Patch 1.10 - new single player mode "GT League"

  • Thread starter ststav01
I don't mean to come across's just that I waited for this game for so long the other sport races are fine but go on the FIA races and something spoils my race
Wait, are you trying to speak for me? That's funny.

How have I done that?

My point is that there are people complaining for something new, yet GT Sport gave them the newest racing experience they never asked for. That's how new it was. But just the mere idea of a drastically new idea scared all these people off.

New online, new offline. A new online is not going to appease the offline crowd, can you not understand that?

I'm saying, I don't buy it. These people don't really want something new because when it was offered they ran away. Hell, these people don't even know what they want. Most people complain about video game sequels and then run off to buy Uncharted 4. Most people are ridiculous.

It doesn’t matter if you dont or cant empathise with them, and because you cant that does not make their opinions ridiculous.
What is ridiculous is thinking you know a person. I already told you, look back at my old posts. There are many stating what I wanted from the GT series over the years, it wasn't what GT Sport was originally (mostly online) and it isn't a copy paste of the old career mode either. I'm not "ridiculous" and it's frankly rude to pretend you know what I want or suggest I don't know.

I'm also not sure why you're pretending what GT Sport initially offered was something new and revolutionary that nobody had seen before. It was certainly a new approach for GT, but it wasn't new for the genre. I mean when you break down Sport Mode right now, how is it any different from the quick race mode in GT6? The SR/DR system obviously but other than that it's pretty much the same system. This might change when the proper FIA stuff starts, but not now. But that's another topic.

As I say, I can see this place hasn't changed. You still aren't allowed to voice your opinion without someone telling you you're wrong, you're just a whiner.

I mean it's pretty funny de ja vu actually, back to when this game was fully detailed in May 2016. I started a thread highlighting what GT Sport offline consisted of, not having a full proper career and people were telling us to be patient, we haven't seen everything, they'll add more to it, they've got plenty of time, you don't know exactly what it is and so on. Guess what, at launch in October 2017 it was basically exactly the same as the reveal. I'd wager good money this new offline mode will also be exactly what it looks like, a hasty copy/paste of the old format.

I'm not so worried about the structure, but GT5/6 were so pitifully easy even at the later stages, so at least...

Please turn the AI up to 11.

13 :mad:
It doesn’t matter if you dont or cant empathise with them, and because you cant that does not make their opinions ridiculous.


of course it does. that's how people define the opinion of others as ridiculous because it seems absurdly unreasonable to themselves. I don't know where you were trying to go with that one
OMG your internet it tooo fast, get your missus to browse online photos and stream movies while you are playing!
Jokes aside, maybe try using googles dns server as your primary dns server, I think its, dunno if it will help, though I found it solved invisible players I had in other online games.
Thanks I will try this

of course it does. that's how people define the opinion of others as ridiculous because it seems absurdly unreasonable to themselves. I don't know where you were trying to go with that one


Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position”

Give me an example where you do this?
Generally positive vibes from this announcement, free stuff is always good right!

GT Sports achillies heel is the lack of tracks and that is something that cannot be fixed quickly (much more time to build a track than a dozen cars at current detail levels) I suspect adding a single player mode will just make that even more apparent.

But free stuff is good! :cool:
All I ask for is an eventual current-gen remake of Grand Valley Speedway, Autumn Ring, and Trial Mountain for future updates.

I'm with you. Add Deep Forest and Spa to the list and you can colour me happy. This announcement makes me very happy and I now feel a lot more positive about the future of this game. Sometimes I just want to get in from work, turn my brain to Play and have a quick race without having to pre-qualify and then get smashed off the track by over-aggressive Spanish children.

The new car additions give me hope that my 350Z will be arriving soon too.

'You asked, we listened'

No way they've just knocked all that up from scratch. This is more likely content that they were working on but didn't have ready for launch because their priority was always the FIA/eSports stuff. Their PR team can spin it all they like, but we know how quickly PD work and it's Not Very.

Still, better late than never... Thank you PD!
Quick question.

Is it possible to take one of your cars from your garage and bump up the power (I'm thinking something like a 650bhp R32), just for offline fun. I know there's a BoP system for races, but never actually tried it for Time Trials or whatever.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position”

Give me an example where you do this?

can we please focus on the game? I'm not here for the sake of arguing and you keep having semantic issues with everyone. it impedes the general flow of discourse and is generally considered antisocial behavior.

you know that my opinion is as valid as any other abstract opinion here, so trying to debate the objective nature of being ridiculous doesn't enrich or elevate this discussion in the slightest.

my message is simple... new offline mode... give it a chance... people chill out
It looks like a copy and paste of most race games. We won't know until we see how they're structured but it's offline racing. Run the AI off of the road and chase the rabbit. Rinse repeat.

Why would I look at your old posts? I don't know you, remember?

You haven't been able to tell me what you want from an offline campaign. Other than using descriptive words reserved for sandwiches ("Fresh", really?) you haven't had much of a specific opinion. The tuners, they know what they want. You though, I don't know what you want and I just find your complaint to be thin and unreasonable.

But hey, you're entitled to it, but I just don't know what you mean.

What a surprise you've categorized my opinion as a complaint. PD have offered an update, I've given my opinion on that update with clear reasoning on why I'm not impressed with it. But if I'm not impressed with it, of course that means I'm complaining.

Why would you look at my old posts? Well maybe to get an idea of what I want instead of continually making false insinuations of what I want like you keep doing.

You obviously aren't reading my posts now, either. I gave you examples of what other games do differently and how they change their format from game to game. Different methods of progressions, different scenarios. Signing for teams, competing in lengthy seasons, getting promoted to new teams based on performance, creating your own team, whether you upgrade your car or not, whether you need to earn credits, XP or just good results. There are lots of different approaches.

Like I said, I'm not a game designer, it's not up to me to come up with the ideas. I didn't know I wanted the three character switching in GTA V until they came up with it, as one example. I'm not the one supposed to innovate and come up with ideas. That's up to the game devs, then I can see if I like them.

What PD have done here is a copy/paste of an old idea, that is pretty clear from the images provided.

Your idea of offline racing is also pretty funny. Have you actually played games other than GT? Because "run the AI off the road and chase the rabbit" is not how it goes in other games.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position”

Give me an example where you do this?

Some people are very difficult to empathize with though. Say if Donald Trump complained about the quality of the White House food or people who complain that PD doesn't communicate or "we need a sp component" and then continue to complain when PD does communicate and does add sp content.
What a surprise you've categorized my opinion as a complaint. PD have offered an update, I've given my opinion on that update with clear reasoning on why I'm not impressed with it.

yeah, we heard you. it's not artisanal.. wait, crisp.. no. Wait, you said fresh. Right, it's not "fresh" enough for you. Loud and clear boss we'll take this salad back to the fridge and freshen it up for ya.

I still have no clue what you want.
Nice! The usual suspects will still find something to complain about though.

72 likes - 35 likes = 37.

the answer is 37 usual suspects. I did the math.

btw, thx PD! borderline late with this news, but we'll take what we can get!
0/10 not enough Skylines

Okay, I am seriously excited for this update. I'm also glad we can actually play the game offline now, though I'm still not hot on the offline saving. Can't wait to see what else they add. I already beat all the existing campaign stuff except for golding all the missions.

A few more updates and you could call it Spec 2.0.
yeah, based. as in, theres a bunch of cars and a track, you know, like most racing games. we still don't know the ratio of goofy races to serious races, or whatever different race formats they plan on deploying. expecting a offline race mode to be more progressive than anything in the genre itself just seems like a silly, vague, and unrealistic expectation that none of you have even given a chance to see play out.

Okay, let me make something clear. I don’t care if it’s the same old single player we’ve always had. I’m just glad there’s some kind of career mode there.

However, objectively speaking, there’s nothing there that indicates that it’s anything more than that. We are already shown a good portion of the Beginner events and what the menu looks like when selecting an individual event. How much more do we need to see? Everything you’re saying that could be there is just wishful thinking with no evidence to support it.

I’ve seen the same argument used on this very site for the game’s original campaign mode. Before the game came out, some people thought that there would be more than just driving tutorials and missions just because we didn’t see what the whole campaign mode looked like yet. But it turned out that other than an isolated race here and there, the campaign mode was exactly what we initially thought it was. And that was all based on info from the GT website and Copper Box presentation.
yeah, we heard you. it's not artisanal.. wait, crisp.. no. Wait, you said fresh. Right, it's not "fresh" enough for you. Loud and clear boss we'll take this salad back to the fridge and freshen it up for ya.

I still have no clue what you want.

Actually read all of my posts then. I'm not going to keep re-posting for your benefit until you read them properly. I have said far more than "fresh".

Some people are very difficult to empathize with though. Say if Donald Trump complained about the quality of the White House food or people who complain that PD doesn't communicate or "we need a sp component" and then continue to complain when PD does communicate and does add sp content.

I want a sandwich.

"Here is a taco"

No thanks.

"Here is a pizza"

No thanks.

"Ok, Here is a sandwich"

Great what's in it?

"A moldy piece of ham"


Just because I want some type of x, doesn't mean I have to be automatically happy with any kind of x. You seem to be suggesting that anyone wanting more single player content MUST be happy with this new content.
I want a sandwich.

"Here is a taco"

No thanks.

"Here is a pizza"

No thanks.

"Ok, Here is a sandwich"

Great what's in it?

"A moldy piece of ham"


Just because I want some type of x, doesn't mean I have to be automatically happy with any kind of x. You seem to be suggesting that anyone wanting more single player content MUST be happy with this new content.

I guess you are just not hungry enough then... :)

No, I am suggesting that some people would not be happy no matter what the content update.

While I didn't suggest it before, I will suggest it now. Maybe we should wait till it is actually released and we can see how it works before we jump on the hate train?
No way they've just knocked all that up from scratch. This is more likely content that they were working on but didn't have ready for launch because their priority was always the FIA/eSports stuff. Their PR team can spin it all they like, but we know how quickly PD work and it's Not Very.

Of course they likely haven't knocked it up since launch, but it's reasonable to think that they have done so since whenever their last presentation of "What will be in GT Sport" was. And people have certainly been asking about single player since then, even before. Apart from that ambiguous Kaz "85%" comment, we've heard absolutely nothing that would make us expect this coming.