Ongoing PSN outages

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Hmmm, the clip CLEARLY STATES and I quote "Sonys offical position shows that the PSN is down for maintenance, we realise that attacking the PSN is not a good idea" So NO they didn't lie.:)

Like I said, I stopped after :54 because of their stupid uninformed comment that is false, so yes, they are lying.
can someone please explain to me what this "jailbreak" software is, and what Anon mean when they say "jailbreaking means you are making your device do what it should do"?
can someone please explain to me what this "jailbreak" software is, and what Anon mean when they say "jailbreaking means you are making your device do what it should do"?

In basic terms it makes it possible to run a wider variety of programs on it. For instance when the iphone first came out you had to jailbreak it to work on another network.

Their analogy is stupid though as consoles aren't open source like computers are.
I hate how hackers are taking this so seriously as if they are defending their own country.........-_- Guess what? ITS A GAME.
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can someone please explain to me what this "jailbreak" software is, and what Anon mean when they say "jailbreaking means you are making your device do what it should do"?

I don't know the entire story, but I think they believe users should be able to run Linux on their PS3 and I'm sure there are numberous other reasons, but removing linux is basically what started it all (with Geohot). As for finding out what jailbreaking is, just google it :)

can someone please explain to me what this "jailbreak" software is, and what Anon mean when they say "jailbreaking means you are making your device do what it should do"?

Jailbreak is a device which plugs in to your PS3s USB Slot and basically unlocks it to do pretty much anything such as using custom firmware or running linux.
I don't know the entire story, but I think they believe users should be able to run Linux on their PS3 and I'm sure there are numberous other reasons, but removing linux is basically what started it all (with Geohot). As for finding out what jailbreaking is, just google it :)


👍 Sums the story of how PS3s Jailbreak started pretty well.
Like I said, I stopped after :54 because of their stupid uninformed comment that is false, so yes, they are lying.

Heard no stupid uninformed comment or lies in the video I watched and listened to, must be a selective thing
I hate how hackers are taking this so seriously as if they are defending their own country.........-_- Guess what? ITS A GAME.

You seem to be pretty serious over a game.

The issues behind this is Sony is attempting to regulate more and more what can and cannot run on a device you own. Apple has been fighting the same battle with the legality of jailbreaking and the iPhone, and it has been very stupid. Current companies feel they can tell you how to use a device you purchase from them, even if it isn't on their network. Would be much like buying a car and them telling you cannot put anything else on it at all period. What so ever.

Anon is coming from a relatively sane position.
You seem to be pretty serious over a game.

The issues behind this is Sony is attempting to regulate more and more what can and cannot run on a device you own. Apple has been fighting the same battle with the legality of jailbreaking and the iPhone, and it has been very stupid. Current companies feel they can tell you how to use a device you purchase from them, even if it isn't on their network. Would be much like buying a car and them telling you cannot put anything else on it at all period. What so ever.

Anon is coming from a relatively sane position.

Well, its not a car right? :P
A Jailbroken PS3

Installing full games to the HD :). I mean who wouldn't want to have the option of that feature?! Some of the stuff that "hackers" do is pretty ingenious, useful and can actually improve the functionality of products we own. Improvements, that for whatever reason, the manufacturer is not interested in providing.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is just dumb if you ask me.
We are talking about PS3 here, Sony are in the wrong here, Anon in the right. We jailbrake iPods and Apple don't care. Geohotz jailbrakes a PS3, he gets a lawsuit against him. Somethings not quite right here!:)
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is just dumb if you ask me.

Holy what? You suggesting one might "go to hell" because they have the "good intention" of modifying a piece of electronics they purchased with their own funds? Really? God gives a flying eff if some person "technically" broke paragraph X, subsection 34, subpoint ii of some stupid corporate enforced "user agreement." Ok. If so we're all effd. I hope you have never copied any piece of software in any fashion in your entire life.
I guess Sony is being protective over their console because it's the base of their gaming branch. I have never heard of jailbreaking before but I guess it could be a way to manipulate data, hack games etc etc and which not only could harm their business but also harm the intellectual property of the different game developers.

Also, what is the reason to jailbreak your PS3? What's wrong with just using it the way it is intended to?

Wether Anonymous is responsible for PSN being down or not I still hope that Sony wins the fight, because after all, if they put Sony out of business (gaming business), will we get another console from Anonymous or do they mean that we all should go over to Xbox or Wii 2 (until some hacker finds himself offended by some corporate lawyer there)???
Holy what? You suggesting one might "go to hell" because they have the "good intention" of modifying a piece of electronics they purchased with their own funds? Really? God gives a flying eff if some person "technically" broke paragraph X, subsection 34, subpoint ii of some stupid corporate enforced "user agreement." Ok. If so we're all effd. I hope you have never copied any piece of software in any fashion in your entire life.

Who cares if they purchased it with their own funds? If you buy a gun you're not automatically allowed to use it in anyway you want to - even if you used your own money to buy it. Now the PS3 is not a weapon, but there are still rules applied to how you can and can't use it.
Holy what? You suggesting one might "go to hell" because they have the "good intention" of modifying a piece of electronics they purchased with their own funds? Really? God gives a flying eff if some person "technically" broke paragraph X, subsection 34, subpoint ii of some stupid corporate enforced "user agreement." Ok. If so we're all effd. I hope you have never copied any piece of software in any fashion in your entire life.

It's an expression that pretty much says that you can cause more trouble than you intended with nothing but the best intentions. So, for example, in this case if Anonymous is attacking Sony to help the gamers, then it backfired because right now the gamers are the ones that are losing. They are hurting the exact group which they are claiming to be fighting for. Try to read between the lines a bit. I'm not bible thumping. My expression actually had nothing to do with religion, especially in this context.


Anyways - I'm not gonna sweat this Anonymous group until they start making soap. :D
Installing full games to the HD :). I mean who wouldn't want to have the option of that feature?! Some of the stuff that "hackers" do is pretty ingenious, useful and can actually improve the functionality of products we own. Improvements, that for whatever reason, the manufacturer is not interested in providing.

Piracy is illegal, and should be for obvious reasons, but the ability to backup your lagitimately obtained media should not be. A long time battle with no clear end in sight I'm afraid.

Ironically one thing I've used my ps3 for is just that, specifically a complete box set of every Yo Yo Ma recording on cd now resides on my ps3 hard drive. I can now listen to it while maintaining the integrity of the collector bit.
Maybe Sony is doing this to make it look like it's anonymous doing all this so we all turn against them.

No I'm not being serious. Just another conspiracy for the conspirers to think about.
Who cares if they purchased it with their own funds? If you buy a gun you're not automatically allowed to use it in anyway you want to - even if you used your own money to buy it. Now the PS3 is not a weapon, but there are still rules applied to how you can and can't use it.

Really. Thanks for the insight. So I can't use my PS3, even one I purchased with my own funds, to bash someones head in? Now what am I am going to do with that new opening in my schedule between 3-4pm :rolleyes:.

You are clearly not appreciating the difference between breaking some obtuse "rule" of a contract you most likely had no idea you signed and that of "laws" based upon near universally agreed upon ethical behavior of an individual living in a society. No small difference that.
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Piracy is illegal, and should be for obvious reasons, but the ability to backup your lagitimately obtained media should not be. A long time battle with no clear end in sight I'm afraid.

Ironically one thing I've used my ps3 for is just that, specifically a complete box set of every Yo Yo Ma recording on cd now resides on my ps3 hard drive. I can now listen to it while maintaining the integrity of the collector bit.

Sounds logical to us...not to greedy corporations though.

Now that i know what Jailbreaking is (did all along, just haven't heard of the term "jailbreaking" till now), i am (always have been) in favour of it so long as piracy and copyright infringement doesn't take place and the PS3 works even better-then Sony should take their fingers out of their backsides sit down and STFU!
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