One of the ps3's selling points was the ability to use multiple operating systems. In fact that option was taken away in an online update.
That's right, and it was clearly removed because of Geohot and hackers like those involved with Anon who used that feature to hack and exploit the PS3 and pirating copy protected content, like games and movies.
So it's ironic that they are the ones attacking Sony for removing the feature that they themselves caused the feature to get removed... because they chose to disregard laws for their own self interests.
Yes, I was disappointed that they removed the 3rd party OS support feature, although very few people ever even used that feature... until hackers figured a way to use it to get free games and movies that is.
However, I completely understand why Sony removed it. In fact, it would have been a really foolish decision not to considering how vulnerable their copy protection was once it got hacked.
Frankly, I'm surprised it took so long for the 3rd party OS support to get hacked, so at least for those that were using that feature the way it was intended, they were able to use it for over three years... which is still three more years than any other console offering any 3rd party OS support feature.
So basically, if you are truly upset about the removal of the 3rd party OS support, then blame the hackers for causing it to get removed.
I actually feel bad for people like George Hotz (Geohot) and others like him, as they are clearly quite talented, but instead of creating something with that talent, all they seem to want to do is exploit other people's work. Sad really.