Ongoing PSN outages

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Amazing. At :34 you can see something collide with the camera. Obvious fluid containing part. Hmmmm wonder what the heck it was. Shock? As well 27 had panicked and appears to have locked up brakes. Scary moment for those drivers. Especially the destroyed/ wrecked car. Wow.
Off topic, but exciting, none the less, is this little scene to entertain us through our waiting time:

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Awesome clip.
Does anyone have an estimated date for PSN Returning?

Since we all got our lives back (for better or worse) I don't think we care anymore....

No I'm only joking....tomorrow evening I think...but I think Sony's just guessing. Posted Yesterday/Today:

PlayStation Blog
While we are investigating the cause of the Network outage, we wanted to alert you that it may be a full day or two before we&#8217;re able to get the service completely back up and running. Thank you very much for your patience while we work to resolve this matter. Please stay tuned to this space for more details, and we&#8217;ll update you again as soon as we can.
if this keeps happening im buying an xbox

Not trying to start anything on here but I think the 360 is a much better system overall. I've had my console for three years and it's still running good. I like the dashboard much better than the xmb, everything is way more accessible on Live, and yes you pay 60 bucks a year but it's worth it. Only bad thing about the 360 is no gt5 lol.
Phack this could be my first weekend without online racing since nov 2010!

No F1 no MotoGP no WSBK no AMA to watch either ...
Not trying to start anything on here but I think the 360 is a much better system overall. I've had my console for three years and it's still running good. I like the dashboard much better than the xmb, everything is way more accessible on Live, and yes you pay 60 bucks a year but it's worth it. Only bad thing about the 360 is no gt5 lol.

You are wrong!!

In other news: thanks Sony for dropping the ball, I finally decided to do the Formula Gran Turismo series and get my level 21 ticket.
Got a Lister Storm LM 99 which I'm very pleased with as I didn't even know it was in the game.
An interesting angle....from

Sony shuts down PSN, saves billions and blames Anonymous

Yesterday, Sony purposefully shut down its own Playstation Network servers to save itself billions in operating costs. This move was shrouded with rumors that Anonymous has yet again resorted to the unpopular DDoS attacks that led to the failed “boycott” of Sony products on April 16th. Sony, as always, has made a meaningless and vague statement about their network status in an attempt to counter any blame.

Despite their own miserable failure with Sony, Anonymous has not even had time to come up with a new strategy. In fact, Anonymous has entirely lost interest in wasting their time on Sony. Playstation 3 owners have reactivated their violent urges which are at a steady boiling point without Call of Duty: Black Ops. The last bastion of truly free press,, has been under sporadic DDoS attacks that may have originated from “Sonyfags” or the Playstation Network itself.

Now with a scapegoat for all future network outages, Sony is free to mistreat their own user base without discretion. Sony currently has a plan in the works to create paid Playstation “Gold” accounts that will not suffer from network outages which disable completely unrelated services such as Netflix and Skype. This strategy is consistent with Reddit’s current “downtime” that allows only paid Reddit “Gold” accounts the ability to log in.

Free information and net neutrality is dying at the altar of Anonymous, as I have predicted. Public opinion is being manipulated by the global oligarchs who control multi-national corporations like Sony. The people are being whipped into a hate-storm that can only end with mass vannings of the Anonymous collective.
Not once, NOT ONCE, have I switched on my PS3 and though

"you know what, this operating system Sony has taken time to develope is OK, but I wish there was a way i could hack my way in and use somebody elses OS, and in the process of my selfish actions shut down PSN for everyone who uses their PS3 for the purpose it was intended"

If I want to play games I use a PS3, if I want to mess about with OS's's's's I turn on my PC.

P.S. If any hackers are reading this I love you really.
Not once, NOT ONCE, have I switched on my PS3 and though

"you know what, this operating system Sony has taken time to develope is OK, but I wish there was a way i could hack my way in and use somebody elses OS, and in the process of my selfish actions shut down PSN for everyone who uses their PS3 for the purpose it was intended"

If I want to play games I use a PS3, if I want to mess about with OS's's's's I turn on my PC.

P.S. If any hackers are reading this I love you really.

You do realize the PS3 is basically a computer, and it had the option to install another operating system when it first came out?

Oh and the military uses them with a custom operating system as well.

Your argument sucks.
You are wrong!!

In other news: thanks Sony for dropping the ball, I finally decided to do the Formula Gran Turismo series and get my level 21 ticket.
Got a Lister Storm LM 99 which I'm very pleased with as I didn't even know it was in the game.

I got a 1000 ticket. No online, so no trades. I don't dupe or reload after opening. So I decided to just open it.

Peugeot 206.(face palm over and over)
P.S. If any hackers are reading this I love you really.

Nice to know....

Found this too on TheSixthAxis

10 things to do while we wait.....

  1. Go outside. I know. Normally I’d be the last person to recommend this. I mean, outside is where there are people who aren’t on your Deathmatch team. You’ll probably have to interact with people who can hear you even when your headset is set to mute. There is sunlight though, so that’s a bonus. You get vitamin D from sunlight and that’s the one that helps to regulate neuromuscular functions. That means that sunlight actually helps your brain send faster messages to your trigger finger.
  2. Get yourself on over to the PS Blog and leave as many comments as you’ve got time for on there. Make them as passive-aggressive as possible so that everyone on the internet can see how smart and funny you are. Those nasty PlayStation Blog employees should feel your wrath for the egregious occurrence of some unidentified problem with no confirmed cause.
  3. Make some cakes. In celebration of Portal 2’s release weekend and GLaDOS’ famous fib about cake you could enjoy some spongy goodness. That’s right, prove the psychotic bitch wrong. Make your cake a reality.
  4. Play on another machine. I realise that not everyone will have the ability to do this so if you’re a single console kinda guy and you don’t own a mobile phone made after 1997 then just skip ahead (but do let me know how the hell you’re reading this). Almost everything has games on it now, even if there are no single player games that don’t require network connection on your PS3, you could still find an electronic distraction somewhere else. I’ll be playing Football Manager Handheld on the iPad.
  5. Go to TheSixthAxis’ forums and either: a) piss and moan about the PSN being down or b) start a thread about something funny and watch everyone else throw even more funny at you.
  6. Make sure every single follower you have on Twitter (or friend you have on Facebook) knows how annoying it is that you can’t connect to the network services on your games console. They should really feel your pain. If your tweet/status update only contains one exclamation mark then you’re not trying hard enough.
  7. Play on Xbox Live, it’s working fine.
  8. Read some of the latest content on TheSixthAxis, it’s probably awesome and funny and there’s plenty to keep you entertained. Go ahead and comment on our stories and articles too, we like it when you do that. Only don’t be too harsh on me for number 7, it was only a cheeky little joke, you know!
  9. Read a book. If you really have to, there are even books about games and their surrounding fiction. Seriously, books are great. They don’t have very good graphics and the sound design is non-existent but they usually have a really good narrative and most are longer than the average FPS.
  10. Found your own technology company and plot the creation of your own games console with its own online service that isn’t down for repairs at the most inconvenient times. This is probably not something you can get done in a day or two while the PSN is down but you could make a start and just add to your plans every time there’s scheduled maintenance. I predict that by 2014 you’ll have a complete business plan and prototypes to show at E3. There will be banks falling over themselves to lend you the cash you need to get that first factory built.
You do realize the PS3 is basically a computer, and it had the option to install another operating system when it first came out?

Oh and the military uses them with a custom operating system as well.

Your argument sucks.

My arguement stands. I was merely pointing out MY circumstances.
I have better things to do with my time (a job etc) than worry about what operating system MY games console uses.
I have no problem at all with those people who want to run something else, but why should it affect everyone who is happy with their PS3 the way it came out of the factory?
In MY opinion it's a bit selfish that the majority are suffering through the actions of the minority.
We get a PSN that is free (Or paid for PS+) but unlike xbox 50% RRoD rate we are better off with a few days offline of PSN then a few weeks of no system at all.
I got a 1000 ticket. No online, so no trades. I don't dupe or reload after opening. So I decided to just open it.

Peugeot 206.(face palm over and over)

I feel your pain. I too get a sucky car with a 1000 ticket.
My arguement stands. I was merely pointing out MY circumstances.
I have better things to do with my time (a job etc) than worry about what operating system MY games console uses.
I have no problem at all with those people who want to run something else, but why should it affect everyone who is happy with their PS3 the way it came out of the factory?
In MY opinion it's a bit selfish that the majority are suffering through the actions of the minority.

You keep saying MY MY MY, but yet you're still missing the whole point. The fact that you cannot install another OS on the PS3 shows that it is not really yours.
Land mines are illegal to sell or own. So is selling or owning software that directly allows the user to violate the terms of service contract they entered into when they purchased the console. That much is crystal clear.

Anyway, its a rainy weekend and I wanted to play call of duty. Now I'm just bored. I drank a few beers while playing fallout last night but even that gets old after a few nights.
Can this be true? PSN Europe is down because of Japan? I can´t belive this but I have to admid that I have no clue.

Well comment no. 2 below that article actually says the opposite...that it's a LOIC attack (DDoS attack generated by a network of users) scheduled for this weekend by Anonymous etc....hard to know what to believe.

It&#8217;s not Japan (as in the Japanese earthquake and related problems), it&#8217;s confirmed as a planned DDoS attack by anonymous/4Chan using LOIC, and it was intentionally scheduled to start as soon as offices closed down for the easter break.

Anyone supporting these hackers must be feeling like a dickwad right now&#8230; I&#8217;m also guessing anyone foolish enough to run LOIC will be getting a visit from the law quite soon, and some criminal charges relating to computer misuse&#8230;
I lol'd a bit:

When you really think about it, it is quite amazing how many games these days have some sort of online component. I only own 10 PS3 games but 7 of those games have online multiplayer. (MGS4, GoW3 and FFXIII being the exceptions) Heck, MAG ONLY has online multiplayer. With online gameplay being the norm it does suck when things like this happen but oh well, I'm surviving. I beat CoD Black Ops on Veteran difficulty and been playing though FFXIII which I only recently purchased. I'll be out most of the weekend too so I think I'll make it through this. :D
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