to need a lot more practice. And I am not looking forward to M13, I hate Opera Paris.
Yeah, Opera Paris will suck to get used to. It's one of those missions that you just have to become familiar with and curse at the tv a few times before you complete it. And yes, I thought the second half of the 3 lap battles were a lot easier then the first half.

Oh yeah, and congrats on the win... trust me, if you could beat the superbird mission, you can beat them all with enough practice.
I just want to add my 2 cents here.

I have spent hours reading through this thread, and now i am slightly annoyed. For the most, we are used to winning races in GT mode by modifying the car so the AI can not beat us. While that is super fun, the folks at PD decided to really test us with the mission hall. And here is where the moaning starts. God forbid we can't spend $150000 on the car so we can pass it first pop. Hats off to PD for making a couple of these missions difficult.

For the punters who want to have a crack at me for being harsh, just practise more - easy.

For the record, I beat M34 without short cuts, grass cuts or wall rides, in just a tick under 2 hours with DS2, auto - and I don't use the anologue sticks (much to my mates disgust), and my 1.4 sec winning margin came with a 5 second penalty - DOH!

Have fun lads & ladies.
I just want to add my 2 cents here.
For the punters who want to have a crack at me for being harsh, just practise more - easy.
Well said, I totally agree with you. And to those of you who are getting frustrated (I know at least one person who got frustrated in the posts today...), if practicing 50 laps doesnt work, then try to see what you're doing wrong. There are even videos posted for missions in this thread. Remember, each and every turn makes a huge difference in your lap time. Keep in mind, even 0.3 seconds, believe it or not, is a good improvement for one turn. Practice the license tests with Nurburgring in it for the later parts of the course, and use time trial mode for the first part of the course, instead of doing the whole thing at once. If you can't get at LEAST silver for each license test on the Nurb, practice more... you'll need it.
Well I think if you don't get at least a little frustrated by some of these missions you are either a video-gaming God or you have reached a state of zen-like calm that I can't even imagine.

Me, I like to scream obscentities at the television. If I didn't do that, my DS2 would be in a 100 tiny pieces by now.

For me, beating the missions so far has been a process of accumulation. I'll try a mission and suck, then I'll practice a little. Then I try again, and each time I try, I notice room for improvement, and I get closer and closer to success. And then when I actually beat one I've been working at for a while, I get a real sense of accomplishment. If I'm getting too frustrated by a mission I just turn off the PS2 for an hour and do something else. No point in trying if you're too pissed off to concentrate! Of course, all of this comes from my limited experience, I'm only about halfway done with the mission hall.

One benefit I got from the mission hall is that I switched from only using AT to only using MT. I know that you can beat the missions with auto and everything, but I was looking for a reason to switch and the mission hall has made me a better MT driver.
I just want to add my 2 cents here.

I have spent hours reading through this thread, and now i am slightly annoyed. For the most, we are used to winning races in GT mode by modifying the car so the AI can not beat us. While that is super fun, the folks at PD decided to really test us with the mission hall. And here is where the moaning starts. God forbid we can't spend $150000 on the car so we can pass it first pop. Hats off to PD for making a couple of these missions difficult.

For the punters who want to have a crack at me for being harsh, just practise more - easy.

For the record, I beat M34 without short cuts, grass cuts or wall rides, in just a tick under 2 hours with DS2, auto - and I don't use the anologue sticks (much to my mates disgust), and my 1.4 sec winning margin came with a 5 second penalty - DOH!

Have fun lads & ladies.

This is what I'm talking about right here. This isn't a post to help anyone out, it's a post that says.. ooohhh, look at me everybody, it only took me 2 hours to beat this, plus I got a penalty.
As for the guy piggy-backing on this guy's quote... frustrated? Yeah, a little. But I'm not upset at all that PD made some challenging levels. I enjoy a challenge. I know how good it will feel when I make it. Every time I've practiced for more than an hour so far I've knocked one or more seconds from my time. Yes, I realize that with practice, I can beat this level. And no, it doesn't anger me that I can't spend a buttload of money on my car and smoke everyone.
What is annoying to me is how people keep posting on here about how easy it was for them. Good! Great! Boy, we just all want to s*ck your d*ck now, let me tell ya!
Well I think if you don't get at least a little frustrated by some of these missions you are either a video-gaming God or you have reached a state of zen-like calm that I can't even imagine.

Me, I like to scream obscentities at the television. If I didn't do that, my DS2 would be in a 100 tiny pieces by now.

Believe me, I have been a frustrated human, and the DS2 has felt the force (and my girlfriends ears!) my inability to remember what did wrong in my previous attemps, and not learn from my mistakes.

My frustration was not a reflection on the game, as I firmly think that these missions are the bomb. I have been sick of people moaning at the difficulty of them "I have been driving brilliantly, yet I am still 4 secs behind the leader, this mission sux" Hows you didn't drive well enough to win, so you did NOT drive brilliantly.

If you read right through this forum, there is only one mission that you could be helped with without more practice, and that is the strategy on M23.

D_Logan : Jealousy is a curse champ. I mearly stated my efforts on M34 to back up my statement. I you can't handle that your ****e, and my mummy can drive miss daisy faster than you, then start a new thread where you can write others off to your hearts content. :scared:
Hahahah, yeah I like to scream at the tv too. And my poor dog thinks I'm screaming at him and he goes in his kennel for a little while, guess he feels safe there from angry master :)
As far as mission 34 goes it took me around 3hrs to do and i did find it difficult! I used auto trans and ds2 with the anologue's. I found mission 23 harder because it does not involve skill it is a strategy based race. I know madmonaro and he is a gt freak and we have since gt1 been challenging each others lap times. GT5 will kill all the wall riding as it is due to have a damage model so all you guys who cant legitimately do the missions or races will be screwed. To all you guys out there who have more B spec points than A spec, if you dont want to play the game hire a movie. Where is the enjoyment letting the game race itself 👎
I think I've completed about 50 laps around the Nurb, and my best time so far is a 7'20". When I started I was around the 7:40's, so maybe about another 50 laps and I'll be about there.
As for all of you who continually brag about how good you are at this game, and how easy all the missions are, but how ASM and TCS ticks you off so bad, STFU! STFU! STFU! We're all tired of hearing it. If you think the missions are easy, maybe you should just stay out of the thread titled "Mission Hall is a *****".
Oh, and STFU!

I had the same problems as you when I did this mission. You'll see all of my complaining back in the first 10 pages of this thread. The reason why people are tired of offering help is because just about everything over this mission has been discussed multiple times before. Check the first couple pages of this thread for most of the information. I know that on page 7 there is a map of the course, with a list of split times telling you how fast you should be going to stay on pace.

There are also multiple videos posted of people completing M34 if you need to watch someone elses run to get a good idea of where more time can be made up.

Here are links to some information:
time and splits (p7):
Dori-sans write up:
this includes a video of a first place run (although it is kind of sloppy, its one of the few vids available)

I also started a very comprehensive in-depth guide in multiple parts for the first 2/3's of the run. If you also want to check that out, here it is:
background (post 369):
part 1 (post 390):
part 2 (post 408):

I didn't finish it because after dori-san finished his guide I felt like mine wasnt necessary. So good luck to you all, and just practice like we did and you'll get it. And don't get pissed off at people who are proud that they did it, because some of us did throw in our 2cents on how to beat it, although its about 20 pages ago in the thread.

And for all the people that beat it in an hour. Thats probably because they have PAL with the 116s wait (as opposed to 123) meaning that they can do it much more easily. Otherwise, they are just damn good, and probably golded all 80 and beat the whole game. When I first did the mission at about 25% I had a lot of trouble beating it. Now I can beat it 9/10 tries. You just have to practice, get to know the course like the back of your hand, get a feel for the car, and it becomes do-able... and the only way to get there is to practice. Good luck! 👍
i have no idea with the three lap battle around seattle in the Superbird, it seems impossible to turn any of the corners in that course,the car just doesnt turn , Any advice on cornering with this annoying car would be much appreciated Thankyou
i have no idea with the three lap battle around seattle in the Superbird, it seems impossible to turn any of the corners in that course,the car just doesnt turn , Any advice on cornering with this annoying car would be much appreciated Thankyou

Brake early, and HARD.. Turn in early and let the lump coast its way through the corners...
Finally beat last mission with Mercedes McLaren.
Shagged up the 3rd last corner but I was able to win by about 1 second.
I'm able to make replay if anyone interested. :)
To all you guys out there who have more B spec points than A spec, if you dont want to play the game hire a movie. Where is the enjoyment letting the game race itself 👎

Uh. That's one character of game too. Sure you can drive all damn races by yourself but if you want to make money and collect cars, you need to use b-spec.
Otherwise you have all the free time from life for tens of redriven El Capitan races.

Beside, letting b-spec to drive, you teach your 'team mate'. It's virtual pet of GT4. :dopey:

I have 13 000 a-spec points and little bit over 8030 b-spec one. And I have no bad self-esteem I let my b-spec drive most of the races. :)

If you are not happy what other players do, go f yourself. :D
Yay i did it! finally, at 2:20 in the morning hehe, all missions clear, now gotta try for the golds :)
i have no idea with the three lap battle around seattle in the Superbird, it seems impossible to turn any of the corners in that course,the car just doesnt turn , Any advice on cornering with this annoying car would be much appreciated Thankyou

I just beat the mission last night after trying for a while so its still fresh on my mind. Some general pointers:

-(Like Flerbizky said) Brake early and hard. Brake sufficiently before you enter the turn. Then modulate the throttle through the turn without using the brake at all. When you first start this mission, you may think you are braking early enough, but you probably aren't. I wasn't.
-Try to take the perfect racing line through the corners. Seattle has some pretty wide corners on it. Take advantage of them. Start out wide as you approach the corner, then move in towards the curb at the apex of the corner. Argh I may not be explaining this well but you know what I mean.
-"Swing" the car around some difficult corners if you can. The problem with this technique is that if you cut the wheel too hard you just end up sliding too much and you lose speed. You shouldn't need to do this if you enter a corner at the proper speed, but it saved me from running into a wall on a couple occasions when I didn't brake early enough.
-You should be able to pass cars 5-2 by the start of lap 2, but don't be frustrated if it takes just a long to catch up to the Buick Special.
-The Superbird rewards slow, methodical driving techniques (around the corners) and punishes you if you try to push it too hard. Just try to run a steady race without flying into each corner at 100mph. A win by half a second is still a win.
-Download Daan's video lol. Ever since I started getting into the mission hall this page has been in my favorites.
I just beat mission 34 last night after about a million tries to finally conclude all of Mission Hall! It was a messy lap, but I'll take it!! I was in the grass more than any of my other tries, but my split times were coming along good so I kept at it!!!

Split times behind the SL were;


Total time 9:13.076

Not too bad at the beginning to middle of the course, but I suck from middle to end. I guess that comes from restarting after every screw up on the front end of the course. To all those still trying, just keep at it. Victory is around the bend!!
Just running the La Sarthe enduro atm, but 2moro after my driving lesson to get me in the mood in going to devote a whole day to M34! I've only had a couple of tries but Surely i'll be able to do it in a day.. :)
man this mission was easy.... got it on my second try.. cuz the first one my dualshock controller was broken... i couldnt change gears (i change gears manualy... auto is for the lozers)..... but ive fixed that... well trick is: u have to know how to drive the nurb right. then it is a peace of cake...

I just wanted to say thanks for those who posted advice on 23. Got it my second try. First try was .9-something short, second try I passed the yellow car going into the last turn, stayed low and drove away. I got punted at the end of the last straight by a car I didn't see. I moved down to let the red car by, and the black one pulled out to move around him and bashed me, gave me 5 or 10 MPH, I think. I've had no trouble with any of the missions so far other than that, have done through 26, except for 18, which took me about 3 hours. The Superbird wasn't that hard, if you remembered the GT3 license test in the old Ford GT. Yes, it was the other direction, but it was similarly styled: brake early, no gas till you're straight or you plow off the outside. 19 was weird, too: the Amuse 2000s at Suzuka. Those things are pigs after running the Nissan at LeMans for an hour or so. No grip, very delicate throttle. On 18, you just gotta know the track. When I finally beat it, I passed the Sauber going into the last chicane, laps were just under 3 minutes each.

Language is what separates us from the animals, gives us the ability to pass learning on to our peers, so they don't have to re-invent the wheel.

It's a shame the separation is not so great in some of us. . . . .
a) People shouldn't brag about M34 being so easy if they have a 115-sec PAL version.
b) I found that the Superbird likes threshold braking. Listen for the squeal of locked brakes and modulate a bit and then the car all of a sudden can turn, instead of just sliding into the wall.
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