There we go again. It's the same old story like a year ago. Pro's and Con's and half Pro's and half Con's and whatnot.
I've meanwhile learned, the whole "discussion" about anything "Pro" or "Con" hybriding is futile and a waste of time.
It is, in its very core, just too polarizing both sides. Every thread about it here on GTP just lures out the real extremist defenders on both sides, just to let the whole public know what is right. Or wrong. Or whatever. I don't even care about it anymore..
Like I said a year ago, just "sandbox" any modified savegame into another pool not annoying/disturbing completely legit players/time trials online.
I think, both sides would just profit from that..
- Legit players playing legit
- stance lovers showing of their cars in a sandboxed cruise lobby
- drift lovers drifting their tires off in a sandboxed drift lobby
- the few kids who feel the need to show of their leet hacking skills just race among them in a single X1 100.000 hp room
- PD won't have that much trouble with modding anymore when just adding something like a sandbox or cheater pool or whatever it may be called
It could all have been so easy..
I'm calling PD to build some sandboxes from the GT5 servers, that will be shut down in May.. Once again.
Maybe I should open up a "Suggestion" thread for that..
Not saying that this is right. Or wrong. Or whatnot