The problem though is even though you can record MHD in HD on an HD DVR, you have no control over picking individual videos, and they eat up a lot of space on the DVR. Because they are copy-protected, you can only make copies in SD off the DVR.
That is until the HD DVR comes out for the PS3. Unless they prevent you from copying those somehow.
Still, I agree that for many, it would be a nice marketing tool, but I suspect considering all the problems the music industry is facing due to the huge rise in piracy, this may be why we are not seeing any main stream HD music videos on PSN.
Honestly, I understand why not free, but Sony could at least sell their own artist's music and videos. Maybe even have a firmware update to allow us to stream a song sample (30 seconds) from the store so we can check out new stuff before we buy it. Heck, I'll take a firmware upgrade just to allow me to stream from the browser without saving to my hard drive.
I keep imagining all this functionality that could be possible. Maybe I dream too much? I just know the PS3 could do so much more and I think it would help justify the price of the system more to people who are reluctant to buy.
Yes, and a no-brainer pick for anyone who enjoyed Alpine Racer when it was in the arcades, or likes to ski, or likes skiing games, or doesn't mind buying a game for the cost of just one gallon of gas
(premium US $3... not EU gallon prices!
). Heck, I would have been willing to pay twice that amount, it's very fun. 👍
Wow, so I can buy an Alpine Racer kind of game for the cost of one play in the arcade? Sweet! I think if I ever had the opportunity to ski I would like it.
It didn't impress me either, and especially for $10. Seemed like Asteroids on LSD to me... or like a remake of Asteroids by Salvador Dalí.
Is it just me or are these analog stick games getting to be pushed out like mini games on the Wii? Honestly, after SSHD none of these have caught my attention.
Actually if wallpaper has been added, they always bump up the Wallpaper folder to go along with the latest content.
Yeah, but it's always at the end of the new stuff, so like four pages in. It hasn't been an issue yet, because like I said I take all the free stuff just to check it out, but I could imagine that if I just wanted to check out the wallpapers I would rather not have to click three or four things to bring it up. I guess I have been spoiled by online stores where all the categories are listed along the top or side, so if I am specifically looking for a certain kind of item I am one click away from that main page.
Of course, if the PS Store were like an online store I would have new things popping up almost daily.
Maybe that is why they haven't tried selling movies and/or music yet. The US store updates on Thursday, but different things come out on different days, like DVD Tuesdays, so that by the time a movie made it on to the PS Store it would already have been out two days.
And now that I think about it we really don't know what kind of no-compete clauses Sony may have with retailers. I'm sure Wal*Mart (or whoever) wouldn't take kindly to us getting an HD movie online direct from Sony when they are trying to sell the same product on Blu-Ray. If we don't have to leave the house then that means we aren't going into Wal*Mart to buy a movie on Tuesday and remembering we need milk and eggs while we are there.
In the case of games, like Warhawk, we got more for buying it on a disc. Granted, the bonus material is horrid, but the stores get a limited edition, or whatever they want to call it, while the online download version is "just" the game. Considering Warhawk initially sold in a bundle retailers had an edge to try and sell us, which worked for me.
I could be completely wrong here, but I could see this kind of thing being brought up in management levels.