PD vs Hackers "Notice of Account Ban Measures"

  • Thread starter p3bucky
I don't get it? Both posts were clearly in opposition to hacking cars so where would be the issue?

One was criticizing people for defending their point of view and the other was him saying he would never stop defending his point of view. Get it?
I know. I'm just glad PD begun its banning duty. :)

I remember gameshark, but wasn't that back in the PS1 days?

I think Gameshark ceased around or at the end of the sixth generation.

I know those who hack won't affect others, but they really shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Yes. :D:tup:

Apart from the obvious, why? If it has no direct impact on my proceedings I don't need to be concerned with it.

That also seems to be ignoring this corner of the Planet.
I love ya PD. Your priorities are in order I'm glad that's all taken care of. Heaven forbid a slammed nation ride with terrible handling ever ruin someone else's experience, oh dear.
Assuming this was based on reports,

GT needs a better reporting system. When reporting, there should be a message box where you describe why you're reporting. I feel bad for the people who hacked based on how they wanted their car to look, not to troll everyone online. :indiff: And if it's just for cosmetics, I don't see the reason to ban anyone.

I love ya PD. Your priorities are in order I'm glad that's all taken care of. Heaven forbid a slammed nation ride with terrible handling ever ruin someone else's experience, oh dear.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
I think Gameshark ceased around or at the end of the sixth generation.
Ahh I see. I guess all things has to come to a end at some point.

Apart from the obvious, why? If it has no direct impact on my proceedings I don't need to be concerned with it.

That also seems to be ignoring this corner of the Planet.
True. It's not that I don't assume hacks/hybrids has no affect on me, but I respect if it's brought to justice in a proper way. Like say, what happen with GT5's TT and DT events. :)
I used to get an error every time i signed in but think it was 2:13 not 2:11. I just left it a few days
Do you think they can ban all the ID's that utilized the 20 million credit Mercedes glitch? Wouldn't that ban nearly 90% or more of the ID's?

The game only tracks your last 256 transactions (credits earned, credits spent) not what caused the change in credits. Selling a car for $20M was a legitimate transaction if you sold the car. They patched the exploit and are done with it. No need to worry about a ban for that.
The same goes for the current $50M hack, the fix would be very easy. I am surprised they have not done so yet since it has been there since 1.00 and the code to stop it is there it just is not called.
GT6's data save obviously has a an identifier (s) that PD/Sony uses to trigger the PSN ban.
I can understand the hackers as well as the non-hackers viewpoints.

For the record: Vehement Non-hacker here.
Reason: A level playing field is gone when both types participate in same event.

Too bad PD/Sony can't just segregate the hackers into their own sandbox.
Let them play with their own kind, just not with the general non-hacker population.
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Too bad PD/Sony can't just segregate the hackers into their own sandbox.
Let them play with their own kind, just not with the general non-hacker population.

They are doing just that - the sandbox is called "offline". I think PD is doing the right thing here. Hackers (which they all are who modify the game) ruin the online community of legit players. I think this is even holding back the updates to the game. There is an user agreement they are violating and deserve every ban they get.

I understand modding is fun, but online has no place for it and this is the price they pay. Hope they start banning consoles not just the ids / accounts.

I think gtplanet should also ban any pro hacking members..
^ I am with you believe me....
....but it if they are offline they can't very well play with their own kind anymore. :sly:
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^ I am with you believe me....
....but it they are offline they can't very well play with their own kind anymore. :sly:
It is the company and attention that fuels the hacking behaviour - take away the fuel and the problem is solved..
You'll probably more likely to hear more about the bans on the "other" website just for the simple fact that that they are able to more freely talk about modding there and that's where it originates. More open discussions there, in other words. If you really want to be "in the know", that is where you need to be. 👍

What is the other website that you allude to?
Well the gamesave is our property and we can do what we wish to our own property. Am I right?
Wrong. The game save is the property of Polyphony Digital, essentially licensed for your use. All data contained within and created by the game is Polyphony Digital's intellectual property. Your money bought a license to use it. It would be your property if you owned the rights to the game.
Can someone please tell me why PD/Sony can't just have a checking system in place every time you go online or maybe enter a TT, that compares the known parameters of a particular car against the parameters currently on your version of the car? Isn't this how they did it in GT5 with the patches that reset the cars back to "normal"? Isn't it referred to as a "checksumm"?
What is the other website that you allude to?

I'm not sure if I would be in violation of this sites AUP if I mentioned that sites name here on these forums so I will let someone else take the chance of giving you that information. I was told once by another member that that was the case so I'm not sure and not willing to take that chance, sorry.
I understand modding is fun, but online has no place for it and this is the price they pay. Hope they start banning consoles not just the ids / accounts.

I think gtplanet should also ban any pro hacking members..

Pro hacking members? WTF??

When a console is banned for hacking the owner of the hacked console simply changes the console ID. The bad part is it needs to be a legitimate ID, say for instance one that is obtained by hacking legitimate users in a GT6 lobby such as yourself. Then the next time they get their console gets banned the legitimate user's console gets banned too. Now they just use another ID but the legit user can not do this so their console is permanently banned.

Careful what you wish for. Console bans are only effective against legit users. Sad but true.
As a guy who hacked 100,000 HP cars in GT5, I have to admit this is a great move for PD. It is really depressing to see this game, unfinished and early in life, get hacked already. I want PD to take the banhammer for all hackers, even guys who make 900 HP Impreza Wagons for a living.
I'm glad to see these hackers (mainly the ones who ruin races) banned. Most of them though will just make a new account and continue ruining races unfortunately. Maybe if sony catches someone doing this a second time, they console ban or ip ban them...
Why are you bringing religion into this discussion? I really don't care what your beliefs are as long as you keep them to yourself. But you don't.

You seem to have been blinded to the point of my post. If I am in a lobby that I created and have a room comment stating it is a hacked car lobby how does that in any way affect you?

Why would you enter that lobby for the sole purpose of reporting the players in that lobby? Crusading against hackers that don't follow your idea of game playing but are keeping to themselves is similar to the 'likeness' I gave as example.

The similarity I used was an accurate one as the others you have recommended are not.

You appear to belong to both groups but yet offended by your own choices.

You also inaccurately state that 'the hacking does have effects on others' when you should be stating 'hacking can have affects on others'.

"Why are you bringing religion into this discussion?"

He didn't. You did.

The ban system they put in place is almost fair. Ban those that get reported. It lets the hybriders play the way they like and lets the anti-hybrid/hacks do as they like. I'm almost happy with it.
Unfortunately there are many anti-hybrid/hack players that take the Christian-like approach and don't think anyone should be allowed to do what they feel is wrong. My lobbies were always marked as 'hacked' yet these evangelists still join and complain/report.

Don't even try to blame anyone else for "bringing religion into it".
Pro hacking members? WTF??

When a console is banned for hacking the owner of the hacked console simply changes the console ID. The bad part is it needs to be a legitimate ID, say for instance one that is obtained by hacking legitimate users in a GT6 lobby such as yourself. Then the next time they get their console gets banned the legitimate user's console gets banned too. Now they just use another ID but the legit user can not do this so their console is permanently banned.

Careful what you wish for. Console bans are only effective against legit users. Sad but true.

Wow, I never thought to think about that, thanks for the info. 👍

On another note, I know who you are and follow you on the "other" website. I would just like to say "thanks" for coming here and providing us "less knowledgeable" on this subject the insight on how exactly all of this stuff works. Appreciate you taking the time to explain it all.

Also, I would just like to say that I am not against modding, I don't care what you do, just as long as it doesn't affect me, example, my online Seasonal TT's. That's my feeling on the subject.

@ukfan758 Did you not read @FarSideX post about console banning?
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What about the people who do realistic hacks and just have a good time and don't use them to cheat? What about the people who only do it for a little uniqueness to their cars? And what about the people who want their car's engine to a more realistic hp?

I would hope that they don't just ban anyone with a "glitched" save and only go after those who take their special cars into restricted lobbies.

If gtplanet did ban pro hacking members I wonder how many members will be left on here ?.
Most of them.
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Unfortunately it's what probably made us to wait for the Community features... they could be ready to release it, but how to do that if there are a lot of hackers around?

Even DLC release can be waiting for a more safe environment.

Absolutely not. Actually that would be a really bad excuse for them to use which would be false if you look at other occasions where they have promised content.

Look at GT5 for example.

Before the game was totally cracked and hybriding was big, how many months went by with no promised updates or content? Many did.

Not really meaning to sound hateful to you or anyone that has this same opinion, but that is one of the worst excuses for not releasing content or updates.
My main question on this issue is:

If the system is at all capable of detecting and flagging accounts that fail some form of "validity check" -- which seems much more likely than relying on gamers to spot and report questionable cars(and do so honestly) and then performing a time-intensive manual inspection of logs which I sure as hell better not be paying for -- then what would be stopping them from performing that check when someone attempts to use a car and having the option like in some PC titles to "allow file mismatches" or not?

Obviously many people who modify cars aren't doing so to cause anyone else grief, and some people even enjoy screwing around with 100000hp cars and fiddling with the limits of the physics engine. It should be obvious that for these people to do so with others of like minds will provide a lot more fun for them, and some might just want to see what they've done for their own curiosity and amusement.

Making it an option would satisfy the people who want to play around with what's possible while still allowing legitimate competition and no disruption of other's online experience. People who simply want to cheat and thus find ways to avoid such a restriction would then be obviously bad apples and subject to any penalty desired. I don't see why it needs to always be seen as a black-and-white good-vs-evil war. Respect and work with people and most of them will do likewise, and no one(ok, very few) will complain about what happens to those who really are just plain dirty rotten cheaters.

It seems like an easy decision to me if there is no major technical hurdle like massively increased loading times(I'll happily wait another second or so when changing my car) or server-wide crashes. The check must already be happening somewhere but where and when is rather important. If it's already happening live then may not be too much to handle but if it is done on separate computers using old records of recent activity then it might be a problem.
If PD is capable of detecting hybrid cars, then a separate flag for rooms that allow them would be the ideal solution to me. Depends how reliably they can detect them.
There we go again. It's the same old story like a year ago. Pro's and Con's and half Pro's and half Con's and whatnot.
I've meanwhile learned, the whole "discussion" about anything "Pro" or "Con" hybriding is futile and a waste of time.

It is, in its very core, just too polarizing both sides. Every thread about it here on GTP just lures out the real extremist defenders on both sides, just to let the whole public know what is right. Or wrong. Or whatever. I don't even care about it anymore..

Like I said a year ago, just "sandbox" any modified savegame into another pool not annoying/disturbing completely legit players/time trials online.
I think, both sides would just profit from that..

- Legit players playing legit
- stance lovers showing of their cars in a sandboxed cruise lobby
- drift lovers drifting their tires off in a sandboxed drift lobby
- the few kids who feel the need to show of their leet hacking skills just race among them in a single X1 100.000 hp room
- PD won't have that much trouble with modding anymore when just adding something like a sandbox or cheater pool or whatever it may be called

It could all have been so easy..

I'm calling PD to build some sandboxes from the GT5 servers, that will be shut down in May.. Once again.
Maybe I should open up a "Suggestion" thread for that..
Not saying that this is right. Or wrong. Or whatnot ;)

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