On which plattform do you think/do you want GT6 to be released?

  • Thread starter ch3ng

PS3 or PS4?

  • I want a PS3 release, but think it'll be on PS4

    Votes: 167 28.1%
  • I want a PS3 release and think it'll be released on PS3

    Votes: 200 33.7%
  • I want a PS4 release and think it'll be released on PS4.

    Votes: 141 23.7%
  • I want a PS4 release, but think it'll be on PS3

    Votes: 42 7.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 44 7.4%

  • Total voters
The car textures in GT5, if PD have any sense, will be scaled down from larger items. The tracks might be the same, possibly including a bit of geometric downscaling.

We can't really infer too much from the devkits, but it's looking more likely that the PS4 will have all the major parts on one bit of silicon - whether that resembles anything that is currently available is another matter. The A10 isn't really up to the job, impressive though it is, but there are interesting things coming from AMD next year, along with a die shrink, which is always good for consoles. IBM were supposed to be upping their game on the graphics front, but I don't think they've made much noise about it, so the ideal of integrating the GPU with the CPU to save on silicon might make AMD's stuff more desirable, and leaves Nvidia and Intel in the dark somewhat, unless someone decides to collaborate.

Doesn't look like it'll be here before 2014, though.
At first I was thinking that GT6 would be released on the ps4, but I'm starting to think that might not be the case. Sony just released a newer ps3 and it seems they're determined to get that 10 year lifespan out of it.
Unless there's a ps4 hidden in some sort of secret place and sony is allowing kaz to develop his game based on the console's graphic capabilities, GT6 might end up as a PS3 game.
The car textures in GT5, if PD have any sense, will be scaled down from larger items. The tracks might be the same, possibly including a bit of geometric downscaling.

We can't really infer too much from the devkits, but it's looking more likely that the PS4 will have all the major parts on one bit of silicon - whether that resembles anything that is currently available is another matter. The A10 isn't really up to the job, impressive though it is, but there are interesting things coming from AMD next year, along with a die shrink, which is always good for consoles. IBM were supposed to be upping their game on the graphics front, but I don't think they've made much noise about it, so the ideal of integrating the GPU with the CPU to save on silicon might make AMD's stuff more desirable, and leaves Nvidia and Intel in the dark somewhat, unless someone decides to collaborate.

Doesn't look like it'll be here before 2014, though.

Console hardware has to be finalised long before it's released, they can't just add a brand new untested CPU 6-12 months before release. Most analysts are expecting a holiday 2013 release.
Well, some of the XBox 360 devkits were basically Apple Power Mac G5s, so the early hardware can be anything as long as it's architecturally similar. The G5 was POWER4, whilst the Xenon / Cell PPE was a unique hardware branch based on the same general architecture and instruction set - i.e. an evolution of existing ideas, (relatively) quickly adapted to fit a specific niche.
The devkits are mostly about getting familiar with the hardware's peculiarities in isolation before the thing is available as a whole. Learning how a program will be structured to fit around the hardware in advance is invaluable, then it's just a matter of tweaking if there are a few extra pipes added here, or a couple of Hz dropped there. It's normal prototyping, actually, to use just one word.
It's also a platform for testing the support / infrastructure / services that will surround the new console. The actual piece of hardware you take home is only a small part of Sony's plans, no doubt.

The silicon "foundries" have remarkable agility these days, anyway, so a given chip design / sub-model can be kept in development for longer and adapted to shifts in the markets / technology closer to the actual date of expected delivery.
Sony will obviously already have a good idea of what the hardware will be, based on any agreement it has with a manufacturer, and if it is AMD, it had better be based on some of the stuff that'll appear next year (which is mostly evolutionary, not "brand new"), rather than what they're already making. Even better would be the full-on CPU/GPU "fusion" they're planning for 2014; that would ideally deliver on what the Cell promised (and clearly demonstrated the potential in), with more automated housekeeping, better generality of code, fully shared memory and thus much easier developing - just what developers want (e.g. DICE). It's also interesting to note that ARM (among others) are working closely with AMD on this move to "HSA", since the PSVita is ARM-powered (as are so many other mobile devices...)
I'm pretty surprised to see how many people want it to be on the PS3. It's pretty obvious that GT5's pushing the system's capabilites pretty far.

I definitely want GT6 to be on the next-gen Playstation, whatever it might be called. If only so that we can get 1080p, 60fps, non-flickery shadows and reduced screen tearing. Oh and higher-resolution weather effects for the windshield in cockpit view... :P
I'm pretty surprised to see how many people want it to be on the PS3. It's pretty obvious that GT5's pushing the system's capabilites pretty far.

I definitely want GT6 to be on the next-gen Playstation, whatever it might be called. If only so that we can get 1080p, 60fps, non-flickery shadows and reduced screen tearing. Oh and higher-resolution weather effects for the windshield in cockpit view... :P

Agreed. I changed my mind about wanting GT6 on the PS3, theres no point of having it on there anyway soo yeah..

Better to have it on the PS4, beside it can be a launch title for it which will be perfect. I can wait as along as it turns out to be completely awesome everyone was expecting it to be, since GT5 was a failure to that wish...

This may sound off topic, but I do hope that rumor about GT6 featuring a large selection of tracks does come true, since that rumor mainly came from Lucas himself, who's from GT Academy of course. 👍
it's easy to understand why people are in such denial... with a PS3 release, people have just to pay the price of the game, with a PS4 release you shell at least 550$.... (price of the new console + game)
it's easy to understand why people are in such denial... with a PS3 release, people have just to pay the price of the game, with a PS4 release you shell at least 550$.... (price of the new console + game)
That's why in the eyes of a few (many?) GT6 is such a crucial release if it's on PS4, as some will wait to see how it turns out before committing to PS4. It's been touched on in many threads, but it's not hyperbole to say GT6 will be PD's most crucial release ever.

I still want GT6 on PS4 mind, and at this point, it seems close to being a lock.
I'm pretty surprised to see how many people want it to be on the PS3. It's pretty obvious that GT5's pushing the system's capabilites pretty far.p

Not being rude but did you read the thread before posting? Most people made it clear why they wanted a PS3 game and it had nothing to do with GT5 technically limited by the PS3.

But yes, it's now November 2012 and no announcment of GT6. With PS4 99% sure to be unveiled at E3 next year I don't see how a PS3 game is going to be announced before that time, there are no more major game shows before then.
Ok, I am 100% certain GT6 will be on PS4 now, and that there's no use in putting it out on PS3.

Where do I get this confidence from? Well, Right here:


It seems that the PS4 should be being announced right before E3 2013, and have a full showcase at the event.That's about a half of a year before we get an official announcement, and likely between 1-2 years until the console is out. I don't think that's enough time to give a GT game some proper spotlighting. Just saying.
Ok, I am 100% certain GT6 will be on PS4 now, and that there's no use in putting it out on PS3.

Where do I get this confidence from? Well, Right here:


It seems that the PS4 should be being announced right before E3 2013, and have a full showcase at the event.That's about a half of a year before we get an official announcement, and likely between 1-2 years until the console is out. I don't think that's enough time to give a GT game some proper spotlighting. Just saying.

Good find
Where's my PC option? I want Microsoft to buy Polyphony and release it on PC (*cough* don't g.a.s. about xbox *cough*).

PS4. PS3 is virtually maxed out on this game, there are several limitations including development difficulties, slow blu-ray players, and frankly, mere brawn is missing from this system. Try playing it 2 player (locally) and have one player pit, watch the lag, it's quite bad. It's limited though, I think GT5, for the most part, has stretched this console right to the limit in a very capable way, but there are signs that the console is finished really.

I think that GT5 and the PS3 go hand in hand, but GT6 would be so much greater on a a system that can allow more intelligent AI, better looking cars, and faster gameplay.

EDIT: I think the polls reflect the economic times more than people's true feelings about which system would create a superior gran turismo game. 266 for PS3 vs 109 for PS4 is ridiculous down to any other reason, spare the hip pocket.
The thing is everything you've mentioned there is visual and performance related to the visuals. Let's pretend for a moment though that we don't care about visuals, let's pretend GT5 overall is toned down slightly so everything runs smoother, none of those issues you mention exist in the game, everything visually and performance wise is fine. In fact you can do it the other way if you like, imagine GT5 looks great across the board, there are no visual or performance issues but the feature set and content itself is identical. Same cars, same tracks, same gameplay modes, same everything structure wise.

Is the game any better? Visually yes but overall, no, it's just better looking. All of the poor choices in constructing the game, the game modes, the A-Spec setup, the online setup and modes, the imbalanced car list, the half assed implementation of several features, they're all still the same and the result is still the same mediocre (IMO) "5/10 game wrapped in a 10/10 simulator". Those problems, as we've covered so many times is nothing to do with the PS3 being maxed out technology wise and everything to do with decisions PD made when making the game.

Yes logic dictates that a PS4 will allow them to produce a better looking and performing game technically but a better game overall? Not guaranteed at all, as GT5 proved.

That's really my main worry with it being a PS4. I just worry it's going to be GT5 looking better, running smoother but still a disappointing, shallow experience. I hope I'm proved wrong.
That's really my main worry with it being a PS4. I just worry it's going to be GT5 looking better, running smoother but still a disappointing, shallow experience. I hope I'm proved wrong.

We had four games before this one that didn't disappoint. There's still plenty of chances for GT6 to be the gem that GT5 was supposed to be. I'd bet that since PD has most of GT5 already complete or nearly so, simply "finishing", but restructuring the game will make a good GT6, as long as they fill their ambitions. If you look at what PD said they wanted to do with GT5, it's obvious they were simply too ambitious with it, and just didn't have time to do it all. Hopefully PD does one thing at a time so every incorporated feature feels like it was meant to be there, and wasn't half-assed, as you said. Then they can add new features, race series, and other additions as DLC and/or updates depending on what the content is. A things like a new race series (NASCAR, Indy Car, DTM, etc.) could be DLC, and things like new parameters for the course generator could be update content; you get the point.
You know, I think GT5 wasn't a dissappointment, it did allow plenty of room for improvement, but I think excluding A-Spec, it has heaps of cars, heaps of them great cars too, the tuning is fairly well done, it does need more tracks, and all of the cars should be premium cars, and WAAAAY more DLC (or better yet, way less DLC with way more awesome cars to begin with, DLC only being for new awesome cars, eg. Aventador, which they did).

For me, the game is basically the Seasonals now, which they keep releasing, hit and miss, they are often great, test out specific cars ect, and for a while, A-Spec was good, it was a little flaky and short, and those X/XX hour races were non-sense, but I thought it was mostly ok. I hated B-Spec. I think with they knowledge they have now, GT6 will be a better game, regardless of which console.

That's why my main concern is that if its on the PS3, it will be a copy and paste of GT5, plus fixes, plus more content, and more content is good, but it'll basically be the same game, engine, ect, so you may as well just add this stuff the GT5, finish the game in total, then move onto GT6, otherwise if they're going to move to GT6, I want them to completely moveto GT6 and get it here soon, but not on the PS3.
So what is it going to be on PS4? What are they going to be able to do on PS4 except technical performance? The main areas that need improved, namely the 'game' part could have been done on PS3. Most people agree that the older GTs are better games even though they look worse, perform worse and have worse physics. That sort of stuff is a large base of a Gran Turismo game but the other part, the part that isn't really anything to do with hardware and everything to do with good planning and ideas is the part they got wrong with GT5 and what they need to get right with GT6.
So what is it going to be on PS4? What are they going to be able to do on PS4 except technical performance? The main areas that need improved, namely the 'game' part could have been done on PS3. Most people agree that the older GTs are better games even though they look worse, perform worse and have worse physics. That sort of stuff is a large base of a Gran Turismo game but the other part, the part that isn't really anything to do with hardware and everything to do with good planning and ideas is the part they got wrong with GT5 and what they need to get right with GT6.

Well, I think we will see a steady progression for GT6 and further. They will improve physics, hopefully include a new tyre modell, sound, gameplay and multiplayer. I think with GT5 they were not just limited by the console, but also by the time. They could have improved the game by releasing it two years later, but that would have been crazy late.

So, GT6, hopefully on PS4, will bring many improvements they wanted to include in GT5 already and more. Visually it might be stunning and it should come with a big improvement in physics too. Even the best sims on the market are not close to 100% simulation today and GT5 isnt either. So, we will see constantly improving in this through the next GTs.

I think we also should not rule out the possibility that GT could change into a service. Maybe Free-to-Play or a subscription based system like Iracing.
I think we also should not rule out the possibility that GT could change into a service. Maybe Free-to-Play or a subscription based system like Iracing.

I would not support it. I woudn't buy GT or Playstation ever again.

I like Sony not only because they develop GT, but i would be so angry about the Free 2 Play decision for GT that i don't buy 1 Sony product again
Clearly it didn't since most of the problems with GT5 have nothing to do with the hardware. They didn't need better hardware to model more cars, they needed better management of their time and resources.

This one image demonstrates the problem perfectly:


Is that sort of insane detail 'nice' and 'cool' when you're taking close up photos like that? Maybe. Is it necessary for the overall enjoyment of the game, bearing in mind you will never see that sort of detail in game? Not in the slightest. They spent far too long detailing cars to extreme levels that nobody would see in the main part of the game and so wasted a lot of their time.

If you have the time and huge resources to model cars to such extreme detail and still crank out a large number of them by all means go for it but PD clearly did not, and the game suffered for it.

The photomode forum is probably the most active forum here at GTPlanet. Why? Because the detailed models looks fantastic in photomode. Sure, in racing you don't notice most of the details, but Gran Turismo is not all about racing, it's all about the cars.

Sure, with less detailed cars they could have had time to add a few more, but as one of the selling points of GT5 is the extreme detail level it's a pretty hard thing to trade away for something else.
PS4 power will hopefully get rid of the shameless low def shadows, pixellized effects (smoke), flickering and other artifacts...also add a more refined global lighting, better Anti-Aliasing, allow multiclass racing, .... but MOST IMPORTANT REDONE FROM SCRATCH ENGINE SOUNDS!!!the revolution must happen in this so important department.

At least it's what I hope for the "technical part" of GT6
I just hope I don't have to hold my breath again for 4 years of postponements after the ps4 is finally released for gt6. My ps3 pretty much gathered dust for 4 years while waiting for gt5, it's the only reason I have one. Prologue relieved the agony for a couple months.
I voted for the first option. As much as I would like GT6 to be a PS3 game, it is starting to look more likely that it will become a PS4 title instead, especially if this PS4 Dev Kit rumor is true.

Platform: Smaller game - Expanded, bigger, improved game
PS1: GT1 - GT2
PS2: GT3 - GT4
PS3: GT5 - GT6
But these new games have much higher detail, better physics, and more content, so it would take longer to implement all of these things into one game. GT5 took five years to develop, right? It was released in 2010. Kaz said that GT6 development began not lang after GT5's release. I predict GT6 to take 5-6 years to develop, which is 2015-2016. This console generation is also coming to an end, with the Wii U already being released the 18th. That's a next-generation console, by Nintendo standards, anyway. The PS4 will definitely be out by 2014, because, Sony isn't going to let all the attention go to their competitor for long. Basically, GT6 is going to be a PS4 game, just watch.
But these new games have much higher detail, better physics, and more content, so it would take longer to implement all of these things into one game. GT5 took five years to develop, right? It was released in 2010. Kaz said that GT6 development began not lang after GT5's release. I predict GT6 to take 5-6 years to develop, which is 2015-2016. This console generation is also coming to an end, with the Wii U already being released the 18th. That's a next-generation console, by Nintendo standards, anyway. The PS4 will definitely be out by 2014, because, Sony isn't going to let all the attention go to their competitor for long. Basically, GT6 is going to be a PS4 game, just watch.

That is far too long for a normal development cycle of a video game, especially a AAA title. Just sit back and think how long that really is. Think about a game like Grand Theft Auto which is a HUGE game technology wise, they don't take quite that long between IV and V and they've been developing other games in the meantime.

PD need to get their act together, they can't keep leaving 5 year gaps between the main games, people are going to lose interest.
But these new games have much higher detail, better physics, and more content, so it would take longer to implement all of these things into one game. GT5 took five years to develop, right? It was released in 2010. Kaz said that GT6 development began not long after GT5's release. I predict GT6 to take 5-6 years to develop, which is 2015-2016. This console generation is also coming to an end, with the Wii U already being released the 18th. That's a next-generation console, by Nintendo standards, anyway. The PS4 will definitely be out by 2014, because, Sony isn't going to let all the attention go to their competitor for long. Basically, GT6 is going to be a PS4 game, just watch.

And the dev kits being sent out now are still not finalized. So for all this time what have they been developing GT6 on?

Earlier dev kits or rough hardward that's going to match the PS4. As much as I wanted a PS3 game I don't see how it's possible. When are they going to announce it?
That is far too long for a normal development cycle of a video game, especially a AAA title. Just sit back and think how long that really is. Think about a game like Grand Theft Auto which is a HUGE game technology wise, they don't take quite that long between IV and V and they've been developing other games in the meantime.

PD need to get their act together, they can't keep leaving 5 year gaps between the main games, people are going to lose interest.

The thing about Rockstar is that it's not just one game studio. In 2002, after 2K had bought up lots of different teams, they gave them all their own little "Rockstar" monikers. DMA Design, the makers of the original GTA (and Lemmings!) became Rockstar North. They have, along with the other studios, helped out with other games, like Red Dead Redemption (Rockstar San Diego / Angel Studios) and Max Payne 3 (Rockstar Vancouver / Barking Dog) - as did all the other Rockstars, for their own specialities (e.g. Rockstar Lincoln / Tarantula Studios is primarily QA and localisation now). As such, I suspect their main focus has been on GTA (IV, "Episodes" and V). GTA IV came out in 2008; GTA V is due in 2013.

The problem is that it's already two years since GT5 was released, and we won't see the PS4 for at least another year (maybe more), and we all know the likelihood of a launch release for GT6. So either it'll be 3 years for PS3, or closer to 5 for PS4. Ideally it'd be both, but maybe they'll do something in the middle for a half-baked version. Then again, part of the reason for GT5 being so disappointing might be because they pulled a GT3 again (if they'd jumped from GT1 to GT3, that is), and have been developing GT6 for PS4 alongside GT5 for PS3, and struggling to "downscale" the GT6 / PS4 ideas to fit on PS3 (karts are the only concrete example). Maybe.
And the dev kits being sent out now are still not finalized. So for all this time what have they been developing GT6 on?


I think I remember reading that PD's development platform is almost entirely x86. It's quicker and easier to prototype experimental things on general, high-powered hardware and then attempt to pare it down and streamline it for a console than to try to prototype straight to the console (at least initially). I think Sony now even provide virtualised emulations for testing certain aspects of Cell programming, and there are certainly "Cell simulators" available unofficially. It's feasible they can do it with the next gen, which is actually a great pre-development (of the console hardware) feedback tool for Sony to issue to game developers to play around with before getting any real hardware delivered.
In that sense, it makes little difference what the target hardware is, since all you do is change the "conversion" process. Of course, with experience the conversion will be quicker and you could even write directly to the console hardware's requirements first, without having to prototype on a more general purpose machine. Which is why getting an idea of the target hardware in advance is such an advantage.

So, in the case of the AMD A10s, Sony might be saying: "imagine this, with more clock speed here, and larger bus width there, plus AMD's newest graphics architecture you got to play with a few months ago, etc." (assuming they are going AMD all the way) - it won't take long for developers to grasp what will be possible and cater their initial work to suit, so as to make inroads on development before getting the real hardware. That said, proper optimisation can only occur on the real hardware, and that's where PD historically make their money.