Pcars Money back thread

  • Thread starter avfc82
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This is why it will be rare I buy games ever again at launch. In fact after hearing all the problems this game has had, I am glad I waited and did not purchase it at launch.
Don't buy it now either, even worse after latest patch, fantastic graphics arguably the best looking game I've seen but once your into the nitty gritty gamebreaking elements everywhere you look...:banghead:
In fact after hearing all the problems this game has had,

The thing to remember is that the people encountering bugs, problems and disappointment with the game are the most vociferous on the subject (one member in particular has been spamming his particular problem all over the boards continuously to the point where you'd think it was a matter of life and death not a -£40 video game :rolleyes:)
The thing to remember is that the people encountering bugs, problems and disappointment with the game are the most vociferous on the subject (one member in particular has been spamming his particular problem all over the boards continuously to the point where you'd think it was a matter of life and death not a -£40 video game :rolleyes:)
Good point, just wanted to let off some steam and get people's opinions as this could be one of the greatest racers of all time if and a big if it's fixed :crazy:..
Don't buy it now either, even worse after latest patch, fantastic graphics arguably the best looking game I've seen but once your into the nitty gritty gamebreaking elements everywhere you look...:banghead:

The graphics aren't that good. I've seen plenty of games that look better - then again I think the drive club graphics aren't great
The graphics aren't that good. I've seen plenty of games that look better - then again I think the drive club graphics aren't great
Do you have a cheap led? If not really looks like reality don't you think? Agree with you on driveclub..looks ps3ish.:eek:
There's a great, innovative racing game underneath, but let's be honest we paid to be beta testers here. Some of the bugs are so in your face that i can't imagine Q&A having properly tested all features before signing off on it.

This was the first game i pre-ordered in my life and also the last one, you just have to face reality that the game industry works this way nowadays; games are going to be incomplete and riddled with bugs on release, as release dates are more important that quality assurance in order to make the big bucks. Everything can and will be patched afterwards anyway...

The smart man just waits a couple of months (or even longer) after any game releases, and picks it up then. At least he will encounter the product more or less in the state it was advertised.

Imagine those GT fans even, 1,5 bloody years after release and they still don't have their course creator...
I'll just be patient and wait for PCARS to be fixed, as i'm sure it will be the best racing game ever. But i'm not going to make the mistake to pay full price again for a newly released product that i know will be incomplete.
Then you shouldn't have bought the game! This kids, is why you don't preorder games from new developers.

Go to a different retailer or something. Complaining here won't get you're money back.

1) I didn't pre-order the game and nowhere in any post before your one is there mention of a pre-order. Not sure where you got this from but evidences a clear lack of reading and reasoning ability. Not uncommon on the internet.
2) Don't insult our intelligence. I think it's obvious that complaining on an online forum that is unaffiliated to the developer will not get our money back.
3) There is nothing in the terms of these forums that precludes users creating a thread to complain about certain products. So why don't you get off your legless high horse and don't post in here if you have nothing to complain about. There are a vast number of customers who DO have things to complain about.

Were you personally involved in the creation of Project Cars? Did you invest substantial amounts of money into the development? No? Is your self-worth tied to the perceived functionality of your game purchases? If you need to self-rationalise your purchase then please go ahead and make a thread for such sycophantism, but otherwise put the brakes on your nonsense, man.
1) I didn't pre-order the game and nowhere in any post before your one is there mention of a pre-order. Not sure where you got this from but evidences a clear lack of reading and reasoning ability. Not uncommon on the internet.
2) Don't insult our intelligence. I think it's obvious that complaining on an online forum that is unaffiliated to the developer will not get our money back.
3) There is nothing in the terms of these forums that precludes users creating a thread to complain about certain products. So why don't you get off your legless high horse and don't post in here if you have nothing to complain about. There are a vast number of customers who DO have things to complain about.

Were you personally involved in the creation of Project Cars? Did you invest substantial amounts of money into the development? No? Is your self-worth tied to the perceived functionality of your game purchases? If you need to self-rationalise your purchase then please go ahead and make a thread for such sycophantism, but otherwise put the brakes on your nonsense, man.
What he said.:cheers:
There's a great, innovative racing game underneath, but let's be honest we paid to be beta testers here. Some of the bugs are so in your face that i can't imagine Q&A having properly tested all features before signing off on it.

This was the first game i pre-ordered in my life and also the last one, you just have to face reality that the game industry works this way nowadays; games are going to be incomplete and riddled with bugs on release, as release dates are more important that quality assurance in order to make the big bucks. Everything can and will be patched afterwards anyway...

The smart man just waits a couple of months (or even longer) after any game releases, and picks it up then. At least he will encounter the product more or less in the state it was advertised.

Imagine those GT fans even, 1,5 bloody years after release and they still don't have their course creator...
I'll just be patient and wait for PCARS to be fixed, as i'm sure it will be the best racing game ever. But i'm not going to make the mistake to pay full price again for a newly released product that i know will be incomplete.
PS4 or PC version? I too got burned particularly by GT6. It's like eating ice cream too quickly and have brain freeze. What do you do after the brain freeze goes away? Eat more ice cream lol...
There's a great, innovative racing game underneath, but let's be honest we paid to be beta testers here.

If I'm honest, I feel like I paid to be a beta tester for every racing game I've bought since GT5, except for maybe GSCE (but GSCE is built on an engine that's so old it didn't need much beta testing, yet it still has bugs including one that "breaks" the career mode which has been around for a very long time). GT5 was beta for at least the first year of its life, GT6 could still be considered "beta" (going by the internet forum definition of the term, not the literal definition), Assetto Corsa claims to not be in beta anymore but it's very far from a finished product, pCARS obviously came out of the womb a bit premature, Raceroom is still labeled as beta so at least S3 are honest with us about it (and it's probably the most complete game/sim of the ones I listed).

This is the world we live in now and no amount of complaining to the internet is going to change it. I don't agree with it, but I've accepted that this is how things are now.
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