Amazing, it doesn't look it at a glance, but its virtually split right down the middle between what people 'think' it will be 199 to 198 (one more think it'll be on PS3).
Of course, the wants are way more in favour of a PS3, 280 for vs. 117 against.
As a 'want PS4 think PS4' I don't think it'll be the end of the world if it is on PS3, I think it's smarter for it to be PS4, and I know if its on PS3 we definately won't have a PS4 launch title GT, but that's unlikely to happen anyway, so I suppose as long as the PS4 can play PS3 games, it isn't too bad. But considering all of the latest Orbis/PS4 gossip, the end of PS3 being so close, many of the 'want PS3 think PS4' voters are more likely right, why release for a console that's about to be out-dated? Then again it is PD, so who knows.