Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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a) People shouldn't brag about M34 being so easy if they have a 115-sec PAL version.
b) I found that the Superbird likes threshold braking. Listen for the squeal of locked brakes and modulate a bit and then the car all of a sudden can turn, instead of just sliding into the wall.

so. M34 wasnt easy for u toshi?
As far as mission 34 goes it took me around 3hrs to do and i did find it difficult! I used auto trans and ds2 with the anologue's. I found mission 23 harder because it does not involve skill it is a strategy based race. I know madmonaro and he is a gt freak and we have since gt1 been challenging each others lap times. GT5 will kill all the wall riding as it is due to have a damage model so all you guys who cant legitimately do the missions or races will be screwed. To all you guys out there who have more B spec points than A spec, if you dont want to play the game hire a movie. Where is the enjoyment letting the game race itself 👎

B-spec Bob does not have a top speed as high as us. I reckon that is to offset the fact that he is an AI driver who is generally quite quick.

In some races you need a better set up for B-Spec Bob than you would need for yourself so it can increase the challenge of settign up the car. And then of course we can B-Spec 90% of the game but if we want to do that then so be it.

I know I will be A-speccing a lot of races after I have got 100% and that is the whole idea of A-spec points it increases the replayability as we strive for more points.
a) People shouldn't brag about M34 being so easy if they have a 115-sec PAL version.
Why not? We can only pass what we're given. An M34 pass is an M34 pass no matter what version you have. It's not our fault the 2 versions have different time limits.
Why not? We can only pass what we're given. An M34 pass is an M34 pass no matter what version you have. It's not our fault the 2 versions have different time limits.

Yeah, but theres an M34 pass for the 123 wait, and theres a M34 pass for the shorter wait.

I doubt you both beat it by the 8 second difference on your second try...

As for me, I dont care that you say that its easy bc I can beat it by 4 seconds even with the 123 second wait. But that took hours of practice. So I can understand how ppl would be annoyed when ppl talk about how they did it in 2 tries, bc it is really different.
M34 was quite a challenge. For those of you who have the 115 sec i think thats great since it lets you beat it and get the R89C instead of droning on and on with practice just to get the car. Honestly guys I dont think the pal people are trying to rub it in, they are just sharing their experience.

Unluckily I have the 123 sec. US version, and I wanted the Nissan sooo badly to complete my car collection. I mowed more lawn in this game than i ever did in real life. I hit everything but the lottery. And for a while even though i cheated like a mofo i couldnt beat this Mission. Tonight, i beat both M34 and M23. I have my shiny new R89C. I even completed some earlier missions and to my surprise I got the cool Zonda LM and the Jaguar XJR-9 since i completed 50.0%.

Point is I wouldnt be able to complete these missions if there wasnt a board like this to help people out. So why dont we keep that in mind and remember that its just a game. No need for hostilities. :) 👍 Good Speed. Good Racing.
What are the best tyres to use on the McLaren in Arcade mode to simulate the conditions in M34?

The reason I ask rather than find out myself is because I'm unable to attain the necessary license requied to enter this mission, due to a scratched disc. A temporary setback, but once I get back on the road, so to speak, I look forward to this challenge and wish to prepare myself as best I can in the meantime.

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere int he previous 44 pages, but I found nothing after 15 minutes and barely got halfway though :crazy:

edit: are any driving aids required?
i tried practicing the SLR with medium tires and found them to be the closest.. to the mission, hard tires were way way worse. but somehow i just couldnt get my SLR to handle JUST like the mission one.

I just play the mission over and over now. the wait isnt so bad anymore, I just sit there and play poker on my cell phone untill i have 10 secs left to start. Yesterday i got my 2 best finishes yet after taking a 3 week break from trying mission 34.

I got 2 finishes 2.5 seconds behind the 300sl.. and both times i could see him crossing the finish line as i made the last right.. i was SOO close! and one time i tried to take him out by doing the guided missle run through the grass, unfortunatly i missed his rear bumper by 2 feet and hit wall instead!!! DOH! if i could do that again im pretty sure i would win. More tries today hopefully i will get it!
Not for noth'n, since I haven't figure out a use for this bit of information yet, but since I've read literally every post in this board and haven't seen this I thought I would mention it. Has anybody else noticed that you can run into just about anything with the rear of the car on Mission 34 as fast as you want and you won't get a penalty.
Not for noth'n, since I haven't figure out a use for this bit of information yet, but since I've read literally every post in this board and haven't seen this I thought I would mention it. Has anybody else noticed that you can run into just about anything with the rear of the car on Mission 34 as fast as you want and you won't get a penalty.
This is true in the rallies as well: bump with the front, get a penalty; bump with the rear (within reason), continue on.

And yes, M34 was the hardest thing in the game for this NTSC player - those last 3-4 seconds were a huge pain to shave off.
Hi all sorry 4 my poor english ... may u help me cause i have a monster trouble to win skyline Gt R test course ( forgot n. of mission ).So i understand i need 2nd to 5th car to have a better top speed , but when i reach corners i m too fast for them after the first corner they cannot catch me anymore , so i can't use them to go faster next...i stay second at 262 kph ... just to make me more mad , i can slipstream ( is that the word ? )the first car just before ending line hehe ( want me to break my paddle , little b.... oups )

So after the first corner i m in pos 2 , and i m at 270 going to 262 , do i have to wait them ? let them pass then follow , or do i have to let them slipstream me ? ( man english is quite difficult for a french lol ) :crazy:
Let them slipstream you, but do not brake, just let go of the throttle for a short period of time... and thats ONLY if you exit out of the corner so fast that they wont catch up to you.
i tried practicing the SLR with medium tires and found them to be the closest.. to the mission, hard tires were way way worse. but somehow i just couldnt get my SLR to handle JUST like the mission one.

I got a 7.20 yesterday with S2 tyres after a few laps and I think that could easily be improved by 10-15 seconds or whatever is required. However I suspect that, as you say, the settings won't be quite the same as in the test, something that seems to be the case with many of the license tests.
I got a 7.20 yesterday with S2 tyres after a few laps and I think that could easily be improved by 10-15 seconds or whatever is required. However I suspect that, as you say, the settings won't be quite the same as in the test, something that seems to be the case with many of the license tests.

I have read that you need to turn TCS down to 2 and ASM to zero.
Hi all sorry 4 my poor english ... may u help me cause i have a monster trouble to win skyline Gt R test course ( forgot n. of mission ).So i understand i need 2nd to 5th car to have a better top speed , but when i reach corners i m too fast for them after the first corner they cannot catch me anymore , so i can't use them to go faster next...i stay second at 262 kph ... just to make me more mad , i can slipstream ( is that the word ? )the first car just before ending line hehe ( want me to break my paddle , little b.... oups )

So after the first corner i m in pos 2 , and i m at 270 going to 262 , do i have to wait them ? let them pass then follow , or do i have to let them slipstream me ? ( man english is quite difficult for a french lol ) :crazy:

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I reckon it depends on which car you follow at the start. I followed the high line on the first bend ie followed the highest car on the track and had the same problem.

When I followed the low car on the track they were able to catch me but in some cases it was close.

Definitely do not brake. If you continue to have the problem then let off the accelerator once for a very short time. That should be enough to setup the whole mission. I suggest doing this first time on the back straight as this will allow maximum drafting for the rest of the mission.

Also don't get too hung up on only letting one car past as it can cause crashes. I twice let 2 cars past and even got a 5 second penalty and still got there easily.

edit: I also saw your other question. Let 1 or 2 past and get in front of you. Then get straight behind them and slipstream them again.
If you limit your speed to 264- 265 KMH on the corner they will catch you and pass you and then you can draft them. The hardest thing about this mission is working out that going slower in the turns is benificial.
I drove Skyline mission flatout. No need to slow down.
Just overtake smoothly those 4 cars on first curve and choose your position between two yellow lines (right line - of cource). And on curves little bit below that same line.

Why's that?
AI is not intelligent enough to follow your slipstreaming area if you swerve around track. Stay on line where others are too. They always can catch you now.
I reached loner 1st Skyline in early of last curve and won it by couple seconds of margin. 👍
I drove Skyline mission flatout. No need to slow down.
Just overtake smoothly those 4 cars on first curve and choose your position between two yellow lines (right line - of cource). And on curves little bit below that same line.

Why's that?
AI is not intelligent enough to follow your slipstreaming area if you swerve around track. Stay on line where others are too. They always can catch you now.
I reached loner 1st Skyline in early of last curve and won it by couple seconds of margin. 👍

Indeed, i did it the same way. Flatout all the way, they will catch up. Check the mirrors on the straight so you can make some space when they overtake, otherwise they will hit you.
Woohoo! done that M34 took me about 20 tries very frustrating but beat the lead car by exactly 0.200 secs 👍 hmm only 98.8% wheres that last.2% hidding :nervous:
Mission 34 with penalties and a lot of time in the grass (I will post the video later)

i tried practicing the SLR with medium tires and found them to be the closest.. to the mission, hard tires were way way worse. but somehow i just couldnt get my SLR to handle JUST like the mission.
On the ign boards i've read that with S2 tires,asm=0/0 and tcs=2, the stock SLR handles exactly like the one in Mission 34. When i tried this, the car felt very similar, yet not quite the same. I still could do some things which in the Mission sent me into an immediate spin. Only with tcs=0 did the car behave the same.

As it is the european PAL version i'm playing, it seems that NTSC and PAL not only differ in waiting time, but car settings as well.

Maybe someone with NTSC can check this.


I can't finish even 3rd with such a bad time.
I have European PAL version and seems like AI cars with this drives 10 secs faster... :crazy:

Fortunately I passed the mission ages ago.


I can't finish even 3rd with such a bad time.
I have European PAL version and seems like AI cars with this drives 10 secs faster... :crazy:

Fortunately I passed the mission ages ago.

I guess I have an easy version of M34, but mine is also an European PAL version - strange. I could go at least 10 sec faster with a clean run without penalties.
Sorry to boast but I finished those little suckers already...with mission 34 done in an hour!!
I was suprised my self...
Also...With the help of *Famine* I did mission 23 on my first try!!
Now I have 100% complete and I now have a total of 687 cars!!
With the missions just keep going and going finding all your mistakes and learning different places to do different and faster things...
You'll finish GT4 eventually :)

You know,GT-KOGEN, your time woudn't have been good enough on my GT4 what version of GT4 did u have I have to beat the SL300 on mine and it gets a 9:12:700
of course I beat it using my "Escudo Turning"(thats what i like to call b/c i used to do that with my escudo on GT2 :)
I had a 9:11:934!!
I'll try to get a pic of it!!
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