Skipping most of the semantics
So, you threw into the skip all the evidence against your accusation.
With this tactic is very easy to have reason on your side.
But that`s fine, I don`t need it to prove that you are wrong.
Because I said this...
Based in all information that we known at moment, the only reason for the crash is a suicide. are accusing me of saying that the suicide is the only cause of the accident.
But, for your accusation to be true, you must throw this to the skip
(again the same tactic)...
Based in all information that we known at moment
...and take into consideration only this:
the only reason for the crash is a suicide
Your accusation is based on the second part alone and this makes it useless.
But, just in case and preventing the hypothesis you refuse to accept my argument, I can apply your tactic in
the pilot committed suicide
So, now you can either, or admit that you said that the pilot committed suicide
(before the cockpit voice recorder contents were revealed), or you can throw your accusation to the same skip where you threw the other stuff.
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When I made the post below, all we knew was the graph of the altitude.
That isn`t true, at that time we knew a lot more.
For example:
that graph shows not only the altitude
(as you mentioned), but also the speed and the time.
Other example: we knew the communications between the plane and the control tower.
Again, the usual tactic, your skip must to be full by now.
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When I made the post below
I still say that it was a plausible theory based on the information available.
I agree with the CFIT theory, based on the little info we have - something happened at cruise altitude, plane descended at a fast (but safe) rate, however the target altitude (above sea level) and the altitude of the terrain at that spot were incompatible with each other.
Well, for me that "theory" is a
(very short) summary description of the crash and based on a very small part of the evidence available.
Hardly what we should expect from a scientist who are "very well trained to make hypotheses based on the evidence available".
And scientists usually do not create theories containing unknowns, just like you did
(highlighted), they create them to explain the unknowns.
Anyway, until you find a explanation for the "something that happened at cruise altitude", your "theory" don`t explain why the plane crashed.
Coincidentally, is just this unknown who, based in all the evidence available at the time, can only be explained by a suicide.
And, until someone find another explanation, it will stand as the only one.