Patch 1.10 - new single player mode "GT League"

  • Thread starter ststav01
can we please focus on the game?

Of course.

considered antisocial behavior.

:lol: When a Mod gives me an asbo I will off course.

We are discussing opinions about the SP offline content of GTS within a relevant thread, Ive not derailed the topic.

Some people are very difficult to empathize with though. Say if Donald Trump complained about the quality of the White House food or people who complain that PD doesn't communicate or "we need a sp component" and then continue to complain when PD does communicate and does add sp content.

Its not any new content on the face of it. I can fully understand why the SP offline crowd are going to be sceptical.

PD does PD.

"Here is a taco"

No thanks.

"Here is a pizza"

No thanks. I want a sandwich!


I butchered your quote to express to you how I feel when I read your posts. It actually reads a lot like my wife trying to figure out what she wants for dinner. Go figure.

No worries man, I'm sure you'll know what you want when you see it.
Can't wait to try the Raptor! It might change my negative opinion of rally racing.

I see this update as a very large finger to everyone who so relentlessly bashed GT Sport for the lack of a traditional "Gran Turismo style" offline mode. So many people willing to abandon the franchise forever. Anyone paying attention to the announcements by Kaz/PD would know two things: 1) GT Sport will be very different from everything before (which it certainly is); and 2) there will be much more content coming to GT Sport in the very near future. I am so excited, this content is just around the corner... almost here... WHOOOO!!!! :D

Yes it is reasonable to say this content should have been available at launch, and I agree with that. However, it was not included at launch... and that's all it took for some to throw a tantrum and run away like children. Good riddance to them. Makes me sad for our instant gratification society "If it does not instantly meet all my expectations, it must be horrible."
I guess you are just not hungry enough then... :)

Nice way to dodge the point. Do you or do you not believe someone desiring new offline content should automatically be happy with any new offline content no matter what it is?

I butchered your quote to express to you how I feel when I read your posts. It actually reads a lot like my wife trying to figure out what she wants for dinner. Go figure.

No worries man, I'm sure you'll know what you want when you see it.

You butchered my quote to remove the point it was making and make it look like something else, whilst continuing to ignore the points I made in previous posts. Mature.
As much as any new content is welcome, especially free content, i feel PD's model of DLC is flawed. Instead of drip-feeding random, largely unrelated bits and pieces, they should bring out some more focused packs of content. Classic GT Tracks. Real World Tracks. 80's & 90's Japanese Cars. Classic Cars. A Ferrari Pack that includes Mugello and Fiorano circuits and a bunch of their most well known racing and FX cars. Stuff that can sway an undecider into purchasing the game. What can i realistically race a Cobra against in the current roster of vehicles?

After extensively playing the demo, i've still not bought the full game. There wasn't enough in the demo to make me want to do so. Dribbles of DLC like this are not going to sway me either. They didn't with GT6 - which i never ended up buying, even after being a release-day purchaser of every previous GT title. I want to see big chunks of ripe DLC, even if i have to buy it. Not slithers of random new content as updates.
I’d rather them ship something when it’s ready
You butchered my quote to remove the point it was making and make it look like something else, whilst continuing to ignore the points I made in previous posts. Mature.

Yeah, I know. That was the whole point of the butchered quote. I'm actually just here to vent about my indecisive wife and then your post reminded me of her. If she keeps it up she's not getting dinner.
Nice way to dodge the point. Do you or do you not believe someone desiring new offline content should automatically be happy with any new offline content no matter what it is?

You butchered my quote to remove the point it was making and make it look like something else, whilst continuing to ignore the points I made in previous posts. Mature.

Sorry, I edited my post while you were responding. it expresses my opinions now.
Yeah, I know. That was the whole point of the butchered quote. I'm actually just here to vent about my indecisive wife and then your post reminded me of her. If she keeps it up she's not getting dinner.

Your words were everyones opinions are as valid as each others, and yet you mock.

Take own advice and chill.
The decal uploader and now this!:D this is a step in the right direction for sure. But the only thing about the career mode is that the races are gonna get real repeatitive because of the small track list. Man i wish more tracks was coming with the December update. Still cool they added this though.
Good news and with the Suzuki Swift Sport may be my wife will also take place in the Playseat? She has a Swift Sport in real life. And now and then I am allowed to grab the keys.

Good news and I'm looking forward to the new cars, especially the Cobra, Xbow, Chevy Nova and the VW Samba bus.
Singleplayer GT mode is more then welcome!! Thanks PD.
Take own advice and chill.

You forgot a word there. I don't know, you're so picky about semantics that I figured you want to know that you missed a word. But yeah, that sort of pedantic observation is silly. Don't you feel silly? This is silly.

Free offline content, yay! I'm happy. Be happy.
Why not add the Honda Fit??? said no-one who bought GT6... :lol:
More seriously though, you already have an offline mode in the Arcade mode which gets you credits and racing any car on any track pretty much. It doesn't look to me like the new GT Mode will be anything new, however when you put it together with the Arcade mode, it seems to me to be a much better balanced package overall, even if the "same old same old" GT. But then some of us like the "same old same old" GT modes.

I think the 50 cars will all be Super Premiums from GT5/6 which are the easiest and quickest to "upgrade" to be compatible with Scapes. I've been wondering what vehicle to use for 1000 different photos using every Scape location and think this will have to be the Samba Bus :P

Also, checking out the new cars list, not at home but I don't think there is a Brand Central for KTM but we have Brand Centrals for the other car makes already. My guess is they will add an KTM Brand Central with the update. I know this is just a car showroom, but I like looking at these and the YT video links when I'm just wanting to relax and watch something car related.

Finally, I think they may already have a plan for some track releases but are leaving those to tease nearer the time. If you remember, they used to tease the new tracks with trailers in GT5 and GT6 previews and DLC. What better way for them to keep publicity up for the game (they might be thinking) but by doing trailers for tracks. This is all just speculation on my part, but I think one track will be released with the December update if they can, maybe an old GT Track redone such as Grand Valley or Autumn Ring, to tie in with the GT Mode.
The decal uploader and now this!:D this is a step in the right direction for sure. But the only thing about the career mode is that the races are gonna get real repeatitive because of the small track list. Man i wish more tracks was coming with the December update. Still cool they added this though.

is the decal uploaded available to all now??
No, I am suggesting that some people would not be happy no matter what the content update.

Well you can make that suggestion, but you've got no proof of it in this specific case, have you? Since some people have their pants in a wad because I dared to say I'm not impressed by this update and can't say what I want, here you go:

- Start out as a racing driver but you tell the game your skill level, if you're a rookie or seasoned racer. The game sets the AI/aids as appropriate
- Based on the above you choose where to start, either in the beginner leagues or jump straight into a more advanced league.
- You enter into a racing season, starting out in your choice. It runs for several events with one offs thrown in.
- The events are all loosely based on real racing series or are real racing series where licenses permit.
- There is full qualifying for each event and fair standing starts or rolling starts. AI is competetive.
- The teams you start out at are going to be slower so you probably won't be able to win straight away.
- Perform well and you move up to better teams and new contracts.
- When you have enough money you can start your own team.
- An optional team management aspect, managing the team, upgrades, finances, sponsors etc
- You progress through the racing ladder choosing where you want to go. You don't need to win all races to proceed, just meet targets and impress.
- Full damage (optional), proper racing rules, pit stops, tyre wear. Adjustable race lengths. Weather is also highly desirable.
- No ultimate goal as such, you just keep going season to season until you've achieved everything you want.
- Throw in fun end of season events like Race of Champions.
- Develop rivals and friends through the years. People retire and new fast rookies turn up.

I could go on, but you get the idea. That's just off the top of my head in five minutes but PD deliver something like that, I'm in. From what we've seen in these images, that isn't what they're doing, they're just doing the same as GT1-6. It's a tired format that I'm bored of and not interested in.

Is my opinion allowed to stand now? :rolleyes:
I think the 50 cars will all be Super Premiums from GT5/6 which are the easiest and quickest to "upgrade" to be compatible with Scapes. I've been wondering what vehicle to use for 1000 different photos using every Scape location and think this will have to be the Samba Bus :P

I think I remember Kaz quotes from GT5 and 6 saying that their modeling efforts were one or two generations advanced anyway. This was either not true or PD has a good foundation to create GTS models from.
I can appreciate the folks that don't want to play online, but the single player mode is really an overtake challenge. IMO that's not fun and gets old real quick. After trading blows with the AI in PC and I can't go back to that , and this guy is not a fan of the issues with that game. Now the AI is much improved in this iteration , but I still hate that the races are still basically an overtake challenge. IF PD steps that up then a single player career for me will be really enjoyable. Nostalgia is great and all but evolution is probably more important.

PS..ima play it doe....:)
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Oh really?

'You asked, we listened'

Fair enough, but there is also such a thing as PR spin, and if that person at PD is good at their job, they just did exactly that. Made you feel like you "won" at this didn't it?

Anyway, pointless to debate this as we'll likely never know the true answer. I'm just happy new stuff is coming, and it isn't 1 dumb Vision GT car every few months.
You forgot a word there. I don't know, you're so picky about semantics that I figured you want to know that you missed a word. But yeah, that sort of pedantic observation is silly. Don't you feel silly? This is silly.

Free offline content, yay! I'm happy. Be happy.

Not at all silly, because of a typo?

It makes no difference to me, I play 99% online.

But even I can tell that the SP offline content is as imaginative as your replies are becoming.