Playstation 3 System Update Thread

It's OUT, I'm downloading it now.

Edit: 25% installed
Edit 2: 50%
EDIT 3: Done!

I think I may have gotten it a bit earlier than some people, as it was about 10 minutes after I started downloading before massive logouts on the PSN getting the message about the update.


I thought it has in game XMB, trophies, custom soundtracks... ie the biggest firmware update yet...

I'm really hoping it's sarcastic but without the :P, :D, :), :dopey:, :sly: or ;) smiley.

Because if not nothing about the thing will ever please him :P

Yup, it's out guys. No games I own at the moment support the in-game music but I'm sure now the update is out we will see smaller game updates coming noe for the past couple of weeks or so. Hopefully GT5P will be one of those. :)
I'll have to get this sometime tomorrow...The PS3 needs to be able to do the whole update process itself so I can go to bed and wake up with it on Folding@home. :lol:
Wow this update is useless

What a coincidence, as without an explanation as to why you think this, so is this post.

Discussion is fine, posts that appear to offer little more than 'bait' to start an argument are not.

Just updated it.

In-game soundtracks work like a charm in Pain. Not tried any other feature yet.
Aww dang, theres something wrong with the PC online download of it because the sites down (404)..... I'l have to wait :indiff:.... Im not going to download it straight from the PS3 because ive heard the horror stories! :nervous:

Hearing about the in game music feature first hand has made it seem kinda meh!

I thought it was just play music over anything but its lame if every game and dev has to code for it.

wow am I the only one who has trouble updating? cause after I updated my PS3 to fw 2.40 it's now completely broken... the thing wouldn't load to the XMB menu and my ps3 controller wouldn't connect...
^ and theres another horror story right away!

Updating the PS3 (especially on the console) is a Russian Roulette! Its literally pot luck whether it bricks your console or not! :ill:

Did you get an update from the same region as your console (so the PSN region is the same?) if you got it on a PC did you get it from the right region website? Do you use a wireless connection? (things can get lost in the air).

^ and theres another horror story right away!

Updating the PS3 (especially on the console) is a Russian Roulette! Its literally pot luck whether it bricks your console or not! :ill:

Did you get an update from the same region as your console (so the PSN region is the same?) if you got it on a PC did you get it from the right region website? Do you use a wireless connection? (things can get lost in the air).


Bricks :confused:
I'm going to suggest bricks = "Buggers up"

Edit: Oh, dammit Robin!
^ and theres another horror story right away!

Updating the PS3 (especially on the console) is a Russian Roulette! Its literally pot luck whether it bricks your console or not! :ill:

Did you get an update from the same region as your console (so the PSN region is the same?) if you got it on a PC did you get it from the right region website? Do you use a wireless connection? (things can get lost in the air).


downloaded it straight from the network update in XMB
Which regional store (account) were you connected to at the time? and is this the same as the region your bought your PS3 in?

I've used the australian Account and bought my PS3 in Japan... but that shouldn't be a problem cause the last time I update my PS3 was using my Australian Account
Aww dang, theres something wrong with the PC online download of it because the sites down (404)..... I'l have to wait :indiff:.... Im not going to download it straight from the PS3 because ive heard the horror stories! :nervous:

Hearing about the in game music feature first hand has made it seem kinda meh!

I thought it was just play music over anything but its lame if every game and dev has to code for it.


Have a read....

I know, the patent is ridiculous. However, M$'s patent specifically involves game consoles. A Macintosh is not a game console. In Excite Truck for the Wii, which allows you to play music from an SD card, they got around the patent because it specifies playing music from a hard disk drive.

Sony's way around the patent is for the OS to request that the game plays the music. If a game isn't prepared for the OS to ask it to play music, it won't work. Hence pre-2.40 games not supporting the feature without patching.

IMO, Sony should not worry about the patent. After all, the PS3 isn't a game console, it's a "Computer Entertainment System". ;)
I'm sure that such a measly argument would fly in court, considering how absurd Microsoft's patent is...

EDIT: If they don't want to risk doing something like that, I just thought of a way around the patent that should theoretically allow custom soundtracks on all games. Instead of the OS playing the music, or the OS requesting that the game play the music, why not have the OS start an independant process that plays the music? I mean, there's an SPE on the Cell which games cannot utilize. Surely that could run a process which plays music off the hard drive? And to ensure that this process isn't considered a part of the OS, make it a downloadable app of the Playstation Store.

I very much doubt that Sony would want to risk that, given how well they got on in court against Immersion over rumble.

Particularly given the detail that the actual patent document goes into and the areas it covers, I very much doubt that arguing that the PS3 is a computer would work.

On Robin's more general point of problems caused by updates, yes of course it can happen, with 'x' million units in the market, even a failure rate that is below 0.1% you would be talking thousands of 'bricks'.

It does happen, but its not a major problem (no comfort for those it happens to), hell I update mine via Wi-Fi and have done since launch. Not yet had a single problem. I also find it unlikely that 'bricking' is caused by data getting lost between a router and a PS3 via Wi-Fi, hell its more likely that data will get 'lost' between Sony's server farm and the router than in the last 20-30 feet from the router to the PS3 (regardless of connection method.

At work we use FTP systems to upload, update and patch dealerships systems; to ensure it is all present before install a small programme runs, checking that the file sizes match what is expected and a few other key 'checks'. If these don't match then the install doesn't run and we have to upload the data again (and its rare for it to fail and we are talking about much bigger file sizes than the PSN update).

I would be very surprised if PS3 updates did not do a similar thing, after all the download of the file and the install are separate actions, and the system does 'prep' before starting the install process.

Many reasons can cause an issue with an install and subsequent run process, from a dodgy HDD sector that the data is being read from, to power fluctuations during the install (which is why its important to remove all USB devices and not try and turn the controller on during the install).


Had no problems updating while I was having breakfast, it was fast and with no problems. So, no horror story for me 👍

I tried the in-game XMB and this one is, to me, the best new feature available. I don't listen to music while racing and I don't use the PS3 for anything else than racing :sly:

What I'd like to have now is the ability to have voice chat while racing, with the friends I'm racing with (and even the other racers in the same session).

I miss that feature, I was so used (in TRD3) to things like: "I'm on your left" ... "sorry, I'll wait for you" ... "no problem, keep on" ... "beware, I spun exiting Turn 3, I'm keeping to the left of the track until I get speed again, you guys pass me on the right" .... I think that solves lots of misunderstandings, and helps to create friendship among racers.

Must have missed that, ive give it a proper read now...

extreme car
I've used the australian Account and bought my PS3 in Japan... but that shouldn't be a problem cause the last time I update my PS3 was using my Australian Account

Well theres the problem, it may have not messed up last time but you should never leave it to chance especially with updates that change a lot of functionality (the last one pretty much did nothing)...

Here is the official word from Sony...

This update is for customers who own PS3™ systems sold in [insert region]. DO NOT update your PS3™ system through this Web site if you purchased your system outside [insert region]. There is no guarantee of proper operation with other models sold outside [insert region].

Thats why its messed up.... you must always get the download from the country your PS3 is from! ALWAYS! whether it be on the PS3 or on PC.

My favourite bit so far is the ability to jump straight from one game to another, I was being rubbish at SSHD (I love the game but am so bad at it - watch the tropies not grow for that one at all - why did it have to be the first game to support them) and wanted to try the Top Spin 3 demo.

Just entered the in-game XMB, selected the demo and it moves you between the two quickly and easily. Very neat.

Why would my console tell my to update the playstation then? I just followed what my playstation told me to do...

Because Sony don't believe that people use different online accounts to the region their console was purchased... It may be naive of them but they don't think people buy their consoles abroad, actually is probably illegal. The console will tell you to update whatever online account you are in.

When questioned about other regional accounts one Sony rep replied "We didn't even know people could do that!"... How stupid of them!

I have a HK PS3 and live in the UK... I always get the updates from the HK PS3 website or log into a HK account on the PS3 then get the update.. Im just following what Sony advises... Sure you can take the risk, but I would rather be safe especially as im not going to fly to HK to get it fixed!

Because Sony don't believe that people use different online accounts to the region their console was purchased... It may be naive of them but they don't think people buy their consoles abroad, actually is probably illegal. The console will tell you to update whatever online account you are in.

When questioned about other regional accounts one Sony rep replied "We didn't even know people could do that!"... How stupid of them!

I have a HK PS3 and live in the UK... I always get the updates from the HK PS3 website or log into a HK account on the PS3 then get the update.. Im just following what Sony advises... Sure you can take the risk, but I would rather be safe especially as im not going to fly to HK to get it fixed!


I also have a HK PS3. First time I updated was in HK, and as I had no net access for PS3, i downloaded the update from their website. But ever since coming back to Australia, I've downloaded the update straight from the PS3 on my Australian PSN account, nothing has ever gone wrong...