Patch 1.10 - new single player mode "GT League"

  • Thread starter ststav01
Saying an uncited fact, is a fact, is wrong. But now this discussion got weird and ridiculous. A matter of fact, people that have to constantly declare statements as FACTS tend to be full of it. Now that's a fact.

So insinuating that folks complaints are invalid because a copy and paste single player has suddenly appeared, when what was being asked for was an improvement is not full of it is it?

Apart from that all the unhappy people should just get back to “getting over it” is it?
Nothing to do with my internet it's 300mb down and 20 mb up wired and ok on every other game
Probably due to other players internet then. Doesn't matter if it's dedicated servers if they have bad connection to it they lag for you aswell.
So insinuating that folks complaints are invalid because a copy and paste single player has suddenly appeared, when what was being asked for was an improvement is not full of it is it?

Apart from that all the unhappy people should just get back to “getting over it” is it?

Wait, are you trying to speak for me? That's funny.

My point is that there are people complaining for something new, yet GT Sport gave them the newest racing experience they never asked for. That's how new it was. But just the mere idea of a drastically new idea scared all these people off.

I'm saying, I don't buy it. These people don't really want something new because when it was offered they ran away. Hell, these people don't even know what they want. Most people complain about video game sequels and then run off to buy Uncharted 4. Most people are ridiculous.


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Yeah, and my point is that you haven't played this new GT League mode and are assuming what it is and isn't. You really have no clue what you're talking about.

Based on the screenshots, it doesn’t look different at all from what we’ve seen from the previous games. It even says in the article that it’s “based on the old ‘GT Mode’ of previous titles”. That’s a direct quote.
Yeah, and my point is that you haven't played this new GT League mode and are assuming what it is and isn't. You really have no clue what you're talking about.

Secondly, it's automobile racing. Racing has been racing since 1895, there's not much innovation on the concept of a race. Sure they could make a bunch of gimmick Samba demo derby courses or Subie Stunt Jump challenges or copy whatever dumb gimmick that Forza squatted out, but at the end of the day the game still needs to be about racing.

The images provided speak for themselves. They are literally exactly the same as the past games, a menu with a bunch of events, which themselves contain a few races you can enter. You finish them, go back in the menu and pick some more. If I'm proven wrong and there is more to it then so be it, but the evidence doesn't support that so far. I can only go on what I see.

Yes, when you get to the track a race is a race. It's about the format of how those races are presented and the progression structure. You can't say the GT1-6 career is the same as Project CARS for example, in that game you sign racing contracts with teams, take part in seasons, progress up a ladder. You can also start where you want (to a degree) instead of what PD continues to do, which is force everyone to start with the beginner stuff.

I've done it 6 times over, I'm a competent racer, why would I want to enter a "playground for beginner racers" yet again?
Based on the screenshots, it doesn’t look different at all from what we’ve seen from the previous games. It even says in the article that it’s “based on the old ‘GT Mode’ of previous titles”. That’s a direct quote.

yeah, based. as in, theres a bunch of cars and a track, you know, like most racing games. we still don't know the ratio of goofy races to serious races, or whatever different race formats they plan on deploying. expecting a offline race mode to be more progressive than anything in the genre itself just seems like a silly, vague, and unrealistic expectation that none of you have even given a chance to see play out.

Yes, when you get to the track a race is a race. It's about the format of how those races are presented and the progression structure. You can't say the GT1-6 career is the same as Project CARS for example, in that game you sign racing contracts with teams, take part in seasons, progress up a ladder.

They've been doing that stuff since PS2 MTX games. Nothing new there. Like I said, racing is an old genre overloaded with tropes and played out campaign ideas. It's all been done, so expecting something new there was unrealistic. Instead, they gave you something new and you just decided to pass... Online play wasn't your thing and it was too different from what you were used to. You want reruns not spin offs.
Selling well doesn't mean jack when it was obvious that the game was rushed to meet an October release date. And besides, we know it's going to sell well. But it doesn't address the elephant in the room that the game came out with a lack of content and Polyphony expected to mask that with focusing on online.

And besides, said content fails to take into account that this is the exact same career mode that would have been in the game and we would have enevitably complained about because of stupid AI that follows the racing line. AKA, what needed to be changed, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

GT has lagged behind other competition on consoles for years now and show no signs of budging on rebuilding on what needs to be done, instead chasing cheap tricks and trying to recenter what the series means into a console clone of iRacing with official FIA designations that do jack ****. But of course, when you have a head strong leader at the helm like Kaz, where everything is hunky dory and everybody is chasing him. Newsflash, they aren't chasing him in anything but graphics. In fact, it's the opposite. And even the one trump card that Polyphony has, graphics, certainly pails in comparison to practical graphics like weather effects like Project CARS 2 and even DRIVECLUB have done.
My comment still stands, it doesn’t need saving for the reasons I posted. Stop moving goal posts. You may not like how the game turned out but your opinion does not make it needing to be saved. All of your claims afterwards are opinions based on emotion and not fact. You have no evidence to back your claims of this being a PR stunt other than your baseless opinion. It could very well be or it could have been planned but even if it was in response to critical reception that doesn’t make it some sort of knee jerk reaction to stop some made up bleeding. It is just as likely they decided to work on it based on feedback prerelease. The fact is no one has enough information to suggest one way or another.
Edit: It's amusing that people think the whining and reception has anything to do with this update. These things take months to make and setup. This is stuff that didn't make the cut in time for scheduled release, or stuff they planned to add anyway. They didn't just put this game out as is and expected to never update it.. Use your brain people.

Oh really?

'You asked, we listened'
Yeah, and my point is that you haven't played this new GT League mode and are assuming what it is and isn't. You really have no clue what you're talking about.

Secondly, it's automobile racing. Racing has been racing since 1895, there's not much innovation on the concept of a race. Sure they could make a bunch of gimmick Samba demo derby courses or Subie Stunt Jump challenges or copy whatever dumb gimmick that Forza squatted out, but at the end of the day the game still needs to be about racing.
Drop the flame-bait, after all it's not as if GT hasn't done gimmick races and events either (moon buggy race ring a bell).

It looks like a copy and paste of past GT modes, fingers crossed it will be different and add in events with a race weekend structure to them.

However I personally have my doubts that will be the case.
Can we all agree that PD should scrap rally content altogether, or is it just me? The physics are all wrong imo. I personally think the rally events were filler to compensate for the lack of offline content.
I certainly wouldn't disagree.
I'm saying, I don't buy it. These people don't really want something new because when it was offered they ran away. Hell, these people don't even know what they want. Most people complain about video game sequels and then run off to buy Uncharted 4. Most people are ridiculous.

What is ridiculous is thinking you know a person. I already told you, look back at my old posts. There are many stating what I wanted from the GT series over the years, it wasn't what GT Sport was originally (mostly online) and it isn't a copy paste of the old career mode either. I'm not "ridiculous" and it's frankly rude to pretend you know what I want or suggest I don't know.

I'm also not sure why you're pretending what GT Sport initially offered was something new and revolutionary that nobody had seen before. It was certainly a new approach for GT, but it wasn't new for the genre. I mean when you break down Sport Mode right now, how is it any different from the quick race mode in GT6? The SR/DR system obviously but other than that it's pretty much the same system. This might change when the proper FIA stuff starts, but not now. But that's another topic.

As I say, I can see this place hasn't changed. You still aren't allowed to voice your opinion without someone telling you you're wrong, you're just a whiner.

I mean it's pretty funny de ja vu actually, back to when this game was fully detailed in May 2016. I started a thread highlighting what GT Sport offline consisted of, not having a full proper career and people were telling us to be patient, we haven't seen everything, they'll add more to it, they've got plenty of time, you don't know exactly what it is and so on. Guess what, at launch in October 2017 it was basically exactly the same as the reveal. I'd wager good money this new offline mode will also be exactly what it looks like, a hasty copy/paste of the old format.
It looks like a copy and paste of past GT modes, fingers crossed it will be different and add in events with a race weekend structure to them.

However I personally have my doubts that will be the case.

It looks like a copy and paste of most race games. We won't know until we see how they're structured but it's offline racing. Run the AI off of the road and chase the rabbit. Rinse repeat.

What is ridiculous is thinking you know a person. I already told you, look back at my old posts. There are many stating what I wanted from the GT series over the years, it wasn't what GT Sport was originally (mostly online) and it isn't a copy paste of the old career mode either. I'm not "ridiculous" and it's frankly rude to pretend you know what I want or suggest I don't know.

Why would I look at your old posts? I don't know you, remember?

You haven't been able to tell me what you want from an offline campaign. Other than using descriptive words reserved for sandwiches ("Fresh", really?) you haven't had much of a specific opinion. The tuners, they know what they want. You though, I don't know what you want and I just find your complaint to be thin and unreasonable.

But hey, you're entitled to it, but I just don't know what you mean.
So there's something wrong with this

OMG your internet it tooo fast, get your missus to browse online photos and stream movies while you are playing!
Jokes aside, maybe try using googles dns server as your primary dns server, I think its, dunno if it will help, though I found it solved invisible players I had in other online games.